Everything in the Commercial world HAS a vested interest in promoting THEIR interests. I would say THAT is a no brainer...wouldn't you say? Enter Blackrock and like Corporations who also OWN the Public Media...and The World in partnership with the Financial conglomerates i.e. The Central Banks So The PUBLIC Media...IZ...privately owned..…
Everything in the Commercial world HAS a vested interest in promoting THEIR interests. I would say THAT is a no brainer...wouldn't you say? Enter Blackrock and like Corporations who also OWN the Public Media...and The World in partnership with the Financial conglomerates i.e. The Central Banks So The PUBLIC Media...IZ...privately owned...AND THOSE private owners have a vested interest in promoting only THEIR concerns. So: Get rid of private ownership of those things that THE PUBLIC at large { in their private capacity} have a natural interest in having "The Truth to be Told". IT AIN'T BEING TOLD !!!! Though "WE, The People" ARE being TOLD. Now consider the fact that according to Vladmir Lenin 90% of Communizing a Country is by HAVING a Central Bank. WHY? Because THEY can fund who they want and defund who they want. The Central Bnk has been brought into The United States in 1913. Remember WHAT Nakita Khrushchev SAID as he banged his shoe n the desk "We Will Bury YOU"!!! Hey GUYS...Get out YOUR shovels...IF YOU prefer "to breath"!!!!
Everything in the Commercial world HAS a vested interest in promoting THEIR interests. I would say THAT is a no brainer...wouldn't you say? Enter Blackrock and like Corporations who also OWN the Public Media...and The World in partnership with the Financial conglomerates i.e. The Central Banks So The PUBLIC Media...IZ...privately owned...AND THOSE private owners have a vested interest in promoting only THEIR concerns. So: Get rid of private ownership of those things that THE PUBLIC at large { in their private capacity} have a natural interest in having "The Truth to be Told". IT AIN'T BEING TOLD !!!! Though "WE, The People" ARE being TOLD. Now consider the fact that according to Vladmir Lenin 90% of Communizing a Country is by HAVING a Central Bank. WHY? Because THEY can fund who they want and defund who they want. The Central Bnk has been brought into The United States in 1913. Remember WHAT Nakita Khrushchev SAID as he banged his shoe n the desk "We Will Bury YOU"!!! Hey GUYS...Get out YOUR shovels...IF YOU prefer "to breath"!!!!