Love these three brilliant, courageous, hard working gentlemen. Hopefully more will join the fight for humanity. Canadian politicians, doctors, judges, lawyers, scientists, pharmacists, parents, teachers and every other citizen, please arm yourselves with knowledge and join the brave people standing up for humanity.

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What ever happened to the beautiful immune system?

God be with Humanity 🕊️.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

That’s the whole purpose to destroy it where God is written into our DNA they want to destroy it

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its war.... society blindsided..... a new type of war against humanity

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Something to keep in mind ! ... We don't know ALL that took place in the Winnipeg Lab ? What was Canada's contribution to all that's taken place worldwide ? !

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BEWARE the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details also be aware tedros and his cronies are determined to have the treaty finalised by the end of THIS YEAR..also go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..be sure to read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are...be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including japan but be warned dont waste your time resharing it on gestapo book who you can be sure will censor and suppress it which also applies to both you tube and twitter...however there are many other outlets that can be used including SUBSTACK/gab/telegram/gettr/e mails/blogs to name but a few..it currently has over 270000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and also by resharing it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same..at the very least it will raise public awareness to a public that are currently unaware...in closing a tip concerning the petition if you go to the top of the citizengo.org petition page and click on the second icon from the right and scroll down you will discover all there petitions including the one about the treaty are in various other languages which is another string to our bow

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God Bless all of you ….. I still have the video interview of Dr. Byram Bridle with a woman and he said “We Made a mistake this shots with the Spike protein are toxic’…….that was in the very beginning of all of this Plandemic…Only thing was, THE GLOBALISTS KNEW it would kill before they even distributed these ‘death shot’s’….They KNEW it….This was NOT a mistake ever….

I am reminded of the Event 201 in Oct 2019 where they laid out their Global Depopulation Plan and everything the Great Reset Bunch had to do to take ‘control’ of absolutely ever aspect of ever ‘entity’, every single system so that they would be able to control what was being reported, and put out the the Public in every way…..ALL in LOCKSTEP…Every step that has happened and IS happening is what they practiced in that Event 201…..

Thank you to these Brave, Courageous, Ethical and just all around amazing 3 Gentlemen…Dr Bridle, Dr Makis and Dr Trozzi and all the other that travelled to Japan to try and wake people up with the TRUTH…..GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES SAFE…..🙏

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We desperately need (for those injected, and if they won't listen, at least for the worried relatives of those injected) a list of tests recommended to have by medical experts in their fields (e.g. cardiology, oncology, immunology etc). Especially for the most common problems/areas affected resulting from these injections. Even if some of the tests are out of reach to people (too expensive or not available unless you are showing signs of x, y or z). I have yet to hear any medical specialists recommend specific tests. There are too many complacent people - they may know of the harms but because they do not appear to be unwell, they think they're fine or are just not concerned enough to do anything (including, unfortunately, warning others).

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Too many sheep don’t even realize they have been poisoned. Dealing with heath effects after the jab but its not from the jab. Know someone who took 5. Has rheumatoid arthritis! It’s on the list of Pfizer direct effects in their trials but they never connect the dots of why their health has gone to shit!

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Well of course they targeted woman because this hits at the heart of depopulation. The Pfizer Papers by Naomi Wolf just came out whereby it looked at the released pharma papers and it proves they knew what it would do to women!

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As I told my mom, you are the debt they want to get rid of and it’s hard to come to grips with that as she continues her annual injections. Not only that, but they’re using the population as laboratory subjects

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Warriors for the world of Health and Truth! Canada has been blessed with these incendiary brave brilliant people, and all the others who stand beside them.

Myrna Kerr

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There never was COVID...Renamed the flu, launched a military grade direct energy system worldwide (Halloween 2019/Wuhan), after filling our systems with metals, then plunged everyone into fear and contaminated PPE. Illusion of confusion...Thanks for the massive heart you unleash, daily xo

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But didn’t you hear the massive towers on every corner are for better cell service. A human sheep told me. The same sheep that waited for hours in their cars to get brain raped by a tainted 8” swab into their BBB because the tv said having no symptoms was one of the symptoms! 😎

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Yup…People don’t have a clue that we get our internet from under sea/ground fibre optic cables and those towers have alpha, beta and gamma switches on them, or that it is used to heat up protesters from the inside and send them running! Used as far back as WWII, if not further…Then many still believe we are spinning 1000 miles per hour 🙃

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Yep. 4 hours to have your olfactory nerves damaged. Sure made for great symptoms though.


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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg sheds light on many of these issues with electricity, fluorescent lighting, cell towers, etc. and disease.

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And yet, the replicon vaxxination has begun.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

McMasters university is prepping up aerosolized COVID-19 "vaccines" less painful is their selling point.

If they can create the nose mist...certainly it will evolve into spraying it out in the sky like the rest of the toxins in the solar geoengineering aerosols.

These people continue to work day in and day out for more ways to depopulate. Unrelenting and ruthless.

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CVS and Walgreens have new updated jab booths ready to go! Signs everywhere! Oh and while you’re there might as well get the flu poison!

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Where are the samurai when we need them

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They were disbanded and outlawed in 1867 or thereabouts.

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sorry, this is not in regard to this post but the previous one, about incapacitated pilots. Here another case reported just today:

59-years old pilot of the Airbus 350-900 flying from Seattle to Istanbul died on the 9th of Oktober during the flight. The longdistance plane had over 310 seats.....

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Tank you all!!!💕💕💕💕💕

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Just astounding that 5 years later these marauding, murderous pirates are STILL exploiting what was always a suspiciously-dubious “virus”.

They've thrown out all pretence at scientific rigour.

At this stage they're just criminal bioweapons manufacturers, riding the backs of corrupt, complicit authorities, conspiring for profit, and implementing covert population control.

It should alarm everyone that humanity is now full of such craven, immoral individuals.

If they can back this, they'll back anything, no matter how heinous.

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You mean like a genocide in Gaza?

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