Remdisavir was mandated, to cause liver failure and kill people. The hospital's became kill boxes.

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Kidney even more than liver, I believe.

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These protocols have to be stopped!!!

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Most Doctors

Enjoy Being Proven Wrong

Far Less

Than They Tolerate Killing You.


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Yes, I think it disabled both,then lungs fill with water. They trialled it on ebola and it killed half the patients. Then they said hurrah, let's kill the Goyim with it.

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What do you call a person who has killed the innocent to keep their job or to make a bonus? "Ghoul" comes to mind though "unrepentant criminal" will also do.

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A Coward comes to my mind. Cowardice that resulted in criminality.

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Yuk So true, hard to find the description to fit such people. “Hey Dad! I saved these last three years of my bonus $$ and now I can take a month off in Europe.” And Yuk

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The same protocols were implemented here in Australia unfortunately. Moreover, the Australian rogue gov co, ensured that they banned the use of Ivermectin for anyone hospitalised or other diagnosed with covid-19.

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Kerrie, how on earth is the real Truth holding up there? How can you all keep secrets and feel protected ?

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A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa1910993

At 28 days, death had occurred in 61 of 174 patients (35.1%) in the MAb114 group, as compared with 84 of 169 (49.7%) in the ZMapp group, and in 52 of 155 (33.5%) in the REGN-EB3 group, as compared with 79 of 154 (51.3%) in the ZMapp (Remdesivir) subgroup.

In the book: “Covid-19 and the Global Predators” by Dr Peter R Breggin.

Page 164: “Fauci’s company, NIAID funded Giliad to the tune of $70-100 million dollars.”

Page 267: “Fauci rushed Giliad’s drug, Remdesivir through NIH & FDA testing even though the drug had proven deadly in Ebola trials.

Robert Malone has written that, Remdesiver is globally nicknamed by nurses and orderlies as… “Run, death is near”.

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What kills me and what raised my suspicions months ago, is that name….many of us remember the old time hymn, “There is a Balm in Gilead”. Not sung so much any more….but I’m wondering if some of these phrases are being used to tamp down concerns that otherwise would raise suspicions…. What the right phrasing can do in the wrong context. We see that they are capable of anything ….amen and amen

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Sharon - love that old song - am wondering if it came out of the amazing negro spirituals?

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I looked it up, briefly, to confirm I had the title, and yes the info does mention the spirituals background. Just the title and melody has often reminded me of the promise of healing. Funny innnit, the memories that pop up years later, just out of nowhere? But in this case….I really thought, “there are people who would use something like that familiar title to draw in the unsuspecting….” All those churches in the southeast, fellowship time with the vac after service…..makes me sick….. Who knows, these days 🥹

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Sharon - yup

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Fauci chose remdisiver for its toxicity just like he chose AZT for its toxicity. Seems like he’s going to get away with causing millions of deaths…for now, but I’d hate to see what happens to him after he ceases being alive.

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I watch these bus stories too. There are so many vaccine horrors. There are also parents with unvaxxed children and they are always healthy, smart and thriving.

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A protocol involving Remdesivir was apparently used in this case. And the hook to get the patient to the hospital was low blood oxygen level. On Mark Kulacz's Housatonic channel on Rumble, he has been documenting the history of another deadly hospital protocol that involves oxygen without using Remdesivir at all. Low blood oxygen level is supposed to be the indicator that the patient needs to go to the hospital. The 'therapy' apparently produces all the classic symptom of Covid-2 and then the patient dies. Why does one hospital system use Remdesivir and another use oxygen? Is it whatever they can get away with? They should be using neither, but in both cases, they are taking advantage of patients and families ignorance. Is this kind of thing also happening in VA hospitals? I can't say. But when the Worldometer stopped updating their coronavirus data on April 13, 2024, the VA had been reporting new "coronavirus" deaths every day from April 1 through the 10th. From one death up to 11 deaths. In 2024.

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Ray - good points

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Fauci and his cohorts, Baric, Gates etc. will go down in history as the likes of hitler, mengele, ~ the Death Angels of our modern times.

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Don't forget trump who is still touting his big beautiful vaccine

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He, NOT BEING A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL, RELIED ON THOSE THAT HAD TAKEN AN OATH TO DO NO HARM, was at their mercy and supposed knowledge and integrity ~ ha ~ to take their guidance and ~ ha ~ honesty!!! Little did we all come to realize ALL these creatures had/have nefarious goals/intentions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Trunp allowed the hospital protocols that killed the covid patients. How did I know the hospital protocols were killing people but the president of the United States didn't??? Why didn't trump allow hcq and ivermectin as the hospital protocol or even send it to the American people for free instead of useless covid tests and free killer injections? Open your mind and think critically. Would you be so willing to excuse Hillary as you are to excuse trump had she done the exact same things he did? NONE of these politicians are on the side of the people.

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I believe they all followed the orders from the big guy. Their appointed time is almost here. Our Lord Christ Jesus is coming back soon.

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I’ve read so many of these stories, varying in tragedy and heartbreak and medical abuse and tyranny….the sadness is hearing how unprepared and naive and trusting most people are, waving medical terms around, the phony compassionate phrases from medical staff When they are part of the conspiracy!!! OMG. $$$$ ~~~A near neighbor of mine whose wife passed away….she had sat on my deck in July, died in December….was very proud to relate later that the nurses had told him she died from a “rare blah blah…”. Not likely. But he was uninformed and unquestioning; they got away with it. ~~~Starting from the basic Christian “brung up” to be kind, “give others space to make mistakes, they’re human”. Unfortunately and tragically the whiplash is happening months afterwards, when family is, at last, understanding and the fog is lifting…..When several peepul in one family die, within an abnormal time, not the expected 15-20 years later that they would do so….!?!.. .. …

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So far, it seems that the hospitals are not getting repercussions from implementing their death protocols.

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Wheels of Justice turn S-L-O-W-L-Y.

I think it will be a bottom up change. People are sick of being sick.

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Communist NWO bastards control health/death protocols. Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky

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Disgusting! Any nurse or doctor that knew what they where doing was wrong must comes to terms that they participated in MURDER. Keep your job but give up your humanity? your soul? I weep for what awaits you....that is if you remain SILENT! Shame on you all!

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These people appear to be rather naive as to what was going on and the mistake that was made in leaving him at the hospital as well as several other things that are the reality in medicine and this country. The sister got into it too late to do anything and the brother is not confrontational. It is called too little, too late. Blind trust in hospitals and medical personnel results in a bad outcome.

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Yes I have some wonderful friends who have apparently dropped out because they don’t want to hear anything more. I don’t understand if. I would be asking, “what else can you send me? What do I do?”

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Why is Ramdisiver allowed to still be used. It has been proven to shut down the kidneys and cause the person to drown on their own fluids. The oxygen pushing fluid into their lungs. What is going on - these hospitals are still receiving bonuses for every covid 19 death?? There is no proven test for covid!!!!

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I wonder if those doctors even see us as fellow humans or as cogs in a wheel of the medical machine.

Patients in patients out. Doesn’t matter how they leave either dead or alive as long as we get paid.

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What is your take on nicotine lozenges? It seemed to have fixed my long haul J & J jab. I sure appreciate Dr Ardis

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Thankfully I work at home so I did not have to take worse vaccines than J & J

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How do you not even know the name of the hospital that killed your father? The cluelessness and lack of knowledge seeking in society will doom us. I sympathize with their experience; however, I wouldn't want either of them as a health advocate.

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