For every “Good & Decent” honest, life changing scientist / medical researchers, etc. I would say 10 compromised people within the same field of study / medical researching and approval processes!
COVID lockdowns / forced mandated injections, in one sense was, a blessing in disguise. Today, more people are do…
For every “Good & Decent” honest, life changing scientist / medical researchers, etc. I would say 10 compromised people within the same field of study / medical researching and approval processes!
COVID lockdowns / forced mandated injections, in one sense was, a blessing in disguise. Today, more people are doing their own research for obvious reasons.
If, in less than 2 weeks, I was able to find information regarding mRNA technology, then doctors should have also been aware of the dangers associated with this technology.
It’s astonishing how many people trusted their own doctors and for good reason. Doctors became a staple in our lives. Now, we’ve learned, not so fast anymore.
Everyone should take care of themselves with the best possible care assistance from our medical professionals.
Not anymore!! Why?
I keep asking this question, why? There’s a myriad of reasons why and ultimately, the public has been lied to repeatedly and about everything.
Whether it’s “Big-Pharma” or Big-Business” today, profits have and will continue to be the main reason / causes for such manipulation.
Yes humanity was manipulated! Furthermore, aside from our healthcare, our food supply and our housing, our transportation and our financial systems have all been compromised!
Yes there’s a certainly a clear
“method to this madness” which has now opened up the eyes of millions of people all across the world. We now have to work together and try to counter this evil madness and deliberate attack against our way of life!
We have been manipulated to accept, 100% complete takeover ushering in a “New World Order” of government controls!
Big-Pharma has become too big!
For every “Good & Decent” honest, life changing scientist / medical researchers, etc. I would say 10 compromised people within the same field of study / medical researching and approval processes!
COVID lockdowns / forced mandated injections, in one sense was, a blessing in disguise. Today, more people are doing their own research for obvious reasons.
If, in less than 2 weeks, I was able to find information regarding mRNA technology, then doctors should have also been aware of the dangers associated with this technology.
It’s astonishing how many people trusted their own doctors and for good reason. Doctors became a staple in our lives. Now, we’ve learned, not so fast anymore.
Everyone should take care of themselves with the best possible care assistance from our medical professionals.
Not anymore!! Why?
I keep asking this question, why? There’s a myriad of reasons why and ultimately, the public has been lied to repeatedly and about everything.
Whether it’s “Big-Pharma” or Big-Business” today, profits have and will continue to be the main reason / causes for such manipulation.
Yes humanity was manipulated! Furthermore, aside from our healthcare, our food supply and our housing, our transportation and our financial systems have all been compromised!
Yes there’s a certainly a clear
“method to this madness” which has now opened up the eyes of millions of people all across the world. We now have to work together and try to counter this evil madness and deliberate attack against our way of life!
We have been manipulated to accept, 100% complete takeover ushering in a “New World Order” of government controls!