It's a great warning to anyone who has not taken the injections and might be considering doing so. But I am all but certain that all of us who have never taken the injections will never consider taking them. Or any others for that matter.

I think the interview alone was sufficient for the purpose. It was bound to be said but the end with clips of Trump was unnecessary. And for the fact that you failed to give any context or followup, it's only fair that someone does. Unfortunately, there are still many who do not understand this, they will watch this and continue on in their 'orange man bad' mentality. And that is a continued crime against humanity, in my opinion, as it wrongfully disparages an innocent man who, in fact, did what could be done with the limited control that he had as an individual against a far greater threat to humanity in terms of scope, breadth and magnitude. For that matter, he told the entire world what the best and most efficient cures are for 'c19', aka Corona viruses: hydroxychloriquine and chlorine dioxide. Later, we learned about ivermectin. And what happened? The media lambasted him and suddenly all the hype was about 'Trump telling people to inject themselves with bleach.' Mormal people saw through this. The media reaction alone should have been sufficient cause for concern for most. Sadly, it was not.

Somehow, it seems to have been forgotten that Trump passed 'right to try' which should have allowed every person to request those medications that they chose or preferred, like ivermectin & HCQ. Trump didn't block people. Hospitals, pharmacies and big pharma did.

What Trump authorized is not what was distributed. In fact, Trump strongly supports therapeutics and is no big fan of vaccines. If I'm not mistaken, his son may have been vaccine injured in one way or another.

But most importantly, what Trunp did do was ensure that every person had the right to make their own decision as to whether or not to have themselves injected and not be federally required to be injected by ensuring that all of this was under emergency use authorization (EUA). EVERYBODY CHOSE FOR THEMSELVES.

I'm quite sure that Trump had received a double dose of the vaccine, the vaccine that he approved containing HCQ.

Every single shot administered occurred under this current resident Joe Biden. Not once under Trump.

It would probably be confusing and senseless to explain the purpose of Trump touting vaccines and using crowd reactions to gauge general public sentiment. It is done all the time in many different arenas.

If only you would include the critical facts as opposed to leading your viewers to arrive at wrong and inappropriate conclusions. Just when you realize that you've found someone with good reporting you discover that you're still far away from the pinnacle of full honesty and integrity.

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There was no vax containing HCQ. Your entire ramble was fanboy Trump. He fauced it up badly or are we blaming lockdowns on Pelosi? Sorry dude. He had my vote. He lost my vote. He's issued no apology, has expressed no realization of any errors. He just brags loudly about the jab and how wonderful he is. His schtick is no longer charming.

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What Trump signed off on was a vaccine thst contained HCQ. What was put out was not what he approved. Lockdowns were called based on Fauci & Birx and their fraudulent numbers si no, Pelosi doesn't get credit fir lickdowns. She dies however, receive credit fir reducing Trump's offer fir J6 protection and fulfilling her obligation refstding security on J6. There is no need for an apology from Trump but you gave to look at the entire picture to understand that. You won't be doing that so I'll spare my energy.

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Trump was well aware of the eugenicists agendas throughout history. Can you provide evidence that Trump believed HCQ was in the vaccine?

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But Trump continues to push the jab... even in March 2024.

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Well said, Aaron.

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Thank you

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Regardless what early safe treatment Trump has talked about. Regardless that he never mandated the poison shot. He is still touting it. He promised an office to Kennedy in the White House after he became President and then never returned Kennedy's calls. He touted his shots long after Senator Ron Johnson's panel of shot injured and is still touting it till this very day. WTH? You really think Trump doesn't know today what is going on with the shot? You think he is that stupid? You think his support people didn't tell him. WTH again?

Please look up what a narcissist is. Narcissist are not ALWAYS evil. They are only evil here and there. If they are always evil then no one will have anything to do with them. I voted for Trump twice but I got to look at the facts. Trump isn't going to save us.

Marty on face book said , "Even on his deathbed, Trump's last words will glorify operation warp speed .. "So many lives we've saved, how fast we came up with these wonderful vaccines ..."

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Please take the time to review all presidential executive orders issued by Trump, specifically those pertaining to child and human sex trafficking and foreign interference in US elections. Then, please refresh yourself on our constitution and founding documents. Then, go to the federal register. Download and read the 2015-16 Department of Defense revised Law of War Manual. Finally, some tine spent on civil vs military laws and perhaps a couple of advanced US history books. I can all but guarantee you'll have a somewhat more clear understanding of what's at hand. We aren't dealing with narcissism here, sorry. Bad interpretation.

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Nah, if Trump is still touting the death at warp speed shot, that all don't matter. Questioning if he should be labeled a domestic terrorist like Bill Gates and Falsi should.

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"All that don't matter?" Good grief, that's exactly how you learn about all of this.

Operation warp speed has nothing to do with a vaccine.

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Yes remember Biden Kamala Harris and others attacked the vaccine prior to the 2020 election questioning its safety but then miraculously they win the election from Trump and poof the vaccine is a miracle and safe. The scam was outed right there. TRUMPs mistake is pushing the vax. He should apoligize but refuses. he proves election and power over humanity. He is the lesser of 2 evils.

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Lol. What has child trafficking to do with Trump STILL praising the poison cloth shot?? You haven't even addressed this once! 😂You exhibit a cultist behavior. You're not better then the left.

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Clearly, more than what you're aware of. I am not obligated to explain anything to you. I take responsibility for my knowledge and understanding. You can take responsibility for your own by either researching what you've been given or ignoring it altogether. That is on you. I never claimed to be better than the left anyone at all. I don't even understand where that comes from. I assume those are the kinds of things people say when they really have nothing to say at all.

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Trump did sign an executive order to go after

child trafficking and he was the first president to do that. THAT DOESNT ABSOLVE HIM FROM THIS EXPERIMENTAL SHOT THAT KILLS CHILDREN AND HARMS THEM.

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Trump did not approve an experimental shot. What he approved to be expedited was a remedy that utilized HCQ. What was distributed was not what he approved. He further ensured that everyone was guaranteed the right to choose for themselves and to not be subjected to federal mandates. Trump actually saved millions of lives but it did require using one's own head and not getting sucked into the media-created fear porn. Itvwas clear that so many do not use their own minds by the masses that stammered down into long, single-file lines of car traffic waiting to be tested for something when they weren't sick to begin with. This mass of people do not exactly represent the brightest amongst us. Believe it, I watched friends and family all go get their shots like fools. It pains me to have to point out that a President who implements the largest undertaking to rescue children from the worst possible conditions for any human is not out to off the masses across the earth. Just too much dissonance there.

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You talk nonsense. You don't answer the questions abt Trump Still praising the clot shot and talk abt other subjects because its you that don't know what to say. On top, you making up things to deflect from your lack of answer.

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I have addressed everything here. Read all the comments.

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This aaron guy makes sense. Trust me I am apalled at Trump refusing to apolgize and that he keeps praising the vaccine but the argument made here could be the truth. Dr. Paul Alexander says Trump was deceived so maybe once Trump realized it and he decided to take action. If he thought HCQ was in the vaccine then it would make sense to praise it. The MRNA is the experimental one that can create lots of harms with the lipid nanoparticle. Does Trump praise MRNA technology? That might be a clue if he doesnt.

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Scram! Take a hike!

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I’m not American but to me it seemed the USA prior to the plandemic was doing a whole lot better in all ways including in morale with the people feeling connected to one another and together as Americans in America regardless of ethnicity. Under Biden as under Trudeau our people are all divided by too many things to list here which keeps us all occupied so our actual enemies can carry on with their plans to destroy our lives as we know them to return us back to feudal times.

Trump was an outsider and I have never witnessed anything like the past and continuing Trump derangement syndrome in my entire life ever before, it truly belies belief! Law fare is being used against Trump and anyone in any country who dares stand up to criticize and condemn those that are at war with us and threatens the goals of the establishment. Why would Trump put himself thru all this hell he’s enduring when he doesn’t have to is the question I always come back to…

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Lol, what are you talking about??? There was no " vaccine" containing hcq. Where you getting that info from??? From the beginning the talk was about Mrna vaccine.

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Pay closer attention to context

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Sure, keep imagening thigs and then believe in them😂😂😂😂😂

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I think you meant do my research and due diligence. And that would be correct.

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Trump was guilty of not using common sense. But he wasn’t the only one. It was an act of irresponsibility to tell his support base to have themselves injected with an experimental non proven novel gene altering toxin. At best he could have just shut up and not mentioned it at all. It would have been smarter and safer to do that but arrogance and a misguided false belief in your own non thought out convictions has inadvertently sent many to an early death or unwanted injury. The only thing I can say in his favor is that I believe he was deliberately misled and acted out of misplaced trust, even when others around him were warning him of the dangers of the mRNA and viral vector injectables. What a disaster.

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I have a very different theory. It is a multi-faceted operation with a lot of moving parts within other moving parts. First & foremost, Trump is working with miliiary intelligence, which is under the purview of POTUS. It is said to have been the least infiltrated of every branch. Every single thing that is done is with intent and to aciieve certain objectives - the good, the bad and the ugly, every bit of it. What's the objective? To drain the swamp. How does one drain a government swamp? By keeping friends close and enemies closer, maybe? So Trump fills his cabinet with corrupt people, turns them loose, let's them do their corrupt things and once detected, they sre purged from the government indefinitely, who knows what happens with them afterward, maybe they're adjudicated, maybe they're plants, who knows. But they're out of government, as far as we can tell. This is the common theme for most at the time and would ultimately see that many others are purged including those as Fauci & Birx as well as all of congress. It would not surprise me if Trump had been being kept compartmentalized for a period of time - can't prove it. But certainly significant information withheld.

I theorize that by having Trump touting vaccines, it reduced the overall number of people who chose to be injected. The overwhelming majority of his supporters were never going to take them and given the animosity coming from the left, more would reject them than take them simply because Trump touted them. Probably a good bit of reverse psychology going on in there. As I mentioned, I'm quite sure that public sentiment was being determined by audience reactions to Trump touting vaccines which I do believe that he received, whether it was HCQ or monoclonal antibodies. Who knows which.

I do not believe for one minute there is a lack of common sense in fact, I believe everything that we've watched go down is exactly as it was planned. It is, after all, an operation.

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There is a recent study that confirms that in states that mandated the shot, uptake was lower. It lends to the psychology of "if you suggest I do it, I'm taking a step back and resisting." Lefties really had a difficult time holding both their fear/need for compliance and the fact that it was a "Trump vaccine." Oh, how liberal thinking winds up ultimately eating itself over and over....

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It truly does. And any state, company, whatever that forced people to be injected will undoubtedly be GTMO'd.

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DARPA in 2019 was testing MRNA so military is attached to this vaccine. If its military then its a bioweapon. In Dec. 2019 the prototype for the covid vaccine came out before china told the world of a strange vifus. Everyone getting the narrative yet?

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This is absolutely correct. It is a nioweapon and it was developed by DARPA. I don't remember the man's name but there are lengthy presentations in which he discusses nanoparticles and how to distribute and then into us. He's a creep. This all would have looked far different had Trump not won the 2016 election. It would have been exponentially worse.

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Thank You Aaron!

This whole CvVx BSFS is not over. They are getting ready to kick off something new. I don't think DJT had any idea of how bad things actually were/are inside the beltway/Medical Establishment... He suggested and trusted the Medical Professionals to implement: HCQ, Chlorine Dioxide, Ivermectin +. No $ in that for Big Pharma and their Minions...

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One question. Why does Trump continue to this day to refer the vaxxines as "beautiful". The buck could have stopped with him, even 4 years later. His choices make him complicit, or criminally negligent.

I don't see any other realistic options.

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Dr Zelenko Exposes How Dr Rick Bright's Very Bad Move Sabotaged Early Covid Treatment Killing Masses


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No, not it.

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Dr Paul Alexander tells us Trump was deceived for covid and lockdowns by those around him. We can agree on that but he must know HCQ is not in the MRNA and its killing and his ego isnt letting him apologize. We know third parties ingredients cant be guaranteed by Pfizer and graphene oxide can be them. Sugar can become graphene oxide through the processes. There are contaminants in these vaccines which can harm as well.MRNA and the lipid nanoparticle had many adverse events thats why it was never used prior to 2020 so its was experimental.

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This is a very important, historic testimony. She does not say "white clots" but that's what she's saying. This is well worth a listen.

For those who have not already seen it, Bill Rice Jr. recently posted an important interview with embalmer Richard Hirschman https://billricejr.substack.com/p/my-visit-with-historys-most-important

Also, I have transcribed a few videos and (mainly) selected excerpts from videos on this subject, which are collected here: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/138644.html

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Wow, thank you. I have been fascinated and intrigued by the early stories from courageous embalmers; they have secrets no one else can access, and they must find them deeply troubling. One can find no freakiness in the way the body responds to enemy attacks because it’s just there to discover. I doubt that the Pharma elite gave such things a thought; they assumed that nothing would ever show, and no one would have reason to question the pin prick and its aftereffects. I am so grateful for the willingness of these embalmers to explore and expose these new and shocking changes in their science.

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Trump brought up (between April and May 2020), three therapies in a press conference to stop the spread of the "covid virus". One was using chlorine dioxide. The other was to use light therapy on the blood. And the third was hydroxychloroquine. All the truth was given to us in one press conference.

What happened is the media went on a full blast against Trump. And they accused him of having encouraged people to drink bleach, they laughed at him thinking that they were going to use light bulbs to cure blood disease. And then they went on to say that the hydroxychloroquine was actually killing people. All of that was a setup.

But these were new treatments that had never been talked about before, they were all in the alternative therapy. What we learned later, President Trump was 100% right. But the media went after Trump.

Then we had the “10 days to flatten the curve”, the masks and the toilet paper hoarding. There was a war of minds of the people. And it's important to understand this, because the Americans were locked into belief that the only solution forward was a vaccine. And without a pharmaceutical solution to something that they were deeply inoculated with, this fear of a pandemic which had been fed into the society literally for years before, with movies talking about pandemics, people were deeply programmed, and they were prepared for the trigger to send them off. That trigger was the toilet paper hoarding. It was a test to see if people were ready to be programmed and accept the next level, which was the vaccine in their arms, and this demonstrated that it is a virus of the mind.

Anybody that had any sort of logical thinking knew that “covid” wasn’t deadly, if not altogether fake, and knew that a vaccine couldn’t be created so fast and be “safe and effective”, and this new type of mRNA “vaccine” was experimental and has never been used on the human population before. But most people were too lazy to do their own research, too afraid of “killing grandma” and too stupid to think for themselves.

We've all been aggressive against Trump's position promoting the “vaccine” however, but because the level of stupidity in this country and brainwashing, Trump couldn’t remove the fear. People could not break from their programming to realise that they could live and survive this without needing these injections. But the public listened to the media, Twitter, and Facebook. What could Trump have done otherwise? I think he was shocked and sadden that people were so fearful.

So, the only thing he could do (IMO) was to do OWS, to push the vax out before the globalists wanted to (they wanted years of lockdowns, depressed and fearful people, destroyed economies, etc.). OWS allowed the country to reopen and not completely destroy the economy. Did he know it was a bioweapon? We probably never will know, but does it really matter at this point? I think he was trying to save as many people as possible and this was the only way to do that. He couldn't win all the battles but he was trying to win the war. OWS didn't allow the FDA to finish the "trials" and get FDA approval, which would have enforced everyone to take it. And with 3-5 years of fear, lockdowns, etc., everyone would be begging to take it and criminalizing those that didn't want to. Thus, in my opinion he did save millions of lives.

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Why didn't Trump give Kennedy an office in the White House once he became President as he promised Kennedy? Why didn't Trump return Kennedy's phone calls once he was in office. Trump knew. Trump has a role to play and he played it.

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I heard kennedy was on board for lockdowns and he is controlled opposition. ALWAYS FOOD FOR THOUGHT

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I watched several videos with Kennedy over the last couple of years. I don't remember him saying that. Whether I agree with everything he has said or done, he has wakened the world up to the risk of "vaccines'. I don't think Kennedy right now wants to go after the @ssholes controlling us, or at least he says that now. Probably doesn't want what happened to his uncle, happening to him.

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Spot on JC. Of course Trump knew...and I say that as someone who voted for him in 2016.

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So Trump cheats on his wife, probably cheated on all his wives. Promised to love and honor them. Promised to respect them and be loyal to his wives. But instead he cheated on his wives, but I believe he is totally honest with me. lol

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Where in the world is the need to drag Donald Trump into this video? We all know that Trump has been deluded about the vaccine, but he doesn't and never will support mandates. He no longer tells people to get the jab and hasn't for quite some time.

Sorry Dr. Makis but for all the good you do, you are totally deluded and naive about American politics. As are most high profile Canadians. Are you trying to help RFK, Jr.? He's not going to be elected to anything. But his candidacy may help Biden stay in power. Is that what you want?

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Trump got completely hoodwinked by Fauci and the rest of them.

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But i thought trump was so smart??? How did i know but trump didnt? Trump is controlled opposition.

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Great interview. I hope these workers wear masks and gloves in case there is residue from shedding.

mRNAs have a horrible history, they have never been used successfully, unless of course as a bioweapon of extermination.

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This is a comment about subscribing. Folks need to be informed on whats happening around the world, but with inflation and other economic problems, we cannot afford to pay subscriptions in several places. Perhaps you could team up with other news sources so we can be more fully informed with ONE subscription? Many thanks, Milly.

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Mar 21
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That’s fabulous JBartl, but most folks wont read data and charts to assemble the information. Please put this under your thinking cap and see if theres a way u can hook up with other people doing research, so we can access several sources with one subscription fee. Thanks.

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It is sad that what this lady was trying to getting accross got side tracked by the video of Trump inserted at the end. IMO there is no politician coming to save us. They are all on the same side and it is not the side of the American people. Trump will not come out against the vaccine or how many people it has killed or injured because he is beholding to someone above him.

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She’s a good solid witness

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There are a few embalmers speaking out and quite a few doctors. More and more speak in several fields. I don't think they will kill all of them.

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Egyptian international footballer Ahmed Refaat (30) suffers cardiac arrest mid-game


> After 9 days in the hospital, Amr Osman, one of the medical supervisors, and cardiologist consultants for the Modern Future Football Club has confirmed that Refaat is suffering from a rare medical heart condition.

> He explained that Refaat’s condition is unprecedented and that doctors hadn’t seen something like it before.

> Osman explained “Refaat was resuscitated for two full hours, and every time he was resuscitated, the player’s heartbeat accelerated, returning to point zero, and we had to begin the resuscitation process again. The heart’s condition returned to point zero once more approximately every five minutes.”


Video of incident here: https://www.marca.com/futbol/futbol-internacional/2024/03/12/65f03bb946163fa3a68b45c1.html

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A 43 year old doctor who mocked the unvaccinated dies suddenly from cardiac arrest.

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Pilot Incapacitated over the Atlantic | British B777 Divert to St. John's


British Airways B777 performing flight from New York to London was cruising at FL400 over the Atlantic when the flight crew declared medical emergency reporting one of the pilots had become incapacitated and was unable to perform their duties.

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Micro blood clots just waiting to explode in the body After myocarditis only 50% survive after 5 years . Myocarditis huge from the mrna vaccines so more deaths or strokes or cardiac arrest will happen no doubt as we get close to the 5 year mark of these vaccines. The blindfolds do not stop the myocarditis prognosis regardless of what baloney they feed you.

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Thank you, Dr Makis. With the power of the internet, hopefully her courage will encourage more funeral directors and embalmers to speak out, wherever they are.

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My husband and I both voted for Trump. My husband took 2 jabs and I did not. My husband got tinnitus, then was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and then most recently had a tumor removed from his bladder. We all make our own decisions and have to live with those decisions whether good or bad and we are all God’s children. Neither of us blame Trump for those decisions and are planning to vote for him again, IF an election is held. Get your heads out of your ass.

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So why aren’t pilots hearing which level of radiation or bp or frequency can set off their cardiovascular death shot event?

Why aren’t we hearing this?

I think every leader was asked to reduce their population by a certain percent. Some were all in. Others may have had a partial conscience or tried to save their country. How many were assassinated?

There is no sane reason why Trump keeps bragging about how fast his death shots came out. He always is defended by claims of being duped. Not a good look or believable.

The push to die is still going on. In Oregon for example, Serenity Lane for alcohol detox requires a Covid test for patients, visitors, and asks if the patient has had a test or the shots upon Intake. Those who want to argue and submit to a detox process while vulnerable, forget they are now on records somewhere as “non-compliant” or however defined. Might as well be China. Many Americans would rather kill themselves than be taken out by these medical freaks.

A dtr. Of mine in the Houston area refused the tests and shots before surgery for a broken leg and knee. Though Covid is a fraud and not even relevant, she was quarantined in an isolated room, her food left outside for two hours and was told her blood was ‘funny’ and talked into a unit of blood.

They are picking us off. Hospitals & treatment facilities are death camps. In Oregon, the Oregon Health “Authority”.mandates all dentists and staff have the shots. They shed. Dentistry is up close and personal. Think eye exams, etc. anesthetics.

Today the FDA infiltrators made some complaints about Syringes made in China.

MRNA is being put in food and anesthetics.

Past time to throw all death facilitators out.

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Trump has two faults: No apology for promoting the vax and his palsy relationship with Zionist Israel.

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Thank You Dr. Makis for posting this. So EXTREMELY important. The end is also interesting. The criminal Trump promotes gene therapies while most probably Melanias' mother just died (1-18-24) because of it... Maybe no, but who knows...

In case yes, just wonder, will one of the Trump's finally admit the truth or still continue lying in face of everybody? AMERICAN's, PLEASE WAKE UP AND STOP SUPPORTING CRIMINALS AS YOUR 'elected leaders'. You go down because of them!

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