Good Doctors do not try to sue other good Doctors for 25 million dollars for defamation when they just reported the truth as Malone did to the Breggins.



IMHO this is not the best spokesperson to speak out against a failed technology as you have stated mRNA is ,Dr Makis.

He is/was deeply involved in defending it. Very confusing for the layman.


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It would have been professional of good Dr B to have gone directly to Dr Mattias Desmitt and discussed his difference of professional opinion in regards to Desmitt’s book ‘The Psychology of Totalitarianism’. Unfortunately what transpired was a public criticism of Desmitt’s work and Dr M, for supporting Desmitt’s work and book.

It is very sad and unfortunate to see such division and animosity within the freedom movement.

I have deep respect for all 3 of these men for their contributions to help us all regain the God given freedoms that are slowly and steadily being stripped away from us (especially here in BC!!) I have read all 3 of their books. I pray that these differences that have erupted between them be resolved in a forgiving, considerate manner. Both sides have fallen short of perfection.

For any of the Malone haters out there, I want to leave you with a quote from his book ‘Lies my Government Told Me’:

“The biomedical world that I thought I was living in has been revealed to be a sham. The legitimacy of the industry and discipline that I have committed my entire professional life to is in shambles. I am now embarrassed to call myself a vaccines and biodefense expert, because the fundamental corruption inherent in those domains has been so clearly revealed. I cannot unsee what I have seen. I cannot recapture all of those years spent in a profoundly corrupt academic system, spent supporting a deeply compromised discipline that appears primarily driven by financial interests rather than by what I had naively believed was a commitment to saving lives. I chose to not pursue the careers of my father and father-in-law, which were spent building weapons of war. Only to find that I had inadvertently played a significant role in enabling one of the most tragic medical follies in the history of man.”

— Lies My Gov't Told Me: And the Better Future Coming (Children’s Health Defense) by Robert W Malone MD MS

Sometimes we all need to humble ourselves.

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I would have said something very very similar but you said it well.

I would add that this eating our own delights the vampire squid overlords, it serves their purpose.

The Malone haters, have you actually watched and read substantial amounts of what Malone has put out? If you have, what in all that has benefited the vampire squid overlords? All he did was convince I dunno 3 million people to never trust the health authorities and never take another shot. Obviously working for them. (sarc off)

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He has yet to admit that this technology is a weapon. Not a cure for anything.

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So when you try to wake up normies from their stupor, you start by saying the jabs are a bioweapon? Hows that going.

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Uh… he did… in the above quote that I posted.. the quote from his book. I thought I was a profoundly repentant statement myself

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I have to ask, was this vaccine given out for " financial reasons "or for depopulation purposes?

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Furthermore, i cannot think of any Physicians who are more humble that Dr Breggin and his wife. except of course for Dr Bhakdi who warned the world about this

sham medical treatment from the beginning.

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Both doctors Breggin and Bhakdi are exceptionally brilliant, brave and completely trustworthy, in my opinion. And they are also kindly and amazingly humble. So is Ginger Breggin. I was so happy to hear that the enormous lawsuit against the Breggins was thrown out, very quickly. The judge could see clearly that Dr. Breggin did nothing wrong.

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Love Dr Bhakdi. Class Act. But I suppose each Dr comes with their own knowledge base and perceptions. Also since the information is so hard for so many to believe and the propaganda so extensive, it really is a difficult process for trying to get the truth out. Even though I have followed this all from the beginning (many hours everyday) I still don’t know a lot of things and don’t know if I am trusting the right people all the time or if they have all the right info. It’s really hard to know. I mean if it’s not their specialty would they even know if there is nanotechnology in some of the vaccines or if there is a shedding effect. I just read about a substance similar to spider webs that is a type of protein that may be being produced in the body of some vaccinated, apparently if the body does like a reverse reading of the spike protein signal sometimes it can be just read as junk and the body eliminates it but sometimes if it codes for a protein the body will make it, this may possibly explain the strings or clots being found (but I have read other string theory stuff that makes sense too ?) but that is different then the theory of tiny nano type razor that can cut the blood vessels (and that scientist was taken out- so I think he was onto something).

Anyway my point being that this vaccine was not really allowed to be studied by most scientists so they are all playing catch up. And if they find the Possible problem in the vaccine they claim it but then they may shut off their brain to all the other possible problems I mean their were diff lots maybe they did many diff things?

Or it is all pieces that work together in a way I m yet to fully understand. For example cholesterol was seen as the bad guy in health clogging up arteries etc but it is actually a response by the body to spackle over (heal) tiny cuts and weak spots in the blood vessels, it’s trying to stop a problem but since it is correlated with heart problems it’s “the bad guy” , in reality it’s just a response and it’s not the cause and you need to look at fixing the overall health of the person. Maybe the clots are a response of the nano tech cuts? But maybe since it normally would have done cholesterol instead it is reading the signal for a different protein , why that protein, is that on purpose (they seemed to think it had to be) I don’t know what do those clots do except kill you? Do they do something else , no idea. Maybe it’s just a way to diversify the types of deaths so they aren’t followed back to the vaccine. Or it’s about making people infertile or it is about hooking them up to ioT.

I have bits of information, a few theories and not enough answers, so I can’t judge anyone dr or not for their approach,

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Mar 28
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I saw the same interview on Dr Merrit's page but please explain why health care workers watched codes going on during their hospitals "vaccine clinics".

They dropped from nothing burger jabs? how do we explain all the "Died Suddenly" events?

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Mar 28
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I'd say both.

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I also hope they resolve their differences.

It does seem strange that Dr Malone sued someone in the medical freedom movement (& for millions of dollars) when there are SO many VILLAINS he could have taken on - from Fauci to Birx to Daszak to Bourla to Baric....

OTOH, he has been speaking out for a long time & deserves support for noisily defending medical freedom, bodily autonomy & informed consent.

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I would say Dr Makis that this particular Video that you so graciously posted has caused a bunch of mixed feelings. I will just say one thing here. Causing mixed feelings or not, I am so glad that on this Substack we can still ‘speak out’ as it were because we still have ‘free speech’ on here and that gives me great comfort just knowing that.

We are not all going to agree with each other or with the subjects, people or information that is put on these Substacks, and this is a not a bad thing because it gets us to do some Critical Thinking and search for ourselves. At the end of the day though, the truth will eventually come out in all things..If there is one thing I have learned over the years of being a mother and grandmother is that things aren’t always what they seem…Keep on sharing these Dr Makis, and God Bless….

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I continue to find it odd that Malone and McCullough are continually pushed to the forefront, while people equally-knowledgeable (possibly more-so) like Sucharit Bhakdi and Mike Yeadon continue to be suppressed and persecuted.

Robert Malone has never been a practicing Clinician, treating actual patients. He has spent his entire career deeply-entwined in the Government Medical Industrial Complex.

According to Omar Jordan's outstanding research piece "Robert Malone: Dark Vaccine Wizard" - "up until 2020, Malone was the Chief Medical Officer at Alchem Laboratories, a Florida based pharmaceutical company. As we learn from their contact us page, Alchem Laboratories “is a Contract Research Organization (CRO) that focuses on process development and manufacturing of fine organic chemicals and drug substances".

Alchem comes from the word “alchemy" - a power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way.

Prior to his work at Alchem, Malone was the Director of Clinical Affairs at Alvancer Group whose clients include Pfizer, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Wyeth and other Big Pharma giants and vaccine manufacturers".

This is no "good doctor".

This is a Government/Big Pharma gate-keeper.

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Yeadon and Bhakdi both went directly to talk of genocide, very early on. While they both influenced me enormously, their blunt message is easily and obviously a step too far for consumption by normies. Only half redpilled folk can hear such talk without labelling it insane and conspiracy theory, and running the other way, confirmed in their hope 'we' are all insane.

Does anyone remember when Bhakdi got what was it 5 minutes on Fox? It was awful, he probably drove away as many as he might have converted.

Malone and McCullough have both very carefully (in my view) stuck to themes and discussion a full on normie can accept. Arguably they have reached substantially more people and pulled them into the truth lifeboat, they get some coverage MSM for eg. Tactics.

Our job is to wake up normies, or lose. It really is that simple. Internal debates over viruses/no viruses or who knows chemtrails can wait. What might a normie consider and not instantly reject? And is easily provable? Thats what you say.

I have listened to the Breggins, Malone, McCullough and Yeadon. Extensively. They are all my allies even as they squabble amongst themselves. Of the 4 I maintain McCullough and Malone have converted most normies and by a lot, with their careful believable tailored message.

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Tend to agree with you. I’m seeing people in my circle who, previously trusting of the injections, are coming round to real suspicion about them. It’s because of their experiences - odd illnesses, cancers, deaths around them. They would have totally dismissed talk of genocide & bio weapons but they certainly listen now when we discuss the mechanisms of harm. I think the approach of Malone & McCullough contributes to opening people’s eyes. They both warn against the shots; they both loudly call for medical freedom, bodily autonomy & informed consent & they oppose the tyrannical WHO power grab. IMO we should support them in all of that. There are no doubt powerful forces hoping to destroy all of our resistance by division. Don’t let them.

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Great interview with 2 very well respected Men….thank you for this….and a big thank you to Jan Jekielek for asking the right questions…..totally on target….I have listen to almost every interview that Dr Robert Malone has ever done during this Plandemic…..he was a work in progress as most were in the beginning of this….his eyes were opened wide, especially after he had the 2 jabs, which he has openly discussed many times…..I have the highest respect for him. God Bless these men….and thank you once again for Sharing this Dr Makis……

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It is not a matter of trust, but contribution. Malone was deep in the system, but apparently could not abide mass murder. There should be many 1000s like him, but there aren't. Yes. He has evolved on many points. 1000s more should have!

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What? And lose their lifestyle, perks and generous salaries?

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Yes, of course.

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How to stop the Deep State from signing over American sovereignty to the WHO under the guise of Public Health? No one in our parliament is even talking about it except for ONE sole member of parliament for Haldimand-Norfolk Ontario Dr.Leslyn Lewis!!!!!!! WHY??? UNIPARTY?????

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Either they've been threatened with poverty or told to shut up or else. The majority of the Canadian public are not critical thinkers so there being only a sole voice of objection signifies the issue is a minute one.

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Good explanation! It literally boggles the mind so few Canadians even know about it let alone realize how huge of a disastrous and devastating negative impact on their lives it will have if/when passed…

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A discussion/update on this flawed agreement is on Bitchute.com. Search for it. I’ve never met so many braindead people as I have these past 4 years.

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Mar 28Edited

No disrespect Dr. Makis , I think you doing amazing job, but I rather listen to Sasha Latypova, Breggins etc, than Malone. I don't believe he took the jab, he knew what went in it. He is still pushing Mrna technology, bioweapons and countermeasures "research" and epidemic bulls*** because that's how he make his money.

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You're already redpilled. Malone isn't talking to you. He is talking to normies.

Yeadon whom I deeply respect, and who brought me along at a critical time mid 20, squandered his position as a Pfizer insider by immediately going to the true heart of the matter, deliberate genocide. So he became useless in the work of converting normies. I tried passing on a couple of his videos and got back that 'thanks for that, I was pretty sure all you conspiracy theorists were nuts, now I am sure". I realized then our leaders had to tailor the message.

Malone isn't talking to you. You're already in the truth lifeboat. He's trying to haul in normies, and has done a fine fine job at that critical task.

As I always say, wake up normies, or lose. Simple and true.

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Dr Malone is also an MD. My question to a friend of his was , "How is it that he was so clueless to have believed the jab stayed in the deltoid muscle?"

As a nurse I was surprised the alleged IM shots were being given without drawing back first on the syringe. Then there was the fake article on the internet that said we no longer need to do that. Oh, so now all intramuscular shots are being given intravenously???

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The reason we don't aspirate the syringe for IM injections is that the vaccine is going into the bloodstream anyway. There should be zero cardiac risk for any intramuscularly injected substance, otherwise IM route is too risky. So the moment any cardiac toxicity was spotted these should have been halted. And "stays in your arm" was a lie from day 1.

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Matt , even Dr John Campbell who still teaches nurses wondered why there was no IM aspiration done with these jabs. Another Nursing Prof here in the US told me it is still taught in Nsg 101.

Yes it eventually goes into the bloodstream if you are not in a blood vessel however , it gets there via the lymph at a much slower fashion.

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"Aspiration should be used if the medication would be a safety concern if mistakenly given venous or arterial. The nurse should evaluate whether the medication being administered would be harmful if injected into the vasculature based on rate of administration, dose, viscosity, or other reasons."

The reason no one drew back with the covid injections was because those giving the jabs in the stores were NOT nurses but EMTs and med techs. The idea was to get them in the arms of the victims FAST.

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I’d Rather Be

A Conspiracy Theorist

Than A

Coincidence Theorist.


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You mean COHENcidence 😉!

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Are you purposely baiting the Robert Malone despisers in your readers ?

I don't like Ryan Cole neither.

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Call me crazy, but I don’t trust people that worked for DARPA.

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thanks. I've been getting nasty comments

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Ignore people that aren’t open/awake. Use your Intuition…God given.

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Kinda presumptuous to inquire if Dr Makis is baiting "Malone despisers", when in reality people searching for the truth have honest questions.

Did you take the time to look at this link?


It seems that despite blaming his culpability on lies the government told him, Dr Malone had a stake in his participation of another covid mRNA .

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They converted between them what? Only millions of folk.... to realize never to take another jab, and never to trust the health authorities. So yes, I too am deeply suspicious. Only millions? That Rogan/Malone interview, I mean what a shill for big pharma (sarc).

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That’s because you do t have a brain that functions fully

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Has Malone reported his 2 jabs and injury to VAERS.

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Also the corporate system of medicine that Dr Malone describes is also well underway and has been part of the hospital systems that dictate to Physicians who , buried in debt from their education, cannot afford to start their own private practices or purchase their own insurance. How can that change? Nothing ever seems to get cheaper.

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Much to little much to late.

He should have been saying this 4 years ago.

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Cannot stand Malone

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Just an FYI posted on another story concerning what is is the covid jabs.

Drum Roll......and the bacteria whose DNA went onto the shot? https://maryamhenein.substack.com/p/plasmid-dna-contamination-a-primer-e8f E-COLI ! "This GMO mosquito is also funded by DARPA’s Safe Genes Program. And in case you missed my two-part on Substack, they used Plasmid and vats of E.coli to scale up their COVID-19 jibjab and although Pfizer knew there was contamination, they injected humans anyway. " https://thetenpennyreport.com/dengue-fever-2/ Thank you Dr Makis! Dr Bhakdi remains an excellent Proff........and like yourself, a very good man !

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Something is very wrong when Dr Lee Merrit's scientist Poormina and allegedly 18 others find no DNA is any vials, while Kevin McKernan (sp?) finds the DNA of bacteria, namely e -coli . Is it just the absence of any quality control or intentional ?

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