This damage was caused by a Bioweapon and was administered by our government. The damage was intentional. Mistakes WERE NOT MADE. That fact must be acknowledged by every citizen and carried forward as we move thru this “Trail of Tears” God please help us all.

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Indeed, the harms are intentional, none the result of error.

I join you in prayer:

May God help us; only He can.

Against this adversary, it ultimately remains His fight.

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I don’t know about God, but her twin sister—Mother Nature—gave us individual brains with the ability to help ourselves and each-other. We’ve got the will to accept war, to hate and kill, for nothing, but not the will to resist, form militias and start arresting the crooked top cops, AG’s, politicians, judges, general officers and complicit mainstream media talking heads who are still gaslighting the public to get boosters. Unreal.

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Depopulation. Been going on forever. They just ramped it up since they now think they have the technology to control people's every thought. If they have that ability why would they not do it?

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Correct, Dorothy. There’s ample proof going back to public speeches, news print, pamphlets, minutes of private meetings and books from the 1600’s through early 1900 by many Eugenicists explaining their plans to take over all media, education and governments for a “controlled depopulation” of up to 90% of the world population. Rockefeller and Rothschild began a massive push via various wars and vaccine-weapons prior to WWI, but really took off afterwards, especially after the creation of the United Nations, NATO, the birth certificate and the private Federal Reserve. I’ve got a short animated clip from the early 1900’s demonstrating their plans to use health care and the Vaxx to “control population; sterilize and murder;” a conspiracy bragging of their intentions in plain sight, but still most choose to be ignorant—just as they predicted. https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffreyplubina/p/the-most-important-video-and-audio?r=1qpmjb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Jeffrey - I just viewed your post. It’s the Encyclopedia Brittanica of Substack posts. What a fantastic resource! Thank You.

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If you’re going to read me, I’d suggest starting here: the first short clip will give you nightmares. If anything doesn’t play, just refresh the page. https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffreyplubina/p/the-most-important-video-and-audio?r=1qpmjb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Appreciate it. It’s actually my commentary of what I believe are the most relevant stories by independent writers that most of the mainstream media avoids…which I’m archiving while writing several books offline. But honestly, I’m not very good at chat. I can never tell right away what is sarcasm or legitimate comments. I’m very cynical and sarcastic in general conversation in person, but can never judge others too well in chat. I’m much better and at ease in the company of other autistics. Normal people have always confused the hell out of me.

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Good Job!

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funny— but that stuff could be used a compost, mad into beautiful soil, and then given to farmers instead of chemical fertilizer.

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They are using it. Those who first ran and rolled up theur sleeves were given harmless injection’s. They are already mind set in control.

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The whole system needs to be completely changed:


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Hopefully in the future if humanity survives this genocide at all this system which I read my way through sounds like it could work as our current system doesn’t protect us in any way shape or form from our governments using bio weapons on us and performing human experimentation including destroying our brain health both psychologically and physiologically as well now seemingly our lives don’t matter anymore so no more compassion for human dignity and suffering.

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Yes it does, Karl. God I love real techno, not the satanic crap though. It centers me so.

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i sent piles of information to the forces, they jabbed and murdered my son... they are still in denial. but i have called them out and shown them the way to military tribunal. we do not need to wait for "higher authority" at all... we gather and debate and arrest every fucking one of them

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Look at the study of 2300 vials of poison and the ingredients - all of them are CHEMICALS that kill humans

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I will acknowledge what I see proof of.......not what I’m told that I ‘must acknowledge’.

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Research Mike Yeardon’s statements.

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Dr. Yeadon is one of too few men of conscience. He's been sounding the alarm for years, meeting his moral duty.

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Many of us know because we are the proof as our bodies have been destroyed by the liars in control and this isn’t the first bio weapon used against us. It’s just the one in which they overplayed their hand and caused more people to wake up to the lies.

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ZK - I agree. The murder and maiming has been ongoing over decades/centuries. I’m filled with both sorrow and rage.

I weep for you and all the rest. Don’t know how any of are going to make it thru this whole. I pray for strength and redemption for all of humanity.

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The Poison Needle, McBean

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First off, it’s Mike Yeadon.... not Yeardon.

Second, I have read some of Dr. Yeadon’s writings and I don’t dismiss his opinions, but they are just that...opinions. He has expert knowledge and a long career to back up his assertions, but that doesn’t constitute proof.

Your statement was “That fact”(that the damage was caused by a Bioweapon and was administered by our government) “must be acknowledged by every citizen” but until I have actual proof that this was deliberately unleashed by order of the United States government (as opposed to possibly China or as part of a Fauci/EcoHealth coverup) for the express purpose of killing innocent people, then I cannot possibly agree.

The old adage about “opinions” comes to mind....

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The “tells” are all around you. I can’t separate the pepper from the fly shit for you. You’ll have to do so yourself. If only we could refer to a peer reviewed study that shows us the absolute truth. Good luck to ya.

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This is why I love substack. More intelligent conversations and throw in "I can't separate the pepper from the fly shit for you." LOL That made me laugh and I don't laugh so much anymore.

I agree Phyerlites. Asking for proof NOW! WTH? How many vaccine injured people are there? How many people just dropping dead right after vaxed. Have the Amish all of a sudden have people being disabled too? Dropping dead? What about insurance system? Have they seen increases in death over all? What about people from the military testifying to the increase in injury since the new covid vax program?

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Hi Dorothy - I love Substack too; would be at a loss without it. I’ve lost so many friends and family over this “Pandemic” Just can’t get thru to them. Substack keeps me sane (I think).

If seeing the FDA recommend the jab to pregnant women didn’t convince Mark that our government was not only complicit but driving the event nothing will. Hell, I remember when pregnant women were advised to not even drink a glass of wine when pregnant. But now, oh no, the FDAs recommending that pregnant women take an experimental gene therapy (one in which they even had to change the definition of a vaccine so as to be able to include this frankenvac in it).

But I think I understand people not wanting to truly see because the reality of what’s been done is so heinous, so terrifying, that one is terrified to acknowledge what they see. This is much like the wife that knows that her husband is raping their daughter, yet says nothing, because it’s too terrible to even think let alone acknowledge.

My thought on this is that the people that refuse to look into the abyss may well end up being the 1st ones in it.

God bless you Dorothy. I feel like I have a sister out there. Please consider yourself hugged.

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I’m asking for real proof of a deliberate, pre-planned depopulation scheme orchestrated by the US government.

And there isn’t any. And if such a plan was implemented, it sure as hell wasn’t very successful. The world population just exceeded 8 billion people.

I’m sure as hell not taking up for Pfizer, Moderna or the ‘vaccines’. Those companies have committed fraud and the vaxx is pure poison.

But you cannot ‘deduce’ something like this, except for the purpose of bitching about it.

This whole disaster can be explained by bureaucratic illegality and inertia , incompetence, government wide coverup, and greed.

There is plenty of evidence against Fauci and Friends to explain the outbreak. And the whole purpose of the original DEFUSE project was to develop VACCINES against potential newly emerging viruses.

They already had an untested ‘vaccine’ candidate ready to go when the virus leaked (or was released, and we don’t know how it happened yet....the Chinese won’t allow an inspection).

We all know that the vaxx doesn’t work and is deadly.

But it’s a hell of a leap from the above explanation (which we have evidence for) to it being deliberately done by the USG.

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“Tells” are not proof. They are at best circumstantial evidence.

You are alleging that the United States government, as a matter of policy, just attempted to poison the entire world.

That is a very serious charge, (especially since this whole Covid mess can be explained by bureaucratic illegality/corruption, a government wide coverup, and corporate greed) and should require more than circumstantial evidence.

And I have yet to see it.....

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as M . Chad.... at Global Research . ca observed , according to Pfizer's own data , in Feb. 2020 , there were 1220 deaths ( out of 40 k ) in the clinical trials .....so it went from 'oh , sorry we made a mistake '....././MANSLAUGHTER.......to Murder , when 'they' didn't 'halt' these diabolical clot shots.....they knew , just as , little oh me knew

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The U.S. government is a tool. They’ve been captured like all the rest by the owners of this world, I.e. the globalists, the black aristocracy, whomever they are and whatever you want to call them. Go deep. Peel that onion. It’ll make you cry.

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Go find Dr David Martin online, he has excellent proof for you and he doesn't mince words.

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Was going to say the same thing. The answers reside to a large extent in the patents and whistleblowers from the inside and he has them all. I have followed his work from the start. He leaves you with no doubts as to where this plandemic came from. Brilliant and courageous man !

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I did check him out a while back. At first, I thought that he made sense but then I started to question his conclusions because I didn’t see real proof.

It’s been a while so I will go back and check him out.

I’m not saying that this whole depopulation thing is impossible, I just want real proof before jumping on the bandwagon.....

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Malthusianism is all it is - a continuation of eugenics philosophy that never really went away after WWII. Read War Against the Weak, Edwin Black. Mathusianism believes the earth doesn’t have enough resources for everyone, eugenics conveniently decides which humans are not worthy of using up those resources and need to be eliminated. Win, win. Not everything falls into these categories. Some are strictly in it for the money or power, but there is plenty of documentation, for instance, showing that the most powerful among us do fall into one or both of those categories and that their plans for a centralized world government tied to the boogeyman of climate change and pandemics was discussed from the start as a perfect springboard to achieving their goals.

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You have to put 2 and 2 together sometimes to get at the truth. They are trying so hard to obscure it. We must step out of our normal comfort zones and look at the real world evidence to know. All the Suddenly dieds and newly disabled people are proof enough for me!

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Well the government says the jabs are safe and effective, so there is that.

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Which we all know is pure BS....

I’m not defending the vaxx at all. I’m just saying that there is no real proof that the United States government conducted a pre-planned depopulation scheme (which is really what people are alleging).

This theory’s backers are stringing together what they believe is evidence (various patents, dates, UN agendas, WEF statements, EU policy papers, etc) into a circumstantial case that the USA deliberately tried to poison the world.

And I want real proof before I believe something like that.....

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Watch the National Citizens Inquiry. Shawn Buckley’s testimony in Ottawa. What we do know is our government knew it was not safe and effective. The early trials showed that, yet they made it emergency authorized and forced it upon us all through psychological abuse, coercion, and strong-arming dissenting doctors and researchers. They are still mandating it and gearing up to bring back passports with the approval of the WHO global health coup this May, still persecuting doctors, still ignoring injuries and deaths. What is it now? 60,000 excess deaths per year in Canada? So putting on your thinking cap, what do you call that? A mistake?

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“ Thousands of papers have reported side effects after vaccination, which affect every organ without exception “

But nothing to see here folks !

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‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA


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What’s left to be said...... except #StopTheShots and #ResearchSpikopathyDiagnosisAndTreatment

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Wishing you a Happy New Year, Dr Makis. Even though we are all likely to face more challenges in 2024...

Your voice is crucial in everything we’re going through. THANK YOU for your integrity and strength. Everyone here knows how much persecution you’ve faced/are facing from the “authorities” - AKA villains.

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Igor Chudov's analysis of a study with credible, measurable results, (proving, yet again, the difference between conspiracy theory and truth...approximately six months):


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‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA


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There has been so much on going death and destruction worldwide from the bioweapon injections, God must be weeping thru His anger. I feel like Im living in a dying world, when will it all end, I pray God calls me Home sooner than later, I don't want to be here for the end of it all. Please don't get me wrong, I will fight until the end but if God wants me Home, I will gladly go.

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I hear you Hannah and I really understand how you feel. The evil on our planet has always been here but hidden, occult. It is now in the open and undeniable, for everyone to see. It is the Cult's last stand, even their followers are turning against them. They are in full self-destruct and will take down as many as they can with them. The very top of the pyramid, floating above the base, (you have no doubt seen the imagery of the power pyramid on the US one dollar bill) believe they are isolated and protected and are in the process of sacrificing the base. But not even the top will survive.

I can only encourage you Hannah to hold to Jesus and to his Holy Spirit living within you. He is truly the Conqueror.

"Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. "

1 Corinthians 15:24, 25


"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Romans 8:37–39

Hang in there Hannah, a great future is awaiting us, our children and our grandchildren. ♥️

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Thank you

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About time, Japan. At the end of the video someone said, “ignorance is bliss.” Plausible Deniability by our most skilled doctors, professors, politicians, judges, lawyers, investigative reporters and cops is nonsense. I agree with Phyerlites in chat, that this was a well organized Plannedemic. Anyone still gaslighting the public to get boosters are only proving their guilt; the use of WMD’s hidden under the guise of “health security;” Treason; Crimes Against Humanity; Genocide.

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Wow. Thank you for the video. Its a keeper.

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Well done these Japanese doctors for speaking up.

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It's about time in my view.

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201 types/Event 201.

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I hope they figure out how to treat us, because nobody else seems to be making any efforts! Tyvm Dr. Makis!

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I’m so sorry if you’re suffering, Colleen. Or will suffer in the future.

Please look into the protocols from Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik at the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care alliance doctors.

www.FLCCC.net (scroll down).

And Dr. Peter McCullough at The Wellness Company.


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Tyvm Helen. Yes, I have most of FLCCC protocol as well as Dr. McCullough's spike detox etc. I literally have a closet full lol. I am at the point now that I can't buy anything more...bank account is done. I will have to sell my home after husband passes. Sadly, many many in the same boat. I really appreciate your comment, tyvm!

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There are some folks saying there are some things you can do. Do some research on FLCCC etc... Also look up the front line doctors individually too. Some may suggest different things the others don't suggest.

I think it is like cancer. There are people healing from their injury. It is going to be hidden and hard to find the cure though. The elite don't want to make it easy for you with there being too many people in the world you know.

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Tyvm...yes, I have the majority of the recommended FLCCC products, aside from one's I react too...plus a closet full lol. I look like a pharmacy. Also, IVM, turkey tail mushroom, B17, CDS, DMSO, & considering fenbendazole. I appreciate your comment very much! 💜💜💜

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Colleen, again I am so very sorry!!

Have u read or watched any of Dr. Paul Marik’s and Pierre Kory’s videos on timed eating/fasting?? There’s another word for it...autophagy.

I read somewhere that a person’s whole immune system could potentially be “reset” by fasting for 96 hrs ideally, but even 72 hrs! Yes, a long time but if you’re at wits end, perhaps investigating that could be helpful. Even shorter fasts are helpful, apparently.

God bless you, dear lady! Ask the Lord for His guidance, grace and healing. He hears you!

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Yes, I've been intermittent fasting x 2 yrs, 12hrs to 18 hours daily, plus I did a 5 day water only. The problem now, is that I've gone from a size 8 to a 0/2 & have wasted away. Live blood analysis showed I'm not absorbing nutrients nor am I breaking down proteins, amongst clumping, & high URIC acid etc. Doctors here are gaslighting sooo bad, I'm having to figure it out on my own, as are most everyone. I do follow Dr. Makis and Dr. Kory as well as all the big names. Thank you so very much for ALL of your help! Praying for guidance daily as well. 💜🙏

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Keep searching and looking for answers! I pray that there will be some breakthrough to be able to help you. It seems you are really trying yourself and be proud of yourself for that.

This may be one that calls for supernatural intervention. I will say a special prayer for you today, Colleen. You have touched my heart.

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Thank you So much Helen! I agree! I will continue to fight, but ultimately I've given it to God. I appreciate your many responses as well as you kind heart! Prayers are very much appreciated, as well! 💜🙏

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People are curing covid with synergistic pairing of Ivermectin-Fenbendazole… products for animal use are far cheaper.

IVERMECTIN: https://www.alldaychemist.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=ivermectin




METHYLENE BLUE: I have been drinking blue water for a while now, and I found it to reduce cellular inflammation/oxidation. Just 1 drop in a wine bottle of water.

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WEF, the WHO,the So called United Nations, big fat fn pharma, big fn tech, the rulers

of the world...club of Rome, our very own governments and politicians doctors, hospitals all in lock step with the safe and effective scenario all around the world....MSM continues with their lies and the censorship of anything that go's against Safe and effective!

The People of the World need a Nuremberg 2.0 and lots of incarcerations and.......Who is paying who to continue this charade against Humanity!

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I don't think that incarceration should be the punishment.

The farma companies and the eugenicists who employ them need to be both locked up AND force jabbed with the mRNA prion shot.

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I forgot to mention the DOD, MIC, CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci et al it's all part of the depopulation agenda and their NWO and AI likely to rid the world of most of

humanity! This is a WAR against these low life maggots scum of the world!

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we call these 'side effects' COINCIDENCES in Canada. Thousands and thousands of deaths now listed as coincidences with the common denominator of ALL OF THEM JABBED with the covid vaccine. And our experts are still lying and denying

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The pathetic gullible sheep that lined up for an experimental jab due to fear and propaganda are going to get exactly what they deserve. And all those that hated on the SMART UNVACCINATED - I hope they get theirs tenfold. Oh wait till the full truth comes out!! NEVER TRUST A DRUG COMPANY< the EXPERTS or a vaccine again without asking questions. The first clue was when many scientists and legit experts were silenced!!

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