The question one should always ask is "Who Benefits?”. With respect to Remdesivir the answer is interesting. When looking at Gilead Scientific, who had requested and was receiving advanced approval for their new drug from the FDA, the answers are instructive, especially since they oddly withdrew that request as the drug neared approval. After some research, I downloaded the quarterly required SEC filings for George Soros which confirmed he was the primary stakeholder in the company. Within leads than a week, production of Remdesivir was moved from Gilead to a Wuhan, China, drug manufacturing company- Wuxi Biologics if I recall correctly- for production. The stock immediately jumped 20 percent, and Soros of course benefited. His SEC filings also showed he is the primary state holder in Wuxi Biologics…..follow the money.

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This info needs to get put on billboards!

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The Hospitals and "professionals" who participated in this (and there were many) are filthy f*cks and they need to be held to account. They killed my stepfather too. The things that happened in regard to his illness were shocking, appalling and surreal. It was so unbelievable, I can understand why most people didn't believe and tried to explain away the absurdity they were witnessing and experiencing. NO AMNESTY!

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The well orchestrated collaboration between the pharmaceutical companies, hospital administrations, medical boards, governments, etc. to kill people for money is absolutely terrifying and it is still happening to this day.

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Why would they do the same thing over and over and over with the same horrid results? Because they get lots of money for every 'protocol' patient, He survived covid and yet his lungs were destroyed after being in the hospital? Protocol=profit and it is despicable. My condolences to this dear family. Praying that the truth will be laid bare in the land of the living, and that Dr.s and nurses will actually put character, integrity and be people of their word to first do no harm and stand up and speak up. They too, will die one day. Hopefully not as cowards.

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Every doctor, nurse, administrator or whoever had any part in this mass murder of people should be charged with crimes against humanity and sentenced accordingly.....

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I am so sorry for the loss of this precious man and so many others. Thank you for sharing this story. It is another affirmation that many of us were not wrong…

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Shattering to watch

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Watching this sad story with tears running down my face. And with angry at the in my heart.

I will replay this on my computer again, and video tape it from my cell phone. And show this to everyone I know. Including our complaisant family doctor. And mentioned that legal action will take place.

I believe this is another way to stop this madness.

I cannot financially contribute to our amazing Dr. Makis. So, this is my way in wake up the unaware.

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Writing this in between tears, this is appalling and my heart goes out to this family and so many others where this has happened, the enemy is the ruler of this sin filled world, whereby his greed, his lies, deception and destruction of humanity, as he hates God's creation, is in the forefront and he certainly has many helpers in these heinous crimes against humanity playing right into this destruction for centuries, to watch this families love for the Lord even to the very last breath praising halleluiah shows that the light always prevails even in despair and sadness, and these stories will be shared and told to open the eyes of those refusing to see the heads of snakes whose sole purpose is to "crush God" and his creation, well with light warriors such as Dr Makis, Dr. Trozzi, Dr. Hoffe and so many others world wide what is happening is the light is exposing the darkness and it will be victorious in the end! Your dad is with the Lord and until you all meet again share your story for all the world to hear, we all need to continue to tell truth with the hopes that those who want to look the other way will come and join the right side of history, so continue to be a warrior of the light for all the world to know.

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Sue the hospital for denying compassionate care for your father.

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Not one of those attempts have yet to be successful. The PREP Act protects them. There’s only one pending case, here in the US, that I know of & has a chance. Please see: https://www.graceschara.com/

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Donated, but hold little hope the suit will be successful. The Supreme Court would need to strike down the PREP Act - but am in no way a legal scholar, so I have SOME hope. Short of that, it would take some kind of nationwide uprising to 'take back our Republic', which I contend has been hijacked and control taken away from We-The-People.

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They are going the angle of discrimination against disabled, which was ok to move to trial. The discovery part is where the lid gets blown off at least, but what happens, when everybody knows the truth, is very, very hard to tell.. 🙏

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LOVE the Schara family!

Their story is so compelling.

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Dr. David Martin reveals everything in this interview:


He believes all pandemics will be stopped if the pharmaceutical companies lose their liability exemption.

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Time to arrest Soros on a Dead or Alive Warrant, worldwide, and BAN ANY MEDICATIONS AND/OR PPE’S MADE OR SHIPPED FROM CHINA.

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Are they still making large sums of money to use these protocols?

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As of November 2023, they were still using remdesivir for covid patients in the hospital.

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I think they are.

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I don't think they are still getting the bonuses, but remdesivir and ventilator is still the standard protocol in the hospitals.

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To me that is our hope 🙏🏽, through the Drs. They have lost so much for not standing . Most people have no trust in them , people have lost respect for them & rightly so . The good Drs who stand for truth are being demonized while the cowards watch & turn a blind eye😞I am shocked at the number of cowardly Drs & judges 🥸🥸

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I am so sorry your Dad was murdered 😞It is beyond comprehension that we are not able to get any truth & justice. The Drs could change this if they would unite & speak the truth

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Please support, this family has a fighting chance to set a precedent: https://www.graceschara.com/

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LOVE this family and their compelling story!

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