As a retired nurse I have been shocked by the behavior of trained medical personnel, specifically licensed personnel. The whole Scamdemic is bizarre on every level. Kudos to the professionals that stood with integrity. The positions the decent ethical professionals were put in, what they witnessed, hearts both my heart and soul. I pray that the CDC, The NIH, CMS, HHS and on down the line will have to face the consequences of their actions. It will never make right to those families whose loved one’s were abused and or killed at the hands of ‘protocols.’ May this history NEVER be repeated and lessons will be learned!

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I've been a nurse nearly 40yrs, been on site for a multitude of new disease processes through the yrs. Left hospital nursing this yr. I worked 2 different hospitals during Covid, there was no treatment or care for these patients. I begged, pleaded, screamed and cried for care of these patients, they were clearly deteriorating and NO treatment. I cannot and will not accept "it's protocol". We all have free will, these providers could have said/done something, NONE ever did. I can't believe the profession I have devoted my life to is all a huge scam! These patients/families all need to be compensated for death/injuries etc. It's absolutely horrifying and I'm so sorry for those that have lost loved ones

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Never again resonates now more than ever.

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Bit early..we say that when the wars been won..we haven’t even engaged the enemy yet,let alone held them accountable.It,ll be no mean feat,so we’d better wake them up soon or we’ll all be kaput.

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The preamble to the interview below is even better than the interview itself.

One of the best summations I've heard of the full horrors of what hospitals did to often-elderly, sick and disabled patients.

No one will ever convince me that this was not a planned, intentional cull.


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The covid affair bears all the earmarks of a carfully, meticulously planned event that was rolled out on a pre-determined schedule. Banning the NOBEL PRIZE WINNING DRUG Ivermectin had to be your first big clue. A drug with a 50 year track record and over 4.5 BILLION prescriptions - and suddenly - POOF. It's made to vanish and the media IN UNISON slag it as? "Horse paste", and a "horse dewormer". Heads must roll over this premeditated genocide. In Canada, well organized citizens created an independent inquiry commission headed by former Reform Party founder Preston Manning. Their 5,000 page report, just released, is scathing and calls for widely administered criminal charges. The media REFUSE to even cover the fact that there was an inquiry, serving to identify the media as a co-conspirator in this genocide. Charges. Trials. Sentences. Executions. NOTHING ELSE WILL SUFFICE.

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It's not a genocide, it's a democide, murder by our own government. If you haven't listened to him, find Dr. David Martin videos and listen to the proof he has that this has been planned for decades by our own DOD, and the U.S. gov't.

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I regularly watch all of the alternate sources on the covid fraud. Dr. David Martin. Dr. McCullough. Dr. John Campbell. Everyone should.

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Thanks for this link.

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There are some damned good people in the world and she's one of them.

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She's very impressive on multiple levels. Very intelligent and principled. Thank you for posting. I wish I knew someone like this!

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Wonderful Nurse, wonderful person 🙏❤️

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She’s an amazing person. And the way she explained the story of how she decided to knock on the door and talk is definitely grace from God. Amazing story. I am so heartbroken for these families that lost their loved ones and my thoughts and prayers to everyone. And please -keep her safe and the interviewer safe to continue to speak the truth.

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Yes, Kudos also to Polly Tommey who has been relentless in her pursuit of exposing vax injuries. She has two autistic adult children and obviously didn’t buy the “oh, it couldn’t be vaccines” lie.

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Nice to hear from an experienced nurse. What a waste of letting her go. Nurses save lives that’s for sure.

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Unfortunately some number of nurses went along with the death protocols and persecution of the unvaccinated.

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There will be more of the same, you can be sure!

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For which they must be charged - with a ton of things, including premeditated murder because, as nurses, with their training, they would be legally deemed to have know that what they were doing was killing patients.

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"At the Nuremberg trial, the doctors and the nurses stood trial, and they hung." ~ Kate Sheminari, former UK nurse.

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Back to Nuremberg! Nothing else will suffice for these criminals.

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Hi ..

The media and the institutions and corporations were blocking all real information about the plague and the institutions ..

People were shouting from the rooftops but they were put in the village stocks and most people threw stuff at them in the village square .

The unvaxxed were told by the majority that they were the villains and that THEY would cause the fatalities..

So no one would listen and no one would challenge the protocols except for a few courageous and principled people .. so I say she is a hero and that a very different situation would have occurred if people had listened to her or followed her example ..

I say she is a hero

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Fundamentally, these people you mention who are blocking information, are fools. How so? Because by doing what they have done - by blocking information, by censuring anyone with a differing opinion, and in general, by behaving the way they have, they have managed to paint a large bulls-eye on themselves. They've removed themselves from the category of innocent bystander to active participant in the world's biggest genocide. Stupid or what!

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Her Higher Self (soul) guided her. She knew...

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Claus, Benji, Fauci Turd are all still free and they want ALL OF US DEAD...


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It comes through the water . So Watch the Water is the word .

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If Dr Artis is right it will be a toxin from a venomous species, like snake deep sea shell venoms etc.

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Citrus , nicotine, EDTA, Serrapeptase.

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And eggs maybe?

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That explanation ns why they exterminate 90 million chickens and turkeys last year with another OCR test- PCR does not or ever has diagnosed disease. I read an article recently claiming how needs of seals are dying in the Antartic from “ bird flu”

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Serrapeptase is excellent and so is nattokinaise.

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Thanks .

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I wonder why FLCCC is not talking about what Dr. Ardis is saying about the snakes poisons?

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Watch the water just like Q board says?

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Todd Calendar on the Dr. Tenpenny show. https://clouthub.com/v/51511c96-00fb-4448-bd54-105cd6ef7dbc

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What is your source re. Marburg?

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Attorney Todd Callender discusses the planned Marburg pandemic. He said if I remember correctly that documentation for a Marburg PHEIC already exists ready to be set in motion. It was a Rumble interview sorry I don’t remember which one.

In any event they clearly have a number of potential disasters that they will roll out, or fake, depending on what they think is their next best move(s) in the global tyranny rollout.

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Todd Calendar on the Dr. Tenpenny show. https://clouthub.com/v/51511c96-00fb-4448-bd54-105cd6ef7dbc

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Yep,won’t be long.

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They say they are putting MRNA poison in our meat. So they'll try to convince everyone that eating meat is bad for your heart, it causes Myocarditis. We know their poison does.

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We noticed a similar trend. As soon as people were sedated, they were given remdesivir then soon after were put on ventilators and soon after the majority continued to declined and most passed away. Coincidentally, the hospitals received a bonus for each of these phases.

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Wow she’s amazing!Beautiful integrity!!💪💪

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NOBODY died of COVID at home! NOBODY! You elected to go to the hospital because you trusted these monsters, you were willingly attending your execution.

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For dire need of hospital admission, this will be helpful if done beforehand:

How to Save Your Life and Those You Love When Hospitalized- Dr Mercola (For USA)

• filing a written medical consent form ‘Caregivers and Consent Document’ (different than an Advance Directive): “No doctor can override your written decision (consent) declining certain medications or treatments. Verbal communication is not enough. It must be in writing, notarized and delivered in a manner that formally serves the hospital and puts their physicians on notice....Once it’s in your electronic medical record, they can’t say they didn’t know that you did not consent to a specic test, drug, vaccine or procedure. So, ignoring your written consent is then actually a criminal offense akin to assault and battery. It’s also medical malpractice.”


Caregivers and Consent document template (for USA):


Hospital Hostage Hotline (USA)


Does anyone know resources for Canada?

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Exactly. You said it.

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Thank you Dr Makis. These brave souls I pray they are kept save. I am sure there are many many like this lady that have the same story but are scared of what will happen to them. We need major change and reform in our health that starts with Government. There seams to be only one guy right now that’s looks like he mite try stopping that but time will tell. It’s just not in the US it is world wide. Same control all over the world that rolls back to Big Pharma = money.

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Great interview. I pray that the persistence of yourself, the women in the interview, and the rest of us will bring the wide spectrum of medical barbaric practices to an end. Hopefully some future time will look back on all of this like we look back on medieval torture like breaking people on the wheel.

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Yes .. it’s so clear to her and she could see it unfolding in front of her eyes ...

And she stood up against the protocols and then institution fabricated a reason to force her out of her job as an icu nurse in the midst of a


She wasn’t supported by anyone in the hospital .

They continued to deliver the fatal protocols..

She talks of the young doctors that were trained by the big pharma corporate interests .

There was no room for adaptions of treatments.

The hospital forced their corporate protocols on the patients with no consideration of its effectiveness or outcome.

They ignored the horrifyingly high numbers of fatalities..

They didn’t give the necessary care even within the protocols that were in place..

The hospital was paid huge amounts to the “ hospital” to

apply the government/ big pharma protocols ..

Any dissidents were crushed in any way possible.

And .. that’s not mentioning the pcr test not being able to diagnose infection or illness.

It’s worth checking out Kary Mullis videos on the pcr “test”

He was the nobel prize physicist who got a Nobel prize for realising the pcr process..

Look on brighteon.com at some thd videos he is in.

He talks of why the pcr process should not be used as a test for infection or illness ...

The reasons are that the pcr process does not look for infections or illness..

IKary Mullis himself .. the creator of this tool says it cannot be used to determine if someone is I’ll or is infected by an illness or plague etc.

He was ignored.

And to add to the pcr story it was shown that in Germany a so called professor “highjacked” Kary Mullises work and created the pcr test for the purpose of labelling just about anyone or anything as a plague victim.

Some people globally used the “test” to determine that various friuts or many and anything could be made into a plague victim and therefore suffer the protocols sitting there waiting.

And the work of many other people like dr David martin that tracks the origins of the current “novel” plague back to the 2000’s and even before.

He has given many interviews on this subject in recent times Scandinavia tho eu parliament and the uk parliament..

He talks of patents put in place many years prior.

He talks of the pool of players involved spanning many many years .

He talks of a network spanning many countries and institutions ..

On and on . ...

The question is why doesn’t anyone hear of these things.

And why is it that hospitals and institutions blindly use the test ..

The questions are not asked because the information required to frame these questions is hidden or worse..

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