I hope everyone , when they watch the commercials on TV by BigPharma listens especially close as rhey list the zillions of side effects. They do this to cover their xsses. I doubt there are very many doc's are aware of the drugs side effects and dangers. I doubt many doc's are aware of the huge fines paid by BigPharma as they mislead with altered graphs, tables, articles, etc They write most of the "research" articles "for the doctors...who are paid nicely. EBM is a crock. Everyone should read "Tarnished Gold: The Sickness of Evidence-based Medicine" by Steve Hickey and Hilary Roberts. The COVID stuff hopefully has opened eyes of folks. Drugs that were part of CDC/FDA/WHO protocols had failed in the past and many of them found to be deadly, yet they used them and demaded that all hospital docs did the same. I had several patients with similar stories. The meds / protocols killed them. Do your research. Warn your family , friends, and neighbors. Look at the history of drugs like AZT, Vioxx, etc. Even when the dangers are known ahead of time...they hold off on withdrawing the meds until they squeeze the last bit of profit out of them! Buyer (patient) be wary!!

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Shame this is such an amateurish video. Can't hear the interviewer. It deserved a proper production on such an important story.

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Accountability by hospitals is not high. An elderly friend of my wife's without covid who had a fall was treated as a covid patient, intubated and given remdesivir on the whim of some senior doctor who declared she had covid pneumonia.

Her youngest daughter fought the hospital's actions but as an older daughter was a nurse (and brain washed by the medical estabishment) she was given the liason with the hospital by the hospital. Only one family member was allowed to be the liason. The elderly friend was killed by the protocol and claimed a covid death. As the younger daughter was in the medical field she had a doctor friend review the case and he determined she just needed continued oxygen and she would have recovered from the head injury just fine.

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This is beyond criminal and should be a cautionary tale/warning for the rest of us. First YOU are responsible for your own health. If you don’t understand what is going on or your course of treatment…ASK and keep asking until you understand the situation. Medical types have a duty to provide such information lest they lose their license or face criminal charges. Second, everyone within medicine knew that intubation had a less than 3% chance of success. Furthermore this whole Covid situation ignored other proven drugs to help with terrible this flu (which Covid was - by and large). Finally the real question is what did the autopsy say? This should provide a trail/record as to what went wrong and if an act of murder was committed. Truly horrific stuff. Pax

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She nailed it!! There is no “health care” it’s wealth care! It’s all about money! And Covid exposed how the medical industry follows orders given by the government which means there is no such thing as a private doctor, practice or hospital either.

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People are slowly pushing for accountability… it needs to happen to prevent any medical mafia from hijacking the health of it’s nation.

We watched in horror at the scenes in New York with freezer trucks being filled in parking lots as bodies wheeled out of those hospitals… the thought that $39,000 got paid for every death on a ventilator.. and Como doing somersaults screaming out for a 1000 ventilators… the whole thing seemed criminal and no one said a thing .. not the justice department .. not the police… no one… well now questions are getting asked.. it’s time to pay those consequences of taking lives for cash and harvesting organs.

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The energy that this dear lady is giving off will come back and haunt these so called medical professionals. It would be interesting to now follow the lives of the doctors and nurses that administered these murders. I believe you will find they will go insane

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My heart goes out to this woman. It is important that she and others can share what happened.

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These videos are so important but the interviewer cannot be heard in any of them....

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Poor woman! I feel so sorry for her and she was so brave in the interview. "Medical and Health are two different things!" That's a MAJOR understatement! I've had nothing like her experience , thankfully, but I too have ZERO trust or faith in the medical establishment now - or perhaps we should call it the medical "industry"!

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What this lady is saying is horrifying. I am so, so sorry. Her husband was murdered by the hospital "professionals".

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And this is just a teeny ...tiny sprinkling of hundreds of thousands of these killings....

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Same happened to an elderly relative.

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again, as others, could not hear interviewer

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I guess that that is what it takes to wake some people up from their little cocoons as to what is going on in the world. Unfortunate.

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