If there's one good thing that has been revealed these last 4 years of pure evil ! It is that vaccines are of no benefit to human health ! They are all poison to the human body ! Follow the money !

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Why is he saying it is only the booster which is oncogenic? Clearly, just one jab from the modified mRNA shots can induce turbo cancer; as well as just about every other disease state known to man. Stop it Angus, just stop!

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He also said omicron was the best and the original strain left the planet. Saying these things is simply parroting back the media headlines that were designed to justify this nonsense in the first place.

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He said the natural omicron strain was best for giving us all immunity (natural) because it was mild.

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Strain. Of what? Pixie dust. Has he isolated an omicron variant or is he parroting what was broadcast over the propaganda channels? “It” was mild? There was no evidence of an original it, let alone a variant.

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Bingo !!!

We have a winner.

“No evidence of an original it.”

Poison a few people around the world. Scare everyone into taking the poison jab while creating bogus stories of the who what and where of it all to keep everyone playing hide and seek.

Worked great the first time let’s do it again until we reach our depopulation goals while making a pile of money.

Just my simplistic take on it all.

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Wish you were on the Supreme Court instead of the other guy

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Much appreciated.

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Pat is right referring to the attenuated omicron. What the oncologist is pointing out is the IGg4 shift, from shot 2 to shot 3, which in THEORY promotes cancer. The scientists that see this point out that this is their WORKING THEORY. The empirical evidence SUGGESTS that this is what is happening.

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I’m pointing out that what you, Pat, and the oncologist are talking about was given to you by the same “scientists” that have misled us for decades.

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You've missed the point completely.

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Yes, you have.

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Break this down for me, please. Not really understanding your point, and I want to. Are you pointing out the lab leak origin?

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No leak. No origin. Hype for cold and flu season to scare the world. Similar to using a hot day to scare the world into believing in global warming.

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Very true.

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Clearly he hasn't figured out that anything could have been put in the vials. He hasn't figured out there are different lots from different manufacturers.

He'll get there eventually probably. However this is what he is seeing in his own practice. This is his truth.

I agree every shot is a health risk. I wish he expressed that better. Hopefully his message will still deter people from taking any of the poison.

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Supposedly, the jab manufacturers were allowed, by FDA, to change their recipes up to 49 percent, throughout the rollout, without having to submit to testing and approval each time. So, anything is possible. All those who participated in the program didn't receive the same jab.

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I had two friends after one jab die of cancer that came back with vengeance. Two more family members, young are now battling cancer. Both jabbed up. So yes I get your point

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I lost my dear older sister last week to a horrible barrage of multi “turbo” cancers that started to ravage her body following at least 6 or 7 boosters. Prior to the introduction of the poison fake vaxx shots, she was beating most of the odds against stage 4 cancer. But I began grieving for her 4 years ago when I realized that she (like many members of the trusting public) believed “the narrative” and were being led as sheep to the slaughter by our own government, supported by their lying legacy media cohorts. I also realized early on when the push for experimental jabs was being proposed and shoved in our faces everywhere along with every kind of evil tyranny imaginable, that my country, Canada, once the true north strong and free—was no more. In its place was a nation insanely drunk with lies and reeling with a mad lust for death and power that defied all tyrannies of the past. I understood that many people I cared about who fell for the covid lies and took the toxic shots might not be around in 3-5 years.

Right now, my formerly healthy multi-jabbed brother in law (age 55) is fighting a 2nd cancer in two years, different from the first cancer he got after jab 3, and the prognosis is not good.

How many more thousands need to suffer and die from these fake deadly vaxxes? We all KNOW the criminals behind the crime. It is TIME to arrest and prosecute them fully.


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So sorry for these deaths and recurring cancers....and no one is being held to account...!!!

The world should be outraged that their loved ones are being killed or are suffering outrageously from this new mrna technology..

I am outraged that when I try to share posts like this interview..they are getting removed by fb !

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Fakebook is one of the worst social media platforms ever.

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Justice will not come out of legal procedures for the very simple reasons that TPTB and his mignons, acquaintances and all its ass lickers are standing in the highest level of decision making, could it be in legal, economic, political etc... systems.

Thus whatever may be the resources invested in those trials, when it wil come at the highest level, all of this will go into the " shredder ".

As long as there will not be a , at least national but preferably iinternational level, movement of comlete yet peaceful civil disobedience in the form of a general peaceful strike that will last as long as required as to make those who are now in power to resign.

Then,and then only, wil we be able to realistically hope for something that will approach justice but not revenge which is the wrong way to go.

Why do i advocate for a peaceful disobedience ?

because it is the only reasonable way out.

The only other one is a mentally blind bloodthirsty uncontrolable tidalwave of violence.

So, i leave you here with words that, better than mine , will give you andidea of what i think, the way i think and why.

" Poor, wretched, and stupid peoples, nations determined on your own misfortune and blind to your own good! You let yourselves be deprived before your own eyes of the best part of your revenues; your fields are plundered, your homes robbed, your family heirlooms taken away. You live in such a way that you cannot claim a single thing as your own; and it would seem that you consider yourselves lucky to be loaned your property, your families, and your very lives. All this havoc, this misfortune, this ruin, descends upon you not from alien foes, but from the one enemy whom you yourselves render as powerful as he is, for whom you go bravely to war, for whose greatness you do not refuse to offer your own bodies unto death. He who thus domineers over you has only two eyes, only two hands, only one body, no more than is possessed by the least man among the infinite numbers dwelling in your cities; he has indeed nothing more than the power that you confer upon him to destroy you. Where has he acquired enough eyes to spy upon you, if you do not provide them yourselves? How can he have so many arms to beat you with, if he does not borrow them from you? The feet that trample down your cities, where does he get them if they are not your own? How does he have any power over you except through you? How would he dare assail you if he had no cooperation from you? What could he do to you if you yourselves did not connive with the thief who plunders you, if you were not accomplices of the murderer who kills you, if you were not traitors to yourselves? You sow your crops in order that he may ravage them, you install and furnish your homes to give him goods to pillage; you rear your daughters that he may gratify his lust; you bring up your children in order that he may confer upon them the greatest privilege he knows — to be led into his battles, to be delivered to butchery, to be made the servants of his greed and the instruments of his vengeance; you yield your bodies unto hard labor in order that he may indulge in his delights and wallow in his filthy pleasures; you weaken yourselves in order to make him the stronger and the mightier to hold you in check. From all these indignities, such as the very beasts of the field would not endure, you can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free. RESOLVE TO SERVE NO MORE, AND YOU ARE AT ONCE FREED. I DO NOT ASK THAT YOU PLACE HANDS UPON THE TYRANT TO TOPPLE HIM OVER, BUT SIMPLY THAT YOU SUPPORT HIM NO LONGER; THEN YOU WILL BEHOLD HIM. LIKE A GREAT COLOSSUS WHOSE PEDESTAL HAS BEEN PULLED AWAY, FALL OF HIS OWN WEIGHT AND BREAK IN PIECES. "

The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

Etienne de la Boétie


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They've missed all the other deaths that never got to a booster. This could be a great cover for "mistakes were made and we're following the science so step up for future vaccines because we've sorted out all the chinks."

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Interesting! I have 3 friends and a brother who were diagnosed with a recurrence of cancer that had long been dormant, one for 20 years, in February of 2022.

All 3 friends died within a month and my brother was kicked off the lung transplant list but survived.

I couldn’t ask at a funeral about the jab status but the county where the 3 friends lived had well over 80% compliance so I’m reasonably sure they were. In addition, one of them was a famous Hollywood actor so, without a doubt, he was.

My brother didn’t want unjabbed people at his daughter’s engagement party so he definitely is fully jabbed.


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Thank you Neil Oliver and Dr. Angus Dalgleish. I appreciate the scientific information and clinical analysis.

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Both doctors unconvincing!! Why would you even have one shot!!!

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Great malinformation. Thank you for arming us with observations to be considered

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Over the years, I passed Wallmart "Get your flu shot today". I almost fell for it as I always got the flu every year. We have come a long way, as NO Way in Hell would I ever get any of their shots

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Exeter just wants the narrative out there. Angus wants to share his observations about his patients and refers to research to help steer his understanding. neither one has "proof" of anything. It's in this area that science is done and findings discussed. Vaccines are crutches for scientists. They have come to a consensus on a disease, a vaccine is created and the science on the disease dies. They assume the problem is solved with the vaccine and the disease research mostly just ends. Compound this with flu cases reported declining to 0 globally during covid, flawed pcr tests and "diagnose by symptom" , and the financial incentives to call everything covid and treat only as covid to increase $$ and you have the real disaster, flu and bacterial pneumonia treated with covid protocols and the accompanying high death rates. By the way, they aren't discussing the dna contamination and frameshifting induced by pseudo-uridines in the mrna product as cancer causing. I suppose that is for a later discussion.

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Please. PLEASE let’s start at the beginning. What is a VIRUS? It has never been isolated. Let’s work on WHY we get sick. The body is very intricate and inscrutable. End VIROLOGY. Pay those chaps/girls to study where, how, why, when we fall ill. Dr. Sam Bailey is a good source to start: VIRUS MANIA. circa 2008. That book, among others, is mandatory

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Although it differs depending on the scholar, it is said that the amount of antigens (spikes) that can be produced by one pseudo-mRNA vaccination is several hundred to 10,000 times that of natural infection.

Humans have been exposed to coronavirus viruses for a long time. (Some virologists estimate that it is several hundred years ago using a method called molecular clock.)

By being vaccinated, our bodies are exposed to a large amount of antigens that has never been experienced in human history, and this is repeated multiple times with boosters.

In other words, we have exceeded the adaptable limits of humanity.

Why can't public health scientists/doctors think like this?

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These 'doctors' are STILL CLUELESS!!!!! And the top thing that they are CLUELESS about, is.....there is NO SUCH THING as 'VIRUSES'! Therefore, there can be NO 'CV19' 'VIRUS'!!

Instead of promoting these CLUELESS QUACKS (aka FAKE doctors), we should be EDUCATING them!

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It's interesting at best to hear both of these somewhat opposing but clearly incomplete points of view, neither of which have much value in trying to usefully educate ordinary lay people (who don't have time for personal research) about post-vaxx turbocancers. I'll go with Dr. Makis's own ideas first. He's far too smart to let his brain fall out when his curiosity about what other oncologists are daring to say publicly leads to openmindedness. 😏

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Now google PRECIPITINS… this professor should know … a body primed with antibodies.. will react to the thing it’s primed against … namely spike proteins.. NOT Covid 19 but a small identifier of that virus… once you add the antigens of that reaction to the antibodies you have .. you create long strands of proteins as each bind together.. you know like the long white fibrous strands they pull out of heavily vaccinated people disguised as sheep… are all scientists this stupid?

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The counter story to Dalgleish was bollocks for the simple reason that the virus is not injected in the boosters, just one particular protein. Also Dalgleish did say that the T cell exhaustion was laboratory established.

Check the bank accounts for the Doc from Exeter.

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