What this article is not mentioning is that the "acceptable limit" for DNA presence in a vaccine only applies to naked DNA. The DNA fragments in the modRNA shots have the genetic material INCLUDING THE DNA FRAGMENTS packaged INSIDE of the lipid nanoparticles along with the strands of modRNA. This means that they will NOT be broken down by the immune system AND they will readily enter cells AND THEN CELL NUCLEI because of the addition of the SV40 promoter gene that transports them through the nuclear membrane.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, the vials ALSO CONTAIN bacterial ENDOTOXIN (LPS) that isn't supposed to be in there. This stuff is highly toxic and is what causes Septic Shock in larger amounts.

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I just saw Bill Gates wants to make a wafer you take and thats your "vaccine". This agenda will not end until they're all locked up and can't do anymore damage.

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Ever since the long rehearsed and planned SCAMdemic was launched (they tried it in 2009, but thanks largely to the efforts of Jane Burgermesiter from Austria, that attempt faiked), my head has been in a constant spin and my mind completely muddled. Like I´m constantly getting on and off a wild ride at an amusement park- unbalanced and dizzy.

The deceit, the lies, the evil, the propaganda, the spin, the ignorance of the masses have overwhelmed me.

What can I be certain about? Who can I trust? How can I distinguish truth from falsehood? Who´s on our side? What the hell is going on?

Is DNA real? Is it what they say it is? Are are cells composed of and work they way they say they do?

I look at it like this - Why should I inject and release any foreign non-natural, preservative and toxin-laden substances directly into my bloodstream? (Answer - it would be crazy to do so). Are there any benefits ?(Answer - I don´t believe so).

It really drives me mad when I hear many doctors and scientists who are calling out the Plandemic and "vaccine" hoax that "for most people the risks" of the C-19 injections and all the other mRNA poison laden injections "outweigh the benefits".

What "BENEFITS" for crying out loud??!!

There are ZERO, ZILCHO, benefits - it can only do harm to body, it will NEVER do anything good - that was never the intention!!

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It will never be taken off the market. I saw a foolish old woman getting another booster yesterday she couldn't wait for it. Hope she has her will wrote out.

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This report was broadcast on December 12 and withdrawn five days later, allegedly because "after a careful internal review MDR came to the conclusion that their publishing principles had been violated". In other words, public pressure was too high.

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Dec 23, 2023·edited Dec 23, 2023

Thanks for the link. Interestingly, after its initial airing, this video has been removed from the website of the public broadcaster that produced it.


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The Vaccines Are Contamination.

Seriously Man.


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Has anyone else noticed how long it has taken for this analysis to be published? It’s too late and they know it. That is why it is being allowed now since it won’t make any difference. Most of humanity has been poisoned. A lot of us knew this by doing research before the bioweapon jabs were released. Thousands of us in healthcare stepped forward to warn everyone. Lost our careers and licenses. People refused to listen and attacked us for trying to help them. Now they are learning the truth. I hope people know that ALL injectables are now poisoned with the same ingredients as the Covid jabs. Even insulin and dental anesthesia. Everything. Please 🙏 everyone stay away from the medical industrial complex if at all possible. This is truly the Mark of The Beast.

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I very, very, very highly recommend (can´t overstate it), for those interesting in getting a better understandding of what the hell is going on, to watch this absolutely mind-blowing video that displays high quality optical (live, in vitro) and electron microscope images of the blood of several people injected with varying doses of the so-called C-19 "vaccines" (credits to La Quinta Columna for providing the link).

Its is available in several languages - scroll down for English.

Is more proof required?


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Great video William!

FYI…Posted this elsewhere…

What enormous unified efforts will be needed to take out Satan and his followers who are GAINING ground engulfing Americans TODAY?

Am wondering where ALL the solutions are to this continuing global mess? Did Americans learn anything about their past history that ALWAYS repeats?

AND where are the patriotic Americans, especially the Christian ones who should clearly understand what to do about ALL the evil we see GAINING in every direction?

Doesn’t anyone other than our enemies understand the ART OF WAR…UNITE under experienced strategic planners with a growing pot of money?

This piece highlights why UNITY of The People needs to happen more quickly…


Merry Christmas!

P.S. Check out this group of Conservative Christian America First EXPERIENCED STRATEGIC PLANNERS…


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"responsible authorities"??

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The Carnicom Institute stack has been researching synthetic blood using what they have named Cross Domain Bacteria and they conclude it is the primary agent responsible for increased human blood clotting over the years. How is it administered? Well, seems we are subjected to it by various means for many years. Stands to reason the perps wouldn't put all their eggs in one basket.

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You are very welcome!. The link contains a German movie "Unsichtbar" /"Invisible," one Hour + long. A tear drenching story about 2 young German girls having suffered Quackzine injuries. As you speak German, I suspect that you also, like me and my wife, will be deeply touched.

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Very interesting to listen to this in the German language, since I understand and speak German. Thank you.

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the question we eventually need to get to, is this a product of sloppiness in mass production (rushing out the product; or poor quality control procedures) or intentionality (either as they knew about it but decided for cost reasons just to leave it in; or some entity slipped DNA contaminents into the product stream at some time)?

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