The Spike protein supposedly contains a gene sequence that mimics some molecule in the placenta necessary for placental development. This triggers an autoimmune reaction against the placenta itself . . . hence the unhealthy placentas the doctor is observing. The potential damage can make it impossible for the Vaxxed woman to EVER carry a baby to term!
This is very plausible, as their overall aim is to drastically reduce human population by killing off people. Stopping reproduction is quite in tandem with this overall goal.
Probably not as the Covid vaccine was developed for the population. So most of these children will be sterile. Most of these children probably won’t even live long enough to become an adult because of the poison even injected with in the operating system that is growing inside their body. This operating system is turning us into human robots where the 5G tower frequencies can control our brains and our bodies. There are plenty of patterns that you can read for yourself on the government websites. Our government department of defense is doing this to us. I know that’s hard to wrap your head around but I have read the patent and many other official papers showing this step-by-step plan. And if I were a parent that injected myself and I had children that hopefully I didn’t inject, they are being contaminated through shedding because they live with me and they’re around other people who are also shedding . EDTH elation seems to degrade the Hydro gel and get that out of your body and the other ingredients in these poison shots. There’s a lot of research being done worldwide on this and they’re showing terrific results in blood work. I think at this point we’re all on our own and we have to protect ourselves and our loved ones however we can. Many people are walking away from this matrix that we’ve been living in this control that we’ve been under, and are living off grid and creating communities of like minded people growing their own food and living a healthy and sustainable life . Good luck to everyone I personally use ivermectin and Fenbendezol whenever I’m feeling sick or starting to cough or useless and my symptoms go away usually within minutes. I’m using horse wormers because they are the exact same drugs that we get in pill form. This also kills all the parasites they poisonous with that cause most of our diseases. I’ve been researching down this rabbit hole for more than seven years, I have so much knowledge it’s scary. Good luck
Ivermectin and Fenbendezol Are very effective in countering the poison in the shots and the shedding that we’re all receiving from those who took these shots. The AI changed some words that I didn’t catch before I posted the above statement.
Ivermectin blocks spike attachment to cells so it can't get in. Nicotine helps the white blood cells that engulf and break down the spike to burst open and dispose of the digest spike. Otherwise these cells somehow live ALOT longer than they should. This causes some of the 'long covid' symptoms. So, to review: IVM, Black Seed oil block spike attachments and are great also for viral diseases and basic colds; Nicotine (patch or gum, 6 grams for 7 days) disposes of the WBC that has digested the spike; and apple pectin or bentonite clay or activated charcoal help move the wastes out the gut and absorb them. Lastly, to deal with the nano particles in the jabs and in the environment (food water etc) you can use borax water or as newly reported sodium citrate. However, with the later - there are some concerns the material purges via urine BUT blood looks alot worse for the first 5 days, then seems to slowly improve. I'll add this - 5 days of IVM in a row 10mg to 12mg stops the rouloux of the blood - no idea what's going on there. EDTA cream on the feet helps get rid of the nano as well and the blood looks vastly better. All this and more is out there but as others state: your milage may vary since likely every one got different jabs as the batches varied widely ...
The experiment is still in its early stages. This is why safety 'was' vital before releasing any new medical intervention. Sadly, the need for safety standards has been usurp/overruled by nefarious entities who have ill intent like depopulation.
Mike Yeadon and Wolfgang Wodarg wrote a petition to the EMA on 1. December 2020 warning about this and other risks, requesting a stop of all corona vaccination studies.
It’s NOT just mRNA in the Vaxx and other meds that are bioweapons, but all vaccines have been created to preform multiple hidden experiments on their recipients since their conception in the 1800’s; they are ALL weapons designed to cause disease and premature death, and the disease & mortality data for the past 100 years alone proves this fact, without even getting into what is in these injections.
The vaccine industry has always been a farce created by eugenicist disease profiteers. Any competent doctor who studies the complete history of the vaccine, virology and immunology industries understands this fact, and those who still do not “understand” these truths at this stage of Plannedemic Genocide—Goddamn you intentionally-ignorant fools.
All doctors should be advising all woman who plan a pregnancy that shedding occurs by “indirect contact” such as being in a room with “masked” individuals, not just direct contact such as handshakes, sex & saliva, and that you should expect the sperm to be infected with these bioweapons even if he did not receive the COVID shot.
Unvaxxed individuals who’ve had contact with vaxxed or infected unvaxxed individuals are shedding to other unvaxxed individuals. All doctors should know this fact by now.
I take no pleasure telling most doctors that they are ignorant fools and that their Rockefeller pharmaceutical-controlled medical schools are to thank for it. All doctors, nurses and clinicians must “reeducate” themselves, daily. Wake up, and for the love of humanity and “real” science—stay away from the compartmentalized WOKE crowd who are completely brain-hacked by militarized nanotechnology, their corrupt education & media, rigged clinical studies & research and the nefarious medical & pharmaceutical industries. They are NOT your friend.
Yes, but the doctors & lawyers of media and government who continue to pretend they are ignorant of the “whole truth” continually playing stupid with the public MUST be arrested. These criminals get it, and they are becoming more and more dangerously-desperate to start another FalseFlag cyber attack or world war to take our minds off WHO’s to blame. The problem is that “they” are NOT going to investigate or arrest themselves. We must do it, and it must be done NOW, not after the next election. Suing Pfizer and not arresting guilty politicians & their appointed public officials, corrupt DOJ lawyers, evil Bill Gates…is an intelligent scam to make the people think there’s progress being made.
Yesterday I watched a video by the late chemist, Andreas Noack. He was explaining the Vit K jabs given to new borns, I think to reduce risk of jaundice, maybe. The packaging on the injections states Vit K, nothing else. However, he pointed out there are 2 types, K1, synthetic, and K2, natural. K2 not harmful but K1, very toxic, carcenogenic and, amounts prescribed per dose is 3x RDA for adults! You should realise by now that it is K1 given to babies, from day 1 of life pHARMa are lining up their customers.
This young doctor trained in the same program I did, though many years later. I am so proud of her for fighting the corrupted medical complex. I knew Fauci was a crook after living through the AIDS era and his denands that so many young men take his deadly AZT and then blocked their use of Bactrim for their pneumonias! I regret ever encouraging Guardasil. I am so ashamed of ACOG!
A friend of mine's daughter was given the 1st shot of Gardasil at school, this after she had signed documents for her not to get the shot after she had researched the serum and seen the dangerous side effects on other young girls. She later received a phone call from the school to come and pick up her daughter, she was not doing well after being injected.
I applaud this doctor for coming forward it takes a lot of nerve to do this since so many of you are being vilified by the AMA! I think you guys have to wrap your head around the fact that the whole Covid thing was devised as a deep population plan. All of these shots were manufactured and ready to go in 2015! They put this plan together years ago back in early 80s all of the world leaders met in France and had a huge summit meeting where they decided the world was overpopulated and they had to devise a plan to annihilate 90% of the people. So throughout the years they’ve been poisoning us from the chemtrails they spray in the sky , The poison food they’re feeding us now and the stores even if it’s labeled organic that’s a lie, through the fabrics that we are wearing or sitting on, the laundry detergents and bath washes we use on our bodies, and through the medication they prescribed to us! No vaccine not a single one is beneficial to the human body! The human body only gets sick if it’s acidic! It becomes acidic when it has been poisoned which is what these drugs and injections do to our bodies and the side effects are the symptoms that they’ll miss label as the flu or some thing else. Big Pharma‘s plan is always been to make as much money as possible off the patient so they constantly keep the patient sick through the medication‘s and procedures they prescribe in order to keep the money rolling into their practice and into big Pharma‘s pockets
At least this doctor is doing some kind of a study within her own practice but she is a rarity. Most doctors still have their heads up their butts and refuse to connect the dots wish at this point the darts are the size of beach balls! I think most doctors aren’t coming forward because they in fact recommended the shots to their patients and they have now seen their patients have negative effects . This doctor should start looking at the slides that Dr. Anna Mihalcea and colleagues have put together for anyone to see. What does Dr. Wolf find out is that people have been injected with a computer operating system that’s self replicate meaning it builds itself inside the human body goes through your blood brain barrier, and controls your mind in your thoughts and your body movements through frequency. This is what the 5G towers are for not to make your cell phone faster that’s a lie. 5G is an always has been a military grade kill weapon that has been used many times in the battlefield. In my opinion all of these 5G towers need to be taken down immediately because their sole purpose is to kill all of us in a mass EMP ! As you noticed all these towers went up when we were on force lockdown during Covid and now they’re putting these things everywhere and your street lights on top of schools and hospitals outside your front door on the light pole etc. they have gone crazy installing these. There are blade runners in the UK that are destroying these devices all over the country. I hope we get some vigilantes here in this country because these towers must come down to save all of us. So getting back to the doctor kudos to her for coming forward it took a lot of courage. I think many doctors will not come forward because then they will have to admit that they were wrong in recommending the shot to their patients which in fact harm their patients so then they would have to take responsibility for basically murdering their patients which is what this shot will do it will kill everyone prematurely and those young enough to have children will be sterile! Children born will be sterile. Remember this is a deep population plan worldwide. Big Pharma has been systematically sterilizing people around the world without their knowledge through the so-called vaccines they provide! You have to look at the big picture and protect yourself and your patients. I live in Sarasota County I had a GP who was in a huge medical practice that is I believe nationwide. About a year and a half ago I had to see the doctor as I had sustained a head injury. The wait to see a GP or a nurse practitioner was six weeks ! I asked what was taking so long why can’t I see my doctor? Well because your Doctor No longer practices medicine I was told. I did a little digging when I went to the office and started asking the front desk people questions as they were all still wearing those stupid masks even though the state said you don’t have to do this anymore. So in a little conversation I found out that 50% of the office no longer worked there due to disability or death! I warned my doctor at the very beginning of this vaccine rollout of the dangers since all I ever do is research and I knew the truth. I warned my Doctor Who was in her 40s lovely woman who had a family , I warned her the shot would kill her and anyone else that they gave it to and I explain why. I even gave them website information to go and check out. Apparently none of them did this which is common in the medical field I don’t understand why no one has the curiosity to dig when they start to see things happening to their patients. At least this doctor had the brains and the curiosity to start keeping track of what’s happening in her practice with her patience. And by the way I got a letter from that practice a few days after I was there they told me they were no longer going to treat me! All because I warned the staff that was remaining of the dangers. All doctors get huge kickbacks from medical pharmaceutical companies to use certain drugs and procedures on their patients. The doctors get typically 50% of their income this way. So there’s the motivation right now to continue to give this poison when they are seeing the detrimental effects on their patient population! These shots need to be stopped now they have plenty of scientific evidence showing all of the horrific side effects and damage that’s being done to the human body. We’re all being shut on they’ve injected our food with these vaccines since most of us became smarter and stopped taking them we didn’t take them at all thank God but we’re not safe because of all the other ways they’re poisoning us. Eat organic know where your organic food comes from no the farmer the stuff you’re buying in Publix is not organic it’s all tainted and it’s sealed with APEEL, which is a carcinogen developed by wonderful Bill Gates and Company. From the data that I have seen worldwide from various sources, the birth rate is down considerably and approximately 86% of all pregnancies are resulting in a dead or deformed child and if the child is born alive the mothers or hemorrhaging out after two weeks after the birth and dying. Again this is the population. This doctor is going to notice a huge decrease in births in her practice and people won’t be able to get pregnant. This doctor seems to have integrity I really hope she expands her thinking opens her mind some more and realizes what’s really going on and can protect her patientS.
The following statements, which were made in 1981 by international banker and unapologetic eugenicist, Jacques Attali, are from Interviews with Michel Salomon – The Faces of the Future, Seghers edition, published in France by Emi Lit when Jacques Attali was a senior adviser to French President, Francoise Mitterand:
“In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as it exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly, then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially the stupid ones.
Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. We cannot of course execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good.
Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to run intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.
We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.”
And it was Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia who spoke to law students at the University of Hawaii on Feb. 3, 2014, and said, “Don’t fool yourself into believing that the Supreme Court will never again allow a wartime violation of civil rights like it did allowing internment camps for Japanese Americans during WWII." That statement was from the Senior Associate Justice and longest serving member at the time since 1986 on the U.S. Supreme court.
Dr. Biss mentions the importance of getting a good case history. All doctors, regardless of their specialties, should be entering the histories of covid shots into permanent patient medical records. Patients should volunteer this information even if it's not asked for.
Hi Doc, I hope you are spreading this info to the rest of the medical establishment as Dr Makis is. Anyone's eyes who are opened the slightest sees this Ageda for what it is...Depopulation.
Are you implying that I need to be enlightened to the truth about reality, especially a truth that is difficult to accept or exposes disillusions? If so, what is the truth you are referring to?
There are hospitals and clinics that are still treating the unvaxxed with extreme and lethal prejudice. If we were in a world where data was properly used then the suggestion might make sense despite the risk— maybe. But Vaers has been corrupt and underused for decades and the C19 data has been completely corrupted. The recent video in this series of two moms whose special needs adult children were murdered under protocol has one mom reporting on a young adult killed in Wisc this month known to her group. Maybe these young adults were or not vaxxed but the point is there is callous treatment for profit and many stories the past C19 years of family members targeted by staff for death protocols. This idea is in film in other parts of the series and all over social media. I don’t know if they’ve collected data yet on the incidence of family members being told hatefully that the vax status was part of the death — probably never going to happen. But high profile leadership from the president down and punitive medical establishment people are on tape for this prejudice and threat. We are not done doctor — the vax passports and WHO treaties are still being fought off. We are no longer in sane medicine (although there never has been sane medicine for vaccine problems and data). We are in a world where the DoD and their ilk are running depopulation and identifying outliers for special treatment. In a sane world you are 💯 right. Maybe the physicians who don’t take that history are not all slackers. Maybe they are first doing no harm. Some of them. And, I’m sure that is your sincere interest too.
The Spike protein supposedly contains a gene sequence that mimics some molecule in the placenta necessary for placental development. This triggers an autoimmune reaction against the placenta itself . . . hence the unhealthy placentas the doctor is observing. The potential damage can make it impossible for the Vaxxed woman to EVER carry a baby to term!
This is very plausible, as their overall aim is to drastically reduce human population by killing off people. Stopping reproduction is quite in tandem with this overall goal.
Will vaxxed children ever be able have children of their own?
Probably not as the Covid vaccine was developed for the population. So most of these children will be sterile. Most of these children probably won’t even live long enough to become an adult because of the poison even injected with in the operating system that is growing inside their body. This operating system is turning us into human robots where the 5G tower frequencies can control our brains and our bodies. There are plenty of patterns that you can read for yourself on the government websites. Our government department of defense is doing this to us. I know that’s hard to wrap your head around but I have read the patent and many other official papers showing this step-by-step plan. And if I were a parent that injected myself and I had children that hopefully I didn’t inject, they are being contaminated through shedding because they live with me and they’re around other people who are also shedding . EDTH elation seems to degrade the Hydro gel and get that out of your body and the other ingredients in these poison shots. There’s a lot of research being done worldwide on this and they’re showing terrific results in blood work. I think at this point we’re all on our own and we have to protect ourselves and our loved ones however we can. Many people are walking away from this matrix that we’ve been living in this control that we’ve been under, and are living off grid and creating communities of like minded people growing their own food and living a healthy and sustainable life . Good luck to everyone I personally use ivermectin and Fenbendezol whenever I’m feeling sick or starting to cough or useless and my symptoms go away usually within minutes. I’m using horse wormers because they are the exact same drugs that we get in pill form. This also kills all the parasites they poisonous with that cause most of our diseases. I’ve been researching down this rabbit hole for more than seven years, I have so much knowledge it’s scary. Good luck
Ivermectin and Fenbendezol Are very effective in countering the poison in the shots and the shedding that we’re all receiving from those who took these shots. The AI changed some words that I didn’t catch before I posted the above statement.
Does Ivermectin combat the spike?
Ivermectin blocks spike attachment to cells so it can't get in. Nicotine helps the white blood cells that engulf and break down the spike to burst open and dispose of the digest spike. Otherwise these cells somehow live ALOT longer than they should. This causes some of the 'long covid' symptoms. So, to review: IVM, Black Seed oil block spike attachments and are great also for viral diseases and basic colds; Nicotine (patch or gum, 6 grams for 7 days) disposes of the WBC that has digested the spike; and apple pectin or bentonite clay or activated charcoal help move the wastes out the gut and absorb them. Lastly, to deal with the nano particles in the jabs and in the environment (food water etc) you can use borax water or as newly reported sodium citrate. However, with the later - there are some concerns the material purges via urine BUT blood looks alot worse for the first 5 days, then seems to slowly improve. I'll add this - 5 days of IVM in a row 10mg to 12mg stops the rouloux of the blood - no idea what's going on there. EDTA cream on the feet helps get rid of the nano as well and the blood looks vastly better. All this and more is out there but as others state: your milage may vary since likely every one got different jabs as the batches varied widely ...
How to take nicotin
Heard that the patches have mrna in them. Cant trust it!
Helpful. Can yu tell us more or send us to a website that expands on this.?? To detox?
The experiment is still in its early stages. This is why safety 'was' vital before releasing any new medical intervention. Sadly, the need for safety standards has been usurp/overruled by nefarious entities who have ill intent like depopulation.
Mike Yeadon and Wolfgang Wodarg wrote a petition to the EMA on 1. December 2020 warning about this and other risks, requesting a stop of all corona vaccination studies.
It’s NOT just mRNA in the Vaxx and other meds that are bioweapons, but all vaccines have been created to preform multiple hidden experiments on their recipients since their conception in the 1800’s; they are ALL weapons designed to cause disease and premature death, and the disease & mortality data for the past 100 years alone proves this fact, without even getting into what is in these injections.
The vaccine industry has always been a farce created by eugenicist disease profiteers. Any competent doctor who studies the complete history of the vaccine, virology and immunology industries understands this fact, and those who still do not “understand” these truths at this stage of Plannedemic Genocide—Goddamn you intentionally-ignorant fools.
All doctors should be advising all woman who plan a pregnancy that shedding occurs by “indirect contact” such as being in a room with “masked” individuals, not just direct contact such as handshakes, sex & saliva, and that you should expect the sperm to be infected with these bioweapons even if he did not receive the COVID shot.
Unvaxxed individuals who’ve had contact with vaxxed or infected unvaxxed individuals are shedding to other unvaxxed individuals. All doctors should know this fact by now.
I take no pleasure telling most doctors that they are ignorant fools and that their Rockefeller pharmaceutical-controlled medical schools are to thank for it. All doctors, nurses and clinicians must “reeducate” themselves, daily. Wake up, and for the love of humanity and “real” science—stay away from the compartmentalized WOKE crowd who are completely brain-hacked by militarized nanotechnology, their corrupt education & media, rigged clinical studies & research and the nefarious medical & pharmaceutical industries. They are NOT your friend.
Yes, but the doctors & lawyers of media and government who continue to pretend they are ignorant of the “whole truth” continually playing stupid with the public MUST be arrested. These criminals get it, and they are becoming more and more dangerously-desperate to start another FalseFlag cyber attack or world war to take our minds off WHO’s to blame. The problem is that “they” are NOT going to investigate or arrest themselves. We must do it, and it must be done NOW, not after the next election. Suing Pfizer and not arresting guilty politicians & their appointed public officials, corrupt DOJ lawyers, evil Bill Gates…is an intelligent scam to make the people think there’s progress being made.
I’ve got a few short and long clips all in one place—my most popular post—which I believe you’d appreciate; the one with the lawyer in a Pinocchio-mask in red. If you check it out, please share it with everyone you care about, especially nurses, doctors and lawyers you believe are still human.
Yesterday I watched a video by the late chemist, Andreas Noack. He was explaining the Vit K jabs given to new borns, I think to reduce risk of jaundice, maybe. The packaging on the injections states Vit K, nothing else. However, he pointed out there are 2 types, K1, synthetic, and K2, natural. K2 not harmful but K1, very toxic, carcenogenic and, amounts prescribed per dose is 3x RDA for adults! You should realise by now that it is K1 given to babies, from day 1 of life pHARMa are lining up their customers.
Low Birth Rates, High Miscarriage Rates, High Fetal Demise Rates and High Infertility Rates: No Problemo!
Your 'Globo-Pedo, Elite Overlords' have your un-jabbed replacements streaming across our southern border by the millions!
Everything is going according to 'their' plan!
They Lied to EVERYONE, doctors included.
Well said:
"And I will tell you the silver lining for me with COVID was that it opened my eyes.
And I've done a lot of self reflection.
And I just hope that I didn't harm anybody."
She is a fine person for coming forward.
This young doctor trained in the same program I did, though many years later. I am so proud of her for fighting the corrupted medical complex. I knew Fauci was a crook after living through the AIDS era and his denands that so many young men take his deadly AZT and then blocked their use of Bactrim for their pneumonias! I regret ever encouraging Guardasil. I am so ashamed of ACOG!
A friend of mine's daughter was given the 1st shot of Gardasil at school, this after she had signed documents for her not to get the shot after she had researched the serum and seen the dangerous side effects on other young girls. She later received a phone call from the school to come and pick up her daughter, she was not doing well after being injected.
I applaud this doctor for coming forward it takes a lot of nerve to do this since so many of you are being vilified by the AMA! I think you guys have to wrap your head around the fact that the whole Covid thing was devised as a deep population plan. All of these shots were manufactured and ready to go in 2015! They put this plan together years ago back in early 80s all of the world leaders met in France and had a huge summit meeting where they decided the world was overpopulated and they had to devise a plan to annihilate 90% of the people. So throughout the years they’ve been poisoning us from the chemtrails they spray in the sky , The poison food they’re feeding us now and the stores even if it’s labeled organic that’s a lie, through the fabrics that we are wearing or sitting on, the laundry detergents and bath washes we use on our bodies, and through the medication they prescribed to us! No vaccine not a single one is beneficial to the human body! The human body only gets sick if it’s acidic! It becomes acidic when it has been poisoned which is what these drugs and injections do to our bodies and the side effects are the symptoms that they’ll miss label as the flu or some thing else. Big Pharma‘s plan is always been to make as much money as possible off the patient so they constantly keep the patient sick through the medication‘s and procedures they prescribe in order to keep the money rolling into their practice and into big Pharma‘s pockets
At least this doctor is doing some kind of a study within her own practice but she is a rarity. Most doctors still have their heads up their butts and refuse to connect the dots wish at this point the darts are the size of beach balls! I think most doctors aren’t coming forward because they in fact recommended the shots to their patients and they have now seen their patients have negative effects . This doctor should start looking at the slides that Dr. Anna Mihalcea and colleagues have put together for anyone to see. What does Dr. Wolf find out is that people have been injected with a computer operating system that’s self replicate meaning it builds itself inside the human body goes through your blood brain barrier, and controls your mind in your thoughts and your body movements through frequency. This is what the 5G towers are for not to make your cell phone faster that’s a lie. 5G is an always has been a military grade kill weapon that has been used many times in the battlefield. In my opinion all of these 5G towers need to be taken down immediately because their sole purpose is to kill all of us in a mass EMP ! As you noticed all these towers went up when we were on force lockdown during Covid and now they’re putting these things everywhere and your street lights on top of schools and hospitals outside your front door on the light pole etc. they have gone crazy installing these. There are blade runners in the UK that are destroying these devices all over the country. I hope we get some vigilantes here in this country because these towers must come down to save all of us. So getting back to the doctor kudos to her for coming forward it took a lot of courage. I think many doctors will not come forward because then they will have to admit that they were wrong in recommending the shot to their patients which in fact harm their patients so then they would have to take responsibility for basically murdering their patients which is what this shot will do it will kill everyone prematurely and those young enough to have children will be sterile! Children born will be sterile. Remember this is a deep population plan worldwide. Big Pharma has been systematically sterilizing people around the world without their knowledge through the so-called vaccines they provide! You have to look at the big picture and protect yourself and your patients. I live in Sarasota County I had a GP who was in a huge medical practice that is I believe nationwide. About a year and a half ago I had to see the doctor as I had sustained a head injury. The wait to see a GP or a nurse practitioner was six weeks ! I asked what was taking so long why can’t I see my doctor? Well because your Doctor No longer practices medicine I was told. I did a little digging when I went to the office and started asking the front desk people questions as they were all still wearing those stupid masks even though the state said you don’t have to do this anymore. So in a little conversation I found out that 50% of the office no longer worked there due to disability or death! I warned my doctor at the very beginning of this vaccine rollout of the dangers since all I ever do is research and I knew the truth. I warned my Doctor Who was in her 40s lovely woman who had a family , I warned her the shot would kill her and anyone else that they gave it to and I explain why. I even gave them website information to go and check out. Apparently none of them did this which is common in the medical field I don’t understand why no one has the curiosity to dig when they start to see things happening to their patients. At least this doctor had the brains and the curiosity to start keeping track of what’s happening in her practice with her patience. And by the way I got a letter from that practice a few days after I was there they told me they were no longer going to treat me! All because I warned the staff that was remaining of the dangers. All doctors get huge kickbacks from medical pharmaceutical companies to use certain drugs and procedures on their patients. The doctors get typically 50% of their income this way. So there’s the motivation right now to continue to give this poison when they are seeing the detrimental effects on their patient population! These shots need to be stopped now they have plenty of scientific evidence showing all of the horrific side effects and damage that’s being done to the human body. We’re all being shut on they’ve injected our food with these vaccines since most of us became smarter and stopped taking them we didn’t take them at all thank God but we’re not safe because of all the other ways they’re poisoning us. Eat organic know where your organic food comes from no the farmer the stuff you’re buying in Publix is not organic it’s all tainted and it’s sealed with APEEL, which is a carcinogen developed by wonderful Bill Gates and Company. From the data that I have seen worldwide from various sources, the birth rate is down considerably and approximately 86% of all pregnancies are resulting in a dead or deformed child and if the child is born alive the mothers or hemorrhaging out after two weeks after the birth and dying. Again this is the population. This doctor is going to notice a huge decrease in births in her practice and people won’t be able to get pregnant. This doctor seems to have integrity I really hope she expands her thinking opens her mind some more and realizes what’s really going on and can protect her patientS.
The following statements, which were made in 1981 by international banker and unapologetic eugenicist, Jacques Attali, are from Interviews with Michel Salomon – The Faces of the Future, Seghers edition, published in France by Emi Lit when Jacques Attali was a senior adviser to French President, Francoise Mitterand:
“In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as it exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly, then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially the stupid ones.
Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. We cannot of course execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good.
Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to run intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.
We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.”
They've got approval to set up camps in NY now, thanks to their Globalist shill of a governor.
And it was Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia who spoke to law students at the University of Hawaii on Feb. 3, 2014, and said, “Don’t fool yourself into believing that the Supreme Court will never again allow a wartime violation of civil rights like it did allowing internment camps for Japanese Americans during WWII." That statement was from the Senior Associate Justice and longest serving member at the time since 1986 on the U.S. Supreme court.
The level of devastation a conversation of only 16 min. can contain...
It’s very hard to hear the interviewer’s questions...perhaps going forward they will get closer to the microphone.
My friends daughter lost her baby at 28 weeks. :~?
I know a nurse who has had 2 miscarriages since Pfizer vax. 2 healthy babies prior!
Dr. Biss mentions the importance of getting a good case history. All doctors, regardless of their specialties, should be entering the histories of covid shots into permanent patient medical records. Patients should volunteer this information even if it's not asked for.
Hi Doc, I hope you are spreading this info to the rest of the medical establishment as Dr Makis is. Anyone's eyes who are opened the slightest sees this Ageda for what it is...Depopulation.
I am. My eyes are wide open on the depopulation agenda.
Take a red pill doctor.
Are you implying that I need to be enlightened to the truth about reality, especially a truth that is difficult to accept or exposes disillusions? If so, what is the truth you are referring to?
There are hospitals and clinics that are still treating the unvaxxed with extreme and lethal prejudice. If we were in a world where data was properly used then the suggestion might make sense despite the risk— maybe. But Vaers has been corrupt and underused for decades and the C19 data has been completely corrupted. The recent video in this series of two moms whose special needs adult children were murdered under protocol has one mom reporting on a young adult killed in Wisc this month known to her group. Maybe these young adults were or not vaxxed but the point is there is callous treatment for profit and many stories the past C19 years of family members targeted by staff for death protocols. This idea is in film in other parts of the series and all over social media. I don’t know if they’ve collected data yet on the incidence of family members being told hatefully that the vax status was part of the death — probably never going to happen. But high profile leadership from the president down and punitive medical establishment people are on tape for this prejudice and threat. We are not done doctor — the vax passports and WHO treaties are still being fought off. We are no longer in sane medicine (although there never has been sane medicine for vaccine problems and data). We are in a world where the DoD and their ilk are running depopulation and identifying outliers for special treatment. In a sane world you are 💯 right. Maybe the physicians who don’t take that history are not all slackers. Maybe they are first doing no harm. Some of them. And, I’m sure that is your sincere interest too.
8 out of 25 miscarriages in a month! Wow! 100% spike in miscarriages post vax!
Actually she said the miscarriage rate went from 4% to 30%. That's a 7.5X increase.
I am grateful she is humble enough to know the truth and protect her patients now that she sees what is happening
Audio is very low