The leading actors being Fauci and Gates .Gates being the largest funder of the WHO.

Fauci "doesn't remember " as reported after the Congressional closed door questioning he underwent .

Fauci doesn't remember all the deceased foster children in tiny coffins in the Gate of Heaven Cemetery in NY that he experimented on, as reported on by Liam Schiff

in the NYT TWICE ?

To his credit RFK Jr followed up on that in his book ,"The Real Anthony Fauci" .

On the internet the fraudster "fact checkers" jumped in to discredit all the truth that has been made public even for decades with miraculously appearing , suddenly contradictory articles, all paid for by the "Trusted News Initiative" which appears to some of us who read like third world propaganda. This is not the America we were taught to believe in.

Big thanks to Dr Lapado and Gov DeSantis for getting the ball rolling . Too many people have died or been injured as guinea pigs without informed consent !

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If the FL Grand Jury fails to recommend PROSECUTIONS for this, the highest crime contained in statute, it amounts to only more stagecraft.

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Yes, many thanks to the few honest people who have and are trying to help! It is Absolutely Shameful all those who were in a position to have saved a life but for evil Political or Big Dollar reasons saw so many people as nothing but 'Trash along their way' and passed them off.

'Fact Checkers' NEVER were checking truth but rather maintaining the the evil propaganda of corruption. Thanks be, there is an Eternal Day of Reward and also an Eternal time where Evil will be Destroyed. Woe to those who have allowed themselves to become Tares among Wheat! The Seeds of their Day of Rewards for Evil is fast approaching!

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Not fast enough, Barry!


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Maranatha my brother in Christ ✝️💪🏻

John 14:6

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It seems Fauci "don't remember" is sharing a new post-covid very fashionable memory disfunction human sub-category incapacitation, with the President, known as 'Sars-2 Geriatric Bidenitis Homo Sapiens Sapiens'

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RD should be the presidential nominee. What a shame for our nation that our choices will be between Trump, the producer of the MRNA, and Biden, the enforcer of the MRNA. Both are mass murderers.

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Amen to those TRUTHS!

(Never trust two presidents from supposedly adversarial political parties, who leave intact the other’s Executive Orders.)

Each was tasked with gulling their respective constituencies. Former Press Secretary Jennifer Psaki betrayed as much.


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All I can say is at least Trump has begun to adjust his BS about the jabs. Previously he sung his own praises, as if "Operation Warp Speed" was some kind of triumph of his so-called "pandemic leadership". It was truly disgusting.

He has begun to try to distance himself.... Dishonest? Yes, dishonest bs still. I am in a quandary... I see no choice but to vote for him again, sadly.

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Pfizer produced the MRNA .

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Dr. Bhattacharya needs to read Dissolving Illusions and Turtles All the Way Down.

Interesting that DeSantis brought up the 9/11 commission. I pray that this commission does a honest job, because that one was a big farce.

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Sasha Latapova explains who has been behind the covid shots all along


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The publicly run and funded National Citizens Inquiry in Canada has produced a commissioners report that calls for prosecution. Of course the MSM and all levels of governments are ignoring it and refused to participate in the inquiry. I sent it to my MP and no response. Also no response to my letters to him about the WHO treaty. Our government is captured by the oligarch run agencies. This is why Canada and the US governments won't look into their handling of Covid. They are taking orders from the billionaires and not from the electorate.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

MP - short for Muppet.

No longer 'honourable'.

And all 338 muppets had a Nazi clap-a-thon thanks to Anthony Rota, who fell on his sword for the TURD/SINGH WEF led shit show

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Fauci's select memory loss is comical and infuriating all at the same time. A textbook "Narcipsycho" in our midst.

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What about our BLOOD SUPPLY NOW? For those Vaccinated people, who donated, our blood supply will be Tainted again just like the 80s-90s with HIV AND HEP C!! I will never get a blood transfusion!

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there are alternatives, such as Jehovah Witnesses (and some people are claiming they are JW for their safety)... There are at least 2 companies who have separated out the "good" blood: Ironheart bloodworks and Blessedbyhisblood

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Met a woman in a Home Depot parking lot who donated her blood for a 20 dollar gift certificate. I asked her if she took the covid shot....."yes, I had FIVE ! ", she proudly replied.

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Oh my lord!!

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This is my opinion, I believe all the people holding round tables and such are just dragging their feet. You can't tell me they don't already know exactly whats happening around the globe, so why has it taken almost 4 years to get to this point. Ive read there are 17 million dead from the bioweapon injections which I call "the mark of the beast" so I ask, how many more have to die before people are arrested? If someone like me, a retired housewife knew what they were doing shortly after they started injecting people, why on earth wouldn't the people who should have known back then are just now figuring it out. I just hope I live long enough to see justice for the dead and damaged.

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“Without courage there cannot be truth, and without truth there can be no other virtue.”

-Sir Walter Scott

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It's great to have our Governor back

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Why do these doctors never admit to the true agenda but slide around it? What is going on in the world is so obvious!

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How do you like the idea of 3 years in prison for speaking out against the toxic jabs?

Article 4 (Prison for Criticising the Toxic Jabs)

French collectivist authoritarians: "With this Bill we defend science"


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My brother in law, in the one time communist country of Croatia, told me about his grandmother who raised him.

She would not allow him to participate in school pictures with the red scarf around his neck .He ran home and she answered the door with 2 large "security police " standing there. They demanded her grandson come with them. The tiny old woman jumped up and slapped one of them in the face.

It is BAD for them when it gets around that they are arresting the citizens, especially the elderly.. It ruins their reputation because it travels through the populace and increases distrust.

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One big clown show, I will believe it when I see it if anyone gets arrested for taking part in the SLAUGHTER OF OUR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN. I’m eager for a real outcome.I won’t hold my breath!!!!!

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They'll just keep messing with us, until we ditch our phones:


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Samuel Hejslet, a brilliant musician, died in a nursing home last year, doped up on morphine. It may have been suicide. He was severely EHS - which a doctor/psychiatrist had tried to treat with electro shocks, to which Samuel unknowingly had agreed. It only made it SO much worse! He was not allowed to see his little daughter, because his ex-wife thought he was crazy.

This is what his 'life' looked like only a few years ago - in Danish, but I'm sure people will get the sense: https://vimeo.com/352553538

RIP beautiful soul, Samuel ❤️

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Yes beware !

My daughter's friend who owned an international jewelry appraisal company , fell into an anxiety fueled depression when the Communist Chinese took over as low ball competitors. He knew he would have to fire employees with families . He went to the local ER for help and was admitted for 3 days for observation after which, he walked out with prescriptions that were over the top chemicals for his brain and body.

SSRIs have black box warnings for suicide ideology. They found his body in the woods behind his mother's house.

BTW..........Looks like EVERY mass school shootings and the Las Vegas massacre.....all the perps were taking ssris.

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But SSRIs have "nothing" to do with it, right?

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I'm so sorry to hear that.

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Wow. Thank you Kamikaze for sharing this - hope people wake up to the fact that we as humans ARE electric in nature, and why EMFs are manmade, and not from God, so they have never belonged on this Earth, and never will. When did you become aware of the hazards of EMF?

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I do not have the knowledge at all, whether this kind of communication can be done in a safe, life sustaining way. Intuitively I think 'of course it can!' But how, I don't know.

I've always been sensitive, and always been somewhat aware of being able to sense elf's, even as a child in the 80's. Thinking it was only natural for my body to react. Around 2012, a friend who also suffered immensely from EHS, told me about all the wireless radiation to which I had been completely oblivious. My son is 4 weeks premature born and also very sensitive, so when I started looking into the subject and learned about all the warnings from scientists etc., I tried for several years to create awareness around wifi in schools and get him shielded. Unfortunately, I did not succeed, as he was living with his father. It broke my heart.

During these years, maybe in 2018, a five yo little girl, Nellie, died at our national hospital in Copenhagen, ultimately after a brain scan that made her brain swell. Her mother believed she had become EHS due to vaccine damage. I followed on the sidelines when it happened, and it changed me forever. Made me realize the seriousness.

I liken the way people with EHS are being treated to the ignorant way the soldiers who were shell shocked during WWI a hundred years ago were treated. With electro shocks and then back to the front. Just toughen up!

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Dr. Michael Yeadon indicated that when this BS started 4 years ago, he paid a visit with some of his colleagues to speak to DeSantis and Ladapo.

DeSantis called in his cabinet members and Dr. Yeadon and his colleagues presented their case.

DeSantis response: “we are all in agreement with you but let’s wait until the end of the election”😳

Yeadon: “while more and more people die”

Not my words...his on one of his video via substack

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I wish Dr. Jay B. (& maybe others on the panel) would bone up on the (lack of) safety studies of the vaccines on the childhood schedule. (I learned about this from ICAN - the Informed Consent Action Network - & Del Bigtree (Highwire) & RFK Jr.) Anyone who takes the time to dig into this can find it out as well. The vaccine paradigm PERIOD is beyond just problematic! It's beyond just scandalous. Sure wish people would do some deep research on all things vaccine & leave behind our now-multi-generational reliance on these poisons. Dr. Russell Blaylock, a now-retired neurosurgeon, has written eloquently about how vaccines affect the infant brain. Everyone should read this! You can do so here: https://bit.ly/2GNUADY It will change your mind about the madness of injecting infants with these substances.

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