Gates, Gavi, WEF, WHO, FDA, TGA and other similar agencies globally and the governments that mandated this POISON are BLOODY CRIMINALS AND SHOULD BE RECOGNISED AS SUCH.
It's high time humanity rises up and no longer allow this people a breathing space let alone the ability to carry on NORMAL LIFE without a full reckoning.
"Gates, Gavi, WEF, WHO, FDA, TGA and other similar agencies globally and the governments that mandated this POISON are BLOODY CRIMINALS AND SHOULD BE "
Thank you for this post. I believe that it's now late enough in this nightmare of a campaign that has been perpetrated upon humanity to once and for all call this for exactly what it is: a mass genocide of humanity by way of experimental, toxic, injection referenced to as being a vaccine but which is in no way at all a vaccine as according to federal regulations and federal requirements.
We continually hear people talking about "having 'COVID-19." Many speak of having had, or currently having and even having had multiple instances of "COVID-19." But, just what the hell is 'COVID-19?" In all of my research, I have yet to come across any governmental health agency from any nation that can provide one iota of evidence that substantiates the existence of a virus or otherwise, known as "COVID-19". In the US CDC 2019-2020 RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel under section 'Performance Characteristics", it is clearly said that when the PCR test was developed, there were no quantified isolates available for production and that 'characterized stock' was utilized in its crestion.
Maybe I'm an idiot (though I don't believe that I am), but this here says to me that a test thst was utilized to determine a person's health status was intentionally and deceptively created to instill fear upon the masses, creating a fear-driven panic like we've never seen, pushed the hardest by worldwide media which ultimately resulted in the many needless and senseless deaths of innocent human beings.
All of that said, and I could keep on for days regurgitating everything that has been discussed ad nauseum but due to the limitations of space and frankly, the fact that I am sick and I am tired of discussing this matter, I am going to end on this: I am a conservative Republican - one of the gay one's in fact. And as much as I disagree with the politics, policies and practices of the left, as far apart as I am in both morals & values from those on the farthest reaches of the left, what has been done here is not just criminal and worthy of execution of all those who were involved in this massive crime of deception and murder against humanity, but it is just plain wrong to put it so basically. I wouldn't have ever wished this upon my greatest political opponent, though I know that my greatest political opponents would wish this upon me (one of those many differences in morals & values). Hstory books will paint a picture of absolute tragedy and how the ignorance and pride of so many resulted in, at least to my knowledge, one of the largest instances of the eradication of human beings ever known. There are still many, even to this day, who swear by these injections and the existence of something called 'COVID-19'. They will never believe or accept what crines gave been perpetrated against us and they will go to their graves with this very belief either willfully or ignorantly refusing to know the truth.
I suggest thst when we hear people speak of "COVID-19", what we're really talking about is some 'boogynan', nonexistent virus comparable to influenza, spoken about in general terms with emphasized symptoms which were utilized to murder otherwise healthy people in hospitals and by way of "vaccines". I truly wonder if even those who still do not see this would be convinced by another round of Nuremberg-style trials with actual executions? Time will tell. But until then, how many more people are going to die due to complications caused by injections or just multiple injections?
With childhood vaccine schedule as it is, we need to ask ourselves exactly when did the mass genocide of people start. I no longer believe all those shots they give healthy children are meant to make them stay healthy. Or the flu shot etc of older people etc... I think it is all intended to cause illness, dependency on pharma drugs, and death.
You may be interested to know that the docuseries "End of Covid" is being streamed now at (Brighteon University streams for free documentaries in support of humanity). Each stream repeats in a 24-hour loop from noon to noon. Exceptional man - Mike Adams!
The "Covid-19" Scamdemic was simply an instant replay of the attempted "SARS" Scamdemic of 2003. Remember that? Only difference being, then, it was a "flu" the Chinese caught from eating civets, and transmitting it to the rest of us, this time it was a "cold" the Chinese caught from eating bats, and transmitting it to the rest of us... Small problem being the Chinese have been eating things like civets and bats for millenia but only now, they caught diseases from them? Yeah. Right.
And oh yeah, the criminal WHO changed their definition of a pandemic since 2003 so they could bullshit their way into declaring one, and getting away with it this time.
Everything about the Scamdemic stank and continues to stink to high heaven of wanton criminality and fraud.. why... WHY?! Do so few of us see the nakedly bloody obvious?!
PS Re your question "But until then, how many more people are going to die due to complications caused by injections or just multiple injections?" -- from what I've read, everyone who has taken even ONE of these injections has 2 - 5 years.. unless like Tiffany Dover, you die within minutes, or like little Ambar Suarez of Argentina, within a day or two... Given The Lethal Injection so she could attend Junior Kindergarten. Dead the next day of a heart attack. She was THREE.
PPS 6.5 billion people on Earth have taken at least one dose, of The Lethal Injection... 😱 💣
I know. I don't understand how so few of us can see it and yet so many can't see it at all. It's as plain as day in my opinion. I have heard the same as far as those who chose to receive the injections having an estimated 2-5 years. I've also heard up to 10 years but the bottom line is, no one can really say for sure since this is all new. Very sad predicament humanity finds itself in.
"Predicament"? Try "catastrophe" or "cataclysm"? The other nasty -- besides being turned into genetic chimera that are no longer human -- is that injectees have been rendered sterile, and are shedding the spike protein to The Purebloods. This could be an Extinction Level Event.... 🤔
You are absolutely correct. Clearly, my use of 'predicament' was much too understated. 'Catastrophe', 'cataclysm' and 'extinction level event' each far better characterize this crime against the world population. I think this really first 'hit home' for me when the discussion of so many people passing away at such a high rate that the task of ensuring that all of the deceased are given proper interments could potentially fall upon all of us as the funeral industry would be far too overburdened with overflowing morgue, coolers and those lying in state awaiting service & interment. The notion that we would all need to wear appropriate biohazard gear as we worked to bury all of the dead. This is a very frightening scenario to me!
I have a feeling that the WHO has been sent some clear messaging about their presence in the US - or any other future attempt at entering the US - provided reporting that I have seen is accurate.
Collective fear, created and maintained for years by the media and the governments, was the main killer. Panic kills in a multitude of direct and indirect ways, the vaccination campaign was just one of them.
We all recall how politicians, the media, scientists, and doctors said just one death from Covid-19 was one death too many. Well, why doesn't that same rule apply to the BIOWEAPONS?
Yes indeed! What did become of the mechanisms to stop this 'pharmaceutical agent' that were used to stop other dangerous 'vaccines', other dangerous pharmaceuticals, that were used to stop thalidomide for example in the 1950s? Obviously these mechanisms were all removed. That in itself is damming proof of a deliberate and planned genocide.
These monsters believe that Satan will reward them for what they have done. Satan's reward will be their eternal torture in Hell. Incredibly, Jesus' love is so great that He still wants to save them because He knows what Satan has in store for them in Satan's Hell that is inaccessible by either the Father or the Son.
"And besides all this, a great chasm has been fixed between us and you, so that even those who wish cannot cross from here to you, nor can anyone cross from there to us.’
‘Then I beg you, father,’ he said, ‘send Lazarus to my father’s house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also end up in this place of torment.’
But Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; let your brothers listen to them.’
‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone is sent to them from the dead, they will repent.’
Then Abraham said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.’ ”
This is a great question. Dr Judy Mikowitz (sp?) stated that there has to be an antidote for this injection in the case that any of the 'vaccine' creators or their family or associates were to be exposed. They'd certainly want a way to reverse the injection so great question. Where is the antidote?
My question was not; 'where is the antidote?'. (They are certainly isn't one as it is not a pure or consistant formulation.) My question is: why have these 'products' not been formally banned, barred from sale and declared dangerous, lethal and unfit for human or animal use? What happened to the mechanisms in place to do this? They have obviously been deliberately removed. Apart from the fact that it was designed to harm and kill; the fact that all standard mechanisms for removal of a dangerous pharmaceutical, or any chemical agent for that matter, have been sidestepped or inactivated, is a clear sign of a deliberate and intentional mass murder.
All of the perpetrators need to be identified and brought before national or international military tribunals or courts, tried and if found culpable, convicted and sentenced. Military, as they are established to protect people of their nations from both foreign and domestic attacks, as this is. For some period of time, nations will need to go under martial law if it is found their governments conspired in a coordinated and global evil conspiracy against their peoples that included genocide to establish a tyrannical 'one world' autocracy. All of this has been in the works for decades and centuries with the masses intentionally kept oblivious even though all of their plans are documented and published for public consumption.
Meanwhile here in lovely Victoria, British Columbia I learned of a documentary presented during the Victoria Film Festival about the ineluctable "Butcher Bonnie" Henry:
“Our Time to be Kind” 🤢🤮 directed by one Adrian Buitenhuis..
And of some vociferous protest by a small but aware group of people:
Thank you. Everything you post is just yet more support for those of us who have lost due to these vaccines. I cannot thank you enough for your tireless pursuit of documenting this data, these effects, these stories. I have turned to your substack numerous times when I've needed to support my stance or advocate for myself. I see you as someone who has lost more than most of us and I thank you for turning this into a mission of giving back to us all with this important documentation and ongoing resource of information - God Bless you a hundred times over for doing the right thing :)
I know several people who would just repeat whatever the current propaganda was at the time up to the end when they would say the " "vaccine" doesn't stop people from getting covid but at least it reduces hospitalizations." When they said this I didn't say anything back. Just amazed that people can be that stupid.
I was amazed when the authorities came out with the term "breakthrough infection". Clearly that meant that the vaccines didn't work, but people just accepted the concept of breakthrough infections and took their boosters. Also, "breakthrough infection" is evidence that the messaging at the time was saying that the vaccines were supposed to prevent infection.
Literally everything that comes from the mouths of those who believe that 'COVID-19' is truly a virus and that these so-called 'vaccines' are working so long as they stay on track and get every booster leave me feeling just completely lost. I would bet that many who have had the shots and boosters would backtrack and reconsider all of this if they could undo what's been done. But because they can't, they're invested. And pride, as it was from the beginning, will be a major component to their undoing.
The evidence is incontrovertible.
Gates, Gavi, WEF, WHO, FDA, TGA and other similar agencies globally and the governments that mandated this POISON are BLOODY CRIMINALS AND SHOULD BE RECOGNISED AS SUCH.
It's high time humanity rises up and no longer allow this people a breathing space let alone the ability to carry on NORMAL LIFE without a full reckoning.
It was/is a democide.
"Gates, Gavi, WEF, WHO, FDA, TGA and other similar agencies globally and the governments that mandated this POISON are BLOODY CRIMINALS AND SHOULD BE "
— publicly executed.
I suggest drawn and quartered. We do a few of those and this madness would stop right now!
👍 😘 🥰
Perfectly stated
Thank you for this post. I believe that it's now late enough in this nightmare of a campaign that has been perpetrated upon humanity to once and for all call this for exactly what it is: a mass genocide of humanity by way of experimental, toxic, injection referenced to as being a vaccine but which is in no way at all a vaccine as according to federal regulations and federal requirements.
We continually hear people talking about "having 'COVID-19." Many speak of having had, or currently having and even having had multiple instances of "COVID-19." But, just what the hell is 'COVID-19?" In all of my research, I have yet to come across any governmental health agency from any nation that can provide one iota of evidence that substantiates the existence of a virus or otherwise, known as "COVID-19". In the US CDC 2019-2020 RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel under section 'Performance Characteristics", it is clearly said that when the PCR test was developed, there were no quantified isolates available for production and that 'characterized stock' was utilized in its crestion.
Maybe I'm an idiot (though I don't believe that I am), but this here says to me that a test thst was utilized to determine a person's health status was intentionally and deceptively created to instill fear upon the masses, creating a fear-driven panic like we've never seen, pushed the hardest by worldwide media which ultimately resulted in the many needless and senseless deaths of innocent human beings.
All of that said, and I could keep on for days regurgitating everything that has been discussed ad nauseum but due to the limitations of space and frankly, the fact that I am sick and I am tired of discussing this matter, I am going to end on this: I am a conservative Republican - one of the gay one's in fact. And as much as I disagree with the politics, policies and practices of the left, as far apart as I am in both morals & values from those on the farthest reaches of the left, what has been done here is not just criminal and worthy of execution of all those who were involved in this massive crime of deception and murder against humanity, but it is just plain wrong to put it so basically. I wouldn't have ever wished this upon my greatest political opponent, though I know that my greatest political opponents would wish this upon me (one of those many differences in morals & values). Hstory books will paint a picture of absolute tragedy and how the ignorance and pride of so many resulted in, at least to my knowledge, one of the largest instances of the eradication of human beings ever known. There are still many, even to this day, who swear by these injections and the existence of something called 'COVID-19'. They will never believe or accept what crines gave been perpetrated against us and they will go to their graves with this very belief either willfully or ignorantly refusing to know the truth.
I suggest thst when we hear people speak of "COVID-19", what we're really talking about is some 'boogynan', nonexistent virus comparable to influenza, spoken about in general terms with emphasized symptoms which were utilized to murder otherwise healthy people in hospitals and by way of "vaccines". I truly wonder if even those who still do not see this would be convinced by another round of Nuremberg-style trials with actual executions? Time will tell. But until then, how many more people are going to die due to complications caused by injections or just multiple injections?
With childhood vaccine schedule as it is, we need to ask ourselves exactly when did the mass genocide of people start. I no longer believe all those shots they give healthy children are meant to make them stay healthy. Or the flu shot etc of older people etc... I think it is all intended to cause illness, dependency on pharma drugs, and death.
Virology is Mythology - S.O.V.I. - Statement of Virus Isolation - Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Dr. Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morrell, MA
Thank you very much for this! I am glad to have it in my collection. Frankly, I'm quite surprised that I have not yet seen this. TY!
You may be interested to know that the docuseries "End of Covid" is being streamed now at (Brighteon University streams for free documentaries in support of humanity). Each stream repeats in a 24-hour loop from noon to noon. Exceptional man - Mike Adams!
The "Covid-19" Scamdemic was simply an instant replay of the attempted "SARS" Scamdemic of 2003. Remember that? Only difference being, then, it was a "flu" the Chinese caught from eating civets, and transmitting it to the rest of us, this time it was a "cold" the Chinese caught from eating bats, and transmitting it to the rest of us... Small problem being the Chinese have been eating things like civets and bats for millenia but only now, they caught diseases from them? Yeah. Right.
And oh yeah, the criminal WHO changed their definition of a pandemic since 2003 so they could bullshit their way into declaring one, and getting away with it this time.
Everything about the Scamdemic stank and continues to stink to high heaven of wanton criminality and fraud.. why... WHY?! Do so few of us see the nakedly bloody obvious?!
PS Re your question "But until then, how many more people are going to die due to complications caused by injections or just multiple injections?" -- from what I've read, everyone who has taken even ONE of these injections has 2 - 5 years.. unless like Tiffany Dover, you die within minutes, or like little Ambar Suarez of Argentina, within a day or two... Given The Lethal Injection so she could attend Junior Kindergarten. Dead the next day of a heart attack. She was THREE.
PPS 6.5 billion people on Earth have taken at least one dose, of The Lethal Injection... 😱 💣
I know. I don't understand how so few of us can see it and yet so many can't see it at all. It's as plain as day in my opinion. I have heard the same as far as those who chose to receive the injections having an estimated 2-5 years. I've also heard up to 10 years but the bottom line is, no one can really say for sure since this is all new. Very sad predicament humanity finds itself in.
"Predicament"? Try "catastrophe" or "cataclysm"? The other nasty -- besides being turned into genetic chimera that are no longer human -- is that injectees have been rendered sterile, and are shedding the spike protein to The Purebloods. This could be an Extinction Level Event.... 🤔
You are absolutely correct. Clearly, my use of 'predicament' was much too understated. 'Catastrophe', 'cataclysm' and 'extinction level event' each far better characterize this crime against the world population. I think this really first 'hit home' for me when the discussion of so many people passing away at such a high rate that the task of ensuring that all of the deceased are given proper interments could potentially fall upon all of us as the funeral industry would be far too overburdened with overflowing morgue, coolers and those lying in state awaiting service & interment. The notion that we would all need to wear appropriate biohazard gear as we worked to bury all of the dead. This is a very frightening scenario to me!
Here's Brother Alexis Bugnolo's famous peroration from June 2021.. I think the only thing he got wrong was the timeline; it's happening now...
💣 "A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors" -
And here's his counterpoint of same from November 2021
💣 "We are at the Great Separation" -
Anthony Fauci = Josef Mengele.... mass murderers whose weapons were government sanctioned medical experiments on their victims. The closed at 90,000 + signatures. The USA has x2 bills to defund the UN/WHO. HR6645 & S3428. The combination means to EXIT WHO/UN. Together a mountain of evidence!
I have a feeling that the WHO has been sent some clear messaging about their presence in the US - or any other future attempt at entering the US - provided reporting that I have seen is accurate.
💉⚰️ How can people be so apathetic when shown data like these? But so many are - unless their loved ones were affected.
Too LATE - by THEN
Collective fear, created and maintained for years by the media and the governments, was the main killer. Panic kills in a multitude of direct and indirect ways, the vaccination campaign was just one of them.
AYE; well Seen and SAID. 👍🏾👊🏾
It means the BIOWEAPONS are working.
We all recall how politicians, the media, scientists, and doctors said just one death from Covid-19 was one death too many. Well, why doesn't that same rule apply to the BIOWEAPONS?
Yes indeed! What did become of the mechanisms to stop this 'pharmaceutical agent' that were used to stop other dangerous 'vaccines', other dangerous pharmaceuticals, that were used to stop thalidomide for example in the 1950s? Obviously these mechanisms were all removed. That in itself is damming proof of a deliberate and planned genocide.
These monsters believe that Satan will reward them for what they have done. Satan's reward will be their eternal torture in Hell. Incredibly, Jesus' love is so great that He still wants to save them because He knows what Satan has in store for them in Satan's Hell that is inaccessible by either the Father or the Son.
"And besides all this, a great chasm has been fixed between us and you, so that even those who wish cannot cross from here to you, nor can anyone cross from there to us.’
‘Then I beg you, father,’ he said, ‘send Lazarus to my father’s house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also end up in this place of torment.’
But Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; let your brothers listen to them.’
‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone is sent to them from the dead, they will repent.’
Then Abraham said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.’ ”
Luke 16:26-31
This is a great question. Dr Judy Mikowitz (sp?) stated that there has to be an antidote for this injection in the case that any of the 'vaccine' creators or their family or associates were to be exposed. They'd certainly want a way to reverse the injection so great question. Where is the antidote?
My question was not; 'where is the antidote?'. (They are certainly isn't one as it is not a pure or consistant formulation.) My question is: why have these 'products' not been formally banned, barred from sale and declared dangerous, lethal and unfit for human or animal use? What happened to the mechanisms in place to do this? They have obviously been deliberately removed. Apart from the fact that it was designed to harm and kill; the fact that all standard mechanisms for removal of a dangerous pharmaceutical, or any chemical agent for that matter, have been sidestepped or inactivated, is a clear sign of a deliberate and intentional mass murder.
All of the perpetrators need to be identified and brought before national or international military tribunals or courts, tried and if found culpable, convicted and sentenced. Military, as they are established to protect people of their nations from both foreign and domestic attacks, as this is. For some period of time, nations will need to go under martial law if it is found their governments conspired in a coordinated and global evil conspiracy against their peoples that included genocide to establish a tyrannical 'one world' autocracy. All of this has been in the works for decades and centuries with the masses intentionally kept oblivious even though all of their plans are documented and published for public consumption.
Meanwhile here in lovely Victoria, British Columbia I learned of a documentary presented during the Victoria Film Festival about the ineluctable "Butcher Bonnie" Henry:
“Our Time to be Kind” 🤢🤮 directed by one Adrian Buitenhuis..
And of some vociferous protest by a small but aware group of people:
💣 “Screening Of Dr. Bonnie Henry Documentary Proceeds As Planned Despite Protests In Victoria” (
💣 “Protest Against Bonnie Henry At Film Part Of Growing Trend” - Victoria Times Colonist ( )
Truly: You can't fix "Stupid", no matter how you try... 🙄💩
Check out Anita Krishna's video on Rumble on this event. Channel called AKspeaks
I actually think its way more than 17million.....
Yes, incredible. I don't the public know the half of it
Thank you. Everything you post is just yet more support for those of us who have lost due to these vaccines. I cannot thank you enough for your tireless pursuit of documenting this data, these effects, these stories. I have turned to your substack numerous times when I've needed to support my stance or advocate for myself. I see you as someone who has lost more than most of us and I thank you for turning this into a mission of giving back to us all with this important documentation and ongoing resource of information - God Bless you a hundred times over for doing the right thing :)
I know several people who would just repeat whatever the current propaganda was at the time up to the end when they would say the " "vaccine" doesn't stop people from getting covid but at least it reduces hospitalizations." When they said this I didn't say anything back. Just amazed that people can be that stupid.
I was amazed when the authorities came out with the term "breakthrough infection". Clearly that meant that the vaccines didn't work, but people just accepted the concept of breakthrough infections and took their boosters. Also, "breakthrough infection" is evidence that the messaging at the time was saying that the vaccines were supposed to prevent infection.
Literally everything that comes from the mouths of those who believe that 'COVID-19' is truly a virus and that these so-called 'vaccines' are working so long as they stay on track and get every booster leave me feeling just completely lost. I would bet that many who have had the shots and boosters would backtrack and reconsider all of this if they could undo what's been done. But because they can't, they're invested. And pride, as it was from the beginning, will be a major component to their undoing.
come may 2024 the WHO take over and it will be manditory vaccine
Virology Debunked w/ Cracker Jack PCR Test - 10 Points On-The-Box Sent In To The Nobel Peace Prize Committee -- Viruses Don't Exist and Why It Matters ft Dr Sam Bailey
Rife Machine? Dr. any possibility turbo cancer?
Our prayers directed towards the dead and dying and hope those responsible brought forward to receive justice
Gratitude 🙏💕✨