“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”

― Howard Zinn

“Protest beyond the law is not a departure from democracy; it is absolutely essential to it.”

― Howard Zinn

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A survivor of the Holocaust, warned that one should not raise their children to be too "obedient". She said that one day they would be obedient to whoever 'sings the piper's song,' and that whoever was in an authoritarian position, they would obey. Adolf Eichmann at his trial said, "I have always believed that one has to be obedient."

She also said humans need to be raised with a philosophy of ethics, with a conscience. Gisela spoke of Christianity and Judaism as examples. She concluded with, "We have to be very careful when these things start up again."

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‘Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.’ Voltaire

The ethics you cite have brought us the genocide in Gaza.

The teachings of Jesus are tossed aside in favor of the writings of Saul of Tarsus.

Does Jesus teach to take revenge?

What does the parable of the wheat of tares teach?

What is Israel? A geographical place or a people who no longer exist?

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Keep going with your correct line of thought regarding Christ, and you see this:


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Seems you have a misunderstanding of Scripture. The Jews have been the Lord's chose people from the beginning, and His end time plan is designed around them coming to realize that Jesus, born a Jew, is their Messiah. There is no genocide happening in Gaza. The majority of those living there support Hamas, and Hamas absolutely needs to be eliminated. Saul's writings are inspired by the Lord Himself and if anyone knew the Lord it would be Saul/Paul. The separation of the wheat and the tares takes place at the end when the true believers are separated from those who aren't.

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There were no Jews when Moses gave the law, the people were called Israel. Jews are the descendants of the tribe of Judah.

It is you who misunderstand and have been led astray by the false Apostle spoken of in Revelations 2:2.

Does Yeshua teach his followers to assist evil? To assist in the murder of fellow Christians in Gaza?

There were 12 apostles, one removed for his rebellion and treason. Why are we only allowed to hear from 4 of them that walked with Yeshua, and are inundated with the writings of the one who did not walk with him?

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"are inundated with the writings of the one who did not walk with him?" Wow. You have articulated my observations so elegantly! I wonder sometimes if Christians have placed Paul over Jesus as The Teacher. These days sermons quote from Paul's writings much more than Jesus' sayings.

I guess the establishment finds Paul's teachings less abrupt than Jesus' in-your-face aphorisms. Jesus was an iconoclast, never an apologist.

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Saul represents the old wine skin.

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You say, "The teachings of Jesus are tossed aside in favor of the writings of Saul of Tarsus." You are very ignorant of Scripture, if this is something you think is true! You toss aside 13 books of the Holy Bible due to your ignorance! Just because you don't understand that part of God's words to us, you rebel against God by rejecting his word.

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There were 12 apostles, one removed for his rebellion and treason. Why are we only allowed to hear from 4 of them that walked with Yeshua, and are inundated with the writings of the one who did not walk with him?

Yeshua brought us the philosophy of hermeticism as he was taught in Egypt, his teachings are dominated by this philosophy.

He teaches us to think and act in the SPIRIT, to pursue the higher order.

The highest of all laws, LOVE will negate all the lower laws.

The fathers of the Roman church tossed aside the writings of many faithful early Christians in order to create the Universal Church that made it it's mission to destroy any other form of practicing Christianity.

Christians cannot even keep the Sabbath holy, and you claim that I reject GODs word because I question Saul?

Words will not save you, only LOVE will.

The all powerful and all knowing and loving GOD has a connection to all of us, that we can know GOD personally. Do you think GOD would leave it to a book written by men to personally know GOD?

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You're in rebellion against what the Holy Bible says, because, as you say, you don't even believe the Bible to be the words of God, so no wonder you're ignorant in your comment, here.

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Yeshua established his church with Peter, why do Christians follow the church of Saul?

Yeshua commands that good works which produce good fruits must be made by believers. Yet Saul contradicts him and claims that we can be saved by faith alone and that works are not required because the law has been fulfilled.

See Matthew 6 for Yeshua commands for good deeds.

The apostle James disputes with Saul about this fact on Yeshua's teachings.

Why does Saul contradict the great teacher?

After thousands of years of translations and copying by the Roman church, and you think the words are of God?

The all powerful GOD can communicate with all of creation, the kingdom of God is within you, See Luke 17:20-21.

Is is the apostate church which is in rebellion, holding pride month celebrations. We used to have the 7 deadly sins... now they are virtues?

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People aren’t angry because they don’t even know . The brainwashing worked . They are in denial and actually believe MSM….

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Yes I am surprised how people believe the narrative put out by the legacy media.

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As I have written about on my Substack, my husband and I are wearing 4 inch paperclips (like the Norwegians of 1940 and currently, people such as MP Andrew Bridgen and Dr. Ryan Cole) as a symbol of resistance. It has been interesting to be asked, mainly by fellow church members, why we are doing so. Some respond to our answer with a blank look or a strained smile, but I have been surprised at the allies we've found. One such person is a young mother who regrets that she didn't learn about the dangers of childhood vaccines until her older two children received some of them. One of her sons is autistic. We have to continue to find allies and work to enlighten those who are still deceived.

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where does one obtain these paperclips and read about them?

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I bought the 4" gold paperclips at Staples. I've been told Hobby Lobby has them and Amazon has various options.

My first Substack on this: https://asclifton1971.substack.com/p/the-great-paperclip-resistance

Handout I made recently: https://asclifton1971.substack.com/p/my-first-paperclip-resistance-handout (I did have some info on a half sheet of paper which I gave out until I created the handout pictured in the Substack post.)

Hope this helps! I'm sure you can improve on these ideas!

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Wow Anne, that is fantastic! A great handout and idea, well done!

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Thank you. I just want to encourage others.

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You do inspire others, I’m going to check for the paper clips.

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For those dealing with side effects from the clot shots, get Nattokinase or Spike Protect to help eliminate the spike protein that is destroying their cells.

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Right on. Man!!! As a veteran reporter, I’m ashamed at how extensively our mainstream media sold out. Much of this misery and chaos could have been prevented had reporters done their job. They are complicit. Shame on them.

Byron Christopher

Edmonton, Canada

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Yes, they are shameful. They are simply another tentacle of the satanic monster. People in Canada need to forget the days when there were honest reporters who cared about honesty. They are a different entity now, owned and operated by the enemy.

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Trudeau gave 6 Billion dollars to 1500 news outlets. We really can't expect them to look a gift horse in the mouth now, can we?

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Trudeau admits to paying off the news outlets. Reporters & journalists will never get paid, and be honest. They can’t. The success of Covid fear-mongering & lies about the vax ( Fauci), are all the result of a pay-off.

The amount of compromised agencies & industries, has resulted in blood on the hands of so many. There are even paid trolls on internet news sites that defend the vax & increased “ sudden” deaths.

They try to normalize these deaths. Why else would you respond to a news report of a young soccer boy that collapses & dies on the field with, “ this happens, kids die- it’s not vax related.” Ugh! It’s so obvious. I can’t let it go & I squash them every time I see this. Many have joined in the fun & it’s given me new hope. There ARE people that are pushing back & waking up.

I wonder if this is the ultimate goal? And the elites continually stir the pot & it’s difficult to imagine the goal ISN’T civil war. Then, their ultimate goal would be achieved: martial law!

Yes, I feel & sense more anger & frustration, but seriously, what if that plays right into their evil hands?

I say, focused frustration is the answer. Not violence, and chaos, etc. That’s what “ they”

would love. Make changes locally & be vigilant about checking city council “ comprehensive”

plans & amendments. That is United Nations: Agenda 30 or 50? They keep changing the number. 😂 ( 15 min. Slave Cities)

Read “ Behind the Green mask” by Rosa Koire

It explains the U.N. Agenda & how to push back.

It’s happening NOW so get involved. Controlled anger will accomplish much more right now. Let it fuel your courage & determination to turn this mess around. Love God & your family. ( elites will hate that too)

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It's not a civil war, nothing civil about it, we are experiencing a global coup d'etat using the concepts of Sun Tzu, Art of War. The bio weapon deployment was a major salvo to eliminate and weaken the target group. We are in WWIII.

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True that! The Covid/Vax scam was deliberately created and promoted by the Elites to assist in the creation of a Global Elite with an expressed intention of reducing the world population and using the survivors as domestic slaves and cannon fodder for their endless wars. AI is the means of control and suppression of the free and natural world. Same rationale as the French elite Royalty and the Nazi coalition. Historically, they will ultimately fail as evil inevitably collapses in upon itself. You simply cannot outrun the history train……

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Further ... The protests such as the truckers etc. were fruitless. The greatest effect would have been achieved if EVERYONE stayed home from work. The BS would have ended in one week. Total non compliance.

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Simple but effective!

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I remember reading this story a long time ago...

A bunch of ex-Vietnam Vets had retired and found solace in an area of the Pacific Northwest. Years later it was announced that a large multinational company was going to start Heli-Logging in that area. The CEO received an anonymous letter stating that they knew where he lived and the names and addresses of all the Heli-Pilots. Needless to say, they never Heli-Logged in that area.

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We've been under siege for 4 years. Sadly most are blissfully unaware or actively fighting for the enemy against their own neighbor, for personal gain. What must happen to clean up this mess, can only be supernatural.

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In Canada, MAIDs is routinely offered to those who are suffering adverse events from the Jonestown Jabs.

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Or simply suffering from depression.

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I hope he's right because I don't see it here, too many are still glued to their MSM "news" channels and still believing the bullshit. Also Biden is arming the illegals by promising them citizenship if they join the military, thing is, they mostly hate America and its people. In Canada we have so many jabbed injured who have been left to swing in the wind, "doctors" have lied to them and/or ignored them. So I will continue to pray and ask God for protection because He is our only hope.

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No - WE THE PEOPLE are the only hope we have because we are the majority that THEY fear !

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“The memory of oppressed people is one thing that cannot be taken away, and for such people, with such memories, revolt is always an inch below the surface.”

― Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States

“Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”

― Thomas Paine

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Why not made this coming storm in the forrm of a complete, yet peacefull, strike.

This is the most powerfull and efficient form of dissent and, at once, the most secure for the protesters.

Simply refusing to produce goods and or services until TPTB's minions will walk out the door of parliaments and agencies.

After that only will we be able to reconstruct a viable society.

Until that day comes, we are nothing more than condemned men on death row.

“We don't have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”

― Howard Zinn

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I heard on man calling for that worldwide on April 1st this year.

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I like how you think. We have to do something like this before “ the chip” gets into people. I was watching a documentary today on Illuminati group & history of it. Basically he said it doesn’t matter what we call them, bottom line is when they convince people to get a chip inserted in their body, it’s over. And never, never believe in the reason they give for it, duh?! But there IS always 2 reasons for everything they do.

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I don’t see anyone angry yet and baffled by it.

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I see them here on Substack. It’s been 4 years but the anger has simmered to a low boil. A pressure cooker of hate that only needs a clear route to follow. There are thousands in this country that would rise up with little preparation to defeat evil. Not for “ revenge”, but for survival of our freedoms. Revenge is HIS. Romans 12:19

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Yeah, I meant in person.

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Anthony Fauci = Josef Mengele.... mass murderers whose weapons were government sanctioned medical experiments on their victims.

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thanks for this…he is always on the target

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And to add insult to injury, March 16 and 17, in the NW United States, were bombarded with chem trails to the likes I have never seen. The skies looked like checkerboards of white chemicals.. Even skeptics understood we are being sprayed like grasshoppers. For now, we don't know what to do.. But we know who is behind it.. gt v fl y er s .com

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Up in Canada, I used to read about them but never saw any. Now, more and more, I see them. Sprayed like grasshoppers, sounds about right.

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Same here! In southern and central Alberta our skies looked the same.

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I believe they are coming out of Europe.. A friend in central SK witnessed them there also

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Also heard they were seen in Ontario.

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in Utah too

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The HighWire had a long and really interesting segment last Thursday! Jim Lee believes they are 98% contrails that already contain all of these polluting elements and that the planes are having their routes, altitudes etc. directed through a Google AI, resulting in the checkerboards.

So there is absolutely still intent and they are using an already existing pollution, it is just a question of semantics, as he says. He also gives his thoughts on why, incl. the upcoming solar minimum, and how dangerous this manipulation is.

I'm not convinced, but it is worth considering. And maybe it is a both/and?


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I do not believe him, firstly the planes doing the spraying in my city fly at a lower altitude then other planes, I can watch them fly across the city turn around and come back, secondly in my opinion since we know they can manipulate weather by doping the sky with a conductor and either using HAARP and maybe cell phone towers to add the frequency to push weather around or create winds (Lahaina), this is a weapon used on us.

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I agree... He is not coming clean.. And we have never seen this before. I started seeing these chem trails last July of '23. I believe he is in favor of banning planes, as Klaus Schabb is proposing

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Watching what's been happening to Boeing the past month with panels and iphones falling from the sky, that could be an angle. For sure its hard to believe a door falls off, a shirt gets ripped off a boy and the iphone that fell from the sky still works.

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Not just one door coming off, but a wing coming apart, a tire flying off on takeoff and destroying some parked cars, and another plane suddenly dropping and injuring numerous passengers. Hiring based on DEI does not make for good outcomes.

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fill the planes with dei's and pilots..

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Wow! Thank you for your observations and thoughts on it. I've sent pictures taken from my window to The HighWire, with a lone and very low hanging short, dispersing cloud trail that seems abruptly cut off at both ends and ask how that can happen? Many of the trails seem at not that high altitudes, but we have an airport near by (maybe 20 km), so occasionally, planes fly at a very low altitudes right over where I live. Trying to connect the dots...

Yes, the Lahaina arson was brutal. Heartbreaking. Jim Lee is aware of the weather warfare and ended the interview with saying that they hadn't even talked about all of that.

All I know is that I'm struggling to breathe in my own home, and have been almost daily during these past winter months where we have had both floods and a snow storm in between (DK). So I ended up writing a 5 page letter to the local police, letting out a lot of my fury and asking a lot of 'why?'s! And telling them it is time to 'lion up'!

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I will give you an example of a clear cut act of war that would stand up in court without dispute. We know for a FACT from youtube videos that residents of Lahaina were just off shore in boats video taping the fire. We also know for a fact that the powers that be told us the winds that fueled the fire were 80kmh and up turning Lahaina into a uncontrollable disaster. Using the Beaufort wind scale it would be impossible for anyone to be in a boat, no court could refute this, hence an act of war on the residence of Lahaina is the only answer.


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for those that don't know, they said there was a nearby hurricane causing the winds, which makes being on a boat impossible.

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And what about the 200 MPH hurricane in Acapulco last October. It gave no warning with NO rain. Mexico is not going along with chem trailing and they were taught a lesson. And if you search google, Mexican hurricanes are very hard to find

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War is absolutely being waged on all of us. I remember a retired firefighter from Austin who after Lahaina among other said:

'This time the whole world witnessed the weapon being used. This war is now visible to all of us... our reality is so distorted that this happened in front of everybody and nothing happened.'

You could also see the rippled frequency clouds starting over the islands just before it all started, and the satellite images were blocked out during.

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It actually happened first in California in Paradise.. Exact same type of destruction.. And recently, a town in Chile

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I have already posted this video on this thread with comments, but it needs to be watched and understood the power they have and the plan... there will be a time when currency will not work and we need to prepare....


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the facts just keep piling up !!

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Here in Alberta it has been going on for a long time, not just one or two days but all year.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18

When the "Let-them-eat-cake" elites have been trying more aggressively to depopulate the masses, eventually, the masses wake up to that reality. While the propaganda media tries to subdue the masses with propaganda lies, and psych-ops of fear, more are awakening. When the elites (e.g., Zuckbucks, Sorass, etc.) fund for the stealing of elections like Stalin so proudly stated, it is not who votes, but who counts the vote, eventually, the apathetic masses begin to awakening.

Thanks to the alternative media, the elites lies are not working as they desired. Even if the alternative media was cutoff, the awakening would happen anyway since the reality the elites are creating has becomes so painfully unjust and immoral, it cannot be hidden. These actions of true Marxist-Fascist who are influenced by Satan in bringing destruction, chaos and death actually cannot discern moral and physical reality as they think such actions are good!!! It is just like Romans 1:18-32 and Isaiah 5:20 tell us. It is also what leads them to their own self-destruction as we have witnessed with Fani Willis, in unjustly trying to destroy Donald Trump. Pride and arrogance become so strong in their own self-deception that they make careless decisions and mistakes that the truth finds them out. Sometimes it is God who may supernaturally act against them too in bringing a reaping for what they have sown in inequity.

Never trust a Luciferian!!! Their father is the father of lies, Satan! What Western Governments need are more regular people who have a fear of the Lord, and trust in the Goodness and Mercy of God, in Jesus Christ. These leaders can help bring back the blessings of God, but it starts with a change in the Church, then an awakening to God in the people. in otherwords, a bottom up movement to restore God and His Ways into the culture, not Satan's ways.

The elites are purposefully destroying everything that was good in the West. What was good was from God because of our forefather's belief in the Judean-Christian values for a society. The Luciferians are at war with God because they hate Jesus Christ, and that war is against the people too.

Sadly, for too long, too many people have kept voting these godless Luciferians into power, and you get what you wanted. Don't stay silent, tell those whom you know who are deceived by Satan, to wake up, and come to faith in Christ for their future destination is eternal hell. We must vote the Luciferians out! We must demand justice against the evil doers using the rule of law like Nuremberg. Do not promote a pendulum swing to the right that lashes out in the same kind of lawlessness that the left so loves. In other words, do not become the same kind of evil person with an opposite ideology. Stay true to justice by seeking truth and righteousness like Jesus Christ. Let the law serve them their justice, and if they never come to faith in Jesus Christ, God will bring them the ultimate justice they deserve with a higher burn level in the eternal lake of fire!!!

The only hope for the West is to come back to Jesus Christ who is the God of truth, righteousness, and justice.

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Well said !

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" Freedoms are not given.

They have to be taken. "

Aldous Huxley

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