At age 92, is this his deathbed confession - trying to earn forgiveness before he pops his clogs.

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That was my thought also. He’s old maybe not long for this world and is finally coming clean with the truth. It’s a little late as people are dying because of it.

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Hang him for mass murder

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For global genocide

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So Now what will happen, mainstream media will say nothing about this

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The rats running from the ship trying to disguise themselves as anything but the rats they are.

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This! Truth!

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Bingo !!!

It really is as simple as that.

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After they got rich and old of course .. now they want to clear their conscience ...

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Exactly my thoughts too.

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The injured being called anti vax is unbelievably insane indeed! That said past observations married with my injury, and I'm definitely never getting another or advising anyone else to get within a mile of one.

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And just like that - admission. So many injuries. Look at allergy shots as well. What a joke.

God help us 🙏❤️😔

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Had a dear work colleague that told me she had to get her allergy medicine refilled before her trip to Europe because it wasn’t allowed to be bought in Germany. I think it was Celebrex , well she died a young 50 something . I was so sad and remembered connecting the dots after my mother told me she couldn’t get it anymore for her condition

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I understand, and it’s unbelievable. My story has finally been published! This morning, my challenging encounter with the ‘swamp creatures’ went online.

Encl. https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/heresy

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Wonderful Luc! Thank you so much for being so courageous and not giving up! Are you trying to find a university where you can pursue your Phd studies on the CONvid scam?

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No. I plan to sue my former college.

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All the best to you.

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Maybe you should make a give-send-go fund to help pay for your lawsuit. All Quebec parents ans students should have an interest in righting the capsized ship that is our Universities. It is the student and their parents ( and taxpayers) who pay these institutions to properly educate our children. How dare they sensor them? If you make a donation request for legal fees, I will be the first to donate. Just send me the link!

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I intend to do that... if the Commission des droits du Québec drops the case!

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Well, they have no shame

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Evil has no shame. Only satanists could be behind such Intentional Carnage.

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Yes and this is why I knew not to ever take another injection. Del and RFK Jr. have been amplifying this for years. So before you dismiss RFK Jr. You may want to realize the type of censorship, character assassins and gaslighting he has been experiencing for years because he took on the “vaccine” issue.

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He is good at the truth for vxeens ( Covid 'jabs' ate not vaxeens) but, like all presidential hopefuls and presidents, grovels to Israel while they slaughter 100, 000 Palestinians and bomb Gaza to rubble. Israel chooses the candidates so...

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Yes I agree with you.

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From the Plotkin article "For example, though there were eventually more than a dozen well-conducted epidemiologic studies that led the Institute of Medicine (IOM, now the National Academy of Medicine) to conclude that measles–mumps–rubella vaccines and thimerosal in vaccines were not causing autism, the results were not available until years after these possibilities were raised publicly.1"

What the report actually concluded: "Thus the committee concludes that the evidence is inadequate toaccept or reject a causal relationship between exposure to thimerosal from

vaccines and the neurodevelopmental disorders of autism, ADHD, and

speech or language delay." Just sayin....

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You cant find what you are not looking for

Who was the Dr on vaccine committee who said about adding covid jab to childhood Vax schedule.." well we won't know until we do it"... he should burn in hell

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Finally, Duchess calls it as Duchess sees it. That is refreshing.

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It should be obvious that injecting mercury can't be good.

After decades of research by Christopher Exley's group and others every doctor should be aware that injecting aluminum is bad.

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They know no doubt but take the bribes of the billionaires depopulating as many 'Useless Eaters' as they can. Bill Gates alone has killed sterilised, maimed billions of peoplecwith his 'vxeens' in Africa, India, worldwide for 4 decades at least.

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Just saying that many research establishments worldwide accept millions from Big Harma, Gates & others . Research is rarely if ever, 'objective' but, research on science finds that scientists are very likely to fubd what their financial sponsors want them to find...

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✅️ vaccine injured from an employer mandated flu shot over 10 yrs ago.

🚫 never again took a 💉💉💉

✅️ 2024 Current at Work in Healthcare=> I am experiencing tremendous bullying,gangstalking,gaslighting,harrassments, slander, attacks on my character, lack of support by management, etc and even physical threat, hostile toxic work environment on the daily, false accusations made up to discredit the Truth I speak and The Truth I live in my life.

🙏🙌🪔💖 Jesus Christ is my Lord and King.

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So sorry that you have to endure this. People can be so wicked.

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Sorry you are being so badly treated you need a lawyer but I guess they cost a lot. I do not understand how, if a good God exists, such evil psychopaths can maim, kill billions of people but the murderers laugh and carry on killing for years, decades, centuries ( killer 'jabs' been around for 200 yrs at least)

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The truth is really comingbout now they can't hide there evildoing anymore to many have died from the clotshots now and the knew about it and tried to cover it up by buying the media so they wouldn't investigate it like they should have all these bastards need to pay gates his wife fauci all of them get the lethal injections ready and send them to hell

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They are just starting- the plan is 99% of humans and even animals to be killed . Population stats show severe decline many countries for years now. Overpopulation is a lie these psychopaths use to get people hating their own species, their own lives...

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Yes you are 100% right have been saying it since start of " convid" and now so many dying suddenly and turbo cancers now cases soaring not many people know this not many want to know it they prefer to listen to mainstream media filling there heads with lies

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Powerful video, thank you Dr. Makis.!!!

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What is this from Dr. Stanley Plotkin, a deathbed confession? This should be all over the news, front page of the papers, but nope, crickets! He should get his ass out there and start speaking about the truth, if he truly cared!

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He has helped the Depopulation agenda for decades, killed billions of people, been paid huge amounts of money to do so like most scientists, doctors etc are. He should die painfully given his crimes.

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When you know the real history of vaccines, it is based on very bad science, actually not science at all, if common sense would prevail. The deduction would have been that antibodies are produced as a consequence of the body detecting something foreign. It recognizes that substance thereafter and reacts, however, that doesn't necessarily mean that the body is therefore protected from that substance thereafter. That has never been thoroughly proven. So the question is why are people buying into vaccines at all especially when no one knows what is in them except the pharmaceutical executives. Blind trust and indoctrination, that is what the slaves are taught in the public schools and that includes the doctors. Some people don't have a conscience.

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Depopulation of billions of people has been the plan of some billionaires for at least a century eg Rockefeller & many more such as Gates. None of this is an accident - the more 'Useless Eaters' they kill the happier they are. They poison food, water, air, medicines,and much more.

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