Pure unadulterated theater. The covid insanity was so blatantly manufactured, it blows my mind how millions are still sold.

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Cmon I almost caved to injecting lethal toxins when they were giving out doughnuts, burgers, fries, and lotto tickets. Yeah let’s all trade a stroke or euthanasia for a doughnut! Tell lie vision and sheep logic!

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Would the donut have pink icing and sprinkles?

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RemovedJul 7
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Wow, what does that say for society as a whole. Hard to imagine people could cave by peer pressure and authority alone. I wonder if these experiments involved "coercion". Mind you the school system has been teaching obedience, regurgitation of the curriculum and "group think" for many decades, and at the same time removing critical thinking skills and basic common sense. When you get people in a state of fear, they will never make an educated decision.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Our species is very weak when it comes to dealing with authorities. The authority of your peers, political, media & especially medical. People just can't question their authorities.

The last 4 years have shown that the vast majority will just "Go along to get along" and acquiesce with their silence while literal Nuremberg Code violations are done to their own countrymen over a disease with an IFR of 0.3% (CDC, May 2020). Pathetic.

All of society requires and re-enforces obedience to authority.

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I hear you, those are the only people I know in real life sadly. I find it difficult as I've never been a follower and have always somewhat "bucked" the system when I don't agree and I'm never afraid to ask the tough questions. Weak is no doubt an understatement from what I've witnessed over the past 4 years. No doubt when the next "scam" presents itself, we will see history repeat. If only people realized the power in numbers and mass non-compliance.

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Bet you never thought you "bucking the system" would help others...lol

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Not sure that "bucking the system" made me any friends, that's for sure.... mostly enemies and being alienated from most family and friends, however IF in fact it did help others then it was worth it.

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Sometimes it’s better to not identify as specific species and rather a simple soul on sojourn that is relating by body and mind to achieve greater wellbeing essence of one own origins “ to expanding inward and outward at same moment to finally get it “the who ,what? ,why? when ?, how? and being ok with all that jazz and blues brothers and sisters we all relate to infinity endless energy of being be yourself and not a puppet it’s always the truth good journey ya alll….

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Fear sells poison and it’s free! 24/7 loop on the tv. Get the safe and effective euthanasia jab. Tv says it’s good for humans!

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Slogans like save grandma, we are all in this together, stand on your sticker to save humanity, etc! Get the clot shot to save random people! Imagine thinking fake herd immunity through toxic injections exists! Sheep think so!

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I wonder now if this is why schools push for group work. They didn't do this so much when I was a kid. Then you end up in a group with a bunch of clowns who don't want to do any work knowing that someone else will do the work and they will still get a decent grade. If anything that taught me that socialism was not for me.

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And that's just what they're counting on. The "chicken little" syndrome where everyone falls into line. Their messages have more to do with fear than science

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It found me…the whole family is unvaccinated, eats well, gets plenty of sunshine and exercise. It said our house was boring so it wasn’t staying to visit. Honest account: my daughter came home from school Thursday with a headache,woke up feeling fine Friday . I was congested Monday through Wednesday the week following;covid didn’t want to argue with my wife so it avoided her. Her company made her stay at home healthy for two weeks…..

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CONvid doesn't exist if it helps....Glad you're all good though

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Don’t tell the sheep it’s the 5g towers. Their heads would explode!

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Arthur Firstenberg - The Invisible Rainbow

Great book about all the “diseases” caused by microwaves, telecommunications, etc.

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So-called "covid" is otherwise known as Wi-Fi Flu.

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Agreed, they rebranded the flu and people fell for it.

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Flu season only exists because sheep inject poison same time every year

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Convid does exist but the "virus" is just a small part of the bioweapon pathogen that took over 20 years to develop. They so wanted it to be more lethal than it was. Hang onto your seat for the next bioweapon.

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I’ve had the supposed Covid 3 times, I suspect the tests were manufactured to register positive to any of the common colds/flus/respiratory viruses that go around, in order to get people to fall in line. Whatever it was, I felt better than the average flu each time.

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Many of the nasal swab tests delivered a nice dose of DARPA hydrogel, too.

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Is there solid evidence of that? I ended up taking at least 7 tests over the last couple of years and then was warned about this. How I wish I had known. I resisted the injections handily and finally got it from my vaccinated husband and the case I got was Omicron and basically a non event (I was tired with no cold or flu symptoms). I did experience shedding from my husband too.

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Smartdust, Luciferase, etc too

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On the other hand . . . some Clinicians say "you're not sick; you're poisoned". The common symptoms that we've been indoctrinated into believing are the result of bacterial or viral exposure are also poisoning and detoxification symptoms. Field Control Therapy explains very well the progressive stages of the body's attempts to detoxify. Early stages include sneezing, coughing, sweating, runny nose, etc. Sound familiar? And the phenomenon of families or groups "catching" something could simply mean that they've all been exposed to the same toxin.

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She is WORSE than any NAZI from the 1930/40s.

Low IQ, gormless puppets like this (we have many in the UK in the NHS, UKHSA, MHRA, HMgov should be in jail (or worse) for collaboration in genocide!!

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We have one big mofo in Canada....y'all know his name.

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Turdeau (has a french flair)

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Probably every one of them received 'incentives' from pharma, especially when they use the same talking points.

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Although I did not go into hiding, the virus never hunted down this healthy male.

If it had've, the virus would have found itself sorely disappointed, and in short order.

Thanks for the memories!

The propagandists and their mouthpieces certainly seem to have made themselves targets.

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I’m an 80 yr old female and I never took the so called vaccine. I kept ivermectin on hand just in case I got sick but during the years since 2020 I only had one episode when I had a headache for several days, felt tired, had fever of 101 degrees and had a slight cough. I isolated and took a few doses of ivermectin and I was fine. In 2022 my aunt turned 99 and I wanted to see her but was worried and told her daughter that she lives with that I was worried about visiting and told her I had not taken the jab and she just laughed and sai , Don’t worry we didn’t either. Come if you aren’t sick. “ 2023 she had her 100th and children, grand children and great- grandchildren including my husband, myself and my daughter and two of her kids attended and just last months she had her 101 th and there was get together at her house. I was never really afraid of Covid. I just lived my life, very seldom wore a mask and got lots of sunshine and exercise working in my yard.

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Bless your Heart ♥️ and your entire Families

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love your story

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As an unvaccinated New Zealander, ex-Aussie 68 yo, I can tell you this video demonstrates the pinnacle of ignorance. I got Covid for the first time 6-days ago after going on a cruise then flying home. We heard there was Covid on the ship. I have avoided it until then by actively irrigating my nose with anti viral sprays, but slackekened off on the cruise, not taking the dispenser. I resumed the practice a day after my return when I developed a mild chest cough. There was no sore throat or head infection of note leading into that. A couple of days later I felt unusually tired, which persisted for 2-days. My wife did a RAT and Bingo! I immediately took 24 MG of ivermectin and within an hour I felt invigorated. I could literally feel energy rise up my body and clearing the head. I was able to complete several hours of accounting on my PC. The next day I did a 90-minute workout. I have persisted with the Ivermectin and all is well. I have a niggly, but mild chest cough. I can't believe the world stopped for this virus. I've had worse colds and flues. It is very treatable with Ivermectin and Doxicycline and the nutricidal bundle of vitamins and Zinc recommended in the McCullough protoco.. And yes, this was a pandemic of the vaccinated and still is. They are getting it so often though that they don't even isolate.

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Bed rest and a few shots of Krupnik and usually gone in 48 hours.

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Haha, they don't need to "hunt us down", I'm happy to send her my address if that helps ("they" no doubt have us all on a list anyway)

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what absolute bullshift, surely all those morons would feel R E A L L Y stupid parroting the same garbage, i suppose $$$$$'s help to lessen that.

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“Be sure their sins will find them out…” (Numbers 32:23) These despicable evildoers may have lied to themselves and willfully, greedily perpetrated crimes against humanity that fooled, harmed, and killed millions, but God ALWAYS gets the last word and every last one of these criminals will answer to Him…their day is coming, and on the other side of this life (if not in this one), Divine Justice will be served. It will not end well for them — eternity is a long time and God’s Justice is real.

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And what a bummer their mRNA gene modification failed its big test.

It means they don't get to live forever. And they don't get to avoid accountability.

Karma has a way of coming round.

And when you've attempted worldwide-genocide, I can only hope it will be brutal.

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Not me, I have my free salt water cure - over 31 years never ill or from Covid, but for you vaccinated, this is what the vaccines legally did to you: But why the vaccines. Why did The WHO mandate the vaccines from 2020 after disinformation laws had been put in place in all of the 196 member WHO countries which donate to WHO, from early 2020 to 2023 and nudging to get the majority of you all vaccinated by telling you their vaccines were safe and effective and what did those vaccines legally make you - do you really want to know the legal back story:

“The Supreme Court (2013) ruled that if there is anything synthetic, not from nature, inside of our genome, then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic parts now owns part or all of you as a human. That means Bill and Melinda Gates, The Department of Defense, [and others] can literally own a human being. If this synthetic code is taken up into your genome, by law, you could be owned overnight.”

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, affirmed. It ruled, in part:

Living, man-made micro-organism is patentable subject matter as a “manufacture” or “composition of matter” within the meaning of the Patent Act of 1952. The fact that the organism sought to be patented is alive is no bar to patentability.

Patentability of human genes (mRNA and DNA)

Ultimately the Supreme Court ruled that only cDNA (synthetic DNA) is patentable. Isolated, natural DNA is not patentable, But in a nutshell, biotechnology companies can own living things if said things are genetically-modified and not naturally-occurring.

The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life”

Viral vectors do the same thing.

So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being.

Gene therapy is irreversible.

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(I’m starting to feel sorry for the virus.)

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Poor virus disappeared and so did all his fake variants! Poof gone! His buddy the fake bird flu is coming! Sheep have their face diapers on ready to go! Loll!😜🐑

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And then there’s bonnie Henry in BC, who is still telling everyone to get their shots. And she says of the unvaxxed „ I have no sympathy for these unvaxxed people“. She used to be with the WHO!!

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And then there is her administration sending out letters to the unpoisoned, subtly telling them, we know where you live. bonnie...the dullest, mind controlled loser, with her sidekick, deanna henshaw, equally dull and just reading lifelessly from her/their scripts.

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Sure glad I haven’t received one of those notifications:(:(

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marketing propaganda .... one voice.... fear mongering.... propagandists need to fear.... they do a better job than us....

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Screw that nonsense. I have had no vaccinations in over 50 years except maybe a tetanus shot or two. I sure ain't changing that for these demented turds.

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Avoid any injection if possible. Dental injections are known to also contain graphine.

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My last tetanus shot was 1968 when i was injured on the job (rn in icu). Mom forgot to tell me I had a reaction as a child. No More Western medicine for me .

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Still here without a sniffle! Breezed through 3 winters of death I was promised! Zero jabs and zero brain rape swabs! Won’t take any jabs or swabs! Never gonna happen while I’m still breathing!

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The Fear Mongering Was Relentless!

However, it turns out that they were partially right in that Covid eventually found me after 3 years. It must be a pretty poor hunter if it took 3 years to find me, an unjabbed person who didn’t participate in the lockdown idiocy!

When it finally found me, it encountered an immune system that wasn’t damaged by the jabs and gave me a minor, cold like, illness that was gone 3 days later.

One of the reasons I attribute to my experience is that I followed the protocol of the late, great, Dr. Zelenko, may he rest in peace!

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