Very difficult. If we’re eventually stuck with a hi-tech totalitarianism, then let’s at least have it that mRNA vaccines are not part of it. In my opinion, the vaccines represent the card that needs to be pulled to bring down the whole house. The argument of excess deaths, backed by the people, might well do it, followed by a Nuremberg 2.
I watch Northern Perspective on YouTube, they cover all the parliamentary committee meetings where the real work gets done. One man is handwriting all 340 members! I just wrote 7, have to get their addresses now and stuff my letters in and mail off to House of Commons no stamp required!
I agree more need to write or email many politicians re both these dire subjects! I’ve also written our Premiere and her minister of justice about provincial matters. Ottawa parliamentarians now know many Canadians are watching them and believe me a letter or an email to them has an effect!
I agree. If the villains were FLOODED with members of the public (and lawyers! & others) contacting them, phoning, emailing, turning up in person where possible, demanding answers....they would get nervous.
ALL the villains feel they are safe because there are so MANY of them.
We need to impress upon them that WE are many millions, worldwide.
Fantastic speech! I love the introduction where they treated you like the rockstar that so many of us in the health freedom camp believe you truly are.
Dr. Makis mentioned research by doctors in India who found 4 HIV inserts on the spike protein as follows:
We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus.
THANK you Dr. M & keep on going with your QUEST for TRUTH, LIBERTY & LIFE for all! You're a TREMENDOUS credit and value to the WORLD, HUMANITY & the very dark world of allopathy! THANK you and our WONDERFUL Lord continue to life up His MIGHTY countenance upon you, your Family, Colleagues & Supporters!
Interview with Charles Rixey, Former US Marine Corps Weapons of Mass Destruction Defense Professional. Rixey’s insight provide valuable context for understanding the complex and contentious discussions surrounding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and related issues such as gain-of-function research (research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease).
oh, 2-3 months after the diagnosis of the trubo cancer??? NO, in case of my neighbor, 3xMod-E-RNA jabbed, it was ~3 weeks... Have to share this here, because this goes for a long time and it is extremely suspicious. My only relative, >93 old, Kaiser Permanente client, didn't get the covid shot, thanks to the teachings she had to listen to, BUT her step son and his family, who started to come over from Germany in 2022, got every single covid shot they could. She was also exposed to the renter who got 3 or o 5 of the covid ILLEGALLY 'approved' slurry. What started to happen was first subconjunctival hemorrhage, then falls. In may 2023 the son got his first stroke. After recovery, he and his family came for a visit again in summer, and on Sep 13th 2023 the relative got her first stroke. She landed in Kaiser Permanente hospital. After another fall and hip break the visits to KP facilities intensified. The last 2, exactly on 13-th Jan and the latest exactly on the 13t of Feb when the son came back for a visit and she collapsed right in front of him!??? Now she can't remember a SINGLE thing what was done with her body in all these times of being 'hospitalized' and is 100% bedridden... If it wasn't the NUMBER 13 I'd say effects of shedding on an old body, BUT the dates indicate something else.
Btw. 5G cell was installed in front of her house, without her knowledge, all utility meters are 'smart', a 'health' monitoring system installed inside of the house is 'smart', everyone around her (lot of KP workers and russian care givers...), except for herself and me, has Iphone....
I'm not focusing on snake venom, but am not ruling it out either. We need all these theories and claims rationally debated and investigated in due time. Keep calm & carry on, right. Things will unfold eventually.
The AI-generated transcripts seem to be getting better by the day, however I still see many issues there. With my profound gratitude, here is my annonated transcript of an excerpt:
VIDEO - Era of Champions - Dr.William Makis' speech in Ontario, Canada on Oct.28, 2023
DR. WILLIAM MAKIS: So I want to talk to you a little bit about detoxing and just getting, getting the spike protein out of your system. Because you have to be proactive with your health, whether you're vaccinated, whether you're unvaccinated, no matter how many shots you've had, we've all been exposed to some level of spike protein, whether through shedding which happens because this stuff is so long-lasting because that's what it got the Nobel Prize for. So that people are shedding the mRNA for up to a month because the mRNA can last in the blood for up to a month. It can last in the lymph nodes for up to 60 days. This is mRNA that was supposed to be degraded in minutes, or at most hours. And it got the Nobel Prize because they made it last a full month where it's just circulating in your system and producing spike protein. Right.
So we're exposed with shedding, we're exposed to lipid nanoparticles, the mRNA, we're exposed— the spike protein can last in the blood for at least 6 months. So you can literally be shedding this thing for 6 months. Maybe longer because they haven't even studied how long people could actually be shedding the spike protein. So being proactive with your health is extremely important.
And the number— the most important thing I can advise anybody is to not take another shot. Please, do not take another mRNA vaccine.
That's the most important thing. Do not take another covid vaccine, do not take another mRNA vaccine, please. Because they're going to come out with new mRNA vaccines. They're going to come out with influenza mRNA vaccines, they're going to come out with RSV[1] vaccines. They'll be targeting pregnant women, they'll be targeting women of child-bearing age. Like I said, this is an attack on the next generation, this is an attack on children, this is an attack on pregnant women, and they're not done. They're going to keep pushing new mRNA vaccines on kids, pregnant women, and so on. So extremely important to stop taking these shots.
And then take steps to detox. If you had spike protein you've had the vaccine [inaudible] the vaccine. There's enzymes that break down the spike protein, these are nattokinase, derived from fermented soybeans. Bromelain is derived from pineapple plants. And they've got serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, are very similar to nattokinase. Nattokinase has been studied the most. These are enzymes that break down the spike protein, breakdown blood clots, breakdown amyloid, prions, these other abnormal proteins that are hidden in the spike protein sequence that some people are producing. They get prion disease, or they get early Alzheimers. So it breaks these things down.
Then there are things that block the spike protein. The most famous, the number one, is ivermectin.[2] It blocks the spike protein. Have some ivermectin handy. Have it as an emergency because you're probably going to need it. You're going to— it's going to work on future pandemics. I don't care if we're hit in the future with, with influenza, I don't care if we're hit with Marburg virus, nipah virus, whatever it is, ivermectin will work.
AUDIENCE MEMBER: [inaudible]
DR. WILLIAM MAKIS: You have to figure it out. I can't tell you. You have to get creative. You have to get creative. So ivermectin, if you can't get it, and I'm not saying go to your local veterinarian store—
I'm not saying that at all. There's other things you can do. You can get quercetin, you can get olive leaf, which blocks the spike protein, you can get black seed, black cumin seed, nigella sativa. Curcumin, bioavailable curcumin blocks the spike protein. Dandelion root. Some people love drinking pine needle tea. It's actually delicious. I had it in Grand Prairie, I was doing a speech, someone served me white pine needle tea, and I thought, this is great. I thought, I'm going to take this, blocks the spike protein. So there are things that block the spike protein that you can take.
Next are antioxidants. Very important antioxidants, NAC, N-acetyl cysteine and vitamin C. High doses of vitamin C.
Then what you want, you want something that will strengthen and rebuild your immune system. And to strengthen your immune system the most important thing is vitamin D, vitamin D is extremely crucial. Take vitamin D. Dr. Byram Bridle is going to talk about vitamin D. Extremely important for the immune system. Most people who died of covid were vitamin D deficient, by the way. And those hit the worst were the most severely vitamin D deficient. Extremely important.
Minerals like zinc, magnesium, selenium, very important for the immune system to be healthy.
You know what else you can do that's completely free? You could do a three day fast. You could do fasting. A 3 day water fast kicks in autophagy, autophagy is the body's process of clearing damaged and destroyed cells, cells that have been damaged by the spike protein. Your immune systems that don't work anymore, your T cells that just don't function anymore, the body clears them out. The body then reboots the immune system, it starts production of, so you need about 2 days in, into the fasting, so the body starts production of stem cells and it starts sending those stem cells to where you need them. And so it's your body's way of recognizing, you know what, I'm in a bad situation here, I need to give this person every chance possible, and all these processes start kicking in.
So fasting. Some people have had tremendous improvement in their vaccine injuries and symptoms from a 3 day fast. And a 3 day water fast, just water, a little bit of electrolytes, you could do it, you could do it once a month, you could even do it twice a month. And it's free, it costs you nothing, you don't need any supplements.
So, you know, it's extremely important to be proactive.
FLCCC Alliance Statement on the Settlement Reached in Case Against DHHS for Telling the Public to “Stop it” Regarding Taking Ivermectin to Prevent and Treat COVID-19
The FDA agrees to remove website and social media posts on ivermectin and COVID-19
The FDA Settled With Us Because They Knew They Were Going To Lose
After 4 years of catastrophic health agency tyranny, physicians finally score a legal victory. I think the FDA settled because their Pharma masters were terrified of discovery. Here is the backstory.
DR. WILLIAM MAKIS: And, you know, I want to, I want to close with this, is that, they're going to throw something at us, it's going to be a curveball. We're going to be hit with another pandemic, scamdemic, plandemic, what have you, and I have a quick little guide that you can actually use to actually determine whether you're dealing with a real pandemic or something that's a scam, a fraud, something that's been planned.
I call it the Dr. Makis' 3 Steps to Future Pandemics.
And the first step is, find out if there's been gain of function research done on that virus. Because I bet you that there's some lab, and it could be the Wuhan lab, it could be the Winnipeg lab, that's been tinkering with the virus and has been trying to figure out how to make it more infectious. Gain of function. Find out if there's been gain of function.
Second, find out if there's been a simulation or tabletop exercises of a pandemic with that particular virus. They've done a lot of these simulations in the past, you can still find the documentations online. Usually Johns Hopkins is involved, you know the one that had the ticker that was showing us the covid deaths every single day before covid even came here. They had the beautiful spread. Event 201 where they actually simulated the covid pandemic a few months before it happened. So find out if there was simulation exercise, table top exercise.
And the most important of all, find out if they are already producing an mRNA vaccine for it. Because I can tell you right now that there are certain viruses that have a 50% fatality rate, or so, that they're already producing and stockpiling mRNA vaccines for. One of those is influenza H5N1. Another one's the nipah virus, that's already in clinical trials since last year. Nipah virus, being worked on in the Wuhan lab. They're trying to get lethality up to 60%.
So these are the three steps. Gain of function research, simulation or tabletop exercise, and mRNA vaccine. If any of those 3 are positive, you know you're dealing with another scamdemic, another pre-planned pandemic. Do not buy into the fear. Do not panic. Have your ivermectin, quercetin, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D handy. And tell them to take their vaccine and shove it.
🙏 Dr Makis. All efforts should now be concentrated on getting rid of this horrible vaccine technology that is mRNA - including its use in livestock. Canadian vaccinologist Dr Byram Bridle continues to raise concerns about food production, as in this 2 March 2024 letter of his to MP Andrew Bridgen in the UK (10 pages):
Difficult though because we also need all efforts focused on stopping the WHO global coup...
The villains are active on many fronts.
Very difficult. If we’re eventually stuck with a hi-tech totalitarianism, then let’s at least have it that mRNA vaccines are not part of it. In my opinion, the vaccines represent the card that needs to be pulled to bring down the whole house. The argument of excess deaths, backed by the people, might well do it, followed by a Nuremberg 2.
Totally agree - the criminals must stand trial.
If everyone sent 100 messages for each they would have stopped. Instead 1 in 1000 write their politician and feel it's enough. Not good.
I watch Northern Perspective on YouTube, they cover all the parliamentary committee meetings where the real work gets done. One man is handwriting all 340 members! I just wrote 7, have to get their addresses now and stuff my letters in and mail off to House of Commons no stamp required!
I agree more need to write or email many politicians re both these dire subjects! I’ve also written our Premiere and her minister of justice about provincial matters. Ottawa parliamentarians now know many Canadians are watching them and believe me a letter or an email to them has an effect!
Nice to know I'm not alone. I've written thousands, some to Ottawa some to constituency offices. Etc
I'm a rumble guy, I watch yt only if I have to. :-)
I agree. If the villains were FLOODED with members of the public (and lawyers! & others) contacting them, phoning, emailing, turning up in person where possible, demanding answers....they would get nervous.
ALL the villains feel they are safe because there are so MANY of them.
We need to impress upon them that WE are many millions, worldwide.
Possibly billions.
We need to overwhelm the small global mafia with OUR agenda of sanity, liberty, prosperity & peace.
(OK - peace is always going to be a long shot....)
Biggest $ not from the jab but from selling remedies after the jab. By Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Sept 17, 2020
They make $60 billion a year selling vaccines, and make $500 billion a year selling remedies for injuries caused by the vaccines. 01:54 mins
Fantastic speech! I love the introduction where they treated you like the rockstar that so many of us in the health freedom camp believe you truly are.
Thank you for opening this post so unpaying viewers can share.
Oustanding, and important advice. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Dr. Makis mentioned research by doctors in India who found 4 HIV inserts on the spike protein as follows:
We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus.
THANK you Dr. M & keep on going with your QUEST for TRUTH, LIBERTY & LIFE for all! You're a TREMENDOUS credit and value to the WORLD, HUMANITY & the very dark world of allopathy! THANK you and our WONDERFUL Lord continue to life up His MIGHTY countenance upon you, your Family, Colleagues & Supporters!
Interview with Charles Rixey, Former US Marine Corps Weapons of Mass Destruction Defense Professional. Rixey’s insight provide valuable context for understanding the complex and contentious discussions surrounding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and related issues such as gain-of-function research (research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease).
oh, 2-3 months after the diagnosis of the trubo cancer??? NO, in case of my neighbor, 3xMod-E-RNA jabbed, it was ~3 weeks... Have to share this here, because this goes for a long time and it is extremely suspicious. My only relative, >93 old, Kaiser Permanente client, didn't get the covid shot, thanks to the teachings she had to listen to, BUT her step son and his family, who started to come over from Germany in 2022, got every single covid shot they could. She was also exposed to the renter who got 3 or o 5 of the covid ILLEGALLY 'approved' slurry. What started to happen was first subconjunctival hemorrhage, then falls. In may 2023 the son got his first stroke. After recovery, he and his family came for a visit again in summer, and on Sep 13th 2023 the relative got her first stroke. She landed in Kaiser Permanente hospital. After another fall and hip break the visits to KP facilities intensified. The last 2, exactly on 13-th Jan and the latest exactly on the 13t of Feb when the son came back for a visit and she collapsed right in front of him!??? Now she can't remember a SINGLE thing what was done with her body in all these times of being 'hospitalized' and is 100% bedridden... If it wasn't the NUMBER 13 I'd say effects of shedding on an old body, BUT the dates indicate something else.
Btw. 5G cell was installed in front of her house, without her knowledge, all utility meters are 'smart', a 'health' monitoring system installed inside of the house is 'smart', everyone around her (lot of KP workers and russian care givers...), except for herself and me, has Iphone....
Maybe he’s an OK source on other things, but why do these events include Bryan Adris? Isn’t he the snake venom guy?
Ardis is a bit nuts on that issue, agreed!
OTOH, it’s much better to have a ton of ideas & opinions out there & test them than to have Fauci, Tedros & Biden’s manager censoring dissent.
I expect you agree!?
Personally I wouldn’t have guessed there was part of a monkey virus in the damn shots - but it appears there is....
I'm not focusing on snake venom, but am not ruling it out either. We need all these theories and claims rationally debated and investigated in due time. Keep calm & carry on, right. Things will unfold eventually.
Ardis is a hero. Go to his site and watch in full the ANTIDOTE. He brings the receipts.
Do you mean anti-venom?
I've heard of monoclonal antibodies - another Pharma product, right?
God Bless this man. Amen
This past week at the hospital:
The AI-generated transcripts seem to be getting better by the day, however I still see many issues there. With my profound gratitude, here is my annonated transcript of an excerpt:
VIDEO - Era of Champions - Dr.William Makis' speech in Ontario, Canada on Oct.28, 2023
posted April 5, 2024
DR. WILLIAM MAKIS: So I want to talk to you a little bit about detoxing and just getting, getting the spike protein out of your system. Because you have to be proactive with your health, whether you're vaccinated, whether you're unvaccinated, no matter how many shots you've had, we've all been exposed to some level of spike protein, whether through shedding which happens because this stuff is so long-lasting because that's what it got the Nobel Prize for. So that people are shedding the mRNA for up to a month because the mRNA can last in the blood for up to a month. It can last in the lymph nodes for up to 60 days. This is mRNA that was supposed to be degraded in minutes, or at most hours. And it got the Nobel Prize because they made it last a full month where it's just circulating in your system and producing spike protein. Right.
So we're exposed with shedding, we're exposed to lipid nanoparticles, the mRNA, we're exposed— the spike protein can last in the blood for at least 6 months. So you can literally be shedding this thing for 6 months. Maybe longer because they haven't even studied how long people could actually be shedding the spike protein. So being proactive with your health is extremely important.
And the number— the most important thing I can advise anybody is to not take another shot. Please, do not take another mRNA vaccine.
That's the most important thing. Do not take another covid vaccine, do not take another mRNA vaccine, please. Because they're going to come out with new mRNA vaccines. They're going to come out with influenza mRNA vaccines, they're going to come out with RSV[1] vaccines. They'll be targeting pregnant women, they'll be targeting women of child-bearing age. Like I said, this is an attack on the next generation, this is an attack on children, this is an attack on pregnant women, and they're not done. They're going to keep pushing new mRNA vaccines on kids, pregnant women, and so on. So extremely important to stop taking these shots.
And then take steps to detox. If you had spike protein you've had the vaccine [inaudible] the vaccine. There's enzymes that break down the spike protein, these are nattokinase, derived from fermented soybeans. Bromelain is derived from pineapple plants. And they've got serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, are very similar to nattokinase. Nattokinase has been studied the most. These are enzymes that break down the spike protein, breakdown blood clots, breakdown amyloid, prions, these other abnormal proteins that are hidden in the spike protein sequence that some people are producing. They get prion disease, or they get early Alzheimers. So it breaks these things down.
Then there are things that block the spike protein. The most famous, the number one, is ivermectin.[2] It blocks the spike protein. Have some ivermectin handy. Have it as an emergency because you're probably going to need it. You're going to— it's going to work on future pandemics. I don't care if we're hit in the future with, with influenza, I don't care if we're hit with Marburg virus, nipah virus, whatever it is, ivermectin will work.
AUDIENCE MEMBER: [inaudible]
DR. WILLIAM MAKIS: You have to figure it out. I can't tell you. You have to get creative. You have to get creative. So ivermectin, if you can't get it, and I'm not saying go to your local veterinarian store—
I'm not saying that at all. There's other things you can do. You can get quercetin, you can get olive leaf, which blocks the spike protein, you can get black seed, black cumin seed, nigella sativa. Curcumin, bioavailable curcumin blocks the spike protein. Dandelion root. Some people love drinking pine needle tea. It's actually delicious. I had it in Grand Prairie, I was doing a speech, someone served me white pine needle tea, and I thought, this is great. I thought, I'm going to take this, blocks the spike protein. So there are things that block the spike protein that you can take.
Next are antioxidants. Very important antioxidants, NAC, N-acetyl cysteine and vitamin C. High doses of vitamin C.
Then what you want, you want something that will strengthen and rebuild your immune system. And to strengthen your immune system the most important thing is vitamin D, vitamin D is extremely crucial. Take vitamin D. Dr. Byram Bridle is going to talk about vitamin D. Extremely important for the immune system. Most people who died of covid were vitamin D deficient, by the way. And those hit the worst were the most severely vitamin D deficient. Extremely important.
Minerals like zinc, magnesium, selenium, very important for the immune system to be healthy.
You know what else you can do that's completely free? You could do a three day fast. You could do fasting. A 3 day water fast kicks in autophagy, autophagy is the body's process of clearing damaged and destroyed cells, cells that have been damaged by the spike protein. Your immune systems that don't work anymore, your T cells that just don't function anymore, the body clears them out. The body then reboots the immune system, it starts production of, so you need about 2 days in, into the fasting, so the body starts production of stem cells and it starts sending those stem cells to where you need them. And so it's your body's way of recognizing, you know what, I'm in a bad situation here, I need to give this person every chance possible, and all these processes start kicking in.
So fasting. Some people have had tremendous improvement in their vaccine injuries and symptoms from a 3 day fast. And a 3 day water fast, just water, a little bit of electrolytes, you could do it, you could do it once a month, you could even do it twice a month. And it's free, it costs you nothing, you don't need any supplements.
So, you know, it's extremely important to be proactive.
Dr. Makis' Substack is Covid Intel
[1] RSV is respiratory syncytial virus.
[2] See:
FLCCC Alliance Statement on the Settlement Reached in Case Against DHHS for Telling the Public to “Stop it” Regarding Taking Ivermectin to Prevent and Treat COVID-19
The FDA agrees to remove website and social media posts on ivermectin and COVID-19
FLCCC Alliance
March 22, 2024
See also:
FDA Loses its War on Ivermectin: Agrees to Remove All Related Social Media Content and Consumer Advisories on Ivermectin Usage for COVID-19
by Jim Hᴏft Mar. 22, 2024
See also:
The FDA Settled With Us Because They Knew They Were Going To Lose
After 4 years of catastrophic health agency tyranny, physicians finally score a legal victory. I think the FDA settled because their Pharma masters were terrified of discovery. Here is the backstory.
See also:
Followup about settlement:
And one more brief excerpt transcribed:
VIDEO - Era of Champions - Dr.William Makis' speech in Ontario, Canada on Oct.28, 2023
posted April 5, 2024
DR. WILLIAM MAKIS: And, you know, I want to, I want to close with this, is that, they're going to throw something at us, it's going to be a curveball. We're going to be hit with another pandemic, scamdemic, plandemic, what have you, and I have a quick little guide that you can actually use to actually determine whether you're dealing with a real pandemic or something that's a scam, a fraud, something that's been planned.
I call it the Dr. Makis' 3 Steps to Future Pandemics.
And the first step is, find out if there's been gain of function research done on that virus. Because I bet you that there's some lab, and it could be the Wuhan lab, it could be the Winnipeg lab, that's been tinkering with the virus and has been trying to figure out how to make it more infectious. Gain of function. Find out if there's been gain of function.
Second, find out if there's been a simulation or tabletop exercises of a pandemic with that particular virus. They've done a lot of these simulations in the past, you can still find the documentations online. Usually Johns Hopkins is involved, you know the one that had the ticker that was showing us the covid deaths every single day before covid even came here. They had the beautiful spread. Event 201 where they actually simulated the covid pandemic a few months before it happened. So find out if there was simulation exercise, table top exercise.
And the most important of all, find out if they are already producing an mRNA vaccine for it. Because I can tell you right now that there are certain viruses that have a 50% fatality rate, or so, that they're already producing and stockpiling mRNA vaccines for. One of those is influenza H5N1. Another one's the nipah virus, that's already in clinical trials since last year. Nipah virus, being worked on in the Wuhan lab. They're trying to get lethality up to 60%.
So these are the three steps. Gain of function research, simulation or tabletop exercise, and mRNA vaccine. If any of those 3 are positive, you know you're dealing with another scamdemic, another pre-planned pandemic. Do not buy into the fear. Do not panic. Have your ivermectin, quercetin, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D handy. And tell them to take their vaccine and shove it.
# # #
Dr. Makis' Substack is Covid Intel
Good job!!! Hopefully many will see and hear this Dr. Makis. It’s odd but truth has a particular ring to it that the propaganda just doesn’t.
Way to go Dr. Makis. You are call by God for such a time as this to be His instrument. keep marching on.
Great talk!thankyou
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