Theres a special place in hell for the “Healthcare Professionals” who deliberately took advantage of this poor man and willingly sacrificed hin on the alter of “The State”.

Nurses are forst and foremost “PATIENT ADVOCATES”.....we’re supposed to give a voice(STAND UP/SPEAK UP) for those whom for whatever reason dont have a voice.....we’re “SUPPOSED TO LOOK OUT FOR THE BEST INTERESTS OF OUR PATIENTS”.

MEDICAL professionals who “CHOSE” to engage in this criminality deserve no sympathy or respect....they deserve to have their relevant liscenses to practice revoked!

I’m truly sorry not one Nurse had the guts/morals/ethics to stand up for her husband....as far as im concerned theyre all guilty AF and absolutely responsible for his death.....he DESERVED BETTER...and everyone at that hospital FAILED HIM....just as they failed to look after him.......”DO NO HARM” used to mean something.....MO MORE....the sadest part is this is happenjng all over the world..

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Makes me so angry and sad. I also lost my partner during this death march the hospitals were on. My heat goes out to everyone who has had to suffer - let’s hope this all gets exposed and the asleep people realise what the authorities are doing to us all….

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Many only wake up when it happens to them. Same with vaxxed injured children. Going on for decades. How to fix this? We could so easily learn from each other's data.

It is easier to give others our agency, and just focus on our busy distractions. Could our lives be more balanced, if we took that agency back and created a different foundation? Start with an economic system based on abundance, not scarcity. Eliminate the private central bankers and their profits?

Oh I forgot, we are financially illiterate and get bored at the discussion.

I see the eyes rolling now:

Back to sleep

rowing our boats

Gently down the stream

Merrily merrily merrily, merrily

life is but a dream.....

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Dead at 3:59, but the hospital calls her at 4:18 to come - w/o any warning - not good at all.

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The Rockefellers changed it from health care to wealth care and we (the patients) are their golden ticket. 😡 Covid opened our eyes and exposed it. If you lost a loved one in the hospital before Covid, put on the hindsight hospital protocol glasses and revisit those time(s) in the hospital. It may be very revealing…..

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So many of these stories. "If you can't trust your doctor, who can you trust?"

Lord help us.

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Mandy, I am so sorry you lost your beloved husband and your sons no longer have their father. Your story was heartbreaking. May God's angels continue to surround you as you grieve this terrible loss. I pray you will get kisses from heaven from Kenny when you least expect them and need them most.

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Brought tears. So very, very sad.

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If these would have happened to me - I would have killed the nurse/doctor etc

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Amazing, given the 2nd, that has not already happened. Maybe it has, they will cover it up.

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You just made the wrong calls and let it go on way too long because you wanted to believe that these people were there to help. 8 or 12% are as good as dead. That should have been an alarm for you to get him out of there after the kidney dialysis. Laying prone is laying face down, another alarm. He was drugged and restrained and was not able to advocate for himself or to think clearly, something you apparently didn't know until after the fact, however, you did know that intubating was not in his best interest. After you left they probably gave him a drug that pushed him over the edge and then called you back. They made money off of him. Very bad ending that I think could have been avoided by going AMA.

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How thoughtless of you to tell someone in this situation what they “should have” done. Shame on you. You will never know what you would do in a situation like this, and let’s hope you never have to.

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She is on TV talking about it. Pointing out the mistakes may educate someone else to avoid this loss

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Against Medical Advice

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When I got Covid - around the same time as her husband - I refused to go to the hospital for fear of what happened to her husband. I took Ivermectin. Intubation with Remdesivir was a killer.

It was a rough couple of days, not doubting Covid at all - but the treatments were worse than the sickness

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I’m so Angry! After watching the video. I’m left with the feeling that you didn’t do or fight enough for your husband and the fact that you have not continued to fight the murderers leaves me with lots of questions for you. Like what are you going to do next after knowing all that they did to him? He would not let anyone get away with harming you. You left him alone in that Hospital. I’m so angry cause you knew his temperament, you said you’ve always been his advocate. Sorry for your boys.

Mad shame on the medical staffers and hospital that did this… would love more details on location and Names of all involved. The hospital needs to be investigated and shamed and struck off… guys we have to STAND FOR SOMETHING OR WE’LL DIE FOR NOTHING… and this is as good a reason as any. Greedy Doctors who kill for money

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My friend lost her husband in a similar way. You will never know what it’s like to be the one trying to balance your own gut, leaving someone with their agency, trusting medical staff to have his best interests, and your own recovery. I think it’s terrible you would point the finger at this poor woman. In my friend’s case, she was allowed ONE call per day to speak with her husband’s doctors. No visits because of the waiting period after having Covid. This woman bears no blame. Shame on you for pointing the finger at the wrong person. I hope you never have to go through this hell.

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Then how are others to avoid this hell, if we don't even talk about it?

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I would like to know which year this was. Jan....but what year. No other comment for this tragedy, except to send peace your way.

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January 2022.

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My gawd my gawd this dear woman and family

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Absolute tragedy - so very sorry for your loss. We need to investigate how often resp patients were vented and how often these death row drugs were used (and at what dosage) in the recent past, pre Covid as compared after 'Covid' arrived. Quotes b/c the PCR test is so non-specific we cannot be sure there was any novel anything. I think smaller hospitals were treating 'covid'/resp infection patients better - just from anecdotes -- it needs to be analyzed.

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They are admitting themselves with just a bloody cold!!! What the hell is up with these people 😳😳

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Please watch Cult of the Medics and inform yourself as to whom exactly you are putting your trust in. Willfull ignorance, on this and other matters, is not an excuse. Assumptions are dangerous during war.

Allowing our ancient natural healing methods to be replaced by the fraudulent Flexner Report/ Rockerfeller funded Coal Tar based medicine is on us. This is the result of Bread and Circuses. If we can face this, we can fix it. Taking responsibility is the first step.


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