Peterson is absolutely right.

MILLIONS can now see that the globalists are using governments to install global fascism. They haven’t succeeded yet - but they will unless there’s a HUGE MOBILIZATION against them.

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What do you suppose is the purpose of WHO’s treaty?…. absolute control.. and worldwide power to be given a Chinese run corporation… with no option to reverse once enacted.

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Correct. There is no other option. The decision left to make is only "what form that MASS mobilisation will take". At its most friendly, it need only be that everyone leave all mobiles switched off for two days. That will send a direct and clear message. At least friendly . . . the obvious !!!

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Here are some forms could take- repeated law suits/class actions where possible to get a Judge to hear them. Also, "Freedom supporters" websites where fellow local travellers can get contacts & trade with each other.... ie build a body of folks to support each other in opposing these totally undemocratic politicians & globalist control freaks.

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I agree in principle but, the law is of no use. The law is a tool of the Rothschild's and their usury banking system.

The only real hope, for all who wish to stay human, is to begin a new civilisation without all forms of current transactional means. That is, we must be free of "legal entity" debtor status and "live" in creditor status. Usury must be left behind completely. There is no other way !

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Honk honk

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How many legislators in that chamber have any ability to understand what he just said.

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Yes just watch their look and body language. That says it all.

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An Australian Dr (Paul Osterhous Sp??) was deregistered c.2022 for opposing C19 Mandates...he claimed "They don't want to look at the evidence". THIS is the whole problem, same with the Politicians too. They refuse to discuss. Just try & meet with them? They want to be able to plead ignorance. Folks that don't "tow the BS line" get targeted too. Their No1 trick is to remove a persons job/income. Also they use crooked MSM to demonise "questioners & dissenters". Here is a type of example of threats to Drs - "Dozens of doctors reported to watchdog over Israel-Gaza social media posts". https://www.smh.com.au/national/dozens-of-doctors-reported-to-watchdog-over-israel-gaza-social-media-posts-20240119-p5eyof.html

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Today the quote would better read, “Show me the conservative, I’ll show you the crime”.

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Great work WM & Jordan Peterson... seems pretty clear they are intent on incrementally & undemocratically rolling out totalitarianism in the west...seems also covid was part of this...& its been happening for a good while.. seems also CBCD's & WHO "health" diktats well might be the final nails in the coffin of liberty.

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The best way to understand what goes on today is really about for you to study history. Communism is not new. It was Bolshevism when they invaded Russia just before WW1. Then WW2 was plan to invade the rest of Europe and well, the rest of the continent. WW2 never did stop. Everything was done since then is in secrecy. Communism never stop trying to invade the whole world. You just did not see it coming. Radical change are less visible when they are done step by step and in slow motion as this is how these elites run the show. What happen during WW2 that stop the progress of this group to bring upon communism in Europe?

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Yes it seems more like "Bolshevism II" than fascism to me...(eg the Corps will be totally controlled by the iner cabal)...in any case, almost irrelevant, they both look like a trick for "total domination" by a crime syndicate to me. "Put us in charge and we will give you all you want & we will look after you" ....(then after we are in power we will totally shaft you!). It's not an "isim" its a many faceted trick for control....don't fall for it.

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Important to note - AFAIK The Bolsheviks were not put into power by China they were financed by cabal of control freaks in NYC, London et al. I suspect these same greedy psychopaths who tried to take over Russia then are trying to do it again....using cultural Marxism, propaganda & "digital dictatorship" etc?? This seems self-evident from the Laws & spin they are making.

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Our town is putting out the globalists PR shiny printouts for the sustainability, equity agenda along with their other agendas. Taking on grants or programs that force a dictate onto local communities, removing local voices and power, and all with organisations that have massive conflicts of interest and criminally fraudulent modelling, data and mapping. We must demand that we refuse to and they must reject doing business with anything with such huge conflicts of interest that can be directly sourced back to the biggest predators on the planet.

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They sure like to shut Jordan off don’t they. What does that tell you. He right on the money.

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Sad that he is so bang on. If you drive through Regina the cameras all face the driver of cars not the license plate.

15 min cities, here we go Saskatchewan!!!

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Peterson mentions China a lot, but doesn't at all say how these systems are actually currently being built here. Last year I wrote an article titled 'Elon Musk’s X Empire-building, a Trojan Horse to Rule us All' (URL: https://fournier.substack.com/p/elon-musks-x-empire-building-a-trojan) which outlines how this very totalitarian surveillance system is stealthily being put in place here in the West on platforms such as X - which very few seem to actually notice.

Last week, I interviewed investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore who is one of the only ones that is sounding this alarm bell. Here's a short video excerpt in which he explains it, and in which I show how we are all being deceived and played like a Grand Stradivarius.


Wake up folks. This totalitarian surveillance system has already arrived on our shores.

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Yes just like they put up all the 5G towers while they locked us in our houses, so we wouldn’t notice.

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I remember that too. It was an 'essential service' apparently.

Here in rural Alberta the 5g towers are springing up. Nearest one is now about 6 miles in a straight line. Or 3 miles to a smaller installation in nearby Hay Lakes.

I hear a lot about 5G. I dont have a valid opinion but am suspicious after all the exposed lies last couple of years.

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….So I’m wondering what Sir John Kerry’s calendar looks like now, of course, as his previously many layered activities, social events and gold edged punditions are more and more looking like our own familiar starved neighborhoods. Did I hear correctly? Nah!! Could it be a rumor? Really?! He is preparing to divest himself from all his collections, swimming pools, jets, stuffed closets and jewelry boxes~~~and name brand watches, in case no one is standing around to tell him the time~~~so he might join with the rest of us, as we “own nothing and will be happy” “You had better be!” All those cameras around and all…. Happy, I mean …..amen and amen

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yes pretty bulletproof argument..same problem "they don't want to look at the evidence"...regardless I still have some hopes of some legal ground to be gained...need to keep trying...look what they have done to Reiner Fuellmich et al....However there was a recent judgement in Queensland Australia that mandates were unlawful. https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/queensland-supreme-court-finds-covid-vaccine-mandates-were-unlawful/

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Nobody knows what the hell Peterson is talking about because he prattles on and on until everyone has lost sight of what he said at the start of his sentence. No wonder he was asked to summarize. Jordan Peterson loves the sound of his own voice and his fans pretend they understand him.

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Mar 11, 2024
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Oh yes you nailed it. Question "Makus" too! Very likely there is a clip somewhere from sometime showing "Makus" clearly as controlled opo. Try a different search engine?

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Mar 11, 2024
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He just ran out of time, dimwit. Yeah, he could probably use some practice is reducing the amount of verbiage in making his points, otherwise he won't have the chance to make all his points. OTOH, there wasn't much time (5 minutes? seriously?) to outline the problem and come up with solutions, if there are any.

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Get help buddy.....your comments are asinine and wrong

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Absolutely. Peterson is evil, makes sense. He has only brought along say 2 million folk from fairly asleep to moderately awake. Clearly doing the work of the cabal. Kirsch too, right, he only warned say a few million about the deadly jabs and FAILED to point out the REAL picture, so only managed a paltry millions strong group now committed against the jabs and questioning the childhood schedule. Enemy! CLEARLY. This is obvious.

I suggested elsewhere we need a list of folk who are NOT controlled opo. Might be easier to manage and present? I mean Malone, Cole, McCullough, Yeadon, Rose, Kory, Dagliesh etc etc etc have probably all said something sometime or worked for someone somewhere to make it clear they are the enemy and not to be trusted.

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Mar 11, 2024
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First time I've agreed with anything Margaret Atwood has said!

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