Took her own life…or was it made to look that way. If she was as tough and courageous as she was in this war on humanity and took a brave stand to protect and fight for her patients, I cannot imagine she would be easily defeated by “persecution”. More likely she made some big enemies who wanted her out of the way. God rest her soul. 🙏
I'm sorry, but suicide is as common a cause of death in the Truth calling as being murdered, if no more so. Janet Ossebaard, co-creator of “Fall of the Cabal” video series, DID commit suicide 16 Nov 2023. Michael C Ruppert, author of Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (about 9/11) and lifelong Truth warior DID take his own life 13 Apr 2014. Gary Webb, author of Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion, DID commit suicide 10 Dec 2004.
Normal people have no idea how soul destroying it is to commit 100% to spreading truth with hope of 'making a difference' and failing. When one has burned all bridges to career, family, and finances, and has lost all hope, the abyss beckons. There is no way to survive as a Truth warrior in a fallen world without faith. In the present I worry about Steve Kirsch, a brilliant but faithless Covid Truth warrior who can't understand why his brilliance with numbers has failed to move hearts and minds. Pray for the living, those we have lost are beyond our reach.
“There is no way to survive as a truth warrior without Faith” is a brilliant analysis and thank you Cheryl! Please see for the most amazing truthful and insightful information. Good bless you for Ireland
Study carefully from the Only Traditional Catholic website worldwide that have been exposing the evil Vatican II sect, under antipope Francis and all the evil antipopes beginning with Freemason John 23rd! Vatican 11 is a new False religion! If you want to save your soul, get out of the false fake anti Catholic Church and convert to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church Outside of Which There Is No Salvation! To repeat please see
Most Holy Family Monastery is the last remaining traditional Catholic Monastery! Send an email to Brother Michael and Brother Peter with your questions and comments please to:
God Bless You. Greetings, heartfelt prayers and many blessings to each and every one of you from Ireland 🙏 🙏 🙏 ❤️ 📿 🇮🇪 Xxxx
There is no need to adopt any religion. Religions are all about brainwashing and occult rituals. The Spirit of Christ doesn't come from any religion. Those who keep Christ covenant already have Christ spirit in them. The only people who go to hell are sinners who don't repent for their sins and repentance comes from the heart not from any religious tradition.
I was going to say the exact same thing, but seeing as how you said it already, there is no need for me to do anything here other than agree with your statement 100%..NO WAY she took her own life!
Dr. Makis correctly asserts "If you don’t know by now, this is how it works if you speak up against The Narrative."
However, it is also true that when you speak up against "The Narrative" you are often "suicided".
I don´t believe for even a millisecond that Dr. Jackie Stone (who, I shamefully must confess, had never heard of before despite being on top of issues connected to the Plandemic since it the operation was launched) freely and willingly took her own life.
Not a chance!
Just like I don´t believe, for one millisecond, that Janet Ossebaard author of the well known documentary, "The Fall of the Cabal" committed suicide.
Nor do I believe for one millisecond that Kary Mullis, the Inventor of PCR tests and ferociously critical of Fauci, who he had challenged to a debate and considered woefully ignorant, died "from complications of pneumonia", according to to the Narrative control app Wikipedia.
If they hadn´t killed Mullis before launching the Scamdemic, that had been decades in the planning, he would have spilled the beans on how fraudulent it was to use the test he invented to diagnose disease or infection.
It could place the long established plan, into which billions had been invested, at serious risk - so they had to get rid of them.
It has been reported (and, I personally believe it´s true) that, at times, the monstrous psychopaths in power offer the most outspoken dissenters or truth tellers a stark choice: either take your own life or we will take the lives of those you most cherish.
The wickedness and savagery of the demons in control is as deep and limitless as a black hole.
Since another Plandemic is allegedly planned for 2025, they have to dispose of those that may get in the way - and Dr. Jackie Stone is one of those.
The devils know it will dissuade others from doing the right thing just as Dr. Jackie Stone did.
R.I.P. Dr. Stone - I´m certain you are at peace and reaping the eternal reward for what you sowed during your passage through our earthly dimension.
I watched those Fall of the cabal videos early on, was part of my own awakening. I didn’t realize she died. So very heartbreaking. The evilness of these demons is getting hard to bare.
"The world right now is mad. We knew that for long. But it shows much more easy now. There is a relatively small group of people that just can’t accept that Janet is dead and that she chose to do it herself. They can’t accept that she was just a human being as we all are, with her own troubles of heart and mind. “I saw her at the latest presentation, and she didn’t look depressed at all…”
I feel sorry for this group that do everything to keep her alive. But I have to burst your bubble.
No, Janet is not beamed up by a UFO. (She would have loved that!)
No, Janet is not secured by Q. (She would have loved that!)
No, Janet is not killed by the Cabal or anyone else.
No, Janet is not in a Witness Protection Programme. (She would have hated that!)
No, Janet is not enjoying her pension, while I tell the world she died. (She didn’t need that!)
And no, Janet is not killed by me. (What are you thinking, my God!!)"
- Janet's widow and co-creator of the video series, Cyntha Koeter
At first I thought "No, it was made to look like she took her own life but after watching the short video of her interview I can see that she was feeling defeated and this just makes me feel so very angry and sad.
At the Facts Matter Conference here in Denmark, a Danish doctor who was among the few to stand up against the narrative broke down in front of the audience when telling about the persecution she had experienced. She couldn't stop crying while speaking. Made a huge impact.
MIND BLOWING ...What she did ...The AMAZING GOID LIFE SAVING WORK ..But the censorship by the media..and the vilification by the pharmaceutical industrial patent complex..and the Relentless legal harassment Is TOO MUCH for any mortal to bear.
This is so sad because the "doctors" left are mostly bought off like my doctor. My doctor couldn't care less about me and Im not sure where to turn at this point.
Hannah, dont know where you live but try to find a doctor in private practice, FLCCC have a list of doctors who helped during covid in the US and international, hopefully they can help you.
I'd do some research on the FLCCC docs first. A dear friend used them during covid and they charged her $1500 for a week's worth of IVM and the tele-call. Tell me that's not price gouging. That's like selling a $5;case of water for a hundred bucks during a storm. It's immoral and should be illegal.
I use FLCCC’s protocols, which are updated versions of Zelenko’s and similar to Dr. Peter McCullough, and then I purchase my ivermectin, Azithromycin, doxycycline, and amoxicillin from two distributors in India that I trust and have used for 2 years. I have a script for HCQ so I don’t order that, but otherwise I would.
There was only one doctor in the UK that would prescribe IVM (I should say that I was aware of), he was on the FLCCC website, he was not cheap, I think I paid approx £500 for initial consultation, prescription costs etc., in the UK this is kind of the price you pay for private practice, my GP refused to prescribe IVM, but I did get a jab exemption eventually, around the same time as the mandates got lifted, he also gave me a mask exemption. Got to say vet bills in the UK are daylight robbery!
I sadly live in Canada where most all doctors have been taken over by the communist government. They are not allowed to treat patients one on one, it's a one size fits all. I do have someone who's a doctor I email for advice which is very helpful. I took 2 blood tests, one in April and one about 2 weeks ago, something on this last one was highlighted which made me worry, I waited to hear back from my doctor and she never called so I called her 2 days ago, I was told she only calls when its an emergency, I said to the girl on the phone, she doesn't see my results as a problem, she said no. So I did get her to get me a phone call for the 18th of Oct so I can ask her about the results and why she thinks they're fine because I don't. When we're up against this kind of crap it's hard to know where to go from here. I have learned how to treat myself for allot of things and I do have a large supply of medicines just in case. My doctor even told me Ivermectin could kill me and to that I laughed , I told her she was wrong and that I was taking it and I know lots of people on it who've never had a reaction, especially death. Anyways Ive blathered on long enough, thank you for caring, please take care and God bless.
You have not blathered on; your experience is real and we need to know what is happening and how this sh*tshow goes on. You matter, an attack on one, is an attack on all, it may be me tomorrow, sometimes there is comfort in knowing it not just you, so please continue to share. With regards to communists generally they were never this bad (having looked at history), although they have their moments. The sadists running the show, serve money, at least with communism e.g. Cuba there was health for all. Please also take care and may God bless and keep you.
Healing through God’s Medicine! You do Not need you BigPharma fake salesman/poison promoter giving you fake advise! Not all doctors come under this heading! For example, you may want to listen carefully to Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Jennifer Daniels, Dr. Tenpenny, Mike Adams and some others on
Please use an organic diet, clean water, herbs and spices, fruit and vegetables and get an adequate amount of fresh air and exercise, ever day, if possible! Above all, look to Almighty God and His Most Holy Mother for guidance and protection. See
When I saw the 'headline' here that she'd taken her life my immediate reaction was NO she was SILENCED by the cabal. Having watched the interview I still feel the same way. There were several leaders of small countries who mysteriously died at the start of the vaccine roll out because they were against forcing them on their citizens. These people were QUICKLY replaced. As this lady said in the interview, "what we're up against it too powerful" she's correct, as the GLOBALISTS are in control of Canada, the UK, IRELAND and AUSTRALIA, yet it appears they're in many other places, for sure across AFRICA. These 'people' (put in quotations because they're more like evil entities) have agendas in their quest for world domination and are covertly managing those agendas through their control of the world's mainstream media. Ask yourselves, those here who are wide awake, how many living around you have you tried to share what you know only to be immediately shut down? I'm sure many here have experienced the frustration of attempts made to enlighten others to at least be open to a brief conversation to bring them into awarenes that something is fundamentally wrong between the information they're believing from the MSM vs what we know. At this point the answers seem to be both prayer and that some event, unfortunately, has to happen that shocks the sleeping to awaken and THEN we can unite in numbers and face these tyrants. Sadly, I have no other ideas at this writing.
Beth, you are right! Even those close to you who, it would seem, should respect you for your wide-awake knowledge, have often joined the ranks of what Bonhoeffer calls the 'stupidity contagion' ... ripping families and psyches to shreds, leaving no one untouched. Only my trust in God Almighty is carrying me through.
RIP Dr. Stone, (AND the OTHERS).
Dr Makis, THANK YOU ! You are a light for us! I pray for you each day.
Thank you for posting these links. I'm on the Breggin's list and read their email a couple of hours ago. It's so horrifying I almost couldn't get through it. The inhumanity that's taking place is beyond heartbreaking and it's difficult to accept that our governments on both sides of the border have people in power that are as demonic as we've seen throughout history. There's GOT to be a spiritual awakening.
Did she really take her life, or was she suicided. Me thinks the latter. Big Pharma takes no prisoners and will always send a message to other rogue truth tellers (speak out and you're gone). RIP Dr. Stone. We won't forget you.
I watch Power & Politics on CBC in Canada regularly. I like the show very much, but yesterday (Oct 4) they ridiculed someone who regretted taking the vaccine. I can't believe how blind the media is (or willfully blind). Like this brave woman you speak about - after helping all of those people, ends up dying - what a terrible and tragic thing! - I can't get over the power of this narrative. How the entire world has been affected by it. It boggles my mind. In spite of so many brave people standing against it, it still prevails.
The CBC like ALL major news networks in Canada has been usurped by the globalists back in 2020. They're NOT reporting the truth and have done nothing but vilify those speaking against the tyranny that's befallen us. The second I saw that there was only ONE narrative and NO other information to the contrary was allowed to debate that narrative I knew there was evil afoot. True 'journalism' is to present fair and unbiased stories and personal opinions are only left to OP-Ed pages or general discussions. THAT ceased in 2020.
This may have been John Rustad, leader of our BC Conservative party, who is in first place in the polls for.our upcoming Provincial election. Every channel ( CTV, Global , CBC, Chek, Island media) played a clip of him stating that he regretted taking three shots. They thought they had a " gotcha" moment but the comments sections under each video showed that most people agreed with him. He is remaining honest despite the media trying to crucify him over any polocy or comment. So far he is staying strong and cool headed.
Also,.check out Jessica Rose PhD's substack. New article on Conservative MP Cathy Wagantall got an order in paper result which showed that stats Canada reports many more death in the multi jabbed than unjabbed. Of course we need to know the denominator but this is still significant news.
The corrupt CBC is bought and paid for by the Canadian (Globalist) governement. It's good that you were aware of the propaganda you witnessed on "Power and Politics" but consider their programming you are not yet aware of. Best to find other sources of information.
Such a brave soul. You can see and hear the sadness and defeat in her voice in this video. The system broke her strong and honest soul however her legacy and all that she did will live on. Thank you for sharing the sad news Dr Makis.
Just disgusting what they did to her...doctors like her should have been elevated as national heroes and awarded a nobel prize...if only we lived in a moral and ethical world that allowed the best treatments for humanity to prevail. I remember listening to her testimony of facts, a remarkably intelligent common sense doctor with an inspiring life story. I truly hope young doctors have heard the same and are inspired to carry the torch of truth few had the courage to do so. I pray that Dr. Stone will rest in peace.
She was probably Un-Alived by the threatened powers-that-be. Tragic! My heart breaks for her, and her family, her patients, and the other Truth Tellers who need her.
This is so sad! My heartfelt prayers are praying for Dr. Jackie Stone and her family. The The “Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex” in addition to the “Military Industrial Complex” which are now IMO, one gigantic “Human Civilization Reduction Complex” and any of the other “COMPLEXES” have now become the “OVERLORDS OF WORLD POPULATION DESTRUCTION”!
Furthermore, once lockdowns were announced, shortly thereafter, Insurance companies “STOPPED” paying for “D-Dimer” tests!
I wonder why?
Insurance Companies are as complicit for “Death Resulting” by changing the rules for a critically important test they choose to refuse to pay for!
Yes the “D-Dimer” tests!
All people involved, knew first hand “Micro-Clots” would happen! Otherwise Insurance Companies would have allowed D-Dimer tests to be conducted.
There are so many levels of initiation of, involvement in and covering up of.
For who? For what? Money?
Yes, money’s part of it to some degree, but there’s something much more “SINISTER” at play here.
If the latest information regarding the number of people who were killed as a direct result from the “COVID-SHOTS” are correct and from what I heard coming out of Japan, in a three year time span, “ONE BILLION PEOPLE” have now died directly from these
“Bioweapon Injections”!
IMO, this is exactly what’s happening to the world! Yes the western world nations are under attack, the shots killed millions if not billions and the “Globalist Evils” of mankind are “Hellbent” about “POPULATION DESTRUCTION”!
And Japan has now begun rolling out “Replicon Injections”?
As I understand the preliminary information about, “Replicon”, it’s been designed to transfer to “non-injected” individuals and animals!
If what I’ve heard and read about this new “Replicon Bioweapon” then “HUMANITY” will nearly become, will now be closer to extinction! Of course the “Globalist Evils” will be protected from this new “Bioweapon”!
Each one of and every single monstrous “Globalist Evil Elitist” have been working towards this end game and will achieve “massive human elimination”! Of course they’ll be “safe” from such demise. Their methods of murdering billions is quite “effective” and they know it. They’re embracing it!
In their “demented brains” they believe they’re saving “Planet Earth” and they can now start a new world of “Transhumanist” cyborgs like human civilization.
I’m sure they have or know of, some kind of treatment for, prevention from, becoming “infected” by this new
“SAFE & EFFECTIVE BIOWEAPON INJECTION”? Why on earth is something like this happening? Who’s allowing this? Can we stop them?
Too many questions and so few answers! Which is why they’re hellbent about “DISINFORMATION” and “ABORTION”! Abortion has something to do with capturing DNA MATERIAL FOR THEIR SICK DEMONIC SCIENTISTS!
I appreciate your thankfulness joyce, honestly I do. You’re most welcome joyce. I am most grateful for your help. We must all believe, one way or another, these “evil people” fail and fail miserably!
Satanic! Just like our government's reaction to the devastation in western North Carolina. They don't care if doctors can't treat their patients; they don't care if people are left to die after a natural disaster. Elon Musk is being blocked from setting up Starlink!
Took her own life…or was it made to look that way. If she was as tough and courageous as she was in this war on humanity and took a brave stand to protect and fight for her patients, I cannot imagine she would be easily defeated by “persecution”. More likely she made some big enemies who wanted her out of the way. God rest her soul. 🙏
Took he own life - freely and willingly?
Not a chance.
Either way, whether she did or did not, they killed her.
I'm sorry, but suicide is as common a cause of death in the Truth calling as being murdered, if no more so. Janet Ossebaard, co-creator of “Fall of the Cabal” video series, DID commit suicide 16 Nov 2023. Michael C Ruppert, author of Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (about 9/11) and lifelong Truth warior DID take his own life 13 Apr 2014. Gary Webb, author of Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion, DID commit suicide 10 Dec 2004.
Normal people have no idea how soul destroying it is to commit 100% to spreading truth with hope of 'making a difference' and failing. When one has burned all bridges to career, family, and finances, and has lost all hope, the abyss beckons. There is no way to survive as a Truth warrior in a fallen world without faith. In the present I worry about Steve Kirsch, a brilliant but faithless Covid Truth warrior who can't understand why his brilliance with numbers has failed to move hearts and minds. Pray for the living, those we have lost are beyond our reach.
Cheryl —- There’s no way on earth Gary Webb unalived himself. He WAS SUICIDED. Otherwise your post is heartfelt.
Very well said I agree!
Excellent, excellent comment. May God bless you mightily for your compassion with the strength required to endure.
“There is no way to survive as a truth warrior without Faith” is a brilliant analysis and thank you Cheryl! Please see for the most amazing truthful and insightful information. Good bless you for Ireland
❤️ 🙏 blessings! 🇮🇪 xxxx
Study carefully from the Only Traditional Catholic website worldwide that have been exposing the evil Vatican II sect, under antipope Francis and all the evil antipopes beginning with Freemason John 23rd! Vatican 11 is a new False religion! If you want to save your soul, get out of the false fake anti Catholic Church and convert to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church Outside of Which There Is No Salvation! To repeat please see
Most Holy Family Monastery is the last remaining traditional Catholic Monastery! Send an email to Brother Michael and Brother Peter with your questions and comments please to:
God Bless You. Greetings, heartfelt prayers and many blessings to each and every one of you from Ireland 🙏 🙏 🙏 ❤️ 📿 🇮🇪 Xxxx
There is no need to adopt any religion. Religions are all about brainwashing and occult rituals. The Spirit of Christ doesn't come from any religion. Those who keep Christ covenant already have Christ spirit in them. The only people who go to hell are sinners who don't repent for their sins and repentance comes from the heart not from any religious tradition.
As I listened to the video, she all but said, it was hopeless. That she did not think the revolution would work.
A voice of despair and/or someone got to her and openly threatened her.
I was going to say the exact same thing, but seeing as how you said it already, there is no need for me to do anything here other than agree with your statement 100%..NO WAY she took her own life!
Dr. Makis correctly asserts "If you don’t know by now, this is how it works if you speak up against The Narrative."
However, it is also true that when you speak up against "The Narrative" you are often "suicided".
I don´t believe for even a millisecond that Dr. Jackie Stone (who, I shamefully must confess, had never heard of before despite being on top of issues connected to the Plandemic since it the operation was launched) freely and willingly took her own life.
Not a chance!
Just like I don´t believe, for one millisecond, that Janet Ossebaard author of the well known documentary, "The Fall of the Cabal" committed suicide.
Nor do I believe for one millisecond that Kary Mullis, the Inventor of PCR tests and ferociously critical of Fauci, who he had challenged to a debate and considered woefully ignorant, died "from complications of pneumonia", according to to the Narrative control app Wikipedia.
If they hadn´t killed Mullis before launching the Scamdemic, that had been decades in the planning, he would have spilled the beans on how fraudulent it was to use the test he invented to diagnose disease or infection.
It could place the long established plan, into which billions had been invested, at serious risk - so they had to get rid of them.
It has been reported (and, I personally believe it´s true) that, at times, the monstrous psychopaths in power offer the most outspoken dissenters or truth tellers a stark choice: either take your own life or we will take the lives of those you most cherish.
The wickedness and savagery of the demons in control is as deep and limitless as a black hole.
Since another Plandemic is allegedly planned for 2025, they have to dispose of those that may get in the way - and Dr. Jackie Stone is one of those.
The devils know it will dissuade others from doing the right thing just as Dr. Jackie Stone did.
R.I.P. Dr. Stone - I´m certain you are at peace and reaping the eternal reward for what you sowed during your passage through our earthly dimension.
I watched those Fall of the cabal videos early on, was part of my own awakening. I didn’t realize she died. So very heartbreaking. The evilness of these demons is getting hard to bare.
"The world right now is mad. We knew that for long. But it shows much more easy now. There is a relatively small group of people that just can’t accept that Janet is dead and that she chose to do it herself. They can’t accept that she was just a human being as we all are, with her own troubles of heart and mind. “I saw her at the latest presentation, and she didn’t look depressed at all…”
I feel sorry for this group that do everything to keep her alive. But I have to burst your bubble.
No, Janet is not beamed up by a UFO. (She would have loved that!)
No, Janet is not secured by Q. (She would have loved that!)
No, Janet is not killed by the Cabal or anyone else.
No, Janet is not in a Witness Protection Programme. (She would have hated that!)
No, Janet is not enjoying her pension, while I tell the world she died. (She didn’t need that!)
And no, Janet is not killed by me. (What are you thinking, my God!!)"
- Janet's widow and co-creator of the video series, Cyntha Koeter
At first I thought "No, it was made to look like she took her own life but after watching the short video of her interview I can see that she was feeling defeated and this just makes me feel so very angry and sad.
At the Facts Matter Conference here in Denmark, a Danish doctor who was among the few to stand up against the narrative broke down in front of the audience when telling about the persecution she had experienced. She couldn't stop crying while speaking. Made a huge impact.
Thank you, do you happen to have a link please?
Yes, found it. Dr. Anastasia Loupis' presentation 'When medicine does more harm than good' starts at 2.04, if you are specifically looking for that.
Excellent, thank you!
I concur.
Completely Heartbreaking.
MIND BLOWING ...What she did ...The AMAZING GOID LIFE SAVING WORK ..But the censorship by the media..and the vilification by the pharmaceutical industrial patent complex..and the Relentless legal harassment Is TOO MUCH for any mortal to bear.
This is so sad because the "doctors" left are mostly bought off like my doctor. My doctor couldn't care less about me and Im not sure where to turn at this point.
You have to do your own research and read, read, read. The rest is trial and error. Your body is distinctly yours. One size does not fit all.
Hannah, dont know where you live but try to find a doctor in private practice, FLCCC have a list of doctors who helped during covid in the US and international, hopefully they can help you.
I'd do some research on the FLCCC docs first. A dear friend used them during covid and they charged her $1500 for a week's worth of IVM and the tele-call. Tell me that's not price gouging. That's like selling a $5;case of water for a hundred bucks during a storm. It's immoral and should be illegal.
I use FLCCC’s protocols, which are updated versions of Zelenko’s and similar to Dr. Peter McCullough, and then I purchase my ivermectin, Azithromycin, doxycycline, and amoxicillin from two distributors in India that I trust and have used for 2 years. I have a script for HCQ so I don’t order that, but otherwise I would.
Maybe today is the time to find and understand prescriptions and treat yourself.
There was only one doctor in the UK that would prescribe IVM (I should say that I was aware of), he was on the FLCCC website, he was not cheap, I think I paid approx £500 for initial consultation, prescription costs etc., in the UK this is kind of the price you pay for private practice, my GP refused to prescribe IVM, but I did get a jab exemption eventually, around the same time as the mandates got lifted, he also gave me a mask exemption. Got to say vet bills in the UK are daylight robbery!
Here in Ireland, I’m hard-pressed to find a real truthful
Good news if you know of one! Thank you and May God bless your heart ❤️
But much cheaper than GP’s bills.
All you needed to do is go to a farm store.
I sadly live in Canada where most all doctors have been taken over by the communist government. They are not allowed to treat patients one on one, it's a one size fits all. I do have someone who's a doctor I email for advice which is very helpful. I took 2 blood tests, one in April and one about 2 weeks ago, something on this last one was highlighted which made me worry, I waited to hear back from my doctor and she never called so I called her 2 days ago, I was told she only calls when its an emergency, I said to the girl on the phone, she doesn't see my results as a problem, she said no. So I did get her to get me a phone call for the 18th of Oct so I can ask her about the results and why she thinks they're fine because I don't. When we're up against this kind of crap it's hard to know where to go from here. I have learned how to treat myself for allot of things and I do have a large supply of medicines just in case. My doctor even told me Ivermectin could kill me and to that I laughed , I told her she was wrong and that I was taking it and I know lots of people on it who've never had a reaction, especially death. Anyways Ive blathered on long enough, thank you for caring, please take care and God bless.
You have not blathered on; your experience is real and we need to know what is happening and how this sh*tshow goes on. You matter, an attack on one, is an attack on all, it may be me tomorrow, sometimes there is comfort in knowing it not just you, so please continue to share. With regards to communists generally they were never this bad (having looked at history), although they have their moments. The sadists running the show, serve money, at least with communism e.g. Cuba there was health for all. Please also take care and may God bless and keep you.
I was also going to post the FLCCC database for white coat docs:
They also have tabs for treatment protocols, vaccine injury protocols, etc.
Healing through God’s Medicine! You do Not need you BigPharma fake salesman/poison promoter giving you fake advise! Not all doctors come under this heading! For example, you may want to listen carefully to Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Jennifer Daniels, Dr. Tenpenny, Mike Adams and some others on
Check out the incredible website
Please use an organic diet, clean water, herbs and spices, fruit and vegetables and get an adequate amount of fresh air and exercise, ever day, if possible! Above all, look to Almighty God and His Most Holy Mother for guidance and protection. See
God bless you all from Ireland 🇮🇪 🙏 xxx
When I saw the 'headline' here that she'd taken her life my immediate reaction was NO she was SILENCED by the cabal. Having watched the interview I still feel the same way. There were several leaders of small countries who mysteriously died at the start of the vaccine roll out because they were against forcing them on their citizens. These people were QUICKLY replaced. As this lady said in the interview, "what we're up against it too powerful" she's correct, as the GLOBALISTS are in control of Canada, the UK, IRELAND and AUSTRALIA, yet it appears they're in many other places, for sure across AFRICA. These 'people' (put in quotations because they're more like evil entities) have agendas in their quest for world domination and are covertly managing those agendas through their control of the world's mainstream media. Ask yourselves, those here who are wide awake, how many living around you have you tried to share what you know only to be immediately shut down? I'm sure many here have experienced the frustration of attempts made to enlighten others to at least be open to a brief conversation to bring them into awarenes that something is fundamentally wrong between the information they're believing from the MSM vs what we know. At this point the answers seem to be both prayer and that some event, unfortunately, has to happen that shocks the sleeping to awaken and THEN we can unite in numbers and face these tyrants. Sadly, I have no other ideas at this writing.
Beth, you are right! Even those close to you who, it would seem, should respect you for your wide-awake knowledge, have often joined the ranks of what Bonhoeffer calls the 'stupidity contagion' ... ripping families and psyches to shreds, leaving no one untouched. Only my trust in God Almighty is carrying me through.
RIP Dr. Stone, (AND the OTHERS).
Dr Makis, THANK YOU ! You are a light for us! I pray for you each day.
Some excellent articles:
- & -
Thank you for posting these links. I'm on the Breggin's list and read their email a couple of hours ago. It's so horrifying I almost couldn't get through it. The inhumanity that's taking place is beyond heartbreaking and it's difficult to accept that our governments on both sides of the border have people in power that are as demonic as we've seen throughout history. There's GOT to be a spiritual awakening.
This is so awful and thank you Dr Makis for bringing these to our attention.
If we didn't have you telling these stories we wouldn't read them anywhere. Gas lit STILL by the media
Did she really take her life, or was she suicided. Me thinks the latter. Big Pharma takes no prisoners and will always send a message to other rogue truth tellers (speak out and you're gone). RIP Dr. Stone. We won't forget you.
I watch Power & Politics on CBC in Canada regularly. I like the show very much, but yesterday (Oct 4) they ridiculed someone who regretted taking the vaccine. I can't believe how blind the media is (or willfully blind). Like this brave woman you speak about - after helping all of those people, ends up dying - what a terrible and tragic thing! - I can't get over the power of this narrative. How the entire world has been affected by it. It boggles my mind. In spite of so many brave people standing against it, it still prevails.
The CBC like ALL major news networks in Canada has been usurped by the globalists back in 2020. They're NOT reporting the truth and have done nothing but vilify those speaking against the tyranny that's befallen us. The second I saw that there was only ONE narrative and NO other information to the contrary was allowed to debate that narrative I knew there was evil afoot. True 'journalism' is to present fair and unbiased stories and personal opinions are only left to OP-Ed pages or general discussions. THAT ceased in 2020.
This may have been John Rustad, leader of our BC Conservative party, who is in first place in the polls for.our upcoming Provincial election. Every channel ( CTV, Global , CBC, Chek, Island media) played a clip of him stating that he regretted taking three shots. They thought they had a " gotcha" moment but the comments sections under each video showed that most people agreed with him. He is remaining honest despite the media trying to crucify him over any polocy or comment. So far he is staying strong and cool headed.
Also,.check out Jessica Rose PhD's substack. New article on Conservative MP Cathy Wagantall got an order in paper result which showed that stats Canada reports many more death in the multi jabbed than unjabbed. Of course we need to know the denominator but this is still significant news.
The corrupt CBC is bought and paid for by the Canadian (Globalist) governement. It's good that you were aware of the propaganda you witnessed on "Power and Politics" but consider their programming you are not yet aware of. Best to find other sources of information.
Yup, it befuddles me too.
How can some people not see through the lies and propaganda - it´s so obvious..
Because they watch our greatest enemy. The media, and are mind controlled because of the kill shots.
CBC are owned by the government an only follow orders, nothing more. If they have an opinion, think the opposite.
Such a brave soul. You can see and hear the sadness and defeat in her voice in this video. The system broke her strong and honest soul however her legacy and all that she did will live on. Thank you for sharing the sad news Dr Makis.
Just disgusting what they did to her...doctors like her should have been elevated as national heroes and awarded a nobel prize...if only we lived in a moral and ethical world that allowed the best treatments for humanity to prevail. I remember listening to her testimony of facts, a remarkably intelligent common sense doctor with an inspiring life story. I truly hope young doctors have heard the same and are inspired to carry the torch of truth few had the courage to do so. I pray that Dr. Stone will rest in peace.
She was probably Un-Alived by the threatened powers-that-be. Tragic! My heart breaks for her, and her family, her patients, and the other Truth Tellers who need her.
This is so sad! My heartfelt prayers are praying for Dr. Jackie Stone and her family. The The “Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex” in addition to the “Military Industrial Complex” which are now IMO, one gigantic “Human Civilization Reduction Complex” and any of the other “COMPLEXES” have now become the “OVERLORDS OF WORLD POPULATION DESTRUCTION”!
Furthermore, once lockdowns were announced, shortly thereafter, Insurance companies “STOPPED” paying for “D-Dimer” tests!
I wonder why?
Insurance Companies are as complicit for “Death Resulting” by changing the rules for a critically important test they choose to refuse to pay for!
Yes the “D-Dimer” tests!
All people involved, knew first hand “Micro-Clots” would happen! Otherwise Insurance Companies would have allowed D-Dimer tests to be conducted.
There are so many levels of initiation of, involvement in and covering up of.
For who? For what? Money?
Yes, money’s part of it to some degree, but there’s something much more “SINISTER” at play here.
If the latest information regarding the number of people who were killed as a direct result from the “COVID-SHOTS” are correct and from what I heard coming out of Japan, in a three year time span, “ONE BILLION PEOPLE” have now died directly from these
“Bioweapon Injections”!
IMO, this is exactly what’s happening to the world! Yes the western world nations are under attack, the shots killed millions if not billions and the “Globalist Evils” of mankind are “Hellbent” about “POPULATION DESTRUCTION”!
And Japan has now begun rolling out “Replicon Injections”?
As I understand the preliminary information about, “Replicon”, it’s been designed to transfer to “non-injected” individuals and animals!
If what I’ve heard and read about this new “Replicon Bioweapon” then “HUMANITY” will nearly become, will now be closer to extinction! Of course the “Globalist Evils” will be protected from this new “Bioweapon”!
Each one of and every single monstrous “Globalist Evil Elitist” have been working towards this end game and will achieve “massive human elimination”! Of course they’ll be “safe” from such demise. Their methods of murdering billions is quite “effective” and they know it. They’re embracing it!
In their “demented brains” they believe they’re saving “Planet Earth” and they can now start a new world of “Transhumanist” cyborgs like human civilization.
I’m sure they have or know of, some kind of treatment for, prevention from, becoming “infected” by this new
“SAFE & EFFECTIVE BIOWEAPON INJECTION”? Why on earth is something like this happening? Who’s allowing this? Can we stop them?
Too many questions and so few answers! Which is why they’re hellbent about “DISINFORMATION” and “ABORTION”! Abortion has something to do with capturing DNA MATERIAL FOR THEIR SICK DEMONIC SCIENTISTS!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
AJR, Right ON! Thank you again! I always enjoy your insightful posts!
And THANK YOU, DR MAKIS, for making this forum possible for us! God be with you all !
I appreciate your thankfulness joyce, honestly I do. You’re most welcome joyce. I am most grateful for your help. We must all believe, one way or another, these “evil people” fail and fail miserably!
Thank you again joyce.
Satanic! Just like our government's reaction to the devastation in western North Carolina. They don't care if doctors can't treat their patients; they don't care if people are left to die after a natural disaster. Elon Musk is being blocked from setting up Starlink!