Sounds like Malhotra is still asleep when it pertains to "traditional vaccines being the safest amongst all pharmacological interventions in medicine".

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But he for sure closes a gab that would be difficult for most "normal" "misinformation" spreaders to reach. Due to his more mainstream history and status he might be able to actually cut through to the dull medical establishment....just might.

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The only way they’ll let him talk is if he only questions one at a time, I’m afraid.

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I was sort of thinking the same thing.

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He'll arrive at the station pretty soon.

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Julian Assange once said his greatest disappointment was “learning that even intelligent people can be cowards, and that courage is a much rarer attribute than intelligence”.

As the drumbeat grows louder, we will see who is a coward, and who has courage.

I count Aseem Malhotra in the latter. As he testified, there must be hundreds of thousands of ably-qualified people who have now seen this signal, but who wilfully choose to turn a blind eye to protect their own selfish interests. History will judge them harshly.

It can't be easy to admit you got it wrong so publicly. But better some intermediate and temporary shame and embarrassment, than looking yourself in the mirror for the rest of your days and knowing you stood down when it mattered most.

The fall-out from the greatest medical disaster in history is going to reverberate for decades, and quite likely, generations to come. People are continuing to be harmed due to the craven silence of our medical institutions, and speaking out in 10 years time, is akin to never having spoken at all.

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In 10 years major damage will have been done. Knowing they could have done something and were to greedy or spineless to step up is a grave sin and an injustice to those who will die in that time. Think of how many could be saved by brave men like this doctor. It’s so disheartening how evil doctors have become.

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Given the still-prevailing lie that the COVID-19 mRNA/lipid nanoparticle procedure was a great success protecting millions, the experimental gene-modifying stuff is being pushed at us zealously. It seems the precedent has now been set that its OK to experiment on human subjects without their informed consent or even without their knowledge. The medical profession are continuing their murdering spree and much more is required of us to get the message out and the criminal trials going.

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In 10 years the one’s who should have spoken out that knew the truth and didn’t may be dead because of taking the jab. Even if they didn’t take the jab and knew the truth and didn’t speak out, the outcome is the same.

The damage has already been done.

Excellent point.

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Hear Hear! Couldn’t agree more!

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Love Malhotra, but the cognitive dissonance here is ASTOUNDING

"traditional vaccinations are amongst the safest. I still believe this to be the case."

"there was a big problem with the reliability of clinical research, where invariably the results of clinical trials on all drugs sponsored by the drug industry, grossly exaggerate their safety and benefits."

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Apr 15
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Exactly! I am hopeful that in time... but honestly he should've seen the light months or even years ago

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Dr. Malhotra has risked his esteemed career and suffered financial loss, however he is driven by the injustices he is witnessing and in good conscience cannot stay quiet. That my friends is a man of integrity. In these past years it has become much more evident to me how pervasive the corruption has infiltrated our healthcare systems. Pharma has every corner covered, right down to the weaponized terms anti vaxxer, conspiracy theorists and anti science, all part and parcel of the lies their costly PR firms insert into our everyday living. The smearing of doctor’s reputations and career loss for speaking out. The psychopathic thugs wield enormous power to our detriment. I, sadly believed the propaganda at the beginning of the pandemic and now my life is irrevocably changed due to a jab injury. I searched for answers as to why MSM, the government and medical associations were silent on the ever increasing obvious signals of jab injuries. I was confused but now I know. Unfortunately, like me, people trust in our institutions and don’t believe me when I speak about the devastating truth. I don’t know how we ever change this.

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"I searched for answers as to why MSM, the government and medical associations were silent on the ever increasing obvious signals of jab injuries." For the most part the silence continues. The cover up still prevails in all but a small minority of cases.

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Anthony, I think the cover up is very alive and continues on. They’re even doubling down.

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Now you know? It seems you think the reason revolves around greed. That may be partially true. However it seems more likely to me that the real problem concerns pride (on the part of TPTB), who control both the foreground governments and the media. The further one becomes established in pride, the more one becomes devoted to annihilating the being of others.

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Thank you for sharing.

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Wow! Thank you for providing this vital information. Is there any easy way to access the two articles he referenced?

Also, is there any way to follow the trial?

Grateful for everything you do to inform and educate the public.

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We must find out the way to tell these Doctors that there is no virus. Yes, we do get sick. Yes, some get really very I’ll. Yes, some die. Every year. But the best minds have already challenged every doctor or scientist or ‘virologist’ to show their proof of the existence of a virus. TO DATE, NO ONE HAS SHOWN ANY PROOF. It is time to do more research. Let’s put our best students on it!!!!

Please read Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Tom Cowan AND OTHERS!! They have written and talked about this fact. Extensively!!!!

PS. I am a nurse , 43 years experience, retired from (among others) hematology oncology. You will never see me get a Covid Vaccine. Instinct warned me to wonder: WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON???? And that was way back at the end of 2019. NOW THAT I KNOW THE TRUTH- I am against any vaccination!!! And I have good sources to back up my opinion!

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Last Monday evening, April 8, the mechanic right next to where I live collapsed and died in his repair shop, 63 yo.

The same day, a 56 yo man fell ill while driving and drove into a ditch and died, also in Southern Jutland.

The day after, April 9, a 62-year-old Romanian driver fell ill while driving on Sønderjyske Motorvej (highway in Southern Jutland) and turned into the emergency lane, continued about 100 meters into the field that lies along the highway where he was found unconscious and died.

On Friday, April 12, a bus driver in Stenløse in Northern Zealand had fallen ill while driving, which made the bus drive up a slope and overturn. He was rushed to the hospital with police escort. The four passengers onboard were mildly injured.

Obviously, these incidents also happened 'before', but WOW!

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I am also from DK. And also notice these things.

The problem is for laymen to determine if this is more (which I think it is) than previous. Or if we just notice it now becsuse we are aware of these things now.

Wonder if Any statisticians is able to do statistics in these areas.

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Agreed. And they should all have thorough autopsies done!

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Dr Maholtra is wonderful. TY Dr Makis for posting this.

Dr Naomi Wolfe obtained the Pfizer docs that they asked the Judge to hide for 75 years. She marshaled groups of volunteers to get through them all.

Her talk here sums them up. Please circulate.


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All vaccines are dangerous bioweapons used to kill, maime and harm us. I wish Mulholtra would wake the f up and quick.I can’t take him seriously because of this error in his thinking. Maybe controlled opposition???

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William and all,

Richard Horton, Lancet editor wrote in 2015…

“…possibly half of the medical published literature may simply be untrue. And he said that science has taken a turn towards darkness. But who's going to take the first step to clean up the system?”

I will tell you who…Americans if they can get it together on 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY!

Message for Americans and friends…

What kind of America do you think we will have without honest elections…2020 and 2022 were completely stolen as heavy darkness blanketed America???

Want to know how Satan stole our entire election processes…


How come EVERYONE is not talking about 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY…a necessity to begin the huge cleanup of America to include shutting down ALL vaccine mandates and corporate medicine?

Donate to Mike Lindell and NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER…the only HOPE for America at this late date!!!

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Amazing and nowhere to be found on YouTube. What bastards to keep the truth from us. I'd love to see them ruined. Gotta give him some credit for admitting he was wrong.

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How anyone could have seen the nothing burger of covid over the first 9-12 months, then thought a novel and rush 'tested' vaccine was the answer is beyond me. You have to wonder how many other basic common sense blunders they would make in their career.

Perhaps these quacks can still act as quite reasonable technicians within their specialties, but they hardly deserve the acclaim and the salaries they are on.

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That blows my mind as well. Did people not think something seriously sinister was afoot when we had a nothing burger virus with a fatality rate that never even limped up to 1% - yet we had an insane, over-the-top, global advertising campaign to take a shot for it??

It was completely incongruent.

The need never came close to justifying it.

We all have access to the internet. All you had to do was check, but few did, and ended up believing it had a 50% mortality rate.

I really despair for humanity.

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The legal definition of a vaccine is’unavoidably unsafe’. Vaccines are not safe. None have been properly tested. No research has been done on their interaction in the body. Unvaxxed children are way healthier than vaxxed kids. Vaxxed kids have ADD, autism, allergies, digestive problems, and much more.

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I'm very suspicious of anyone peddling the idea that Covid-19 and this nonsense condition they call “long Covid” are REAL things.

“Long Covid” is nothing but an orchestrated coverup explain away for the vast number of vaccine injuries and deaths. Anyone with even half a brain knows full well, this is the greatest crime cover up in all of history.

When “long Covid”…i.e., “vaccine injuries” reach plague proportions and inevitably overwhelm the entire medical system, it will ultimately be blamed on this ludicrous idea of "long Covid," and of course, the “unvaccinated.” They’ll roll out the old…”you didn’t take yours and that’s why mine didn’t work” routine. It worked once, and it'll work again! The Covidians are so hypnotised and mentally beaten down, they'll probably believe it hook line and sinker, even though it makes not a single smidgeon of sense in any way whatsoever. Either way... these murderous f*ckers are going to get away with it and walk off into the sunset free men and women. We lost this battle the very minute they rolled this thing out on us. There's no stopping it.... they've put way too much work into this and have all their bases covered. They've considered every single angle and left nothing to chance.

THE RUNAWAY TRAIN of self perpetuating deception:


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