And to think, This is only ONE EXAMPLE of the Lies and BS that was used to take the lives of so many of our families. THANK YOU, THANK YOU for people like 'you' who are willing to stand for Truth. I have eight people in my circle of friends (one a Cardiovascular Surgeon) who are now DEAD, because of these Murderous Lies. Please DO SOMETHING!!!

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Everyone wants to do something, but most feel helpless. I think that part of the problem is that there are way too many people who do not want to admit to the corruption in their institutions. Most people I know have put the pandemic behind them and do not want to talk about it.

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I’m so glad she “won” the lawsuit withe the FDA. However, the individuals who made these decisions must be held personally accountable!

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God will hold them accountable

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Dear Dr. Bowden, please have a conversation with Dr. Mike Yeadon or read what he has written and said about "pandemics".

By Dr. Michael Yeadon January 30, 2024

"It is surely obvious to any dispassionate observer that this coalition of the powerful intends to spring some health crisis upon the people of the world. When have the rich and powerful given care about the health of poor people? That’ll be never.

Pandemics are not a thing. Think back through your life. How many pandemics have there been? Covid wasn’t one. The Spanish flu nonsense wasn’t one. None of the flu-like illnesses reported in the 1960s were one. I don’t believe there has ever been even one. Scary infectious diseases are only scary until you stumble across medical research literature going back as far as a century and more, in which numerous, serious clinical research studies were set up to detect and measure symptomatic transmission (causing a well person to fall ill with similar symptoms to those of the donor person). Try as they might, that didn’t happen. Contagion in this specific scenario (acute respiratory diseases) does not happen. "

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Dr. Mike Yeadon continues: "I must warn the reader that even this deliberately limited information is going to be shocking, if you hadn’t already realised that something without precedent in the world was going on. Please also note that ordinary searching on the internet, often colloquially as “googling”, is not going to find many of the sources upon which I have drawn. The major search engines have been manipulated such that the results exclude material troubling to the authorities.

The two areas are:

1. The claimed pandemic.

2. The injections, purporting to be vaccines.

The main claims are stark.

1. Put simply, there has been no pandemic. There was the normal range of illnesses in the early part of 2020 as in any other year. What was different about 2020 was that all governments, lead by the WHO, engaged in coordinated lying to their citizens. This continues to this day. Everyone was told there was a pandemic coming. The illusion was created by deliberate misuse of a clinical diagnostic test called PCR. The heart of this entire deception is the incorrect belief that PCR is nearly flawless and so a positive result means that a person “had covid”. There is no such disease. Not one symptom is unique to the claimed new disease. A positive test was called “a case”. Anybody dying within a few weeks of a positive test was declared “a covid death”. All that was needed was to roll out such tests rapidly in early 2020 & the carefully planned result, an apparent “pandemic” was created. Government & media lies was initially all it took to maintain the illusion.

Crucially, the epidemiological evidence shows that there was no additional illness or deaths compared with the same period in any other year. Numerous scientific papers and authors will present their evidence on this point, including university professors qualified in epidemiology.

The WHO played their part in the crime, by declaring a “public health emergency of international concern”, or a “pandemic”. Immediately after WHO’s fraudulent declaration, changes in medical procedures were imposed everywhere. These changes caused the deaths that were held up to the citizens as proof that we were in a pandemic. We have a long list of witnesses to these changes being inappropriate and often fatal. Notice my PhD was on the effects of opiates, like morphine, on respiration. I knew that what was being prescribed was definitely inappropriate.

So, no pandemic. Only the deliberate illusion of one. This was accompanied by changes in medical practise that would predictably result in large numbers of deaths in hospitals, care homes and the community. No one will fail to appreciate the severity of the charges here.

I cannot be sure the motivation for this deception was. But the effects of it has been to severely damage the economies of scores of countries, with financial transfers counted in trillions of pounds, from the poorest & the taxpayers to the wealthiest elites. Civil society has also been severely disrupted and has never been allowed to begin to heal.

Other, less speculative motivations became apparent as 2020 wore on & this brings us to my second, shocking charge.

2. The materials that are being called “covid19 vaccines” are obviously not vaccines. Note, there has been no pandemic.

My entire career has been in the field of designing and testing new arrangements of atoms to create what we hope will be new potential medicines. In addition to bringing about desired changes in the body, the main concern is to avoid unwanted effects, in other words, toxicity or harms.

My training in mechanistic toxicology was repeatedly useful in helping teams foresee, avoid or understand such problems.

So I understand deeply how to design molecules and also how to interrogate them for their prospects to bring about desired effects and crucially to discern risks of harms. I don’t think it’s too great a claim to say that there isn’t anyone better qualified than I am to do this in relation to these novel treatments.

I’m going to go directly to the charges.

These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them.

I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines.

At least two features are common to every injection purporting to be a “covid vaccine”. First, the mRNA nature of the major products. Second, the lipid nanoparticle nature of the formulations in which they are encapsulated.

The mRNA is genetic code for a chosen protein. Regardless of what the protein is, once the human body is caused to express it, it will be recognized as foreign and attacked by their own immune system. Depending on details we cannot know, just by looking at the glass vials, some people will be injured as a result of this lethal autoimmune attack. Others will be killed, the time taken to die & their suffering before they die will vary. It’ll look like the normal range of illnesses. There will simply be more of them.

Because of the lipid nano particle formulation, some of the injected materials will accumulate in the ovaries (possibly also the testicles). This homing property in reproductive tissue has been known about for more than a decade. The effect will be a lowering of fertility affecting every stage of reproduction.

I can bring detailed rationales for each of these claims as well as several others.

I also have an unusual piece of evidence, given the crimes I claim have been committed. I had worked out part of this assault before any purported vaccine had received its fraudulent authorization.

Having done so, with another author, I wrote an open letter to the European Medicines Authority in early December 2020, which is attached below. In it, we warn of the harms which we anticipated. It has been more than upsetting to watch them come true, the last taking a year, the adverse effects on fertility.

All-causes mortality is elevated almost everywhere in the world that these products have been widely used and live births sharply reduced.


I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you in considerable detail about these and other charges.

I will publish this letter on my Telegram site, where 20,000 followers will no doubt be interested to learn what the Met Police does with this information. If I may be so bold, I would invite you to think about how you plan to describe your next actions to your family and, if you have them, your children and grandchildren.

With best wishes and thank you for your attention.

Dr Mike Yeadon

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So glad that you have passed this information along to those who have not seen it. Dr. Yeadon was one of the first important scientists to confirm what I already suspected. I thought that if anyone should know, it would be him. Also Dr. Bhakdi. Dr. Makis is carrying the torch.

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She did not lose credibility with me.

What specific actions have you personally taken and what personal costs have you suffered standing up to tyranny?

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Are you saying that she is a fraud and that she actually has not suffered any repercussions from Houston Methodist, licensing boards etc.?

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It is public record.

Not sure what your motivation for your comments is.

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Don't you have kids? The good doctor obviously used a family picture taken before this crisis. Kids wear these types of clothing. My grandkids wear t-shirts bearing different logos (eg "coca cola") which does not mean they support the company. All your other comments about what is going on seem to be occurring but you got caught up in the weeds here.

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"She lost all credibility with me when she put up a picture of her kids promoting Nike on their t shirts. Who in their right mind would expose your own kids to the general public?"

Billions of people across the world with Facebook accounts Steve. People post pictures of their kids and families endlessly.

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Seems not only has it been about the greatest orchestrated fraud (& crime) of all time but they are still out to screw truth tellers & escalate to full "medical tyranny" ....WHO pandemic global diktats? Diseases from Animals & "climate change" et al? So what happens if they "emergency mandate" another fake "safety tested" whole of population "injection" & it "accidentally" kills all the recipients? Do you really think they care about human lives if they might kill millions in completely preventable "Wars of choice"?

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What also stands out to me is when the Fed Government stepped in and took control of the monoclonal antibody treatments. Our entire “healthcare “ system has already been militarized and most have absolutely no idea. Big BATTLES are coming.

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Wow. Thank you for pointing this out. She is a great being. Taking on so much responsibility and not shying away from funding this class action lawsuit joined by 1000 vaccine-injured people. How amazing.

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Thank you for reporting. Dr. Bowden is a hero.

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Superb, thank you.

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Who will be held accountable?

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Dear Dr. Makis,

Every month, I pray for different needs. I've decided to pray for doctors like you and Dr. Bowden this month. Thank you for all you do; I hope to upgrade to founding soon. Blessings!

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Holy cow! Thank you Dr. Makis!

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Ironically, the more varied health problems these "vaccines" cause, the greater the plausible deniability in a sense because it just muddies the waters for deniers and corrupt officials

Speaking of which, remember when the Japanese found over 200 diseases in 3000+ papers related to these safe & effectives? https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/safe-and-effective-mrna-death-jabs

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Taking The Vaccine

Was Such A Bad Idea

That It Will Follow Them

Into The Next Life.

It Also Helps Explain

How They Showed Up Here

So Fucking Stupid.


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Warp Speed = Seed War

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