Thinking back to Brett’s example of John Ritter… we now know ALL vaccines are harmful. Who knows what their contribution has been to the landscape of heart disease, cancer & other chronic illnesses over the past decades?

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If Trump isn't allowed to occupy the Oval Office, the communists (Satanists) will give us the twit duo of Harris-Walz. So, it does appear we were commie occupied back in the Joe McCarthy era. IOW, Joe was right, we just couldn't wrap our collective head around the scale of it.

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So many people attempting to steer the narrative to manifest destiny, Ugh.

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Exactly. Even more than the criminal injections there has been massive, decades long mind control and injury to healthy thinking processes. Fearfulness and ugliness all manufactured and dumped on the people for our constant digestion to traumatise and make us malleable.

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This is what we are dealing with.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

In the UK between 1958 and 1961, an experimental morning sickness drug, called Thalidomide was rolled out to replace the long trusted Barbiturates. Thalidomide was advertised across the nation as being 'Safe and Effective', exactly the words they used in newspapers. It caused at least 1,000 deaths and many thousands of babies were born grossly deformed because of Thalidomide. The country's parliament refused to acknowledge it at all. Not until 1972 that is. Does that sound familiar ?

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Th The 'Future' for the one in sixteen people that will be allowed to live with their sterility and population culling, apart from being transformed into transhumanist 'humanoid' slaves, they will be further culled if any refuse to worship their 'God', Lucifer, which they will announce after WWIII is over. Any who don't accept their 'God', will not be permitted to live.

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