I never really thought about it before but sometimes around 1999, when I started getting flu shots while working in the intensive care nursery, around that time, I also started developing migraines and also had a very bad episode of vertigo and was unable to even go to work for two weeks because I couldn’t drive due to the vertigo. . I wouldn’t know if it occurred right after the flu shots. I don’t remember. All I know is I never had migraines or vertigo in my life until sometime after I started getting flu shots. I don’t know why I got flu shots because I had never had the flu in my life. I never had the flu until three years ago when I had The flu or Covid or whatever the heck it was . I’m still getting migraines (though less severe and less frequent)and I’ve had A few vertigo recurrences over the years but recently I am having episodes of vertigo again. I haven’t had any kind of flu shot or vaccine of any kind in about 6 years. I never will get any again. They are ☠️ !

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I got a flu shot in the fall of 2014 or 2015. That night, while I was sleeping, I woke up because it felt like my entire insides were on fire and when I tried to get out of bed, I ended up on the floor because of a HORRIBLE vertigo. It lasted about 6 weeks. Debilitating. Never got another vaccine of any kind.

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I also know a nurse that was getting migrains on a regular basis. She always packed a little yellow pill where ever she went to zonk her out when the pain hit. I watched as her migrains were getting worse after each flu shot. It took a lot of convincing, but I believe she is now becoming vaxx aware.

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I started getting migraines in high school. Don't remember the exact day my migraines started of course. I do remember someone coming to our high school to catch all the students up on their "vaccines". I got several shots then as my Mom only took me to the doctor when I was sick and I was rarely ever sick.

I remember my arm hurting for quite some time afterwards as every time I reached into my locker my atm hurt.

I have been questioning if it was all the shots I got in high school that started my migraines.

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Anybody who has had 20 flu shots has had a lot of mercury exposure. Mercury accumulates in the body so it sounds like this last one put this lady over the top. Mercury can cause over 250 different symptoms so I would not be surprised if she is experiencing other things that she does not associate with the vertigo. She should look in to the symptoms of chronic mercury and also how people get exposed as there are more ways than just flu shots.

Mercury illness is progressive. The prognosis is not good. She should find out about the Andy Cutler protocol and how to chelate this crap out of herself. www.maybeitsmercury.com

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Our guy friend, who was 65 then got his 2nd covid shot in Aug. 2021. He got vertigo so bad he couldn't even get out of bed untill the first week of Dec. 2021, he lost so much weight. Then he developed brain fog badly and by Aug. of 2023, he has Dementia/Alzheimers now. Before his shot he was functioning just fine, worked hard in his yard, and no forgetting about anything. So sad, and he knew it was from the shot.

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Who knows what's in those shots. Nothing like getting injured to wake a person up.

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Why the fuck would you get a flu vaccine?

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Cause people believe what their doctor say till they die or realize they were lied to.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

If I know one thing it is that WE ARE NOT the outcasts.


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What about vertigo every couple months post covid vaxxine six times ?

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Also, see PT/look up home Epley maneuver and log roll. Vestibular migraine /BPPV specialist thru an ENT/

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A friend got vertigo last year (bioweapon administered July 2021) out of the blue. It lasted for several week and he went for treatment for crystals in his ear canals (??). I wondered if it was an adverse effect.

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or about shedding case, while being exposed to the covid jabbed??

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Yes! The Epley maneuver works wonders for my vertigo. I tend to get vertigo from allergies and colds. I think something in my ear canals changed after I had my first child, so the fluid in my ears gets uneven. After a few “maneuvers,” my vertigo is gone. I hope it helps you, too.

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Check for BPPV.

🙏I’m sorry

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The dots just lined up for me hearing this. When I got the flu vaccine 10 yrs ago I got Vertigo over and over and migrations. I still get it from time to time. Never had such medical issues before?

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My employer mandated the flu vaccine starting in 2009, so I naively started getting it. About 6 weeks later I developed BPV and it lasted **4 months**. Over the course of several years I would get the flu vax, then later that year BPV lasting months. I finally connected the dots by plotting the dates for the flu vax injection, and the onset of BPV. It was very clear there was a causal relationship. After that reveal I began getting medical exemptions, and voila, no more BPV. I remember looking at VAERS for others who had reported vertigo, but there weren't very many recorded incidences. I will never get another vaccine again.

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I've only had a 2 or 3 flu shots in my life, but not in the past 20+ years or so. In the Fall of 1993, I got sick out of the blue, which started with sever vertigo. Felt awful, room spinning, vomiting, etc. It was awful, lasted only about 24 hours. Then total deafness. This was particularly scary for me, as I'd been born deaf in one ear, and overnight lost hearing in my good ear. The hearing did return (in the good ear) a few days, but left me with tinnitus, which I've had since (30 years). I've often wondered if I'd gotten a flu shot that Fall -- so long ago I don't remember. Just wondering if anyone has heard of the vertigo being linked with hearing issues, especially tinnitus. Thanks for any input.

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There is a large Facebook group titled - “Tinnitus and Hearing Loss/Impairment After Covid Vaccination”… yes vertigo is a common issue.

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thank you

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Based on your choice to get a flu vaccine in the past, you are not incredible individual who should be dealing with science or health

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My mother gets the flue shot every year, and she gets a bad case of vertigo every year too. Not a coincidence.

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Many years back, while working in Stanford, I got an extremely strange case of vertigo, totally crazy, much worse what Sara describes.. It can get that bad that you literally can't move, without vomiting. It was as if only my brain rotated extremely fast within the static scull and rest pf the body! After one week, while being finally able to walk I went to a Stanford specialist who told me that it was a severe inner ear VIRAL infection, the inner balance organs are possibly not communicating properly, neurotransmitters go crazy... Nothing can be done of course and it went away anyway. That's called innate immunity! That was the time when I still believed MD's..

BUT, ever since I started seriously thinking about how on EARTH, we rotate on our planet SO FAST and we do not feel a thing, and all that due to GRAVITY! And as a scientist I was not aware of that extreme gravitational force which would have such a profound effect on a biological molecules, just within a brain... Well, what a bad virus it was!! And so I started to look into that static flat earth thing, and lost few good friends because of, just by trying to talk about it....

Few months ago the vertigo came back, BUT not so severe, AND it was after being exposed to 4x covid jabbed lady, who had Iphone all the time with her. Who doesn't these days... The 'little' vertigo' lasted few days and went away, while talking lot of supplemental nutrients. And exactly that I've heard from a friend, who was not jabbed, but whose mother was multiple times victim to the 'rules'... That was very early in 2021, which implies SHEDDING was/is real... What a hell. Btw. never got a flu shot... Oh, one more. While working later on in retail industry, in 2018, I was exposed to Iphone of the manager (very short) who was working very close by. It was like with a magic ball, suddenly my head started to spin. Run quickly to the shelf with homeopathy products and grabbed the Boiron MotionCalm products. All was gone within ~10min..... How permeable the human body is, isn't it? This was the time when I didn't believe MD's any more....

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I work as a barber and during the initial vax campaign I got vertigo I’ve never had it before and I have never had it since but it was scary. I never got the shot so it had to be shedding…… I have acquaintances that got vertigo very badly after the shot one who continues to get the shots it is worsening

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