The coercion tactics are what makes my blood boil. I have zero confidence for the health services and the medical staff trying to push the vax. They never explain side effects probably because they do not know themselves. That alone, means they are certainly not experts.

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Great comment! Remember - "side effects" is a cosy term that Pharma love - sounds like a supermarket Meal Deal with "side dishes". They are Adverse Reactions. You are spot on about them not explaining about these because they themselves don't know. It was an Experiment and they conducted numerous experiments - and given the hot lots data, it was experiments with the Big Experiment.

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This is my story, if anyone has any questions.

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You are an amazing person and I am so thankful you survived your ordeal. I hope you are now able to enjoy your family and life without the trauma of this terrible experience affecting you too badly. We must all continually use our critical thinking skills.

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Thank you for your kind words, though I'm not amazing. God is. I have been extremely blessed. I do have lung fibrosis now, but I have not experienced PTSD or any cognitive decline, despite having experienced ICU delirium. God is good. I'm now enjoying my family more than I ever have (I had a tendency toward bitterness before this experience).

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Michelle, thank you for your bravery and courage in sharing your story. My sister experienced a very similar six weeks in the ICU, including intubation and ventilation in 2021. I know she would love to connect with you, as she's still processing much of it. Would you be comfortable finding a way to be in touch? (Totally understand either way. ♥️)

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Yes, I would be interested in corresponding with your sister. I'll include my email address in a comment below this one. Let me know when you get it, so I can delete the comment containing the address. ;)

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deletedJul 29
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Got it! Thank you. I'll share your information with her.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

I know you said you took Hydrochloraquine, but did you take Ivermectin? Oh..I just listened that you didn't. I wonder if that would have made a difference? Praise the Lord you survived. Thankyou for sharing.

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God Bless you Michelle! Thank you for sharing your story with us. Very thankful for your husband, family and friends. I know we all want to see justice, but I agree with you, God sees every detail and he is in control. Praying for your continued healing and recovery.

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Thank you Kymber!

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God bless this lady for surviving and telling her story.

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Hi all! What a great story. She survived! Yay!

It’s hard going into hospital now, we are so scared. Prayer. Fight. I fight all the way. Saved my father from remdesivir, he got very ill from 2020 Jan. flu shot. He was temporarily paralyzed and my mom didn’t know what to do. He had gotten covid and flu. Not shot, illness. It wasn’t out yet…he was getting worse in hospital. My mom called and said they want to give your father remdesivir. I said no way! It will kill him. I got off phone called nurses station said my dad was allergic not to give. The nurses listened. His doctor called and gave me a piece of his mind, I blatantly said, if you want a med mal practice lawsuit on your hands, I suggest you think 2x about remdesivir. He did not give it to him. Fight, pray and fight more.

I am alone in this world, I don’t have a good family life. When I go in for surgery, I make sure no shady docs, as I fight and I know how to fight hospitals. The staff is the worst. NEVER BELIEVE IN ANYTHING, QUESTION EVERYTHING. I understand her ox was way low, but could have been pneumonia. Not covid. Intubation should be saved for surgery.

I have had 2major surgeries after covid.

I am not vaxxed. In 2022, I had a right knee replacement revision. Never got asked about covid, I said firmly don’t even try to give me a shot while under. 2024, had left knee revision. The anesthesiologist, different one, which I can’t stand, did not ask about covid shot, as I was very adamant and in my file no covid shot.

I said you did not ask, he said I don’t care anymore.

He asked me a very strange question though, did I want blood transfusion?!? I have had 7 replacement surgeries since 2013. In all those years I was never asked about a blood transfusion. I said no way! DNR me first. He asked me why, I said don’t you know the blood is toxic? And if I knew I needed blood, I would have donated. Needless to say, surgery successful.

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When my wife was in for a seizure a few months ago I also insisted that she not be given any MRNA products. However there was no place to put the request in the computer system so I had to remind staff every few days of her wishes. They had spaces for allergies, food choices but no place to put personal requests. They did ask if they had carte blanche to do whatever it took to keep her alive and I could not stipulate no Remdesivir, no MRNA products. Then there was one time a nurse came to me and said your wife tested positive for Covid. I said what test? PCR test of course. I said she shows no symptoms, I have been in and out of her room every day, the staff do not wear protection in her room and you encourage her to walk the halls for exercise so no, I am not believing a potentially faulty PCR test result. Bonus was she got a free private room.

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Fred, is she better? I pray with my heart she is. Next time, and I hope there is not a next time!

I hope everyone the best of health!

Write all over the consent to treat form. I ruined mine. No vaxxes, no blood transfusions, no opioids, no steroids (allergic to both). It’s so hard now. Everything is mRNA but you refuse.

I do and I am very adamant about it. I survived a debilitating car accident, blk mold and fungus, a horrific rape, a break in, ‘92 riots in Los Angeles…stay strong! We are resilient!!! Stay blessed 😇 Lisa

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Yes she is progressing. I have read it takes about two years to determine how much recovery she will make. She makes progress every week. Last week she started washing pots, a small but noteworthy increase in her dexterity and strength.

I am very sad to hear about the tragedies in your life. You should not have to endure so much in one lifetime!

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Thanks Fred, God has giving me all of my strength! I would not be here. It’s awesome to hear progress! No matter how small, it’s a giant step! She will be in my prayers!

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Here is a link to documents you can customize, have notarized, and insist the hospital add to your chart to document any treatments you do not want given to you: https://www.protocolkills.com/patient-documents

I'm so glad your wife had you there fighting for her! God bless you and your wife! Those small steps are important! One thing I wish I had done was journal my recovery progress. It takes a lot of energy to do even small tasks. I remember being completely wiped out by taking a bath. It would be really encouraging to be able look back in a journal and remember how far she has come.

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Ha ha I recently got a "rapid response team" in the middle of the night. I was in for something else, not covid, and I actually called them. BUT my point is that the "rapid response team" was like the keystone cops. I'd pictured Dr. Kildare walking into my room and instead I got Edith Bunker. An old nurse who couldn't figure out how to hook up the EKG and told me I probably had GERD (the proverbial "elephant sitting on my chest" and she says I have GERD?).

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My wife also whole month painful in the hospital without vaccine.

Room mate old woman died with planty pains :(

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with hindsight, does Michelle have any ideas what she could have done differently that might have made the ordeal less dangerous?

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Have her husband smuggle in ivermectin

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I do wish my husband had been able to do this... He wasn't allowed to see me at all until I had been isolated for 19 or 21 days (can't remember), and that point, I had already been intubated and in a coma for almost 2 weeks. I've read stories of people hiding it in care packages (i.e., fast food bags, other personal belongings to be delivered), and I have great respect for the people who were able to do this! I was the one who had been all over researching covid in our household, and my husband tends to be more trusting of doctors, so I don't know that he would have tried this if we'd had access.

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So shocking.. It is unbelievable what the medical system has become. The public used to trust the medical system, but now hospitals intentionally murder patients for profit.. "Murder people for profit" is the new hospital motto

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Maybe she should've lied and said she was vaccinated. I've read enough now that if it ever happens to me I will do that.

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Don’t lie, always be truthful and educate the doctors. When I told the anesthesiologist the blood supply is dirty, I had to educate him. They don’t clean blood.

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One thing I had going for me: my vitamin D level was 106.

Things going against me: I was very overweight and insulin resistant. So I was metabolically sick (still am, but working on it). I should have spent my life before this taking better care of myself.

I wish I would have started taking my HCQ daily the moment I got home from Thanksgiving with the family, instead of waiting until I tested positive.

I wish I would have never gone to the hospital. But it was a weekend and the only way I could get oxygen in WA state (requires a prescription in WA, and then a place open to fulfill it).

I wish I would have stood my ground and refused any remdesivir. I knew it had failed the Ebola trials, but I let the doctor talk me into taking it anyway. I am thankful they complied when I refused it after the second day.

I wish I would have fought harder against intubation, but I was so weak at that point that I just gave up.

And then I try to remind myself that God allowed me to go through this, and He had a good purpose. I think the most important thing God taught me through this is to NEVER again put what man says above what God has said. I think every mess I've ever gotten myself into boils down to me putting more trust in man than God. "For what does it profit a main to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?" Mark 8:36

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What a great interview! Nice lady. So very glad she beat the offs big-time and survived in spite of the protocols which were too little, too late from day one! I wonder if she was EVER given anti-inflammatories, high dose steroids & multiple anti-coagulants?

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This interview was me. Thank you for your kind words. I was given steroids, but according to Dr. Pierre Kory, not at a high enough dose or for long enough. I was given enoxaparin shots (blood thinner) twice a day. I think that was the only anti-coagulant.

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This episode emphasises the need for an advocate when ever you are admitted and too unwell to make sense of what is going on. Even though this wonderful woman was well versed in the so called pandemic protocols she was unable to defend herself from the deadly medical practices.

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God is Good! Thank you Michelle, for sharing your story. I am happy to hear your story. I too am a survivor! God has a plan for us! I would be interested in connecting with you and other ICU covid survivors. First and foremost, I believe I am here today because of God and the thousands of prayers people were praying. I had an x-ray tech come into my room after I was extubated, who was astonished! He said "Thank God, you are alive and awake. My wife and I have been praying for you daily", and he hugged me. It was so touching to know that complete strangers were praying for me. So many nurses told me I was a miracle. They did not expect me to survive. One nurse said "Girl, you are moving mountains".

Secondly, My husband was my strongest advocate. He spoke with my nurses and my Dr's daily. Being a nurse practitioner, he knew what to refuse and what to ask for. My pulmonologist prescribed Ivermectin after seeing the research my husband sent him. However, the hospital administration put a stop to that, as my husband was checking it into the pharmacy. One Dr. had also agreed to IV vitamin C, but they did not have that in the pharmacy either.

Everyone needs an advocate! When you are the one in the hospital going through it, you cannot think clearly to make decisions. Even if you are educated yourself. I am a nurse and I was not capable of making decisions. I truly felt some Dr's were trying to make an example out of me because I refused to get vaccinated.

Bless you Michelle and Praise God!

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavily places. Therefore take up the armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore. Having fastened on the belt of truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness..." Ephesians 6:10-18

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Rebecca, I’m so sorry I didn’t see your comment for a couple months! Thank you for sharing your story as well. I’d love to connect with you. I’ll include my email address in another comment to you, then delete the comment when I see that you’ve seen it. May God bless you as well. He is indeed good, all the time!

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Crazy. Had they given this lady an antibiotic instead of totally useless remdesivir she’d have been home in a week!!

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Once you deliver yourself into the hands of this machine you pretty much lost yourself. This I learned when my mother died at a young age from cancer. Watching her slowly die torn in an endless cycle of desperation and hope with no agency of herself totally dependent on her doctors was absolute hell. One of the most valuable life lessons to me. Doctors should never be more than advisors. Unfortunately many people want doctors to be demi-gods and they gladly play into this monstrous game which is why doctors get away with so much cold-hearted scamming of the fearful.

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What an amazing Woman…..God Bless her and her Family!…🙏

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