Dr Makis you see this connection… we see this connection .. and we both want to openly talk about it…

The doctors see it… the scientists see it..the football associations see it .. and the governments see the very same things we do…but none of them…want to talk about it…why are they still trying to avoid something so safe and effective ..that they are part of creating?….Hmmm I just can’t figure it out … can you?

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They all know now. Every single one of them know. Hollywood knows. The doctors know. The death cult is being supported with their silence.

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They do not mention the fans that are also collapsing when attending.

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They've either all been paid off or blackmailed into silence, IMO

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Contagion is a myth, no jab has ever been proven safe or effective, no virus has ever been isolated or purified. Read "Contagion Myth", free PDF on line and "What really makes you ill...." Allopathy and virology are medical fraud( Rockefeller aberrations of natural medicine).. I have records saying 17 million have died so far from this recent clot shot. Depopulation, sterilization and tyranny has been the effects of the planned-demic. They made up the 99.98% survivable CV-19 (At Event 201 in 2019) knowing children were virtually immune. And two federal court cases failed to proven this 'disease' even exists. The medical industrial fraud industry is another arm of the corporate fascist network and profit driven over any concern for human health. No one makes money off a healthy population. Media is the virus. Get educated and stop obeying a eugenics' based industry.

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Every effort is being made to hide the truth. Why? You don't hide good news!

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Until this starts happening at every sporting event and at every game; they will remain silent!

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I have One word for the reason…..FEAR! Just plain FEAR. Fear can paralyze the most outwardly seemingly Bravest person. Fear of what could, may or will happen to one who speaks out against the propaganda….Fear can make a person hesitant to say what they really ‘think’ is going on because they think ‘what if I am wrong’ and they are actually right….the big WHAT IF comes into their thinking…..questioning themselves on whether or not they are right in their own thinking….and even questioning what they see happening right before their o wn eyes.

THE Propaganda that has been spread during this entire Plandemic has created a FEAR like no other time that I have ever witnessed……it causes chaos in one’s mind and confusion and hinders the ability to do Critical Thinking. People afraid to stand for what is right in fear of losing what they love…..

I personally think that the loss of Critical Thinking is a big part of people not being able to move in the direction of doing what is right regardless of the consequences…FEAR kills….

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it's now FOUR, everyone knows what it is, even the self delusional know....they just have to work extra hard to keep deluding themselves. The truth not only sets you free from your prison of stupidity, it makes life much more EASY and enjoyable, B/C you can relax and not be on constant alert lying to yourself and others...protecting your precious agenda that was exposed long ago.

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Wake up people... This is a world wide genocide.. There is a criminal group behind the vaxxes https://theserapeum.com/activism-flyers-print-and-share-lawfully/

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I came across the story of that fallen Egyptian player last week and I bet you that his doctors are truly "baffled" by his condition. They have NEVER seen anything like this. The poor guy is in an impossible situation.


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We need to be able to send links to these sorts of videos, without it being a link to the substacker. Many who would watch this football interview, won't because they see it as "antivaxx" as soon as they see the substacker name.

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Sorry I m going to share just a personal experience. Unfortunately my husband who now knows the vaccine doesn’t really work and the pandemic was kinda a scam is not interested in talking about these things. He got it (I didn’t) but when his friend is coming to our city because he needs to care for his previously healthy son at university because he has started getting seizures and may have developed (epilepsy? It’s a mystery). I think did he have to get jabbed (I think ubco required it…) he won’t even talk about it. It’s like he is so set against the idea of talking about vaccines and vaccine injuries. And the pandemic ya ya he thinks it was a scam let’s move past it (quit obsessing about it- you can’t do anything) he is at least aware climate change is the next scam.

He is right that there isn’t a lot I can do and I do read up on this topic more then most (but when what is happening has happened who are we to not be obsessed?) Idk I just want to understand it, find plant medicines that might help (he has played along and detoxed for me, taken a few maybe helpful things ) he is great in many ways but he is only 1/2 awake and I just annoy him when I try to make him more awake. Like it seriously feels like it will take mainstream media just admitting it for it to be real to him.

At least he isn’t boosted and probably wouldn’t fall for this vaccine nonsense again but idk (he got it because of work needing to get on planes) I wish he followed soccer maybe this would wake him up. But I don’t know what it would take.

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Criminal dereliction of duty

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Have to applaud Wikipedia for ALWAYS insert the information they want to gaslight people saying the truth 😏

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So much controlled opposition Doc. Please post their names. Even the big names.

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