OTOH also in Children's Health Defence: "Brazil to Mandate COVID Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months" https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/brazil-mandate-covid-vaccine-children/ by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

When does this nightmare end? When does humanity wake Hell up?

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Covid (IF it exists at all) was always an overblown made-for-TV-production.

Mandating it for for anyone - let alone babies - is just pure grift now.

The one silver lining to the overt and vast criminality we've just witnessed is that it's begun to wake people up to the farce that is the entire vaccine industry (not nearly enough of course, but plenty of previously-onboard parents and doctors have had their paradigm shaken, and the blinders are off).

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Likely not nearly enough. Just wish I'd win the lottery jackpot, so I could buy a nice "doomstead"... 🤔

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this poor women, name the hospital the doctors and whoever was responsible, I feel so bad for her, sue them if possible, I know that medical malpractice is only available for a couple years in some states, but this better never happen to my family members.

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If they both were so health conscious, why didn't his wife take him out of the hospital? They should have known the minute the hospital decided to admit him spelled trouble. During the COVID days, nobody in their right mind would want to be admitted to a hospital. My Brother, age 65, didn't even

make it that far before he Died Suddenly on 9/5/23. He lived in Tallahassee, FL Called off work on Labor Day and next day. He decided to take a NAP.

His son heard him make a gurgling sound and couldn't revive him and neither could the paramedics. His son wouldn't let him see his grandson,

if he didn't get the COVID JAB. Now he won't see his grandson grow up.

We believe he died of a massive heart attack. He had some health issues, but nothing terminal. RIP...Brother....

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A lot of times people have trouble breathing. They get scared. They feel they need oxygen and perhaps an anti-biotic. They can't do that by themselves. Plus people can't comprehend hospitals are murdering people on purpose for money.

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Yes....but they knew what was happening to COVID patients. Antibiotics can be harmful, too.

She waited too long. We would have never played along with the hospital.

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The patient is very sick or else they would have never agreed to go to the hospital in the first place. They are isolated from their love ones. Some times denied food and water. They get pumped full of poisonous drugs that make them worse. The hospital staff on purpose turns up the oxygen unnecessarily so they are more and more dependent on hospital oxygen. Sometimes they install guards at their door. They sometimes take their phone and sometimes strap their arms down. They blame them for not taking the shot and tell them they are going to die and it is all your fault for not taking the shot. They interupt their sleep.

You are coming from a place where you feel well, thinking logically and not afraid. The hospital team has a killing routine and they are experts at it. A sick, lonely person is probably not going to make it out alive against their plan.

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Has anybody really defined what COVID is? I had COVID people will say. No, I have a bad viral infection. It could be many viral infections. People die of pneumonia in the hospital.

My Cousin caught the SuperBug in the Hospital which added to her death in the hospital.

This was before COVID.

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Don't second guess . Enough pain in something like this.

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I can understand during the initial hysterical days but now?! Not a chance in hell

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You are definitely right on that: Not a chance in Hell now!

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There's an awful lot of people, many with the best intentions I suppose 🙄 – with an awful lot of blood on their hands.

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YOU said it! Not, so best intentions. Or they would've never looked the other way.

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The hospitals have deliberately been killing patients since the covid scam started..then put covid as cause of death on the death certificates..

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And get a big payment from the insurance ghouls.

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Disgusting isn’t it?

I recall talking to my neighbor who does billing for a big hospital and we talked about how much the get for Covid deaths and treatment. This was at the very beginning. They were incentivized to murder. They were incentivized to further the narrative

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1/3 of deaths are from medical error so this crap has been going on for a long time before Covid

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Agreed but it's turbo now - right out in the open. I would also say medical "error" because in my opinion, when you use surgery and drugs as medical care, you know you're doing harm, not good, so iatrogenics that used to be named as the 3rd leading cause of death is actually #1 - even before CONvid and they even started admitting that's always been the case.

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I have to be honest, I could not finish watching this interview. My stomach couldn’t take it. My mind couldn’t take it. The evil that has been perpetrated on us. It was so obviously a death lottery- hospital directors were given orders, “you need to figure out a system to meet your quota of deaths.”

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Did you get to the part where they charged $450,000 to kill him?!

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This couple were just one of tens of thousands of patients who were killed by Fauci's Remdesavir poison. Ventilators did in 80% of those who died on them.. another one of Fauci's "recommendations"... and the Democrats still worship him and followed his every word. How stupid can people be?

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I know! It defies imagination how stupid people can be. Are they unable to read?! Do they never engage in critical thinking?

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Fauci basically did this in the 80's, and 90's with his toxic AZT. Fauci just switched AZT for Remdesivir and midazalom. Again many deaths followed.

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In between those two eras, he funded the brutal torture of orphans in NYC and the torture of beagle puppies.

Fauci is not one to just sit around during the down time of plandemics.

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The entire medical mafia is engaged in both those things - medical kidnapping of children is especially lethal and happens ALL THE TIME. People who take pharma drugs should know that the only reason they have said drugs (which ONLY cause harm) is because they tortured untold millions of animals in "experiments." Our Nazi "Medicine" is grounded in torture and murder and the enjoyment thereof.

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Actually the concept that "medicine must be toxic" comes from one of the revered Father Figures of modern medicine, Paracelsus who believed it had to be toxic to do the job and worked with a lot of poisonous substances in his healing! Of course when the Rockefeller/Carnegie petroleum based "organic chemistry" took over the medicine production beginning in the late 19th early 20th Centuries that notion became part and parcel of what we now call "modern medicine". I am happy to be away from it and have studied and practiced Ancient Chinese Herbal Medicine (and yes, it deserves all Caps) for over 40 years, which uses up to 5000 different mostly ( 95%0 nontoxic herbs in various ancient combinations to actually "cure" an illness by seeking out the underlying cause and eliminating it.

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How impressive that you've studied and practiced Ancient Chinese Herbal Medicine - I agree it deserves all caps. I'm a body worker and so am always interested in actual cures. Are you in the U.S.?

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Did you ever read Slaughter of the Innocent, by the great Swiss writer, Hans Ruesch? Difficult to read without full-on weeping; the most authoritative retrospective on vivisection ever written; I sourced it in interviews I did on radio and local T.V., back in the early 1980's. Highly recommend.

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Thank you for the recommendation - I don't think my heart could take it. Bless you for reading it for us.

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I totally understand; forty-four years ago, when I first read the book, I felt I needed to reach out to as many people as I could (and always have been blessed with enjoying public speaking.) I found radio stations who'd have me, and got involved with promoting the then-new Research Modernization Act. So...that was how I presented Ruesch's knowledge to the public, as much as I possibly could. Unfortunately, animal research has proliferated, sickeningly; China does much of "ours," now; no rules there, if you get my sad, awful "drift." As one animal lover to another, may I wish you a Merry Christmas, Zoe! We have to try to enjoy every day, within a very dysfunctional world right now...

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Just got a FDA email update that indicates the continuing use of Remdesivir for infants and adults. They used the trade name Veklury...guess to trick the unsuspecting.


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I think it is brainwashing/belief systems rather than stupidity. Fear also shuts down rational thinking.

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In denial, Dennis. They can't believe our government has that much control over a hospital. They did anything they could do to make more money. Ventilators got them a very tidy sum, and that "Remdesivir" (renamed "Run, Death is Near" is expensive, why early treatment with cheap Ivermectin was not allowed. This is such a sad outcome for a wife who just wanted to make sure her husband was OK. :( Fauci needs to pay for his heavy hand in this.

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My heart goes out to her....but why tf did the go to the dr for in the first place...for a bloody chest x-ray??

He never stood a chance from the moment he stepped foot in there he was doomed.

I will NEVER go to a Dr/Hospital unless I’m injured...why?....because they’re nit really interested in finding the root cause .....they’re only interested in “managing” our problems with pharmaceuticals....which are marketed to them by BIG PHARMA....truly tragic....I hope she’s got enough evidence to bring one hell of a wrongful death suit against the hospital....because they certainly made a lot of 💰 after putting him on the ventilator and implementing the remdisaveer protocol .....he stopped being a human/patient and was immediately turned into a “cash cow” for the hospital to exploit.....

Very very sad....

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Idnk now… But Governor DeSantis gave the hospitals immunity from being sued.

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Yet, all the DeSantis cheerleaders sing his praise.

Guess they didn't get that memo.

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Guys a fraud. They all are.

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The DeSantis cheerleaders on X are down right evil. It is like a pack of hyenas.

Totally ganging up on any Trump supporter. Led by mean girl podcaster Shannon Joy. The crap she writes is beyond TDS...and her sycophants echo her vitriol.

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They killed him

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They tried to murder my father here in Boston

They tried to isolate him from family, only my mother could talk to the nurse. They’d try and pressure her to put him on a ventilator. He refused and would only take high flow oxygen. If the 3 others who were in his room, the rest were vented and died. They’re monsters. Useful idiots for the sacrifice.

After a few months my father got out and is now fine. He had mesothelioma before going in and they tried to push us so hard for a ventilator and remdesivir.

I’ve zero faith or trust in the medical industry

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I'm so thankful your father survived.

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Thank you.

The hospital treated us like filth. I’m in the Boston area so it’s a double edged sword. Sure we have all the “leading” hospitals but they will only provide the standard of care and nothing more. They are currently back to not allowing family to come in the back rooms. No one cares about masks or vax at any of the hospitals either.

Covid tore away my illusions of the medical industry. They’re all trained by pharma. They’re all complicit

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I feel the same. I don't trust the government and I don't trust healthcare. There are so many stories like yours; absolutely horrendous treatment by so-called doctors. The only way any of this makes any sense to me is to attribute it to satan. No human is powerful enough to make the entire world go crazy at one time. I will do my best to stay out of the hospital and I will never, ever take any kind of vaccine again. I agree with Dr. McCullough; not only do the covid shots need to be stopped, childhood vaccines need to be stopped.

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This world is Satans world. The lord even calls Satan the king of this world.

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Thats great news..God bless your dad. He had the fight in him.

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She should have taken him out of the hospital. Didn’t she have any kind of a gut feeling about how they were treating him? Gaslighting her the whole time...it’s so important to trust your God given intuition. He could have gotten a nebulizer for his breathing...he would have healed on his own...I hope she ends up with their medical licenses and owning the hospital. I don’t trust the medical community. They’re complicit, compromised, greedy and stupid.

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Please look at The Humanity Betrayal Project. There are so many more deaths.

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This story made me cry. I witnessed much of the same protocols at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville and they are supposed to be top rated.

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Really. That's unbelievable. Terrible.

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Yeah, I even begged them to let me be with my husband and they refused. How did he get Covid in the ICU alone?!!! They moved him to the Covid unit and then we could only FT him. He was in a damn coma! Why did they even do a Covid test on a terminally ill patient?! I asked the nurses that and they just looked down at the floor. I could tell they felt sorry and knew stupid protocols against humanity were being done. Nobody could even bring live plants inside the hospital room. Heck, nobody could even put any plants at the cemetery after he died! All the flowers he received at the funeral could not be placed OUTDOORS after. We placed as many as we could fit inside our cars to take home. Thousands of dollars put into those memorial plants were wasted.

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Oh… I’m so very sorry this happened to you and your husband. Why was he in hospital?

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He was diagnosed with a glioblastoma and hydrocephalus.

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I'm so sorry for your pain Christine. That is cruelty to the max.

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I'm unvax'd and had covid. I was pretty sick, but used the FLCCC protocol and was on the phone to several alternative doctors. Also purchased an oxygen concentrator just case my number went below 90. Hospital was my biggest terror. An old friend recommended two "sane" doctors at the local hospital in case all all else failed, but fortunately I never needed them. BTW ivermectin WORKED. Literally I would feel better within 2 hours of taking it. And that's not placebo because I would not have expected it to work that fast.

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I stopped to pray for Sharon. May the Lord grant her strength and peace.

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So sorry for this lady's loss. She has a great deal of evidence proving they killed her husband.

Crystal clear: death protocol. Is this STILL happening in hospitals?? Are they still using those euthanasia drugs and the vent for respiratory issues? Do they still say the patient has Covid based on the useless PCR tests? Patients MUST firmly reject being hospitalized for minor complaints, if the death protocols are continuing. Everyone needs a knowledgeable, brave advocate. Everyone needs to say to their doctor that Covid hospital protocols are enriching the hospitals and killing the patients.

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Grace Schara's mother knows of a recent case in Wisconsin, where she lives. Grace was a 19 year old with Down Syndrome who was murdered in the hospital. Her family is suing and the case is making good headway.

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Thanks😊. I did see the interview by Grace' mom. Devastating.

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There are so, so many more murders like this in the hospitals. This is normal now. Please look up The Humanity Betrayal Project.

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I will look it up now. Thanks for the tip.😊

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I am bothered by those criticizing this poor woman whose husband was killed by the hospital protocol. Were any of us aware from the very beginning of all the wrongs being done? I think back to early 2020. At first I was afraid. What changed my and my husband's minds was when the "experts" declared Hydroxychloroquine to be dangerous. We became suspicious and from there, we found the good doctors and scientists who were telling the truth. A lot of good people never saw what was happening. The delusion was (and is) strong. Instead of being angry at and condemning this woman, and those like her, we need to direct our anger at the perpetrators. We need to do everything we can to expose them and hold them accountable. Please don't add to the guilt that people have over the deaths of their loved ones at the hands of monsters.

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For an even broader look at what went on in our nation's hospitals, read the book, "What The Nurses Saw" - An investigation into systemic medical murders that took place in hospitals during the covid panic & the nurses who fought back to save their patients, by Ken McCarthy.

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What a horrible video to watch how the US health care system murdered her healthy husband.

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Almost exactly the same thing happened to my husband here in Canada. He wasn’t on any meds and no sore throat, breathing problems etc but he was very lethargic. They call in the middle of the night to say they put him on a ventilator the 2nd day he was in there and he was talking to me on the phone the same afternoon. When he went in they said all his vital functions were good and he was breathing on his own. 2nd day put in ICU. Thus was March 2020 when all this started happening and we had just got back from being away for the winter, and were walking and climbing mountains. He died after 3 weeks on a ventilator and his kidneys were shot.

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I’m so sorry to hear that Carole. I hope you are doing well and have the strength to keep living in his memory. Please take the best care of yourself that you can.

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My heart goes out to you Carole. Bless you and I hope you have really solid support. That is horrible. It would be good to know where in Canada. That's where I am also. In Ontario. I know that B.C. and Ontario and likely Quebec are usually the worst offenders when it comes to actual human rights.

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Thank you Zoe! I am in Barrie, Ontario. I called the Health nurse because I thought maybe he had pneumonia, and she sent an ambulance. He walked out to the ambulance in his pyjamas and slippers with snow on the ground! Of course because of Covid I could not go with him. A week later I had a few symptoms and the public health nurse (who was calling me everyday) told me I should go and get tested. I said why would I, I know I have it but I am OK. Next morning she sent a paramedic to the house to test me. I really regret that I let her test me after what I have heard about the tests, but in early 2020 it was too new to dispute. I have always made up own mind about whether I would take any meds or not, and so far at 81 I am not on any. If I get sick I will never go into a hospital - for broken bones or falls, yes. But then when I broke my wrist and arm 2 years ago I was put on a hydro-morphine drip and had a terrible reaction. Did not fill any of the prescriptions and just took as few regular painkillers as I needed.

I love Dr Makis and the doctors who are standing up - as someone said, how can you trust the doctors and nurses who are going along with this!

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Wow Carole - you're a superstar. I will also NEVER take meds and I'm not even interested in the hospital if I have a physical injury. I've learned to how heal everything and am making peace with the fact we're all going to die and I will have death on my OWN TERMS - no one else's. I'm sorry you broke your arm and wrist - that can't have been fun - but what great awakening for you! I understand that in 2020 things were all up in the air and that's when the powers that be took FULL ADVANTAGE of the confusion and fear. I have a sister in Barrie. Thanks very much for sharing and I hope you have a nice, loving community/family that takes care of you. xo

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I'm so sorry, Carole.

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Thank you!

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How’s Toronto? I’ve family there

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I am in Barrie about an hour north of Toronto. Spent my working life in Toronto and my 2 kids still live there. Working there was really handy, lived near everywhere I worked, but it got so crowded. I like the country much better even though it doesn’t have as much going on!

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So sorry Carol to hear about your husband and his murder in a Canadian hospital. I lost my wife this past June when she took the MAID assisted suicide option after contracting a cancerous tumor in her brain. At least she died on our living room couch surrounded by family and close friends.

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How horrible for both of you. Did not know that MAID could happen at home, but you are right about it being better than in a hospital. Very difficult to lose a partner but we have to soldier on. Take care Brian.

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Yes Carol, the MAID doctor interviewed us a few weeks before my wife's final day in our home and explained the complete procedure to us and her adult children who attended the talk. It was my wife's decision alone, no one tried to talk her out of it. She refused chemo and radiation after seeing her parents and sister go through that for their cancer and died shortly after anyway. I sat on the couch with her and held my wife's right hand, a daughter held her left hand, another daughter sat beside me and held her foot and we had other family and close friends attending all in our living room. My daughter in Puerto Rico had a live video scene too with a cell phone in our living room and hers in PR. The first injection put her to sleep and the second injection stopped her heart. Very peaceful, painless way to leave this earth.

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So sorry for your loss and pain Brian - I'm glad you all took charge to do it in your own way. Much love to you all. ♥️

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