I'm from Slovenia. The exact same scenario happened here. And what worries me a lot is when I see that it continues to "quietly" happen. I won't write my whole story, because it's too long, but it happened to me three years ago diagnosed with dementia. That's why I have various check-ups with neurologists, and now with a psychiatrist. Unbelievable! When I first came there, she immediately wanted to give me statins (my blood was excellent, the only thing missing was folic acid), just in case, then it started with the prescription of antipsychotics, antidepressants (thank God I know a very good doctor who understands everything and advised me to be quiet, I pick up all these prescriptions and literally lie to them that I'm taking them), which I already have full drawer, now the second one is starting to fill up. And the only thing I was taking was folic acid, when I told her that after a year we would check the blood for B vitamins, she waved her hand and said "ahh, ma'am, you've been taking them for three months, a blood test for vitamin B is not necessary". The only "medicine" that I thought was worth taking. And thank God again for this doctor, because next week he will take my blood and prescribe if B12 in injections is also necessary. And one begins to wonder, is this really dementia? Because my condition is exactly the same as it was three years ago, but it is true that I am not taking ANYTHING more than prescribed. But two weeks ago I got sick, because I had a very high fever and felt really bad, I called my doctor to make an appointment, because I have already had pneumonia once, they tell me at the central office that I have to go buy rapid PCR tests and get tested if I want her to examine me at all .From the shock itself, I was almost healthy the next day. And even in the hospital, visits etc are prohibited again... That's why I'm really afraid, I'm afraid that they'll come to anything and I'd really have to go to the hospital (the only way I'd go there, if she was unconscious, but not conscious).They lost all my trust. And I'm grateful that I know at least one "normal" doctor, grateful that I can see and read something on substack, even though I can't afford to be a paid subscriber for now .Thank you for posting these videos and your articles that I can read. It's a shame that you don't live in Slovenia. I hope that I wrote comprehensibly, because English is not my language.

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You got your point across just fine, Nataša... My question to you is, "Why do you have anything to do with Orthodox medicine at all?" With apologies to Dr. Makis, after the past 4 years? I will never darken a doctor's doors again, if I can by any means avoid it; I will never take a prescription drug of any kind, ever again.

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same here

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Dr. Vernon Coleman in the UK, has written a book about Dementia. How other problems can be mistaken for it and so they are misdiagnosed. These other problems can be corrected. You could check out his website or the book is on Amazon.

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Take folate !! Not folic acid. Folic acid is very bad for us !

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I actually just got one

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Natasa,i was born in Slovakia,I'm fighting this evil, from the start

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The white coats puppets still acting like the have nothing to do on this massive kill off when if fact they are 1000% responsible and as such they need to face wherever legal consequences waiting for this group of none thinkers.

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God rest his soul🙏

Veteran nurse here. Rampant wrongdoing Pre Covid so thank God I figured out that the last place anyone should go is the hospital. Ever.

I am so sorry.

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it was 'operation Covid",not virus,just change the name from flu

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Absolutely 100% positively yes they did kill by “protocols”!

The same way “Dr Peter Hotez” today believes NATO and other armed forces within America should be used to force the “unvaccinated” to be

“Bioweapon Injected”! AYKM?

This man, the hospital’s / medical establishments have completely gone off the rails! They will bow to the demands of the

“Globalist Elites” without batting an eye! As the said in Germany,

“Heil, mein Führer!"!

I am aware of two people who were sent home by the same hospital, each one twice and they both died from “blood clots in their lungs”! Yes “micro-clots”!

A well known deadly killer from these same

“Bioweapon Injections” Hotez believes force should be used against “We the People”! Hotez was also nominated for the Noble Peace Prize in 2022 by congressional leaders!

The man is an absolute “train wreck” not a scientist as he claims! A absolute “train-wreck” of a non-human being is how I summarize him!

Between moronic statements this idiot has made and hospitals literally “killing innocent people” by means of “fraudulent medical procedures” and or lack thereof, “We the People” better pray Harris and her nimrod “Stolen Valor” coward / Traitor do not get placed anywhere near the “People’s House”!

Thank you Dr for continuing to expose and illuminate this corrupt and dangerous, deliberate and despicable atrocities committed against humanity!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Is the Government, under UN/World Economic Forum,etc, against their own people,to depopulate them,to 500 Millions

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If they weren’t John, then I would be quite shocked.

You’ve answered your own question below this one I’m replying to.

Yes, absolutely John. In fact they’ll be ratcheting up their game plan. More manmade “pandemics”, increasing population surveillance initiatives, decreasing food supplies through “land usage” enforcement,etc.

Simply start with Covid lockdowns and multiply all the “unelected & bureaucratic” policies being rammed through various nation government programs and you’ll find they are planning to destroy everything they can to usher in their

“New World Ordered Govt.”!


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Aug 23Edited
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Perfectly said Toby! Very important no doubt. Doctors are the problem, not our solution!

Than you Toby, hopefully many people hear you loud and clear.


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Aug 23
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Exactly! Thank you Toby.

What’s happening in the UK will no doubt happen here! This attack is of the entire “Western World” nations and more specifically on Christianity!

This is Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America” happening is real time! He bought a house in Washington DC for a reason, to be close to his minions! His “Useful Destroyers” and he is the only former president to buy a house after his terms served or as I believe “undeserved”!

Thank you again Toby.


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yep,they are killers,as simple as that

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So sad...demon possesed criminals

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Pure evil, that so very many people employed by hospitals valued their jobs more than their oath to protect patients. The word "hospital protocol" will now perhaps forever be seen as a euphemism for death sentence.

One has to wonder if justice will ever be served, or how many people who are nefariously practicing "medicine" will be carrying on with profoundly guilty consciences, developing alcoholism or severe depression, or both. What has this evil done to our society as a whole? How can hospitals stay open if the only things they are useful for are setting broken bones or taking megabucks for cosmetic surgery? Nobody with even one day of serious contemplation would fully trust a hospital now.

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A million dollars for about 25 days in the hospital works out to about $40,000 a day. In the early 1970’s there was a lot of publicity about the fact that hospital costs were rapidly approaching $100 a day. The CPI has increased about 10 fold since then. The means that hospital costs have increased about 40 fold since then after adjusting for inflation, if you believe government figures.

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Very unfortunate that at the end of the interview, the interviewer mentioned that all of the deaths were in unvaccinated people. That implies that the vaccinated did NOT die in the hospitals, which is NOT true… MANY patients, vaccinated and unvaccinated, died in the hospitals due to the standard, required protocol used by 95%+ of the hospitals in the USA and Western Europe.

That should have been made clear in this video.

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They needed the unvaxxed to “die” in order to push their evil narrative that they died because they did not take the shot! It was part of the propaganda to scare the remaining unvaxxed to take it. The coercion, bullying, manipulation and killing for $$ is beyond criminal!

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Lady why can't you get it through your head after this kind of treatment that they had no desire for your husband to get well. You should have intercepted everything at the Urgent Care and taken your autistic child in with you if necessary. Now you are left alone to contend with everything. You knew that they put him on Remdesivir and you still didn't go AMA?

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Don’t you shame her!… she was home sick with kids and was trying her best dealing with all of it. . She told them she was coming to check him out and they vented him anyway without her permission. They also gave him the deadly Remdesivir when she wasn’t there too! …as they wouldn’t let her in. This is on those blind twits working there, and the greedy despicable a-holes higher up who kept their mouths shut, and the evil a-holes above them🤬. Not on this grieving widow😢

You are not more outraged than this woman!! Be kind!

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Nobody is shaming anybody. She drove him to the clinic and stayed in the car with the child. Someone had to be taking are of the kids at home. When the EMT called her, with the misdiagnosis, she sort of went into shock. So instead of saying no, bring him to my car, she let let them take him to the hospital. The hospital treated both of them horribly and she knew something was wrong and she stood by in a helpless state of mind as they proceeded to kill him after going around her to the mother-in-law to get consent for the ventilator. Even if she was still sick, I would hope that there was someone who she could have contacted to help her get him out of the hospital AMA. If she had nobody but herself then that is a really sad situation only compounded by the fact that now she is really alone with 4 kids and maybe social security income for the kids to replace the husband's income.

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She had about a month before he died. If she could drive him to the urgent care, she could have driven him back home, however, I don't think that she realized what he was in store for and was in shock when she heard the misdiagnosis of the EMT's and later saw how she would be shut out by the hospital No body is shaming anybody. When you see that something is wrong, you have to do something about it, sick or not, because he was in danger. She knew that something was wrong. The hospital circumvented her with the mother-in-law, which was the last straw as no one communicated what was happening to her. The time to have gotten him out was at the beginning. I would hope that she had someone that could have helped her. If you have an autistic child, you do have your hands full, however, now she has to cope alone, which with 4 kids is going to be very difficult. I hope that she has some family to help her.

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Exact same thing happened to my dad at the VA in Maine

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