From a 'pussy cat doll' to a grown, mature and wise WOMAN relying on her true inner power! Very symbolic, and a beautiful inspiration for girls in this distorted world to follow 💚🐉

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Compare this to "Feminine Not Feminist" [Music Video with Lyrics] by Bryson Gray (background: Bryson's wife Shekinah Gray) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrxiBvX_Ibw

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Just another version of the distorted, highjacked reality on this planet...

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PLANET Earth ?

ONE Unquestioned, indoctrinated brain-locked belief is “Earth is a planet.”

However, the Created EARTH IS FLAT and UNQUESTIONED Propaganda WORKS ( acceptance of WILLFUL LYING by ‘authorities’ )

This is used A LOT by Centralized Gov’tS. ( Think Black-Ops PentaGONE before-and-after-9/11 )

Check out how vast established lying has become by understanding this eye-opening video on Y-Tube:

“ 200 PROOFS Earth is Not a Spinning Ball “

… you’ll begin to open your REAL-EYES. ❤️

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Open my eyes? Children, babies!, are being killed or disabled by injections, bombed, slaughtered, ritually and sexually abused, maybe sacrificed, organ harvested, beaten, starved, mio. of little girls 'circumcised' and sewn up, sold as child brides etc. etc. etc.. And that is 'just' what's happening to children!

I COULD not care less if it all happens on a flat earth or round globe!

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I’m with you. I couldn’t care less what shape the earth is. It can be morphing into various shapes for all I care! Just STOP VACCINATING your kids, everybody. Do not comply!

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You might change your reactivity-without-investigation if you begin to understand that the Globe-Earth cosmology modeling for ‘YOUR’ beliefs and is a huge, indoctrinated, intentional LIE. The Hell-iocentric THEORY is a model for FALSE perceptions grounded in separating the truth of God and Creation from your “Within-With-Truth.” To the degree we live with unseen lies Humanity lives less aware of GOoDness and Love. The result ? All those things you rail against ! This can change by incorporating truths about God’s TRUE Creation designed FOR positive emotions building Peace, Love, Light & Easy Breathing within and in the joyful inner & outer realms we naturally prefer.

Cheers ❤️

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Good luck with that, and your path! Truly. I hope it all does make an actual physical difference for the better in this world. If I'm blind as to the shape of the world, I TRUST I will end up seeing in due time.

And please don't make assumptions on my behalf. I actually find that, and what I perceive as a knee jerk reaction lecturing prompted by the word 'planet' quite misplaced and self absorbed. You can not force anything on other people, no matter how nicely wrapped.

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True. She performed at "Gaydays Orlando, FL June 3, 2011" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw1KRHpqZQ0

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Thank you for this post. When she first spoke out on FB, some did not believe her, so this interview proved that she is speaking the truth, and nothing will stop her from doing so!

Jessica, thank you for your honesty and bravery, because telling the truth is not so easy these days. Glad you left The Pussycat Dolls. The girls in the band were not free from the Hollywood culture.

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It's fear that makes people, who have taken the jab try to destroy you. Every time you say something negative about it ...they have to face the possibility that they can't undo it and it is there lurking in their own body. The Unknown creates the biggest fear factor.

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So many people feel safe within their chosen bubble. With the level of fear driven beyond reason, largely by media and Healthcare Industrial Complex, they trusted the information presented to them, from those platforms without giving it much thought. They'd trusted them their entire lives.

Unfortunately, being so integrated inside their bubbles, they were out of touch with schemes of the real world. As we'd witnessed, to resume 'normal life', many extended their trust to a place where they were naive, where they didn't see or expect danger based on previous experiences. That's when they were caught by the BIG LIE! The trap!

Sadly, many still aren't able to see (connect the dots) what's directly in front of them, long after being caught in the trap.

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God bless you. I myself have lost everything I've worked hard for because of "morgellons" . It is something noone believes I have and going through something similar as you. I love very different now. Be strong.

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Take heart in the fact that it's a one-way street, just like the quackcines. There's more people heading down the road of realising about M, than people u-turning and saying I thought it was real and now I don't.

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I have five friends who have died from the Jonestown Jab, and o ne who will likely pass within a couple of years from now. None had any preexisting conditions of what they died from. It did take me a long time to connect the dots eventhough I was closely following the whole Covid disaster.

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Jonestown Jab. Never heard it described as that, but what an apropos analogy.

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Thank you so much Jessica Sutta. ......... I feel by telling the truth you have helped so many people. :)

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Wonderful Interview... brought my tears out. I can really relate to Jessica’s testimony....most especially the loss of family and friends who have either died or remain entranced.

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It really shows you who your friends are and the people who you can count on. What a way to "wake up" though. Tough situation. Have you tried nattokinase and nicotine gum or patches?

Ashwaganda complex may be something else to try. Keep searching, there is something out there that can lick this. We live in a Matrix.

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Thank YOU Jessica for having the courage to speak the Truth about Big pHARM-US-see$’ CRIMINALITIES.

Check out Karen Kingston’s reveals on Substacks about the INTENTIONAL harms you and so many others were blindsided by from their ‘experimental’ DEMOCIDE.

Also, Nattokinase from The Wellness Company

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Jessica take EDTA and High Concestration of Vitamin C, or EDTA with low concentrations of methylene blue. Stay away from rigorous exercise. Start taking Quarcitin with zinc. Jessica is in prayer unto The Lord Jesus Christ.

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This also work. EDTA destroys spike proteins in C19 jabs. But, nicotine has greater health benefits.

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The spikies latch on to Nicotonic Acetylcholine Receptors on cells. When Nicotince enters the system, the NARs ditch the spikies in favour of Nicotine, which they love. This has been published for several years. At the start of the "respiratory virus" scam, people couldn't understand why ICUs weren't filling up with smokers. Well, the US Govt certainly knew why - and there'd already been published research demonstrating the relationship between NARs and Nicotine. So what did the Govt do? Start a "There's never been a better time to give up Smoking" campaign. They weren't trying to benevolently protect smokers from a RV - they were encouraging people to give up a substance that protected their cells from a bioweap0n. Dr Bry4n Ard1s, amongst others, has freely given the nicotine dosing.

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She needs the following:


Fenbendazole with vitamin E and an oil of some type (olive oil works)

Fatty red meat diet

She'll be fine.

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Jessica, I am praying for your recovery and return to health, as well as for all the others injured by this bioweapon. But please, don't use earbuds! They destroy your brain. They emit a dangerous amount of EMF radiation, double that of a wifi router. Imagine putting a router in your ear every day for hours.

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Or imagine spewing an uncontrolled dose of non-native biologically damaging radiation into your skull. No imagine about it: use wireless or Bluetooth earbuds and you're doing it. That goes for hearing aids too.

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Yes God and good wins over Satan , evil. Thank you Jessica for fighting for the injured and speaking truth to those who have their ears and eyes shut.

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Meanwhile Mr. “Safe & Effective” and Mr. “Reduce the Population” are still extremely wealthy and walking free w/o any indictments or convictions!

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I'm so proud of you Jessica. Every word you've said I totally agree with.

We need to keep pushing the truth out, and never give up.!

The good news here is, that we do have some good doctors like Dr. Makis that are doing their best at warning us about these bioweapon jabs. And this platform, so people like you Jessica, that can share their experience and warn about the dangers of these so called "vaccines."

I'm happy that your son has you to keep him safe. And that you have a good husband that is supporting you. God bless you all.

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Than You for posting this. This interview is a REAL HOPE for humanity, that Mod-E-RNA didn't manage to destroy/kill the HUMAN HEART and the inner beauty of a human being!

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