Huge thanks are due to Dr Makis (and all the good doctors who have spoken out).

He has none of the arrogance or avarice of the medical-Pharma complex. We need many more doctors like Dr Makis. Doctors who will listen to people and who care about good health and saving lives.

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Utterly, utterly heartbreaking - it made me cry at the evil in this world.

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Same. Very hard to see someone whose life was ruined for NO good reason. Those parents losing, in effect, all 3 sons to the injection mania....

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If I am not mistaken, the parents of about 75,000 or more newborns each year in the US are shocked to discover that they will lose their child or have a child with an impaired life. In about 50% of the cases, the marriage dissolves and the burden becomes more difficult for the care giver. There is a chart that shows the parallel exponential rise in vaccine usage and the increase in the number of babies that develop autism since 1986 when medical liability was lifted from the vaccine manufacturer. The mantra of the vaccine pusher is that correlation does not necessarily mean causation! Our congressman in DC ignore the issue and are silent because they know they will be targeted for removal from office if they demand an investigation. When President Trump announced he wanted RFK Jr. to investigate the vaccine pushers, alarm bells went off and in my opinion jump started the covid con. The result is that parents in California and New York where vaccines are mandated by law and who are aware of the risks are home schooling or private schooling their children to protect them from the vaccine risks. Then you have a whole host of sick politicians who are pushing the RNA injections and the vaccines. Schiff and Biden come to mind.

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almost 30 years ago I did my own research about the MMR vaccine. Back then I simply did not understand the depth of corruption of the journals and my conclusion was that there were no grounds for worry. I was so wrong!

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Dr. Marcia Angell who was chief editor for the NEJM for 20 years got fed up with the manipulation of medical research for profit rather can good health and wrote a book called "The Truth About the Drug Companies". Totally ignored by our NIH and the CDC and the FDA and etc. an it has only become worse. The push for RNA injections is just the latest and most deadly iteration.!

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You are right. I bought her book some months back - I haven't read it yet but I will.

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RFK Jr. who supports the very same people that killed his uncle will investigate? Not likely.


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The father is a testament to what love is. This was a very heartbreaking video.

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When you look at the dreadful WHO documents - their planned power grab - you see how far they have weaponized « health ».

There is no mention whatsoever of good health, natural immunity, boosting immune defenses. Neither is there any respect for human RIGHTS or FREEDOMS.

It is all about money & power. About mandates, masks, quarantines, injections, tracking & tracing & censorship.

These people are way out of control. Total tyrants & we have to somehow wrest the power away from them & make those in public life ACCOUNTABLE to the people.

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Spot on!

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Finally some doctors pay attention to the regular vaccines, thanks to the pandemic fraud "vaccines". How long it takes so all vaccines are banned? You can't inject health. What a dumb idea. The more vaccines, like 73 in USA, the more chronic illnesses , 54% in USA. Stupid doctors are , who because of greed or low intellect, push for vaccines. They should be fired, not those doctors who woke up and expose the dangers of those injections.

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Me, too - heartbreak and tears.

It is high time each and every one of us demand that our doctor(s) apologize for tellling us the "covid" "vaccine" was unconditionally safe and effective. With the doctors humbled, it will be the beginning of a whole new conversation.

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Being complicit in this kind of crime needs a little more punishment then an apology.

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So heartbreaking and unfair! 💔

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Unspeakable evil, coming more and more to light, as it must.

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Okay I am going to try to type this through my tears, this is devastating and beautiful. My son Seth developed type 1 diabetes because of the MMR vaccine, trusted the public health nurses, the doctors, however they were wrong, Seth died age 11, cause they say UNKNOWN, so I have been on quite a journey to share that no childhood vaccine has ever been tested or studied except on the human population, we have been lied to, bullied and coerced to believe in a narrative the pharmaceutical industry wants doctors, health care and us to believe in, I am telling you it is all a lie, what I found out makes me cry, and so many more victims or should I say test subjects, so the pharmaceutical companies get rich and some of us have to bury our child way before their time and re-enter the world changed but on fire to share our stories such as this one to hopefully wake up humanity to tell them it is not what they say, we have been lied to for at least 100 years when it comes to vaccines of any sort.

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I am so sorry you had to suffer the loss of your precious son, Seth.

More knowledgeable now than when my children were young, I relay information on these untested childhood vaccines to parents I know. I have 3 young grandchildren and have had little success getting my son and his wife to take the information on childhood vaccines seriously. My one “win” was getting them to agree not to get C19 “vaxes” for the kids. I thank God for that. I try hard not to interfere with them in raising their children, but this is too important for me not to.

I’ll stay in the fight for children like Seth and for moms like you. ❤️

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God bless you and thank you for your kind words, I too wish I knew then what I have discovered through this journey now, all vaccines filled with neurotoxins and poison that attack the innate immune system and neurological system alike causing a barrage of injuries/illnesses. A great feat that you were listened to and they did not take that C19 genetic mRNA experiment that has killed and injured more people than anything else. Keep using your voice and knowledge fellow warrior of the light, we can and will make a difference person by person.

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I've posted this on Truth Social and Facebook, if everyone here posted all of these articles on every social media platform, then the word might get out.

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Just think, lives would be saved.

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I share the same Birthday as the twins, and have a fraternal twin. I couldn't imagine my childhood without my brother, and what it would be like to struggle every day to live. This is a difficult testimony to see, but there is great love in his story too. Thank you, Dr. Makis for sharing the twins story, and getting the truth out about vaccine deaths and injuries.

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It’s so incredibly sad and evil what is going on, it’s a cult that these parents are in, they are brainwashed and coerced with lies and disinformation yet the satanists are saying it is us who are blowing the whistle who are the liars!! Everything is now inverted as this was their plan all along!! Unbelievable

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Aborted fetal cell line products doing exactly what they were designed for... a downgrade.

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Our world would be so beautiful without the evil non humans the perpetuate such misery https://theserapeum.com/activism-flyers-print-and-share-lawfully/

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We are expecting a newborn in the USA in 2 weeks. Please tell me what vaccines the baby should get, when should the child get the different vaccines, if at all.

The hospital and pediatrician is willing to follow our wishes.

I am reluctant to mention the state because of repercussions.

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If I were a young parent again, my children would get no vaccines. If you have a doctor who is willing to abide by your wishes, that is huge! In the hospital, they may try to give your newborn the Hep B vaccine and Vitamin K right away, so you need to protect your innocent child from that.

Read Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth (Kindle version $6.99 on Amazon) or Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (Kindle $16.99 or hardcover $19.69).

Watch Vaxxed free here: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/vaxxed-from-cover-up-to-catastrophe/

Scroll through these videos from the Children's Health Defense site and find childhood vaccine stories: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/browse-all/the-peoples-study/

I pray you will have the courage and wisdom you need during this time. I am so encouraged that you are asking questions. Your baby has good parents.

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Thank you. Covid has opened my eyes to the criminals pushing ALL "vaccines". Our family will NEVER take another jab of any kind. The polio "vaccine" is a sham.

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