Nothing says

"Trust the Science" like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years 🤫 @Pfizer

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The death penalty needs re-established to end the madness. In all recorded history tyrannical control of the people has only ever been ended by violent revolution. The power hungry tyrannical group will never relinquish power voluntarily. Petitions, letters and protests have nil effect on psychopaths, Democracy only works when everyone has good morals and intention. Global tyranny is nearly complete now. Democracy ends and is followed by Idiocracy which is followed by tyrannical Psychopacy, this is current global political situation in 2024.

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That "dashpoint" is a hugely impressive piece of work, many thanks for this

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Where is the link to the dashboard?

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I haven't found the actual link yet, I was referring to what we watched on the presentation

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Excellent… how could anyone ignore this data… problem is that most people are unable to discern when they are being lied to because they are unable to recognise what truth looks like… truth look like this.. it’s high time the worlds media stopped pandering to a handful of liars .. start doing the right thing.. report the truth … because that is when we reach the point of change.

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How could anyone ignore this data?

Either for the money, or because one is a useful idiot, or because one is a useless idiot.

The premise some purport to hold that the world is overpopulated (or will be)with humans and cows is an extreeeeemely dangerous one.

Perhaps some of the robber-barons really believe it...

but probably not.

All about the money.

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In rimes

Safe and effective, assassination.

Eugenic nightmare, for the world’s nations, poisons compounds, for vaccination.

Vax for the fools, who trust the nations, guided by greed, and by deception.

Spreading the lies, misinformation, safe and effective, of safety and logic, obliteration.

Engineered scam, to frighten nations, poison to enslave, and domination.

Killing the world, for domination, poisoned vaccines, and radiations.

Transhuman lies, for full deception, murderous protocols, its activation.

Destroying rights, to subdue nations, killing the world, by unlawful protocols, and proclamations.

Fake science proves, its ill intention, media control, to blind the nations.

Of Genocide, the, normalization, conspiring for, world’s domination.

Time is to end, brutalization, killing the weak, and mass deception.

Time to raise up, end the deception, time is to purge, the WHO and its, United Nations.


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Democracy ONLY works when there is a death penalty for undermining it. The Greeks invented democracy and it worked for them because they had a well-used death penalty to ensure the people always had control.

In Canada, they abolished the death penalty to protect traitors, those involved in election fraud, pedophile rings and mass murder. Our society is in collapse as a result.

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Alexander Solzhenitsyn writes of this in his book, Warning to the West, "Every day in the Soviet Union psychiatrists murder people with their hypodermic syringes merely because they do not think along accepted lines or because they believe in God, and again the British ambassador is never recalled. But when five terrorists, who actually committed murder, were executed in Madrid, then the British ambassador was recalled and the din reverberated throughout the world."

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Covid certainly exposed everyone's true colors.

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It's not a far off theory that this is being done purposely as to depopulate the people. In fact it all lines up to be able to come to no other conclusion than democide.

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Nailed it!!! It was never about the virus. Domestic terrorist attack on citizens

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By our own Government.... the 10th Amendment more now than ever needs to be understood and considered..

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Hiding the data of how many injected with the bio weapon died, is an act of treason against humanity.

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HIPPA was cleverly weaponized against the citizens to censor and deny access to vital information.

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HIPPA Weaponized? Don’t you mean ignored and violated by abortion legislation?

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Is anyone experiencing hardship with leaving comments on this site due to AI interference?

I had to try some 8 times before it would recognize my login. It kept wanting me to sign up again and again. It claims that 'Fourth time trying' (without the quotes) somehow has something other than letters and numbers.

AI is doing a great deal of damage to our efforts to get information out there and to keep in touch.

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Correlation with censorship implies criminality.

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A nightmare indeed. Though I believe most of it wasnt malvolence but just cowardice. We live in such a prosperous time that everybody feels he's got too much to lose to take any risk or make any sacrifices. Everybody rather lets somebody else take one for the team, so they all cowardly marched with the pied pipers.

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