What's shocking is not the information that John Beaudoin is providing, but the utter disinterest and contempt by the NH State Health & Human Services Board!

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Agree. Disinterest, scrolling on laptop and cell phone, feigning interest. His frustration was palpable.

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And no questions...unreal. You can tell they wanted to crawl under the table.

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No questions because they were literally dumbfounded and incapable of articulating an intelligent one.

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Quite possibly true. But they really gave the appearance of simply not giving a damn.

If they do care, they hid it well.....

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Yeah, that was my take too. Complete disinterest. I think they're paid off.

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No Humanity in any of them. They are each EVIL . Voices .. inside their empty heads...so quiet you can hear them all thinking about what they have done to murder humanity. The shot heard around the world.. safe and effective.. kill shot. Blood on their hands. No Amnesty or forgiveness for these inhumane creatures.

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But, the truth be told; the NH HHS Board was reacting the same way all the Normies (General Jabbed Public) are treating this news. They all have their heads in the sand and they are all stuck on stupid.

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Those people are disgusting. They should be tossed to the curb.

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I noticed that. I noticed him noticing that. Absolutely disgusting. Those board members should be tossed out of that building to the curb. They are useless.

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Infuriating! Gaslighting! Pisses me off....apologies for the redundancy. :(

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John ploughs a lonely furrow. He has my support, 100%. Frustrating to watch the ill-mannered, indifferent and wooden-faced bureaucrats he -and we all - face.

A gigantic crime, of unimaginable ramifications, is being committed and has yet to to fully reveal it’s malignantly-engineered end results. Exhausting to contemplate.

Thank you, John, William, Peter, Geert, Pierre, Sacha, Jessica and all the others. 💪🏻

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Yes almost as if they have scales on their eyes.... pray.

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they do! the new Vexas Syndrome (Vex-us...get it?)...they're all under a vex. The new syndrome...google it showing a body with arrows and about 30 vaxxine injuries known from c-19 vaxx. Now they have a new label with which to virtue signal their victim injuries...easily steam rolling over the gullible with words that they'll embrace and believe....'Oh...I've felt like shit for 2.5 yrs and have automimmune disease...so it's Vexas Syndrome'. No ability to connect 2 damn dots.

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Like watching an old movie about WWII and the Nazi’s complete indifference to the poor souls the bastards were about to kill.

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To back up this gentleman’s claims, here is a study into excess deaths compiled by the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society: https://amps.redunion.com.au/too-many-dead

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Thanks. I will order the book. Canadian. Here we don’t have as many brave medical professionals. The ones that we do have are remarkable. Dr Makis for one.

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How about: Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Stephen Malthouse, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Francis Christian,Dr. Phillips Dr. Bryam Bridle and many more in Canada who have lost their jobs for speaking out. Druthers also posted 158 photos of doctors dead from the vax shots in Canada.

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You are absolutely right. I commented on this post just as I woke up. They are also my heros, especially Hoffe and Bridle. Thanks for admonishing me!

We also have a published enquiry in Canada already. So much work was put into it.

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Thank you. The electronic download is good, too. We’re fortunate here to have some great senators speaking out, who are very active in Facebook: Malcolm Roberts, Gerard Rennick, Alex Antic, Ralph Babet, and Russell Broadbent MP. We also have ‘Forest of the Fallen’ displays. Here is one of them: https://www.facebook.com/groups/182846877113140/permalink/657421929655630/?

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All The True Numbers Are Coming!

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No questions from the panel, most of whom were disengaged.

Says it all.

You can lead a horse to water and all that. Wilful blindness.

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They're probably all jabbed and shaking in their boots. They simply reject the truth as a defense mechanism.

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I agree, but probably after the inital dread they won't be shaking in their boots. Reject the truth and move on. Apart from the dark haired man, who does engage for the most part I think has the realisation. Equally panicked, the question remains whether he will investigate further or try and dismiss it. Dismissal salves fear. What the eye don't see the heart don't grieve about. Away from the heat of the moment the easiest path is dismissal and/or denial. Still, there is potential. Every time this is talked about ther is potential for it to stick, be passed on and grow.

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I can't help but wonder if the panel has mostly been paid off by big pharma. Perhaps they all have kickbacks to keep them docile?

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Yea, first question we should have heard from any one of them should have been, with alarm in their voice, "Do you know how we can get this vaccine out of our body??!"

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Hopefully some or at least ONE of them were thinking it.

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John Beaudoin has well documented the harms and coverups. It’s a pity that his work is largely falling on deafened ears.

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Deaf Ears Do Seem Prominent! Just Sayin! :)

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da fears

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I thank God for this guy.

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Fine introduction about the depth of data JB has to offer and high praise from Kevin McKernan indeed. Maybe this demeanor on the committee members faces is the style but I found it completely lacking grace and even a modicum of curiosity. I like the fact that John called their engagement out and his announcement regarding crimes committed and papers coming to the fiends. It’s surprising sometimes how important those state Senators turn out to be in a true republic. I have gratitude and respect for John Beaudoin’s great service to humanity and steel trap smarts. Thanks for posting doc!💜

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Telling the truth brings life. Thank you.

And for everyone in tears about all of this: you are not forgotten. There are loving people.

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What amazes me, or rather, discourages me AND let's me see the raw cowardice of these health committees (similar to county commissions and school boards), is their obvious lack of the least bit of concern to the point of not even asking a question. The one doofus says, "not at this time". What other time is there than THIS time. That health board should immediately resign.

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They are likely vaxxed and cannot face the truth as it means facing their own demise and those they love. It is a defense mechanism.

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I hope they are vaxxed, and I hope their own demise is soon coming

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The zombies listening to him could care less, sadly.

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If this testimony doesn't wake you up, you're dead already then.

And that is no joke!

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👍🏽👍👍🏿 The most important video testimony to date. Not only does it demonstrate what real scientific research and data is, it shows what so many have been demonstrating for years; we, real researchers and investigators, are NOT doing “statistics” or “conspiracy theories,” but we do study all of it, particularly the monsters who manipulate the science and language; Professional Gaslighters.

And again, this testimony also shows how inhuman and arrogant most politicians have become; treating “the people” like they’re inconvenient presents who need to just shut up and do as they’re told.

How can anyone who’s human and honestly elected by the people sit in an elected position—by the people, not billionaire disease & war protesters—NOT be asking this guy follow-up questions, unless every one of them are “guilty-complicit” of Felony Fraud, Crimes Against Humanity and Treason, which they all are?

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Such a serious presentation at this late date of over 17 million, repeat 17 million vaccine deaths and still counting…am speechless!

Since I know you are trying to help in a BIG way…

I thought this message would resonate with YOU and everyone else who does not want to leave a miserable life of Communism for future generations…

My message everyday to ALL…

2024…either the reset will favor the people OR the reset will be in favor of Communist control/WEF/Klaus Schwab…SATAN!

Which is it Americans?

Where are the actionable SOLUTIONS?

NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER…ONLY America First Constitutional Conservative strategic planners! JOIN with a monthly donation to receive their important newsletters! Their site tells you all you need to know about them!

P.S. Support Mike Lindell as FOX has dumped his MY PILLOW advertising WITHOUT notice. He has supported Trump with LOTS of his hard earned $$$ from Day 1, continuing to go after all the election fraud. He deserves EVERYONE’s support to keep his business going!

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way more than "17" million have been murdered

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Sadly, modern day Christians have been taught to send up prayers like it's a Christmas list to Santa, then wait to see what Santa might put under the tree. They were fruadulently taught that claiming JOHN 3:16 is a get out of hell free card, and mere words are enough.

I can tell you with great certainty... being a Christian isn't a get out of hell free card, quite the contrary. Being a true Christian is to accept a new set of responsibilities and duties that only belong to true Christians. Words are never enough... "Faith without works is Dead."

Wake up Christians!

You have serious responsibilities since Satan and his followers have completely overrun earth!

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You are completely right…especially when stillbirth and so many miscarriages above the average rate pre 2020 are considered…

Humanity has been greatly harmed and targeting pregnant women was a high priority as confirmed by high risk pregnancy doctor, Dr. James Thorp!

How can people sit silently on Sunday, especially those who claim to be a Christian?

The most difficult job today and everyday is being a Christian…WHY?

Because you have great responsibilities if you want to label yourself a Christian, right?

Go look in the mirror!

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Peter McCullough will have to answer citizens for his early am substack today…


This time I am directing this message directly to you…

What are you thinking telling us to support a far left group of criminals who have directly destroyed the MICHIGAN REPUBLICAN PARTY?

“Dr. Peter McCullough Supports Stand Up Michigan & Encourages You To As Well!” is what this criminal group posted of your interview with them?

I am in Michigan and have direct knowledge of this group destroying entire counties in my state…

This STAND UP AMERICA group stands with Governor Gretchen Whitmer in their agenda. She is the #2 most powerful skunk democrat in the Democrat Party!

My beloved state has been destroyed because of her and STAND UP AMERICA!

We need answers directly from you Peter???

From a VERY concerned Constitutional Conservative Michigan citizen activist!

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The total lack of interest and empathy shown by the senators is evidence of their corruption. There is NO political solution to this obvious GENOCIDE/DEMOCIDE. Politicians helped contribute to the mass culling of humanity, so they won't be part of the solution.

It's time to get real: Accountability and Justice will not come from government.

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Interesting. Two days ago, Dane Wigington posted a '90 Second Alert' about New Hampshire and a 'Bill To Ban Climate Engineering'.


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This substack article explains why spike is even more oncogenic than the SV40.....https://doorlesscarp953.substack.com/p/gene-therapies-cancer-risk-and-why

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