I’ve been deeply suspicious of “brain death” for years. A school friend of mine, brilliant girl, was knocked off her bike while cycling through Cambridge. She sustained a head injury. They were set to “harvest” her organs (disgusting phrase), but a nurse thought she saw signs of life. She went on to make a recovery. Took a while, but she did.

Beating heart donation, which is how it should be described, is deeply unethical in my mind. I could not accept a “donation” from someone injured or dying, when it accelerates their death. How could I live with that knowledge?

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Currently Stanford became quite efficient in heart transplants from brain 'dead' people to those who need a new heart (covid injections injuries are growing...). They seem to have a 'great success' after applying gene-editing on those hearts before transplanting them to 'lucky' living ones.. The lucky living ones do not know they just killed somebody else by taking their heart! It is indeed a SATNford, not Stanford....

And it is getting even worse, SATNford Medicine recently developed 'morpholome' (Ashley, Masaeli and Salek, with Euan Asley being the director of Satnford Center for INHERITED CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE) where they look into heart cell shapes and hope to differentiate the shape of deceased cells from others which have been 'cured' by gene editing.. The company named Deepcell is selling that AI model for that procedure... And then they just send out an article:

"In medicine, mindset matters.

What people think, believe, or expect about their health care can influence outcomes. Can providers be trained to shape patient outlooks?"

As if they didn't do enough collateral damage and destruction already!

And one more, from Satnford Today:

"A new RNA editing tool could enhance cancer treatment"

The new study found that an RNA-targeting CRISPR platform could tune immune cell metabolism without permanent genetic changes, potentially unveiling a relatively low-risk way to upgrade existing cell therapies for cancer...!!!

to read at: https://news.stanford.edu/2024/02/21/new-rna-editing-tool-enhance-cancer-treatment/

Isn't it all ENOUGH PROOF that the mod mRNA covid injections were ON PURPOSE to start preparations for that avalanche of avatars? It is all about a total annihilation of until now, HUMAN LIFE!

It is all sickening to the bottom of the stomach.

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Thanks for the horrifying information,Doc. We need to know.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23

Whilst family members whom decide to “donate” feel they are doing something noble with and for their dying relative, Organ transplant(s) are nothing short of Satanic rituals…pure terror for the victim. Dr. Makis, God bless you for exposing this horrendous subject.

Never never never agree to it folks………never

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As an ER pediatrician, thought I heard it all! This is yet more sobering news. The final nail in the coffin on why we need our own medical system outside of the present one. It is corrupted to the core. Thank you for sharing this information.

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How an American company made a fortune selling bodies donated to science

¨Part 3: Science Care reaps $27 million in annual revenue by recruiting body donors through hospices, funeral homes and online ads. And to ensure quality of body parts sold, it found inspiration in a legendary model of efficiency: McDonald's.¨ Read More


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I saw Dr. Byrne 10 or 15 years ago. It's chilling, but not surprising for our macabre utilitarian society. We kill babies we don't want. We grind them up, grow diseases in their flesh, and inject the pus into other kids. We carve up the unwanted and sell their parts. And the kicker is, our "first do no harm" medical professionals are happy to take the profits.

The only benefit of the so-called pandemic is that a few more folks will come to see the dirty underbelly of modern medicide.

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Which is exactly why women who are expecting need to be cautious about what ever diagnosis their baby is being given before and after birth. Clearly it all runs deep and wherever these eugenicists can get their tentacles in, they will and have. So grateful you are showing more evidence of why we need to question everything instead of what they want which is the opposite. This is stunning, shocking and now, not surprising.

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Thank you for this information. One update, when I checked on the web 50 states not "Forty-seven US states have passed the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA)" have now passed this. To not automatically be included as a donor requires a notarized note saying you do not want to donate organs.

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This is horrendous … reminds me of the film Coma with Michael Douglas… organ harvesting … makes for a lucrative business model especially in light of so many Covid/vent deaths… how many suffered through the hands of those given the opportunity to steal a life in order to increase wealth.

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Try to watch the movie COMA if you never did :

COMA (1978) Trailer With Michael Douglas, Genevieve Bujold 2:26 min


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Ive seen this mans video before and it was so interesting, to think "brain death" is a lie, how horrifying is that.

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I just always believed that even if brain death was a thing God is more powerful than a diagnosis!

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"When We Were Orphans" is a fictional novel by Kazuo Ishiguro that examines state-sanctioned organ harvesting. It is an interesting exercise to consider where this vile practice will lead to. Or already has ...

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creepy bastards

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