Anthony Fauxi needs to be prosecuted and incarcerated.

As one of the primary voices behind the draconian tyranny that was unleashed worldwide, the Public has a right to see why he was so vociferous.

He should be compelled to release his financial conflicts of interest, and his bank records.

Only THEN will we all see why Anthony Fauxi has gone so hard on vaccinating the Public.

His past behaviour shows it was nothing to do with his love of humanity.

He didn't care if your child's education was regressed, if your mother spent her last moments alone and terrified, if her funeral was unattended with the only record being a Zoom recording, if multi-generational businesses went under, if people lost their homes, or if fathers committed suicide.

The man is a monster.

He isn't "The Science".

He is the corruption-of-science personified.

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He needs to be publicly executed. Along with Bill Gates, Albert Bourla, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Klaus Schwab and dozens if not hundreds of other grifters across North America and Europe.

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Exactly!! Firing squad in the public square should be mandated for these murderers!!

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Too easy to fake. I favor that French invention: The Guillotine. No ambiguity. No possibility of faking it.

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Here is the ICD code for Guillotine

2024 ICD-10-CM External Causes Index › 'B' Terms › Index Terms Starting With 'B' (Beheading)

Index Terms Starting With 'B' (Beheading)

Beheading (by guillotine)

homicide X99.9

legal execution - see Legal, intervention

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quick, but a bit messey.

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I prefer tar, feathers, hung, drawn, quartered, and quarters posted in Wuhan, UN, and the North and South poles. Videos to be seen by everyone annually forever.

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or put them all in a NASA rocket and send to the moon for good, so their ashes do not contaminate this planet! Assuming, the flights to the moon resume at some point....

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Unfortunately there has never been a successful landing on the moon, so that option’s out ;-)

https://rumble.com/v41zffv-putin-exposes-the-truth-about-the-fake-moon-landings.html lol

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Who cares if it's "successful" so long as they're sent there?

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And in Canada, Justin Trudeau, Dr Tam, Federal Heath ministers., Bonnie Henry, Dr Henshaw, Rachel Notley, members of the Alberta Health Services etc

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Trudeau is travelling to France as they remember D-Day. The cruel irony of the man that stomped on our hard fought for constitutional freedoms, his anti science, totalitarian like decision making the past 3-4 years!? … He is representing Canada 🇨🇦? It makes me want to cry and vomit at the same time. These Canadians fought in WW2 so that people would not have to be under oppressive and hateful leadership. That arse, Trudeau, forced my husband and I to drive across Canada to care for our sick father. We were treated like criminals with our gov’ts “hate science” read Fisman’s Fraud - I will never forget.

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Justin Castreau, Theresa Tam, "Butcher Bonnie" Henry, Deena Hinshaw, Rachel Notley, et al.. ?

Ever heard of a fellow named "Vlad Tepes"? Read of his preferred method of execution? 🤔

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Capt. Roy, well said. I agree

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How about a deep hole where the families of the deceased who died thanks to HIS Protocols in the hospitals , can throw rotten fruit and feces down on him?

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Exactly Captain. Throughout U.S. history people have been executed for farrrrrr less.

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His entire wealth needs to be confiscated and his wife should be “forced” (like most people were under his mandates) to write compensation checks to every person’s family that lost a loved one due to the shots and hospital protocols! Should not be a penny left for him or any of his family to inherit! Then move on to the hospitals and board of directors and down the line. No one should get away with what they did.

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There are those that say his government paid security should be removed as well.

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I totally Agreed with everything u say Sez77.

I do NOT UNDERSTAND why Fauci is a free man! It boggles my mind why he isn’t IN JAIL! When are they going to set an example to send all those whom were involved in LYING to the American people & the WORLD to be fully prosecuted & jailed. ALL THE EVIDENCE ARE RIGHT THERE, to prosecute. What else is needed? I really don’t understand why he’s being questioned. We ALL know he’s the BIGGEST LIAR & BIGGEST SCUMBAG along with Gates. Like I said to many people, these two should be put away FOR LIFE & NEVER SEE ANY DAYLIGHTS. What they have done to my families is UNFORGIVABLE! 8 have died after taking the Covid jabs! Many friends & friends families have died suddenly. I’m still seeing many of my friends still injured from the Covid Jabs, after 3 years… they were ALL HEALTHY PEOPLE who have died & INJURED. I’m so disappointed at these interviews & NOTHING GETS DONE TO THESE THUGS who have COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Every time I hear that scumbag Fauci speaks, I wanna reached thru the tv & punch him in the mouth & knocked all his teeth out & make him choked on it. It really fantastic to see more People are waking up & refusing that POISON! Everyone I know took the jabs, HAVE NEVER GET BOOSTED, they r refusing! I always talked to people & I use myself as an example & proof that mRNA jabs have killed. Myself & many others Have NEVER TOOK THE JABS! We are all fine, & many, many NEVER GOT SICK OR CONTRACTED THE virus, my self & families have worked thru the pandemic as essential workers & NEVER GOT SICK OR COVID! So, the lies about Covid was deadly, WAS ALL BULLSHIT! Keep sharing information & help each other’s. We MUST NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR OUR RIGHTS & FREEDOM.

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Because he is the highest paid Federal employee and is protected by the DOD for whom he worked,

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More like “prosecuted and incinerated”! — As Br. Alexis Bugnolo truly said, all these monsters should be burned at the stake for what they’ve done.

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Roy, glad to hear you follow Br Alexis Bugnolo from Italy.

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And I'm not even Catholic! 😇

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And who's problem is that?😁 Anyway Bro. Alexis has excellent knowlege with what is happening and exposes the globalist Francis. As a Catholic i will be happy when he is gone.. He to has blood on his hands by promoting the deathvax.

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That's the least of it....

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You know Br. Alexis? He has some brilliant observations to offer.

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Just sharing the link to his website: https://www.fromrome.info/

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Ideological bullshit to not want to get “vaccinated” with a deadly fake vaxx? That’s the hideously hateful perspective of a total madman! Fraudci dares to smugly deny that he said or “meant” what we all know he said. Typical sociopathic narcissist — plain evil. My precious life-loving sister and many others worldwide suffered and died horrible deaths because they were conned to “believe the science”. Fauci — you know you are dead guilty of the worst crimes against humanity in all of human history. You can squirm and deny and lie and try to hide behind your own false narrative but TRUTH is blazing a spotlight and will ultimately hold you accountable for all your murderous wickedness.

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I was forced to walk away from my job November 14, 2021 because I wouldn't take The Lethal Injection. I was out of work, unemployable, "Persona Non Grata" until July 22, 2022 when the Lethal Injection Mandates were lifted. British Columbia's Socialized medical program has turned my file over to a collection agency for non-payment of premiums. Yet I wonder.. will they compensate me the $7,500 in vacation pay I drew to survive? Will they compensate me for $30,000 worth of lost wages over those 9 months? Fat f***ing chance I suspect...🤔💩

Meanwhile I'm personally aware of 7 deaths and 33 debilitating injuries thanks to the Lethal Injections. How many people sick with "Covid" never mind any deaths over the course of the Fraudemic? A great big fat "ZERO."

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They made if difficult alright to live your life everyday is what they did! No concern for anyone, but keeping the masses under control with their lies. You were one of the few that saw through the propaganda. Good for you! They will pay for what they did. No doubt!! Justice is coming!! Not sure when, but it is coming!!

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Susan, I loved ur comments. Thank u

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Summary: you shall do what the government wants you to do or the government will destroy your life.

Fauci IS a Dictator.

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The scary part is, the Democrat Party is in his court. THEY are dictators and they are very close to winning it all.

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Fauci killed people

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NOT just with the covid protocols and jabs either. A S African Dentist told me the villagers run into the bush when Gates and Fauci come. Also I believe I read there was a warrant for his arrest because so many young girls in the Philippines were harmed or died from their "vaccines", like Gardasil.

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YES AND STILL NO JUSTICE... seems govt and courts won't do it... but the fearful mobs have not come forth yet

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deletedJun 4·edited Jun 4
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AGREED... kill is sort of impersonal where its a statistic... as Stalin said one person dying is a tragedy, a million is just a statistic

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

Fauci is responsible for millions of deaths. He needs to be on death trial. I didn't hear that...

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His execution – along with dozens if not hundreds of others – must be public, and televised. I personally favor "The Guillotine": No ambiguity. No possibility of fraud. After of course, a scrupulously fair trial in the purported fashion of Nuremberg... which I'm beginning to learn were anything but... 🤔

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Where do we sign up as volunteers.. But I am afraid there will a long line up.. I hate lines.. Ha

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It's all kabuki, tmcongress needs to satisfy the public that they doing the right thing..All for the show, till the public gets over saturated and looses tge interests, just like the Maxwell/Epstein trail.. no perpetrators got caught....live goes on after..most ppl do have short memories.

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Agree. But I don't think this one's going to slip into obscurity.

The horror show is only just getting started.

It will be memorable. That, we can say, with certainty.

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That’s exactly how they operate: via chaos!!

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Too true.. I like Rand Paul who put the pressure on Fauci during the height of the plandemic. Fauci is devil powered and can really take it. I wonder if he can actually be broken. I believe he goes back to his pit and laughs. Remember, he was the father of AIDS

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I thought Rand Paul and Fauci's show was fake. Preplanned theatre. A nothing burger.

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Look at all of these fake Congressional hearings where nothing is done about the inquiry.

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they are owned by AIPAC ( American Israel Public Affairs Committee ) No legislator dares to be anti semitic. They all follow lock step

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Devil powered.

Bingo !!!

Anyone that can willingly murder millions, torture puppies and lie about it while smiling is from the devil who is the father of lies who seeks to kill and destroy.

What else could it be?

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They knew that Remdesivir killed 53% of people they gave it to, who had symptoms they called Ebola. These symptoms killed a lot less than 53% of those who had them. Yet knowing how deadly Remdesivir is, the establishment decided it was the 'go to' drug for people who turned up at hospitals with respiratory issues. This is premeditated murder, on an industrial scale.

They even financially incentivized doctors and nurses, to kill people with incubators, Midazolam with Morphine, though Remdesivir seemed to be their favoured way to kill.

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God forbid any of us need to go to the hospital!

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Excellent addition and spot on.

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deletedJun 4·edited Jun 4
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I like your attitude... You are hired

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One of the best clips!

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

Anyone who thinks he/she has begun to learn who the true Fauci is, by this Congressional "snippet," yet hasn't read RFK's stellar book, really needs to; that volume tells it all, by meticulously exposing his incredibly cruel (and, assuredly, lucrative) misdeeds and horrific harms.

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Amy, RFK book is awesome. I highly recommended it to everyone

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The movie….AND THE BAND PLAYED ON…what Fauci and the NIH did or didn’t do during the AIDS epidemic….a real eye opener..

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Thanks; have always loved the courage of Celia Farber during those dark days (and, of course, during Covid, too), but somehow never got to see that film you've suggested; will make sure I do. I also want to see "The Dallas Buyers' Club," which some have told me to check out...

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Corruption enough to gag an army of maggots. How can I ever find faith.... in my government, any politician, any medical doctor, the medical profession, the academy, the judiciary and the police; indeed any agency or institution, ever again? Every last one of them, venal, bought, utterly corrupt. Every last one of them, rotten to the core.

I think of Jummai Nache, forced to take The Lethal Injections as a condition of employment. Lost both legs above the knee and both her hands, from consequent bloodclots. I think of little Ámbar Suárez of Argentina, given The Poison Death Shot so she could attend her Junior Kindergarten: Dead of a heart attack the next day. She was three. I think of 16-year-old Ernesto Ramirez in America, who was also obligated to take it so he could participate in his Little League’s baseball team. Dead less than a week later, his heart upon autopsy discovered to be swollen to twice its normal size…

"Ideological bullshit"? You evil, odious, son-of-a-bitch.

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And he (and about 100 other bureaucrats) made money with each vax that was given to the tune of about 70 million dollars. 🤢 Disgusting human cockroaches…

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The Pfizer board members, went from being millionaires to becoming billionaires, only because of their poison jabs.

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Dr. Fauci not only created fear, he created the monster... COVID design was funded by him with your taxes:


He also funded the development of the lethal COVID vaccines; public funding for private profits as usual

He should be in jail with a thousand year sentence!

How could he pull this off? He's part of a clique! Not italian mafia, but worse:.


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His people left Spain in 1492 and took the town in Spain as their last name as immigrants to Italy

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Justice for all his victims!

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I want his money and other assets to go to those he is responsible for harming. I want him in prison. . . or dead.

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Naw. Just dead.

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But I don't wish for him, or anyone, to go to hell, so I pray that he will repent before he dies. Repentance shouldn't lessen the consequences he faced on earth.

It's really hard not to hate, isn't it? I don't think I ever really hated someone before covid and now the list is long.

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You're a better person than I am, Anne... OTOH I look at my step-daughter.. took the Lethal Injection – 4 doses of it – because of her history of asthma and respiratory illnesses... She now has eczema so bad she can't go outside: The wind hitting her face hurts too much. She has to done gloves to do anything, her mother has to go to her apartment and do her dishes for her, clean out her pet rat's cages. It's even on her eyelids. Her menstruation has become more like a hemorrhage, her mom tracked down special pads on Amazon, had to order them from England.

Catherine is 28 years old. She can't work. Her life is over. Thanks to Fauci.

Come to think of it? 🤔 I've had "skin in the game" so to speak, for nearly 30 years now, because my brother Paul passed January 27, 1995: We thought it was "AIDS". It wasn't. It was AZT poisoning. Paul died at 43, blind, emaciated, scarcely able to move... thanks to the compassionate Doktor Mengele--Fauci, rather...


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I am so very sorry. Fauci has done so much evil. I get overwhelmed by what is happening and then more overwhelmed when I see how many people don't seem to care. In addition to the horrors you mentioned, there was experimentation on foster children or orphans in NY, who had no one to speak up for them. I thought when the news broke about his experimentation on puppies that surely people would rise up, since in the U.S. at least, people are over the top crazy about pets. If they can do what they just did to Trump, surely Fauci can be charged. I'm not a big Trump supporter, by the way, but it's not about him anymore. It's about the destruction of our country. And now, Tedros wants to come after us. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/who-director-tedros-its-time-to-be-more-aggressive-in-pushing-back-on-anti-vaxxers/?utm_source=featured-news&utm_campaign=usa

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Florida Sharkman.com just gave someone a protocol for eczema. It’s worth a look into it and he will respond. (I wish I knew that when my sister suffered of it). I know he is on Truth Social but he also has the website too.

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I found it comical that a so-called doctor who looks like a weasel actually is a weasel. All that aside, this man clearly has no conscience. He continues defending his deadly decisions, even though he has to in order to protect his offshore accounts full of taxpayer money. He personally should be forced to pay for the medical treatment of every surviving Covid-vaxx victim, since he is heavily invested in Covid vaxxes too. And top that off with $100K per survivor of every hospitalized man and woman who died needlessly because of his mandated "treatment" remdesivir. It is my understanding remdesivir is STILL being used on patients without their consent. In fact, coincidentally, two years ago today we lost a family member to the steady one-month drip drip drip of remdesivir.

Fauci, in his nearly 5 decades of steering not just America but the whole world wrong, is the greediest, most inhumane "doctor" in world history.

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Fauci is our notorious Dr Mengele and deserves a trial for crimes against humanity and if convicted he should face death by hanging.

MILLIONS ARE DEAD OR DISABLED BY THE SARS-CoV2 VACCINE GLOBALLY. Others should also face these trials. Last estimate I heard was an estimated 1 million dead in the US and 17 million globally. See the work of Edward Dowd and others on the excess deaths in the US and Global population Post Vaccination. The vaccine is the BIOWEAPON, far more deadly than the virus itself!

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Totally agree he should be executed. AFTER all his money is used up taking care of his innumerable victims.

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Somehow I'm reminded of Wade Frazier's story of Morris Fishbein, second president of the AMA, who purportedly never practised medicine a day in his life; Wade goes on to say "He refused to go through a two-year internship at an accredited hospital, which was the standard back then. Fishbein was seriously considering a career as a circus acrobat, and was working part-time as an extra at an opera company." Yet this clown – actually "gangster" would be a better adjective – was the president of the AMA, directed it from 1924 to 1950 when scandal forced his resignation. During his tenure he did everything in his power to promote tobacco consumption whilst subverting any kind of cancer treatments other than surgery and radiation therapies; chemotherapy came later.

Wade also remarked of Fishbein " Here is an unpleasant thought to consider: Fishbein was actively promoting the single greatest cause of cancer while simultaneously wiping out the cancer cures that worked, cures that were harmless, and Fishbein knew exactly what he was doing. His cigarette promotion was creating a market (patients) for a racket where the cash registers rang resoundingly, and anything that could cheaply cure the disease was ruthlessly wiped out.

I have never seen anybody make that argument for Fishbein before. If we accept that some people are actively committed to evil, and it probably has to be admitted if one believes in free will, then this argument about Fishbein is not easily dismissed." (https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm)

Fauci's career would seem to be an instant replay of Fishbein's, while the man himself I wonder might be Fishbein's bastard reincarnation...🤔

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The ‘architects’ have bosses and those bosses have bosses - on and on it goes until you reach the inevitable conclusion that there is a World Crime Syndicate calling all the shots and murdering all living things without remorse.


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Its all planned and scripted, he's just another direction and scapegoat...

Here's our proof


More solid evidence we are being played! From top to bottom.

This is 1992


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and no human being on the planet can save us from this evil. All of this is predicted in the Bible. Jesus Christ himself said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me." John 14:6.

We are all fallen creatures and we cannot save ourselves. The thrice holy God of Scripture is Sovereign over all things and thus our only hope.


Dear Father: I pray that you would open the eyes, ears and hearts of people on this substack that they may know you and worship you because you alone are worthy of all of our praise. Amen

There is a God-shaped void in each human heart that only He can fill. I hope you will not ignore this but take it seriously as your eternal destination depends on it.

Sincerely, from my heart,


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