This is so tragic - that poor man. I can scarcely believe that this nightmare is happening all over the vaccinated countries but unfortunately it's true. I am so grateful to Dr Makis, CHD, and many others for releasing this information to the public. Unfortunately it's not reaching the wider public who only follow the mainstream press. Here in the UK the elderly are still taking boosters, unaware of the risks and failing to connect their subsequent maladies with the vaccines. All adverse effects are attributed to "old age". It's very frustrating.

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Absolutely true, I see all manor of injury but few make the connection. A horror story. What a good man he is.

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He took the jab for his employer, gets injured and then his employer fired him. This is why you never do anything to yourself for someone else!!! At the very beginning of the covid BS I told my daughters “do NOT take any shot or give up your freedom for anyone including for ‘grandma’ (me)!” I couldn’t live knowing my selfish fear caused them a life threatening or life changing reaction. Another tragic truth so many have to face and yet the government is STILL pushing shots!!!

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And the amazing thing is, the "selfish fear" that you cast bravely aside was completely and utterly without substance! They did a good job scaring everyone senseless.

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And to think my husband almost took the jab out of fear of losing his job too!! The mental abuse they put people through was and still is disgusting!!

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Here in the UK, a group of advisors called SAGE were commissioned to devise ways of increasing people's compliance with the harmful, unwarranted and exceedingly filthy diktats. An 8 page document lists suggested ways to coerce people, along with the pros and cons of each method. They knew exactly what they were doing and Govt spent hundreds of millions commissioning PR companies to devise fearful and terrifying articles, soundbites, adverts, billboards, you name it, they did - even to paying for the front page of every newspaper to spread their terr0r.

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Oh dear Lord …That poor dear man .. a hard working good man… salt of the earth. What have they done … ?? It’s so heartbreaking 💔 🙏🙏🙏

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So many good lives destroyed ... for what? The media, our governments, the medical industry, they have become a man-eating monster. And so many still trust them as if nothing happened.

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For a very nefarious agenda. Never trust the govt or the 3-letter agencies again.

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We now know how Demonic and catastrophic this entire sham has been for the World. Prayers for those directly affected and for everyone else, too. We're all impacted whether we took a direct injection or not. The nano-poisons are in the air, water, food, just everywhere. Detoxing through water fasting, Vitamin C (high dosage) and Ivermectin may help to some degree. Think positively and pray to raise our frequency and spirits.

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Heartbreaking story of a hard-working, no-nonsense, healthy man destroyed by cold-hearted order-followers. Hospitals are death camps. Unless you require surgery, people should stay away from these places and their pharma puppets and find real health professionals.

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Horrible. What hit me was when he said he worked all his life for other people's dreams and he was working on his and the shot destroyed his dream. Broke my heart.

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Just think, working so much for others on an active farm, he had little time to research the shots for himself. He assumed, like most people, the shots wouldn't cause any harm. Little did any of us know what hell was awaiting us.

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Heartbreaking. If you need a supressor, JK Armament sounds like an awesome employer. Tell em Doug sent you.

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Amen! I'd love to have one, but you have to have a special license to buy those. But kudos to that company!!!

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I find this SO DEEPLY tragic. Thus dear man...”leant on” ..EVEN while this “ compound” was simply an experimental thing-and he now is injured-WHO-takes responsibility here-the producer? The government? His employer? WHO.

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If what he describes is not a pharmaceutical and PERSONAL nightmare -THREE YEARS - of which-I do not know what .

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God bless you and your wife and family Doug. I am so sorry that this happened to you. You would think that your employer would have supported you; shame on them!

Dear Father in heaven thank you for Doug and his willingness to share his story with others. May they hear and heed his warning so that others will not be harmed in the future. Grant Doug and his wife strength and endurance (as you already have) and bring them to Jesus. Amen

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This poor man!!

Also allergy shots are an issue because they contain adjuvants as well- told a peer not to take her daughter to the same place my child went. She did. Result: Anaphylaxis - ER visit. When the allergy clinic called back - they wanted to reschedule the child for a “lower dose”…..

Pray- these are terrible times for everyone 🙏

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This is so heartbreaking

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

This is so sad, and yet, there ARE blessings...things to be thankful for.

1. In 3 years he hasn't gotten worse. No better, but at least no worse!

2. His paralysis is from the diaphragm down, not from the neck down! Thank God for that!

3. Thank God he got off the vent -- so many died on them!

4. Thank God that he has a devoted, loving wife, who remains by his side!

** "Losing my job was worse than losing my legs." What a despicable company he worked for. Thank God for JK Armament, for hiring him! I don't have the license to buy a suppressor, but if I did, I would definitely buy one from them. I'll spread the word on what a great company they are.

** My then-18 y.o. nephew took the J&J, to take a class at Cornell U. The druggist said it was the one he took, & as far as he could tell, it would be the safest. As we can see, this isn't necessarily true.

** Glad he will never take another vax of any kind. I'm right there with him.

** Bless this good man for saying that he'd rather it be him, than some young kid, or a man with a family to care for...his kids are grown. This is a good man.

** Will be praying for this man. And praying that those behind the jabs will be brought to justice, sometime, somehow.

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HOW can we support him please? Is there a private means of communication eg Signal?

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He mentions an important point - he knows plenty of people who've been fine after the jabs. This is because:

a) only the short to mid latency harms have appeared so far - the mid-long latency will appear and will of course be attributed to #ABV - Anything But the Vaccine.

b) some of the batches were saline - I suspect that this was done in order to conjure up unwitting Vaccine Advocates - "oh I was fine, no sore arm etc"

c) if you remember way back, certainly in the UK, the first batches sent out had to be stored at minus 70. Some will have been incorrectly stored and will have had degraded ingredients. (Blessings to those Practitioners who stored them accidentally on purpose in this way - I can't imagine any did because just about all of those front-facing people were clueless)

d) human biology is non-linear - the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics will be variable depending upon the diversity and variability of people's biological systems.

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I wish he had a GoFundNe type thing! I'd donate$! Xox

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