Del Bigtree is bad? It's getting harder to figure out who the good guys are. Gert has been wrong on several occasions but I have learned. People say Dr. Mccollough is controlled opposition....I have learned a great deal from many, most of who I follow have been interviewed on Epoch Times, at least they are brave enough to speak the truth, and they are not insisting that in spite of all the problems keep getting jabbed. Either way, because of them I won't consider getting a flu shot anymore,much less a covid shot, an Rsv, shingles, etc. They can take their shots and shove them. If it wasn't for the people I follow I would never have known about Ivermectin and HCQ. Oh well.
I also followed Del Bigtree when he mentioned IN MARCH OF 2020 that French Virologist Didier Raoult discovered that Hydroxychloroquine had better than a 75% success rate when administered in the first five days of covid symptoms. This was before I learned that viruses are a complete fiction.
Del had Dr Andrew Kaufman on his Highwire program once and only once and said that he was the most requested guest on the program. Kaufman dispelled the virus myth and was never invited back, while Geert Van Den Bossche was invited many times as he spoke of his fictional theory on "immune escape". This should tell you who Del gets some of his funding from... if nothing else. There is more than enough evidence to prove viruses do not exist... but if and when some of your funding comes from sources promoting viral theory and you need that funding you bow to big pharma, which Del has done.
While Del has done a lot of good with his attorney Aaron Siri he took the easy way out by not confronting the fallacy of viral theory. When one understands that there are no viruses there can be no variants, and therefore no need for vaccines that are a complete fraud, and that introduce toxins into the bodies of those injected.
As mentioned above, see Bio Statistician Christine Massey's video where she talks about her efforts to find a single isolated/purified sample of Sars Cov 2:
Yea - these controlled opposition ideas and accusations keep popping up. even from well-established medical doctors. Yet I have not seen any, in my opinion, solid proof of these accusations. Of course there will be different opinions on the origin of this mess - some have jumped all into the rabbit hole, (maybe for good reasons) while others keep strictly to what is evidence and fact based (as much as its possible). I tend to go with the last segment. Not be course I dont think the first segment could be right... but be course if we just go with whatever seems a possibility - paranoia thinking can hit even highly educated people. As an example - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and her "self-assembling nano robot theories". I can see, that if you share those beliefs - then Dr. Robert Malone etc. could be seen as someone diverting people from "the truth".
Listen to McCullough's juvenile response to the no virus view - Dr. Peter McCullough Promotes Adolescent Viral Nonsense (Dr. Bailey) -
Del Bigtree is no worse than anyone requiring funds to operate, decides to self-censor and become a Gatekeeper to remain fiscally operational "for the greater good". So money is the root of all evil.... Del's budget runs into the $millions. He also confessed he has wealthy donors that are able to influence what he talks about. Those millionaires recently provided matching-funds for year-end donations from working-class viewers. This is why Del never has anyone on the show to talk about the proof (again) that viruses don't exist. This virus deception was largely influenced by David Rockefeller who was able to fire all the naturopaths in America and institute allopathic medicine based on pharma that used petrol-bases=d formulas.
McCullough is smart, but even he can be "hypnotized" by the system -- See this recent interview - Dr. Peter McCullough Shocked to Learn Covid Pandemic Not Caused by a Virus -
I thought he had been compromised. I know people don’t want to believe this. I don’t, but many I thought and believed to be heroes and definitely turning out to be.
And don’t bother giving me links to the charlatans who are pushing this nonsense, I’ve already seen the arguments for this idiocy and I won’t waste any more time on it.
geert is a well meaning and honest practitione of the voodoo science of virology. he is full believer of that practice and says the killer variant is coming in days which will kill 40 percent of the vaxed. he cried wolf last year and was wrong. he admits. i hope he is wrong again but we will know in 2024. if he is wrong again i will be glad that we avoide a catastrophe plus the confirmation from the preeminent virologist his science is hocus pocus
I am with you. WhoTF cares whether it's called a vaccine, or a jab, or a virus or a bioweapon and all the attempted takedowns with the "controlled opposition" calumny - ad nauseum towards scientists who've experienced much loss from attacks by the overtly global Gov/Big Pharma/MSM/academia complex. Only the Blessed Virgin Mary or the perfection of God will make it past these side chair experts who sling mud relentlessly. I have come to the point that I suspect anyone who uses the "controlled opposition" and other obnoxious labels as the actual controlled opposition. The critique towards men and women of good will who've done great good at great sacrifice by speaking out is appalling. And all the incessant broken record chorus found now on many of the substack comments of "There is no virus" has done enormous damage to the credibility of anyone questioning the C19 accepted narrative. The point indeed is that people are dying, increasingly, and insight into what has been, what is, and what is coming can ONLY HELP. The point too is that no one is perfect, and science is all about questioning and discovery and adapting. As Geert said, even with him being off in his timing in prior writings/interviews, he still feels a grave obligation to speak out. In other words, at the risk of being wrong...which clearly, can bring great ridicule. God bless all the scientists and those who are trying. A pox on the rotten tomato-flingers, you are tiresome and bring nothing positive to the table.
It's essential to identify personalities who financially benefit from telling lies or have insufficient knowledge to understand. So how do you think it should be done?...Would calling them "grifters" be better? (OBTW) adnause(a)m with an "a"
Careful of the name calling Casey - it might just come back to bite you. Looks to me like YOU are the one with the enormous ego and a penchant for controlling narratives.
Retired in 1995 with 30 years experience in cardiovascular technology where reading peer reviews studies was common for me. It was not until 2020 when I began looking at the history of virology and the methods that miserably failed to prove viruses exist.
As a child before the vaccines were commonly used for measles and chickenpox my brother and I experienced a week of chickenpox and years later a week of measles. My children even had chickenpox. If it isn't a virus, what is it? A psychosomatic illness? If rabies isn't a virus, what is it? Should we forego a rabies vaccine after being bitten by a rabid animal?
"Airborne transmission of measles in a physician's office"
Sam Bailey suggested rabies was just a bacterial infection. Do you believe that? That was just her hypothesis, but she never tried to prove it. She didn't try to prove it because she can't. She simply put a doubt in your mind. That is all she does. Stefan Lanka said measles was a "psychosomatic illness." Did he prove it? No. He simply put doubts in your mind.
As opposed to the virologists who haven't proved the existence of ANY of their bullshit?? Virology has less credence than the tooth fairy, a 'science' where idiots just follow a path put out in front of them
When Europeans arrived in the Americas, they brought with them diseases that were previously unknown to the indigenous people. These diseases, such as smallpox, measles, and typhus fever, were well-established in the Old World but absent from the Americas before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. The catastrophic epidemics that accompanied the European conquest of the New World decimated the indigenous population of the Americas. The impact of European diseases and military conquest was so profound and sudden that other patterns of possible development were abruptly transformed.
It is important to note that the impact of European diseases on indigenous populations was not limited to the Americas. For example, a new genetic study found that nearly six out of ten native people living in a 9,000-year-old community in Canada died when European settlers arrived, bringing diseases to which the local people had no immunity.
The arrival of Europeans in the Americas led to a demographic disaster of unprecedented proportions. The impact of European diseases, seeds, weeds, and animals irreversibly transformed the original biological and social landscape of the Americas. The consequences of this transformation are still felt today.
What are "germs?" "Germs are tiny organisms that can cause disease. They are so small that you need a microscope to see them. There are four major types of germs: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Bacteria are one-celled creatures that can live in different environments, including human bodies." And then they claim "germ theory" isn't real. It is sketchy reasoning from the start.
The rubella portion of the vaccine killed this man. How do we know that? Genomic sequence of the virus. Science.
“Fulminant encephalitis associated with a vaccine strain of rubella virus”
"We report the occurrence of one fatal case of the encephalitis associated with measles-rubella (MR) vaccine during an immunization campaign in São Paulo, Brazil."
"The sequence obtained from the isolated virus was identical to that of the RA 27/3 vaccine strain."
You don't need a background in viruses if viruses are a fiction. Unfortunately you can't grasp that simple fact. And it is a fact. Just look at this video with Christine Massey, a bio statistician who has contacted labs and institutions (including the CDC and NHS) for a purified, isolated sample of Sars Cov 2. It doesn't exist... and that is worldwide. All samples that have been claimed as "isolated" were mixed with bovine calf serum or green monkey cells. 137 institutions in 25 countries have not produced a single purified sample of Sars Cov 2. This is the big lie by big pharma and it makes them billions every year. And people like you are the suckers because you fail to do any research and believe what the corrupt pharma industry feeds us. Link here:
Then please tell me what made my family so sick last summer when Omicron was spreading like wildfire? Yes, please do tell me what made me so sick? Because if it wasn't the Omicron than I would sure love to know what was it.
Thank you for posting this. Dr. Rennebohm misses the mark on Paxlovid. He notes a lack of data, but ignores the evidence of rebound and suspected proclivity toward increasing rate of mutation. Otherwise a helpful summary of GVB's concerns. Now someone else just needs to reduce Dr. Rennebohm's summary into another summary. It reads as if it was written by GVB's very slightly more plainspoken protégé. Critique aside, I've got all ready, so I take the recommendation seriously. And my daughter just recovered from something that we treated very seriously.
If you look he later “does not” recommend Paxlovid for prophylactic treatment. I was struck by his prediction of a 1 week from infection onset to ICU. This pretty horrible. Yes prepare. I am.
if geert has got his science right this time the world will be in chaos by feb 2024. i hope he is wrong like he himself wishes for humanity sake. also it will help to validate or invalidate the virology
Yes - chaos and mass dying on a an unimaginable scale. You can see in the video how upset and tortured he is by what he has discovered. I have never seen him like this before. I of course hope he is wrong but given what I now know about evolutionary biology of viruses on a population level, I think he is right. They have pushed this virus into an evolutionary spiral that leads to the emergence of mass killer.
We will be forever damaged by what we will see and go through. And then we will have to deal with a different world. This is going to be god awful horrible.
a little chaos could unseat the smug people in the middle who have been profiting from everyone else's misery. however the very rich at the top have the preparations and resources to ride it out.
People with damaged immune systems are at risk from everything. The solution is better diet, nutrition, sleep, and exercise. I can just look at people and know their lifestyle and health are are not good. I don't need tests to know what they should do to improve their health. Listening to the doctors guarantees their health is not going to improve. Most the vaccines and drugs are just revenue generating frauds.
Aside from his ever-shifting timeline, I've been wondering about vanden bossche ever since hearing the High Wire's report on Japanese researchers findings indicating that the omicron variants' mutations appear to be non-random and lab-created. Has vanden Bossche ever weighed in on this?
okay okay. Bigtree bad. Here it is written up anonymously on substack. I'm still curious as to what ever happened to this story and has vanden bossche ever commented on it?
They can deny it if they want, thats what free speech is for.
Just as all the astronomical observations made during the time people believed in epicycles were not invalidated by the new theory that the earth revolves around the sun, maybe there is a way to reinterpret all the research and knowledge gained from studying "viruses". Science is all about observing the facts and testing theories.
Really a surprising number of no-virus folk here today. EDIT actually not so many on review.
From my perspective the no virus argument is worse than useless, it is harmful.
Our 'work' if you will is to wake up normies. Trying to get them to believe there are no viruses at all is insane, it will drive them away not wake them up. It is near impossible to get the concept across that maybe the jibby jabs were a 'little' dangerous, that is a sound first step in redpilling.
Grab a brain. Waking up normies is our job. Thats it. We 'win' and the globalists are pushed back in their slimey holes for a decade or two, then we got time to debate whether there are viruses. The argument and the rift being created by folk who ought to be allies is just bad.
Those in this thread wondering whether McCullough Bigtree etc are controlled opo have lost it, and wittingly or not are damaging the truth movement.
I completely agree. Our mission is to make people realise that the "vaccines" are dangerous and to fight propaganda from the pharmaceutical industry. The existence/nature of viruses and pathogens etc is a fascinating subject but best left until we win the current battle surely?
When some German scientist tells me the measles virus I had as a child was psychosomatic, I automatically look the other way. I'm not interested. I think the guy is a loon.
Geert Vanden Bossche is a PRO-VAX angel of disinformation. There are no viruses or variants of the mythical viruses to conquer. Virology is dead. Geert is the darling of Del Bigtree who interviewed Geert on the Highwire adnauseam. See how Bigtree censors any guest who can easily explain why viruses have never been isolated - See this breakdown of a Del Bigtree interview - Viruses: The Problem With Del Bigtree -
I want everyone to realize that the virus deniers on this thread and in other places are serving a master. They are doing the bidding of the Globalists by spreading disinformation or doing their own bidding to promote themselves and/or make money. Many are just clueless losers who want to enhance their own confirmation bias by spreading the total denial of hundreds of years of science. They don’t understand that it is not science that is the problem. On the contrary, we are where we are today because “the real science” was ignored or censored. They want to throw the baby out with the bath water. So ignore them or block them like I do. You can’t reason with them. They want to crawl in some medieval hole and sprinkle magic dust on illnesses.
The CIA is well known to plant myriad conspiracy theories to divide and confuse the opposition (which is the citizens of their own country and others). Perhaps they are funding both the WEF and its rabid opposition to create a distracting spectacle.
We don’t know. Is this idiot paid by someone to talk shit and get vulnerable minds to believe the horseshit he is spewing? That is exactly my problem with science deniers. This is why I just block them. I am not wasting my time debating a paid CIA shill.
I would say this video survives on Youtube only because it promotes fear of a fake virus, fear of the next announced pandemic and the fake viruses-are-real narrative.
I keep invermectin and HCQ along with all the supplements on hand at all times. They should all be part of our basic medical kit that we travel with even at all times.
It is amazing to me to see so many people give their opinions about this video when it is painfully obvious that they have not watched this 1 hour and 37 minute highly technical interview. It is also obvious that they know nothing about the immune escape variant and its evolutionary trajectory. Yet they flap their jaws and say shit that is just plain stupid and completely uninformed, thinking they “know” what is happening and if Geert is right. I will give anyone who wants to take the time 2 links (and the posted interview) that will educate you on this. You will need about 5 hours to really understand what is going on. But if you want to continue to talk shit and make a fool out of yourself to people who have studied and taken the time to understand what the hell is going on here, then go ahead... knock yourself out.
u mean an internal med doc could not recog his heart issue that u diagnosed? well now do u believe his trust in virology? when someone say they have seen a virus in a lab it is either dead monkey kidney cell fragments under an electron microscope or a computer rna genome, not the colorful scary spikey ball they show on tv which is a cartoon
This is fear mongering - catastrophic language is meant to instill fear. Anyone who listens to this fool is a fool. Notice this link is burdened with a "get the latest info from Health Canada" sticker - Please do not be taken in by the controlled opposition.
Thanks Casey - I don't need anyone telling me what to do, what to think, or what I should be warned against. This is absolutely fear mongering - just because you can't see it, doesn't mean that's not what it is.
It's none of your business why I'm "here." The only perception I have is my own - surely that's not a revelation to you... I am warning people to be more critical of their "heroes" who seem to be dealing in truth. I'm sorry you can't understand the difference between that and using hysterical language. Your fake "have a good day" ending fools no one.
Del Bigtree is bad? It's getting harder to figure out who the good guys are. Gert has been wrong on several occasions but I have learned. People say Dr. Mccollough is controlled opposition....I have learned a great deal from many, most of who I follow have been interviewed on Epoch Times, at least they are brave enough to speak the truth, and they are not insisting that in spite of all the problems keep getting jabbed. Either way, because of them I won't consider getting a flu shot anymore,much less a covid shot, an Rsv, shingles, etc. They can take their shots and shove them. If it wasn't for the people I follow I would never have known about Ivermectin and HCQ. Oh well.
I also followed Del Bigtree when he mentioned IN MARCH OF 2020 that French Virologist Didier Raoult discovered that Hydroxychloroquine had better than a 75% success rate when administered in the first five days of covid symptoms. This was before I learned that viruses are a complete fiction.
Del had Dr Andrew Kaufman on his Highwire program once and only once and said that he was the most requested guest on the program. Kaufman dispelled the virus myth and was never invited back, while Geert Van Den Bossche was invited many times as he spoke of his fictional theory on "immune escape". This should tell you who Del gets some of his funding from... if nothing else. There is more than enough evidence to prove viruses do not exist... but if and when some of your funding comes from sources promoting viral theory and you need that funding you bow to big pharma, which Del has done.
While Del has done a lot of good with his attorney Aaron Siri he took the easy way out by not confronting the fallacy of viral theory. When one understands that there are no viruses there can be no variants, and therefore no need for vaccines that are a complete fraud, and that introduce toxins into the bodies of those injected.
As mentioned above, see Bio Statistician Christine Massey's video where she talks about her efforts to find a single isolated/purified sample of Sars Cov 2:
Yea - these controlled opposition ideas and accusations keep popping up. even from well-established medical doctors. Yet I have not seen any, in my opinion, solid proof of these accusations. Of course there will be different opinions on the origin of this mess - some have jumped all into the rabbit hole, (maybe for good reasons) while others keep strictly to what is evidence and fact based (as much as its possible). I tend to go with the last segment. Not be course I dont think the first segment could be right... but be course if we just go with whatever seems a possibility - paranoia thinking can hit even highly educated people. As an example - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and her "self-assembling nano robot theories". I can see, that if you share those beliefs - then Dr. Robert Malone etc. could be seen as someone diverting people from "the truth".
Listen to McCullough's juvenile response to the no virus view - Dr. Peter McCullough Promotes Adolescent Viral Nonsense (Dr. Bailey) -
Del Bigtree is no worse than anyone requiring funds to operate, decides to self-censor and become a Gatekeeper to remain fiscally operational "for the greater good". So money is the root of all evil.... Del's budget runs into the $millions. He also confessed he has wealthy donors that are able to influence what he talks about. Those millionaires recently provided matching-funds for year-end donations from working-class viewers. This is why Del never has anyone on the show to talk about the proof (again) that viruses don't exist. This virus deception was largely influenced by David Rockefeller who was able to fire all the naturopaths in America and institute allopathic medicine based on pharma that used petrol-bases=d formulas.
McCullough is smart, but even he can be "hypnotized" by the system -- See this recent interview - Dr. Peter McCullough Shocked to Learn Covid Pandemic Not Caused by a Virus -
I thought he had been compromised. I know people don’t want to believe this. I don’t, but many I thought and believed to be heroes and definitely turning out to be.
Do you NOT believe a country that brought you a fake moon landing could also bring you a fake virus?
Fake moon landing???
All SIX times?
Complete BS....
And don’t bother giving me links to the charlatans who are pushing this nonsense, I’ve already seen the arguments for this idiocy and I won’t waste any more time on it.
That took a while…..
geert is a well meaning and honest practitione of the voodoo science of virology. he is full believer of that practice and says the killer variant is coming in days which will kill 40 percent of the vaxed. he cried wolf last year and was wrong. he admits. i hope he is wrong again but we will know in 2024. if he is wrong again i will be glad that we avoide a catastrophe plus the confirmation from the preeminent virologist his science is hocus pocus
I am with you. WhoTF cares whether it's called a vaccine, or a jab, or a virus or a bioweapon and all the attempted takedowns with the "controlled opposition" calumny - ad nauseum towards scientists who've experienced much loss from attacks by the overtly global Gov/Big Pharma/MSM/academia complex. Only the Blessed Virgin Mary or the perfection of God will make it past these side chair experts who sling mud relentlessly. I have come to the point that I suspect anyone who uses the "controlled opposition" and other obnoxious labels as the actual controlled opposition. The critique towards men and women of good will who've done great good at great sacrifice by speaking out is appalling. And all the incessant broken record chorus found now on many of the substack comments of "There is no virus" has done enormous damage to the credibility of anyone questioning the C19 accepted narrative. The point indeed is that people are dying, increasingly, and insight into what has been, what is, and what is coming can ONLY HELP. The point too is that no one is perfect, and science is all about questioning and discovery and adapting. As Geert said, even with him being off in his timing in prior writings/interviews, he still feels a grave obligation to speak out. In other words, at the risk of being wrong...which clearly, can bring great ridicule. God bless all the scientists and those who are trying. A pox on the rotten tomato-flingers, you are tiresome and bring nothing positive to the table.
It's essential to identify personalities who financially benefit from telling lies or have insufficient knowledge to understand. So how do you think it should be done?...Would calling them "grifters" be better? (OBTW) adnause(a)m with an "a"
i think most of them are well meaning like geert and believe in the voodoo science of virology.
Yes... but in too many cases, it's true. Money is magic
Careful of the name calling Casey - it might just come back to bite you. Looks to me like YOU are the one with the enormous ego and a penchant for controlling narratives.
JN1 is just complete bullshit like EVERY virus these Germ Theory clowns invent.
There are NO TESTS for something that doesn't exist!!
GVB is just another controlled opposition cnut!!
Retired in 1995 with 30 years experience in cardiovascular technology where reading peer reviews studies was common for me. It was not until 2020 when I began looking at the history of virology and the methods that miserably failed to prove viruses exist.
As a child before the vaccines were commonly used for measles and chickenpox my brother and I experienced a week of chickenpox and years later a week of measles. My children even had chickenpox. If it isn't a virus, what is it? A psychosomatic illness? If rabies isn't a virus, what is it? Should we forego a rabies vaccine after being bitten by a rabid animal?
"Airborne transmission of measles in a physician's office"
Right!!!! Thank you!
Maybe they just don't know!
Sam Bailey suggested rabies was just a bacterial infection. Do you believe that? That was just her hypothesis, but she never tried to prove it. She didn't try to prove it because she can't. She simply put a doubt in your mind. That is all she does. Stefan Lanka said measles was a "psychosomatic illness." Did he prove it? No. He simply put doubts in your mind.
I would bet that if any of the “viruses don’t exist “ people were bitten by a rabid dog, 99% of them would get the rabies they should.
However, doing so would make them hypocrites
As opposed to the virologists who haven't proved the existence of ANY of their bullshit?? Virology has less credence than the tooth fairy, a 'science' where idiots just follow a path put out in front of them
When Europeans arrived in the Americas, they brought with them diseases that were previously unknown to the indigenous people. These diseases, such as smallpox, measles, and typhus fever, were well-established in the Old World but absent from the Americas before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. The catastrophic epidemics that accompanied the European conquest of the New World decimated the indigenous population of the Americas. The impact of European diseases and military conquest was so profound and sudden that other patterns of possible development were abruptly transformed.
It is important to note that the impact of European diseases on indigenous populations was not limited to the Americas. For example, a new genetic study found that nearly six out of ten native people living in a 9,000-year-old community in Canada died when European settlers arrived, bringing diseases to which the local people had no immunity.
The arrival of Europeans in the Americas led to a demographic disaster of unprecedented proportions. The impact of European diseases, seeds, weeds, and animals irreversibly transformed the original biological and social landscape of the Americas. The consequences of this transformation are still felt today.
What are "germs?" "Germs are tiny organisms that can cause disease. They are so small that you need a microscope to see them. There are four major types of germs: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Bacteria are one-celled creatures that can live in different environments, including human bodies." And then they claim "germ theory" isn't real. It is sketchy reasoning from the start.
The rubella portion of the vaccine killed this man. How do we know that? Genomic sequence of the virus. Science.
“Fulminant encephalitis associated with a vaccine strain of rubella virus”
"We report the occurrence of one fatal case of the encephalitis associated with measles-rubella (MR) vaccine during an immunization campaign in São Paulo, Brazil."
"The sequence obtained from the isolated virus was identical to that of the RA 27/3 vaccine strain."
Total nonsense!
gvb is an ardent practitioner of the voodoo virology science. let us see if his cry wolf brings the wolf this time. he is not evil
You don't need a background in viruses if viruses are a fiction. Unfortunately you can't grasp that simple fact. And it is a fact. Just look at this video with Christine Massey, a bio statistician who has contacted labs and institutions (including the CDC and NHS) for a purified, isolated sample of Sars Cov 2. It doesn't exist... and that is worldwide. All samples that have been claimed as "isolated" were mixed with bovine calf serum or green monkey cells. 137 institutions in 25 countries have not produced a single purified sample of Sars Cov 2. This is the big lie by big pharma and it makes them billions every year. And people like you are the suckers because you fail to do any research and believe what the corrupt pharma industry feeds us. Link here:
Then please tell me what made my family so sick last summer when Omicron was spreading like wildfire? Yes, please do tell me what made me so sick? Because if it wasn't the Omicron than I would sure love to know what was it.
He is panicking because he “knows” what this means for the millions (maybe billions) of people. If you don’t think this is serious, here is the treatment protocol that was developed by Dr. Rennebohm. Prepare to be shocked.
Thank you for posting this. Dr. Rennebohm misses the mark on Paxlovid. He notes a lack of data, but ignores the evidence of rebound and suspected proclivity toward increasing rate of mutation. Otherwise a helpful summary of GVB's concerns. Now someone else just needs to reduce Dr. Rennebohm's summary into another summary. It reads as if it was written by GVB's very slightly more plainspoken protégé. Critique aside, I've got all ready, so I take the recommendation seriously. And my daughter just recovered from something that we treated very seriously.
If you look he later “does not” recommend Paxlovid for prophylactic treatment. I was struck by his prediction of a 1 week from infection onset to ICU. This pretty horrible. Yes prepare. I am.
if geert has got his science right this time the world will be in chaos by feb 2024. i hope he is wrong like he himself wishes for humanity sake. also it will help to validate or invalidate the virology
Yes - chaos and mass dying on a an unimaginable scale. You can see in the video how upset and tortured he is by what he has discovered. I have never seen him like this before. I of course hope he is wrong but given what I now know about evolutionary biology of viruses on a population level, I think he is right. They have pushed this virus into an evolutionary spiral that leads to the emergence of mass killer.
Life isn't fair but we the unjabbed will have to witness all of this. How can we live our lives on?
I agree - I wrote an article about this subject awhile back about a movie that every unvaccinated person needs to watch. It is about different people attempting to deal with the mass extinction of almost everyone in the world.
We will be forever damaged by what we will see and go through. And then we will have to deal with a different world. This is going to be god awful horrible.
a little chaos could unseat the smug people in the middle who have been profiting from everyone else's misery. however the very rich at the top have the preparations and resources to ride it out.
People with damaged immune systems are at risk from everything. The solution is better diet, nutrition, sleep, and exercise. I can just look at people and know their lifestyle and health are are not good. I don't need tests to know what they should do to improve their health. Listening to the doctors guarantees their health is not going to improve. Most the vaccines and drugs are just revenue generating frauds.
Aside from his ever-shifting timeline, I've been wondering about vanden bossche ever since hearing the High Wire's report on Japanese researchers findings indicating that the omicron variants' mutations appear to be non-random and lab-created. Has vanden Bossche ever weighed in on this?
The Problem With Del Bigtree -
okay okay. Bigtree bad. Here it is written up anonymously on substack. I'm still curious as to what ever happened to this story and has vanden bossche ever commented on it?
This guy is an idiot - block him and watch the video. This is the real thing...not made up BS made up by people monetizing idiots.
Block him LOL. I just subscribed to his substack and it looks pretty intriguing so far tbh.
Right... a person who denies that viruses exist? OK
They can deny it if they want, thats what free speech is for.
Just as all the astronomical observations made during the time people believed in epicycles were not invalidated by the new theory that the earth revolves around the sun, maybe there is a way to reinterpret all the research and knowledge gained from studying "viruses". Science is all about observing the facts and testing theories.
Really a surprising number of no-virus folk here today. EDIT actually not so many on review.
From my perspective the no virus argument is worse than useless, it is harmful.
Our 'work' if you will is to wake up normies. Trying to get them to believe there are no viruses at all is insane, it will drive them away not wake them up. It is near impossible to get the concept across that maybe the jibby jabs were a 'little' dangerous, that is a sound first step in redpilling.
Grab a brain. Waking up normies is our job. Thats it. We 'win' and the globalists are pushed back in their slimey holes for a decade or two, then we got time to debate whether there are viruses. The argument and the rift being created by folk who ought to be allies is just bad.
Those in this thread wondering whether McCullough Bigtree etc are controlled opo have lost it, and wittingly or not are damaging the truth movement.
I completely agree. Our mission is to make people realise that the "vaccines" are dangerous and to fight propaganda from the pharmaceutical industry. The existence/nature of viruses and pathogens etc is a fascinating subject but best left until we win the current battle surely?
When some German scientist tells me the measles virus I had as a child was psychosomatic, I automatically look the other way. I'm not interested. I think the guy is a loon.
2 year old discussion with Dr. Bhakdi and Dr. Palmer with Geert Vanden Bosche and his theories. They certainly do not agree with him.
A discussion which in the substance is over my head. So no judgement on who is correct from my side ;-)
thanks, it was a very sensible and well argued rebuttal.
Panicked is the wrong word. Concerned and worried is a better description.
Geert Vanden Bossche is a PRO-VAX angel of disinformation. There are no viruses or variants of the mythical viruses to conquer. Virology is dead. Geert is the darling of Del Bigtree who interviewed Geert on the Highwire adnauseam. See how Bigtree censors any guest who can easily explain why viruses have never been isolated - See this breakdown of a Del Bigtree interview - Viruses: The Problem With Del Bigtree -
I want everyone to realize that the virus deniers on this thread and in other places are serving a master. They are doing the bidding of the Globalists by spreading disinformation or doing their own bidding to promote themselves and/or make money. Many are just clueless losers who want to enhance their own confirmation bias by spreading the total denial of hundreds of years of science. They don’t understand that it is not science that is the problem. On the contrary, we are where we are today because “the real science” was ignored or censored. They want to throw the baby out with the bath water. So ignore them or block them like I do. You can’t reason with them. They want to crawl in some medieval hole and sprinkle magic dust on illnesses.
The CIA is well known to plant myriad conspiracy theories to divide and confuse the opposition (which is the citizens of their own country and others). Perhaps they are funding both the WEF and its rabid opposition to create a distracting spectacle.
We don’t know. Is this idiot paid by someone to talk shit and get vulnerable minds to believe the horseshit he is spewing? That is exactly my problem with science deniers. This is why I just block them. I am not wasting my time debating a paid CIA shill.
I would say this video survives on Youtube only because it promotes fear of a fake virus, fear of the next announced pandemic and the fake viruses-are-real narrative.
I keep invermectin and HCQ along with all the supplements on hand at all times. They should all be part of our basic medical kit that we travel with even at all times.
And you can take them even if you dont believe in viruses!
Be prudent ..heed the proactive...not reactive... prevention first... stuff the experts.
It is amazing to me to see so many people give their opinions about this video when it is painfully obvious that they have not watched this 1 hour and 37 minute highly technical interview. It is also obvious that they know nothing about the immune escape variant and its evolutionary trajectory. Yet they flap their jaws and say shit that is just plain stupid and completely uninformed, thinking they “know” what is happening and if Geert is right. I will give anyone who wants to take the time 2 links (and the posted interview) that will educate you on this. You will need about 5 hours to really understand what is going on. But if you want to continue to talk shit and make a fool out of yourself to people who have studied and taken the time to understand what the hell is going on here, then go ahead... knock yourself out.
A question for the no-virus people: Are you also flat earthers? I am curious to know if the two camps overlap.
Made in a Lab and put in a jab , all these so called viruses have never or ever been ISOLATED EVER AND NEVER WILL BE THEY DO NOT EXIST .
I agree with you. This is the greatest tragedy of all: that it's easier to fool them that convince them that they have been badly fooled.
u mean an internal med doc could not recog his heart issue that u diagnosed? well now do u believe his trust in virology? when someone say they have seen a virus in a lab it is either dead monkey kidney cell fragments under an electron microscope or a computer rna genome, not the colorful scary spikey ball they show on tv which is a cartoon
your adhomenim attack shows u are not educated
This is fear mongering - catastrophic language is meant to instill fear. Anyone who listens to this fool is a fool. Notice this link is burdened with a "get the latest info from Health Canada" sticker - Please do not be taken in by the controlled opposition.
You realize that the authors of the websites don’t have any control at all over where they insert ads, right?
Yes, I do know that - what difference does that make I wonder?
Thanks Casey - I don't need anyone telling me what to do, what to think, or what I should be warned against. This is absolutely fear mongering - just because you can't see it, doesn't mean that's not what it is.
It's none of your business why I'm "here." The only perception I have is my own - surely that's not a revelation to you... I am warning people to be more critical of their "heroes" who seem to be dealing in truth. I'm sorry you can't understand the difference between that and using hysterical language. Your fake "have a good day" ending fools no one.