They mention an injection. Did they inject him here?

He's bleeding from the face because one of them forced his face into the floor.

If they didn't inject him, he will have the last laugh as their immune systems fail them.

This is so outrageous it defies description.

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Our entire reality is so outrageous it defies description. Have a look at these articles I found on my email this morning that were like a punch in the face:

💣 "17-Year-Old Female Volleyball Player Paralyzed with Brain Damage After Brutal Spike by Trans Opponent" - https://vigilantnews.com/post/17-year-old-female-volleyball-player-paralyzed-with-brain-damage-after-brutal-spike-by-trans-opponent-slams-olympics/?omnisendContactID=64f0f8ad4aa2dd2599b7eb4a

💣 "“This is Unjust!” Female Boxer Quits Olympic Match, Melts Down in Tears After ‘Biological Male’ Brutalizes Her in 46 Seconds" - https://vigilantnews.com/post/this-is-unjust-female-boxer-quits-olympic-match-melts-down-in-tears-after-biological-male-brutalizes-her-in-46-seconds/

Yeah, they may seem off-topic to this boy being beaten to a pulp for refusing The Lethal Injection: But they're not. Consider the twin genocides of Ukraine and Occupied Palestine, the whole "Transgender" abomination, the "Woke" obscenity, the homeless encampments, the massive drug abuse, our kakistocratic politicians doing all they can to ignite World War III, the oncoming megatsunami of deaths resultant from The Lethal Injections: All facets of the syndrome of decay inflicted on us by our criminal Global Elites...

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I think the criminal global elite have been doing this to the "common people" one way or another for at least a century. It isn't new. Just that now not only do they have high tech ways, we the common people got the internet to figure it out for ourselves more and more. They don't like that we can figure out what they do. Hopefully as more and more people wake up things will change for the better.

History shows over and over again is you can't keep people down forever. Eventually they rise up.

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All any American needs to do is read at Congress.gov to understand how fucked up our Givernment really has become. It's ALL for them, none for US. #DefundTyrannyInEveryWayPossible

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Oh, it's a lot, lot longer than that Dee... Get of copy of Jim Marrs "Rule by Secrecy" and learn about Adrian Wieshaupt and The Illuminati, just for a start.

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All roads lead to Rome.

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If by that you mean "The Catholic Church" then I'm far more inclined to posit "Jerusalem"..🤔

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So they're the ‘global elites’ are they? It surely couldn’t be the actual tribe of the Babylonian, Luciferian, jews, of the “jewnited Snakes of Israel” doing these Genocidal criminal deeds to all of us goy these last 6000s years, right?

I personally know it’s the jews, my dear!!!

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Yeah, and where are all the outspoken, wild-eyed feminists now, I ask?

It does make you wonder!

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They’re busy celebrating child sacrifice.

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You have to do considerable research into – shall we say – highly unfashionable yet verifiable history, to learn that contemporary "feminism" is a product of "Cultural Marxism"... when you do this, you will learn that its leaders, are "liars," their followers are "dupes," and "feminism" does not do women any favours, at all... 🤔

I recommend "The Devil's Pleasure Palace" by Michael Walsh as a starting point...

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Feminism is just a Spoke in The Communist wheel.

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You noticed?

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well well said...

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Get an education. Palestine is not a place and it's not occupied.

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Dog you have no idea what your taking about. The issue of Palestine has been going on 70 years. The only reason Israel exist is to be the puppet of the US.

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Oh, I have no idea. Israel existed 3000 years ago and has had larger and smaller Jewish populations continually since then. The US is 248 years old. Work on your math skills dude.

Oh yeah - you must believe that Jesus was an Arab right?

And a brainiac like you surely knows that yassir arafat (an Egyptian born in Cairo) admitted coining the term "palestinian" in the 1960's.

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I have seen a 200 year old bible with the map outlining Palestine.

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Can you guess what luciferian talmudic jew family bought Palistine in 1829? Do you think they still own it?🤔🤣🤡🦧

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I thought that, etymologically speaking, "Palestine" was related to "Philistine"? I'm not challenging your statement, just asking a question.

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Correct! When the Romans put down the Israelite revolt for the last time, they wanted to humiliate them as well, so they named the conquered territory syria philistina. Philistina was the Roman pronunciation for philistine. Kind of like if the US forced Japan to take on the name of New China as part of their unconditional WWII surrender, to humiliate them.

Philistine, a hebrew word for invader. The "inavaders" were from Crete (the largest Greek island). The land of Israel was invaded/conquered many times. When the Mesopotamians conquered, they forced most of the Jews to go with them to Mesopotamia, leaving a mostly empty land for Arab bedouins to come in and occupy. When Sirus the Great of Persia conquered Mesopatamia, he told the Jews they can go home. Most did. From that time until today, most Persians are still fond of the Jews and Israel. They have a common enemy in the ayatollah BTW. Queen Ester from the old testament is buried in Persia (Iran) and her grave is a tourist attraction and one reason for the Persian/Israeli bond

I don't know the details where the syria philistina name morphed into Palestine, but it was always an unofficial name for a territory, NEVER a country. When the Ottomans were defeated in WWI, the Brits and French carved up the region to suit their petroleum needs. That's why some countries have suni and shia Muslims mixed together, when they don't actually get along. It wasn't their doing, it was the WWI victors dividing the spoils and drawing up lines on the map to suit. There was then the British Mandate Palestine, a name for the territory managed by the UK (1920-1948). Despite the uninformed thinking it was a country, it wasn't. Writing on the coins contained Hebrew with Jewish symbols. No Arab country would have done that. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1750167217/complete-set-of-israel-palestine-5-mils

When the league of nations wanted to set aside land (before 1948) for the Jews, it included what is now Jordan. I forget how that was thwarted and that part of the land made into the country of Jordan. And BTW, the royal family in Jordan is part Persian, so all is not what it seems in that region.

I could go on for 10+ more paragraphs, but I think I answered your question. All the real data is out there for anyone that sincerely wants to learn it.

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Um.. otherway round my friend. They exist to puppet US...

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Get an education yourself: Israel is an illegal occupying regime, what's been going on since 1948 is a genocide.

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Yeah okay - keep watching CNN.

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I haven't watched television in decades. I've never watched CNN.

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Then you've made a special effort to get fake news. Good for you!

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Indictrinated much? It was on the map when I grew up. Learn your history. Not 5 min worth.

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Thanks for the laugh! A map with a territorial name proves everything.

You're sooooooooooo smart.

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And you’re sooooo immature.

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If the American People don't collectively grow some BALLS and revolt soon, I will go to my grave with Zero faith in The American People or the America I grew up in. If this is the best you can do, you're all fucked.

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Yes they needle raped him.

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No. He did not get the covid shot.

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How do you know? Looks like to me they forced it.

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Lance Castle (@LANCECASTLE490) / X


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I read where he said he was not jabbed. So what the heck were they doing to him then to get him down like that?

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I'm not sure. The first time I saw the video was a few months ago. I was horrified because I too thought he was being vaccinated against his will. I researched and found that he was not vaccinated.

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😯 I should not be shocked. I work with refugees seeking safety and asylum from their own corrupt government, only to fall into hands of USA where all the kids have been forced to get many jabs or they are threatened with not getting proper paperwork. It is reprehensible.

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Dear God, tell me he’s suing the GD military for millions. That video is un-fucking-believable. I have to swear because it’s the only way to express my outrage.

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Big Pharma seems to get their way on all matters within the USA but the rest of the world has acted on US law EUA and the prep act… which is nonsensical… you can bet your last dime the Chinese soldiers are not vaccinated and ready for war…

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The fringe is definitely going to have to like, and be good with standing alone, being called lunatic shunned and shamed, and not acting for the "greater good" bulls#!t. Controlled rage is what happens when I read and see this stuff.

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Hang Big Pharma

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I like that, but first 1000 cuts, then Hang from a short rope, and then Draw and Quarter, in front of all of humanity, in the street!!!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌

🖕👉🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱🤡🦧😠😤 This must also be the tried and guilty punishment verdict for ALL the dual passport traitors of the jeWnited Snakes of Israel government!!!

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Big *harma. Love to you all.

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I am sick to my stomach for this guy and sick that this came

from his OWN “brothers in arms. Whoever thought this was the move should be publicly shamed and court-martialed.

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I would rather be ticking an agreed with this comment, than a like . Resist the resist. May love be with you all.

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Think they wouldn't do it to any one of us if ordered to do so?

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October 29, 1986, I was kicked out of the military on trumped-up accusations after a three-year-long malicious whisper campaign on the part of a drunken Master Warrant Officer.. damned near 40 years ago, and I was one of the lucky ones: I left with my limbs intact, my skin in one piece.

The emotional damage is on the other hand, another story... Can you say "PTSD"?

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I’m so sorry you had to go through this and still suffering.

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Welcome to life on Earth Dina...

"I think of my Uncle Roy whom I’m named after, lying in a graveyard in Trenton Ontario, killed during a training accident in 1943. He was 22 years old. I think of my Uncle Ivo; the call-up papers arrived the day after his 18th birthday, a few years later returning from the Far East in 1945 a psychological basket case." https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/doesnt-this-just-say-it-all

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How very sad for your uncle. My dad served in ww2, barely of age when he went ... he & his 4 brothers. In latter years he concluded wars would never end they make too much $$. He was fortunate, he & all his brothers returned. His eldest brother would weep a lot, he drank a lot too. He was a machine gunner. My dad never talked about what happened there. All those lives torn apart for bankers. "Anyone's son will do" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DShDaJXK5qo&list=PL96C932593D1BF1CB

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I think my neighbors would do that if asked to for free. People can be @sses. Though at least they took the jabby jab and now they even said they are unfortunately having heart issues.

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One of my coworkers – In 2021 I tried to warn him, he wouldn't listen – And since then? 3 aortic stents, on blood thinners.. Just had his 7th Lethal Injection.. His comment to me? "The vaccinations have nothing to do with it."❗😱💩


Truly: You can't fix "stupid", no matter how you try.

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Yes, you're right, 'you can't fix stupid', no matter how hard you try.

I'm in the UK, and am the only one in my family who's 'awake' (have been so, re. many subjects, for 40-45 years; am 65). I've been providing my family members and friends with much info., re. what's really going on, and prior to the 'roll out' of the injections, provided them with info. from many HONEST doctors around the world who were issuing dire warnings to people to not go anywhere near the 'jabs'. But my family members (and all bar two of my already 'awake' friends) chose to ignore all the warnings, and have each rolled up their sleeves at least four times... several of them now have quite serious health issues. I'd been providing them with masses of information all the way through the last 4+ years, including many evidences of what the injections are causing around the world. And yet they STILL choose to ignore the evidences, and choose to still 'blindly believe' what they're told via their beloved TVs...

I told the doctor with whom I'm registered (but never use; for refuse to use the corrupt Medical Establishment; have not done so for 30+ years) to ----- (I'm sure you can fill in the blanks, re. what I said, very bluntly...), when I was pestered re. trying to get me to agree to submit to the injections... When I said what I said to them, they most definitely got the message... I've not heard a peep from them since.

As I said above, I've provided my family members with much information and evidences re. the carnage which the injections are causing around the world. And yet they still ignore it. My younger sister (63) STILL claims "The injections are safe...". Yes, 'you can't fix stupid'...

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I think my neighbor in the beginning would have been calling people stupid for not getting the jab. However, unfortunately, for the neighborhood she says she is not getting any more. She got two jabs.

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Her days are numbered.

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The film showing US troops acting like stormtroopers and beating up a 18 year old fellow soldier, someone who volunteered to risk his life for these people, to force him to take a Covid shot. What is wrong with these people? Don’t any of them have a once of human decency? They should beg the injured soldier for his forgiveness and spend the rest of their lives trying to make amends. The film should be on the nightly news reminding us all what the Covid Overlords are really like. Be very afraid.

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Aren't soldiers in the military to defend freedom??? wtf kind of evil possesses them?

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Dumb military pawns to be used however the government deems and disposed of later.

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That's what Kissinger called them that I recall. Dumb animals or something like that.

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They're in the military ; 'human decency' is not part of their training. Quite the opposite, in fact, after they've been torn down and rebuilt in the military's image.

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And shown at every recruitment center.

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Sick psychopaths. Absolutely no wonder there’s a reluctance to join up.

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The individuals in this video as well as their commanding officer should be court martialed and dishonorably discharged.

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So if this is how the military treat their own soldiers, imagine how they treat there enemies. God help us all. No wonder the leaders can send young men to foreign lands to be slaughtered for no other reason than to keep the military hardware manufacturers rich.

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This is horrific and beyond words!! Deeply saddening! This world desperately needs Jesus!! We are in the midst of Isaiah 24. It's time for people to wake up and be reconciled to God through Christ Jesus before it's too late!!

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You 'christians' are SO gullible, so brainwashed, so INDOCTRINATED, it's sickening.

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You atheists are entitled to your opinions.

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What I said is not merely an opinion, it's factual truth. And I'm not exactly an atheist (for I do realise that there is a Supreme Intelligent Power which created the multi-dimensional cosmos and all life, it's just that I don't follow the 'christian' BS on the nature of that Creative Power).

For 30 years I've been (and am very proud to be) a PROPERLY-informed Spiritualist. Spiritualism is in truth the one and only 'religion' that is able to absolutely PROVE what it states (and I do NOT use the word 'prove' either loosely or wrongly).

I'm a 65-year-old Englishwoman, here in the UK and, like all PROPERLY-informed, spiritually-enlightened people around the world (there are countless millions of us... countless millions who have never fallen for the BS of 'christianity'), I've carried out a very great deal of in-depth, scholarly research into the multi-faceted evidences which PROVE that what Spiritualism states is the truth.

And (as also do the vast majority of the countless millions of other spiritually-enlightened people on Earth) I possess literally hundreds of PERSONAL proofs that yes, we do all survive the death of our physical body in the way that Spiritualism states that we do.

There are 30+ different categories of the evidences which prove that we do all survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body 'coat'. Countless millions of people around the world are fully informed on these proven facts, and those countless millions include many properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, 'psychiatrists', lawyers, etc etc. Moreover, there are many tens of thousands [probably hundreds of thousands] of high-quality, scholarly books that have been written & published on the survival of 'death' truth, and a large percentage of those books have been written BY the properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened scientists, doctors, nurses, 'psychiatrists', lawyers, etc etc, around the world.

'Christians' will all get a big shock, on the eventual days on which they do what is so very incorrectly termed 'die'. For they will then have to face that the 'Christian Church' had well and truly DUPED them, re. the nature of reality, and re. what happens after the immensely illusory 'death'.

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I’m also very spiritual and have gathered a lot of information on the subject of the “afterlife” and cosmos. But your rant is unreal… absolutely loaded with ego, and righteousness…ridiculousness. Let’s be honest, there is no proof for the things you believe in either… no more than there is for people’s belief in calling the higher power, source, whatever you choose to call it, God and Jesus… or any other name. It’s mainly semantics. Why are you entitled to call your beliefs “evidence or proof” when others are not. Get off your high horse… seriously. How full of yourself can you get!!?? I suspect with such a rigid view, you too are in for a surprise when it’s your turn to return to the quantum field where our souls came from. Enjoy.

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Actually there ARE proofs for the fact of everyone's survival (in their spirit body form - which has been SEEN by many clairvoyantly-sighted people worldwide, including by some doctors and nurses who possess clairvoyant vision) of the death of their physical body 'coat', and of the actual nature of the very real Afterlife. What I've said are NOT 'mere beliefs'. As have many millions of other people around the world, I've carried out a very great deal of scholarly research into this vital subject (including the reading of 1000+ high-quality, scholarly books on the subject), and also have literally hundreds of PERSONAL proofs that yes, we do all survive 'death'. Many of my [wrongly termed 'dead'/'deceased' relatives have communicated with me from that Afterlife [through PROVEN-genuine mediums], including my longtime partner; he passed back to Spirit in early 2019.

I'm NOT 'ranting', I am NOT 'on my high horse', no ego, no righteousness, I'm merely stating absolute facts/truths!! What I've stated, many PROPERLY-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, 'psychiatrists', etc etc, around the world, also are fully informed on!

So please do not accuse me of the things you have, when you knew nothing of the level and nature of my knowledge.

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Vastly ignorant you are of the demonic dimensions of deception which entrap you. Know that these spirits of abomination you unwittingly egregiously engage/commune with and have willingly, woefully subjected your being to are exceedingly more effectual in their ignoble, infernal intent than you truthfully could caringly, constructively claim to ever be with the majorly mistaken studies by which sadly you have been seduced and shackled. The shed blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth prevails eternally. Burning blessings of Jesus' beauty in your being and intimate blessings of affection from His holy heart as King of heaven.

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A short PS to my reply to you of a few minutes ago.

There happen to be 30+ different categories of the multi-faceted evidences/proofs of the fact of survival of 'death' and the very real Afterlife. More than 30! But you're obviously not aware of them, for if you were, you wouldn't have written (OH so incorrectly) what you wrote to me.

Many PROPERLY-informed scientists, doctors, etc, around the world are fully informed on the available evidences and proofs. What I stated in my earlier post are facts and truths, and NOT mere 'beliefs/opinions'. I leave the 'mere beliefs/opinions' to those around the world who fell for the BS of 'christianity'.

The latter being there in order to control the gullible, subservient masses, who don't possess any critical thinking skills; they don't carry out any actual scholarly research, they merely 'blindly believe' the absolute BS of the so-called 'bible'. 'Bible literalism' has a great deal to answer for.

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Whatever spiritualist thing you are signed up for, I for one am not

the least not attracted to it if the others are anything like you. Man, lady… God woos is into Himself. He knows us bc He made us in his own image. He literally loves us cherishes us. All we have to do is love him, and ask Jesus to be our savior.

Thankfully, we don’t have to belittle

others, prove

our point, draw lines in the sand or beat others down with our “holier than thou because I know

more than you and am far

superior to you because I know spiritual beings” business.

Ask yourself what kind of superior being would have so many children yet only show a very small portion of them “the Way” via mysterious spiritual beings or you, haranguing them?

Our superior being father all the people except a small handful of Satan’s spawn 😜 and He had a book written to help point everyone to Himself and His great love for His creation. Sign me up for THAT.

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You absolutely are ranting, 100%. You are so busy thinking about your own beliefs and spouting them, that you are not taking the time to actually read what other people are saying. Show me where I disagreed about the afterlife. And I stand by what I said, we all have our beliefs, and we choose what to take as evidence and proof. I have listened to hundreds of NDE’s, and psychic stories, and believe fully that we carry on in an energetic spirit form.. in a higher realm. What I was trying to say to you, was, you should not be putting down people who choose to call source, or the “higher power”, God, or Jesus, or any other religious name, just because you choose not to. You are no more entitled to your beliefs than anyone else. And that IS ego making you do that…don’t be fooled. And try to lighten up while you’re at it, our purpose here is to raise our souls vibration so we can all collectively raise humanity’s vibration… we are all connected, to eachother and to the planet.

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@Christine Thompson: Sure Old Nick and his demons have strung you along like a fish on the line. They can easily 'prove' (to you) that 'You are on the Enlightened Path', whereas in reality they are playing you like a fiddle.

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Forgive me if I'm mistaking you for another commenter with a similar name, but I think that you and I exchanged some posts on the TCW site a few years ago (I currently post [not that frequently] on the Off-Guardian site); I told you (and the many other duped 'christians' who frequent that site) that there truly is incontrovertible proof that we do all survive physical body death (ie, in our immortal soul/spirit body form) in precisely the way that Spiritualism 100% factually states.

I've been [what's termed] spiritually aware for just two months short of 30 years.

And in that 30 years I've carried out a very great deal of in-depth, scholarly research into this vital, ultimate truth of existence. I've read 1000+ high-quality, scholarly books on this vital truth (I own 400+ books on it; my personal library contains 1400+ NON-fiction books on a multitude of subjects).

There are many tens of thousands [probably hundreds of thousands] of scholarly books that have been written and published on this life-changing truth; and a large percentage of those books have been written BY the many PROPERLY-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, 'psychiatrists', lawyers, etc etc, around the world, who have themselves discovered the multi-faceted evidences which absolutely prove that we do all survive (in our immortal spirit body: ie, that being the immortal consciousness that we each ARE; the mind/consciousness is NOT created by the physical brain [as the majority of uninformed materialist scientists wrongly assume]; the mind/consciousness operates/manifests THROUGH the brain, yes, but is NOT created BY the physical brain) the death of our physical body.

There are 30+ different CATEGORIES of the multi-faceted evidences which absolutely prove that we do all survive (to reiterate... in our immortal spirit body form...) the very illusory event that's OH so incorrectly been given the term 'death'.

The editor (no names, no pack drill...) of the TCW site despicably banned me last year from posting, because she did not like me criticising her beloved (but deceitful) 'christianity'. She, too, will get a very big shock on the eventual day on which she does what is so very incorrectly termed 'die'; for she'll then find that Spiritualism DID state the actual facts, and she'll have to face the unpalatable [to her, as a 'christian'...] fact that 'christianity' truly did deceive its immensely gullible, brainwashed, indoctrinated, naive, uninformed followers.

During the years that I posted on that site, I several times not only summarised the 100% factually correct survival of 'death' truth (which is what Spiritualism provides), but I also, on a number of occasions, provided (both for the many gullible 'christians' on that site - of which you are one..., AND for the many equally brainwashed materialists) a representative booklist, re. this in fact PROVEN truth re. the survival of the death of our physical body 'coat'.

Yesterday, I told another commenter on this Dr Makis site ('Shula') that I would provide him [or her?] with a copy of that representative booklist later that day (ie, yesterday).

However, I was not able to do it yesterday, for I was suffering very badly from a very severe attack of sinusitis (I'm still suffering now, as a matter of fact).

Just a few short minutes ago I completed a post to 'Shula', in which I said that, so long as I feel better, I'll provide that representative booklist sometime later today, Tuesday. And I will do so, so long I'm okay enough to type.

No, Paul, we Spiritualists are most definitely NOT 'being played like a fiddle'.

There truly does exist incontrovertible proof that we do all survive (in our immortal spirit body form) the death of our physical body in exactly the way that Spiritualism states. For it's a fact that Spiritualism is the one and only 'religion' that is able to absolutely PROVE what it states (and I am NOT using the word 'prove' either loosely or wrongly).

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Romans 1AMP

Unbelief and Its Consequences

18 For [God does not overlook sin and] the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who in their wickedness suppress and stifle the truth, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them [in their inner consciousness], for God made it evident to them. 20 For ever since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship [all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made], so that they [who fail to believe and trust in Him] are without excuse and without defense. 21 For even though [d]they knew God [as the Creator], they did not [e]honor Him as God or give thanks [for His wondrous creation]. On the contrary, they became worthless in their thinking [godless, with pointless reasonings, and silly speculations], and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God for [f]an image [worthless idols] in the shape of mortal man and birds and four-footed animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their own hearts to [sexual] impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin], 25 because [by choice] they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading and vile passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural [a function contrary to nature], 27 and in the same way also the men turned away from the natural function of the woman and were consumed with their desire toward one another, men with men committing shameful acts and in return receiving in their own bodies the inevitable and appropriate penalty for their wrongdoing.

28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive, 29 until they were filled (permeated, saturated) with every kind of unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice and mean-spiritedness. They are gossips [spreading rumors], 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors [of new forms] of evil, disobedient and disrespectful to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful [without pity]. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree and His judgment, that those who do such things deserve death, yet they not only do them, but they even [enthusiastically] approve and tolerate others who practice them.

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When you eventually arrive back in the very real Spirit Dimension of this in fact MULTI-dimensional cosmos, and discover the ACTUAL facts re. survival of 'death' and the ACTUAL nature of the Afterlife, you'll be so ashamed of yourself for having fallen so very despicably for the UTTER BS of 'christianity'. You'll then have to face that the (immensely deceitful, corrupt) 'christian church' worldwide deceived and duped all its immensely foolish, gullible followers.

And that the so-called 'bible' was also BS. Written by ordinary humans. Anyone who has that collection of miscellaneous writings is a gullible, indoctrinated fool of the highest order.

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Thank you for providing an example of what this scripture is explaining about the foolish of heart who refuse to acknowledge their Creator who is forever blessed, and has revealed Himself through sacred scripture.

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You are more than welcome. Thanks much for your beautiful comment. Grace to you and peace be multiplied from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

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No, the so-called 'bible' is NOT 'sacred scripture'!! It's merely a collection of miscellaneous writings that were written by ordinary human beings.

And if you'd carried out some scholarly research, instead of 'blindly believing' the BS of 'christianity' and its equally BS so-called 'bible', you'd know that. The way that we millions of NON-gullible, NON-brainwashed, NON-naive people around the world who never fell for the 'christian' BS already know.

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The following video directly and comprehensively addressing your putrid posturing, your poisonous position I uploaded and to date has 53,000 views.

☆ New Testament Bible Reliability by Daniel Wallace, PhD - YouTube


If you choose to critique the presentation, be precise, be specific. Thus far you have merely made blanket statements consisting of vapid and vile vitriol, counting for nothing.

Incendiumata Amoriolio

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Yet more vacuous, vainglorious rhetoric of repetition, ridicule and ridiculousness . . . Lost lady, I am genuinely sorry for you, spirit and soul, that you so sadly attempt causing yourself to FEEL better in this LOSING way.

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I suggest that you read the document at the link below.

You will one day (the eventual day on which you do what is so very wrongly termed 'die' and return to the very real Spirit Dimension of this multi-dimensional cosmos) discover that what I stated were absolute facts and truths. When that day eventually arrives for you, you will not be able to deny what you discover: that you 'christians' HAD all been well and truly DUPED, and that what we Spiritualists state truly is the actual, factual truth.

It is most definitely NOT me who is 'lost', for one day you will learn that what we countless millions of PROPERLY-informed Spiritualists around the world stated was indeed the truth.

You 'christians' are 'believing' in falsehoods.

"['christian'] 'Faith' makes you GULLIBLE", at:


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You’re an anti Christian bigot.

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I am not a bigot, I'm someone who states the factual truths: the proven truths of Spiritualism and the absolute BS of what 'christianity' merely claims: the latter being what all the foolish, gullible, indoctrinated, naive, uninformed masses fall for.

I have less than no wish to be a 'christian'. That, 'christianity', is for gullible, naive, uninformed fools to fall for.

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True many are, just like many non-Christians are. Please don't lump us all in that category.

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Amen! 🙏

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Everyone in this country should see this. I couldn't watch past the first few seconds. This is us.

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Scenes like this terrify me in two ways:

First the obvious - that people are so brainwashed to believe not having the jab makes you evil. The second is that if they forcibly jab people they will kill those of us who are allergic to PEG - polyethylene glycol, which is in the lipid nano particles.

As well as the dangers inherent in the jab itself many of us die if injected with PEG. This probably accounts for many of the deaths at the injection sites.

People often do not know they have this allergy, even though PEG is in many soaps, toothpastes and shampoos etc. it does not have a big adverse effect until given in medicine in a different form or larger amount.

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Polyethylene glycol 3350....RestoraLax...routinely used in my hospital.......baaaaaad.

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In hospital I was given painkillers containing it and hand wipes containing it. Worst part, the Nurses hadn't hear of PEG.

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Imagine the feeling a military parent feels at watching another young person get such treatment.....

Parents send their offspring, with plenty of other worries.., into what we think is honourable service to society, our nations..........the last thing we want to think about is that our children..( young adult ones) are not given excellent choices...and most especially for their bodies...by their own doctors and officials...

NO ONE GOT FULL DISCLOSURE from the big pharma or the governments, of the harms, the unknown risks, and especially the known ones once the deaths and injuries./ adverse effects started showing up around the globe....( not the public, nor the vaccinated...anywhere....it was kept a big secret)...

Really great doctors, whistleblowers who worked at Pfizer, etc....scientists who either worked also for big pharma, or who had been there...those folks knew or researched early on, all of the earliest test results...from .years ago...that were censored and gas lit..as conspiracy theorists.....that fought so hard to bring true "information" and concerns forward so as to minimize the harms from nano technology genetic therapy ( aka Covid jabs)....while it was still new....a

What about how the establishment, banished the use of Ivermectin and other proven anti viral respiratory aides that could have prevented most if not all of any large outbreak, in the earliest of days...( ie...first do no harm)....

Who pays for that injustice?

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I’ve even seen PEG listed on a coconut vodka drink.

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When did this happen? Recently or during the dark era (2019-2022)? This young man was fighting for his life, and they stabbed him anyway. I see why military recruiting numbers are so low.

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Here you see EVIDENCE of the CRIMINAL MAFIA that the United States military truly is.

It is their DARPA created BIOWEAPON POISON FOR MASS GENOCIDE - the the US governments first rodeo on genocide, count the Indian massacres, then the Philippine massacre 800k-2million dead - etc., etc. etc. The ZOG military is the greatest threat to humanity since the Roman Empire.

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We are ripe, as a nation in becoming a shame/honor country and culture, where you do what you are told or off with your head. And it is starting from the top down. Let those of us who loathe this sort of thing, work from the bottom up with a commitment to not comply and stay connected.

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This is unbelievably cruel, intimidating and horrifying for that young man. All those MEN coming at him. His parents must be LIVID!

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Outrageous ....how can they do this to one of their own. I am so disappointed in my fellow man !!

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Who would want to fight for America as it stands today.

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I wonder how things have worked out for everyone involved. Have any of them experienced any adverse reactions from the shot? How do they reflect on the experience?

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Volunteer for the military? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!

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