Have you heard about the book "The Indoctrinated Brain" by Michael Nehls? He believes that is the main purpose of the shots, to give people instant Alzheimer's essentially. I believe COVID did the same thing. People called it Brain Fog. I literally couldn't think when I had it, whatever "it" is. Dr. Nehls suggests using low-dose lithium to help. You'd want to read his book or listen to interviews to understand why. I already had some so I just started taking it. NMA
Excellent book. Problem being...he highly recommends vitamin D which I agree with, however, I don't think people know that synthetic vit D is cholecalciferol which is an ingredient found in rat and mouse poison.
This has been blown way out of proportion, IMO. It is poisonous to rats because of how it changes calcium metabolism, not because it's poison. Except in extremely high doses, there is basically no chance this would happen to a human. Also, it's always best to take vitamin k2 with D3 to make sure calcium is properly stored in bones, teeth, etc. Also, I NEVER supplement calcium, although TPTB want you to think you should. If I didn't know better, I would say that TPTB might be trying to dissuade people from taking vitamin D because it's good for them...and encourage them to take calcium because it's not.
Y'all need to start using analytical thinking here. There was a specific purpose in targeting the elderly and disabled population first. Medicare and Social Security are broke!! The main recipients had to go, or the thieves at the top would be exposed. Fort Knox is empty, so to speak. The money all funneled upward. Over a million elderly were effectively killed off in 2021 alone. That's a lot of money they didn't have to dole out for SS and Medicare!! It escalated from there.
After that was accomplished, then the herd had to be culled.
Wake up and just follow the money....it always leaves a slime trail.
My beautiful Mother was tragically among the elders killed in 2021. She was still living in her home of 50+ years and did not take any jabs or tests, but somehow THEY got her anyway when she fell ill with "it" and could not get necessary medical help and had the inflammatory cytokine storm, which we did not understand and weren't expecting. Our Prime Directive was to avoid the hospital at all cost but we were ill equipped to manage this illness on our own.
It was like the whole world turned against her and us. I feel like it was my fault because I was ill too and wasn't able to do what was necessary to save her, so now my life is totally destroyed. We were definitely under attack from spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. I believe COVID is of the Devil, and COVID backwards - DIVOC, or DYBBUK in Hebrew, means possessed by an evil spirit. I believe evil spirits literally came for my Mom.
Initially, I felt like I'd been poisoned and it never occurred to me that was "it" until after she fell ill with more "flu-like" symptoms a few days later. So, did we get poisoned with something (graphene/nanotechnology?), shed on by jabbed, hit with electromagnetic weapons which apparently can mimic and disease, or did we just "catch" a contagious virus or bioweapon? Neither of us really ever got sick and we did not expect to this time. I certainly did not expect to get ill. All I had to do was keep her safe and I failed.
I actually believe we were targeted for opposing the jabs and for her efforts to talk my "liberal" sisters and their children out of getting boosted. THEY needed "unvaccinated" casualties to support their "Safe & Effective" propaganda. My sisters were (stupidly) screaming all over FB that we were "putting her at risk" and I believe they put a target right on us. It was only a few weeks later that the Demons showed up.
She would have given up her SS to keep her life, but she was never given that choice.
Swan, you cannot blame yourself! You did all you could for her. The monster psychopaths behind this thing are squarely where the blame lies. The hospitals and doctors sold out to Satan himself. The whole medical paradigm changed in 2020 into a death factories. Use her memory and her life as a witness to warn as many as you can. Tell everyone, it is happening to tens of millions of others around the world also. You may be able to save many lives by warning them.
God bless, and remember that God is in complete control. Perhaps this is now your mission in life.
I am so sorry about your Mom I lost mine as well. I couldn't see my Mom for a whole year before she died because I lived in another part of Canada and New Brunswick wouldn't allow anyone to fly in. I will never be the same.
My husband and I did not take the jab and my husband lost his lifetime career with only 2 years left to work. He took another job across the country and they accepted his stand until we sold everything and started our 6 day drive. They told him he at least needed to be tested weekly. This is where our lives changed drastically after 6 months and my husband being isolated because of his covid stand he decided to retire however we had no idea what was lurking in his body.
The 3rd month of retirement my husband suffered multiple strokes for a massive growth on his heart valve. The hospital never saw anything so massive. I believe it was from the testing as it can breach the sinus and when it does it can be deadly. I believe it caused the massive growth and it will come out eventually how toxic the testing was.
We never took it to the LORD but HE sure showed us after. GOD saved my husband as the hospital wanted to kill him as well. I fought with them for 2 months until my husband was strong enough to come home. He has been home for almost 2 years now and is not the same man. The strokes have done a lot of damage. He gets confused and cries all the time. He lost all his muscle and doesn't know to eat. I am now his care taker.
Our lives blew up during covid and I know it was a complete demonic attack against the children of GOD and the world!
Please don't blame yourself we are in this together we are going to win this war and just writing this has given me hope again!!! Be blessed the light is getting brighter! You are part of that light. The Church was asleep but GOD is awakening her and we are going to see blessings like we've never seen! Praise the LORD GOD Almighty!
Thank you for your heartfelt comment. You're on the right track when you considered that you might have been poisoned. There are some uncorrupted Doctors who say "you're not sick: you're poisoned". RFEMFs cause many different biological harms. Exposure to this non-native radiation causes biological damage, and additionally, your body has to get rid of the biochemical and physical damage, waste products, damaged cells, etc. A well-used phrase is "wi-fi flu".
A dear friend of mine did not get the shots. However, she worked as a receptionist for a chiropractor who had to take them in order to stay open. She was also exposed to many clients who did take them and in the end she passed away due to the shedding. Many people who went to hospital were put on ventilators and given Remdesiver, which killed them. Nurses now calling it "Run, death is near".
Nurse Emily is very articulate and clear thinking. She understands the true nature of what she witnessed (and continues to witness) in the nursing home. Unfortunately the residents do not understand what is being done to them. Trust has been weaponized by the medical system to force dangerous shots on these patients, to make lots of money and then to take them out. Evil never rests.
I think most people know about this abuse that took place countrywide. So what are we to do about all these horrific crimes against humanity when the perpetrators are now globally in charge?
I don't think that most people know. I still know and see people lining up for shots, wearing masks and if you were in the military, well, you've been poisoned over and over. Why would the military lie?
Maybe they enjoy the spike protein. I don’t know why. Most people I know say they won’t ever take another mRNA injection! And as for the military, you sign your life over to the government when you join! Sad 😞
Two products, Nattokinase or Spike Protect take out the spike protein. Anyone who has taken the shots should be taking one of these as, even if they feel well today, that spike protein is wrecking havoc in their cells and will eventually destroy them.
Good advice Joyce, I had 1 Pz - adverse auditory and neuro effects. I take Nattokinase every a.m. - it’s natural, a fermented soy that acts as a blood thinner/anti oxidant. Recommended on online groups for the tens of thousands w/ vaccine injury.
I am so sad she had to witness the murder and horrific outcomes of this eugenics by government program. Heartbreaking to hear any moments of this nightmare. But people know! They know and Fewer willing to participate now, be fooled and do as they are told. The whole system is changing and for the good. These are weak, cowardly criminals that know they are all outed now no matter how much they pretend otherwise on the idiot box.
Who doesn't know at least one person close to them who did not meet their demise at a nursing home? I know of two personally. And what happened to the mentally handicapped who were 'wards of the state'? How many of these were effectively forced 'vaccinated'? And what was the position of the courts should there have been any family disputes over guardians of these being pressed by non-guardian family members to have these vulnerable ones injected without the consent of the guardians? Did they stand with the guardians or were they instructed otherwise? How many stories, how many stories?!
"For this reason it says, “Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Ephesians 5:14
Spoke to a care aid worker in Canada recently - they are on dose #8, thanks to inept public health officers like Bonnie Henry in BC and PM of Canada Justin Trudeau. Shameful - is it still criminal ignorance 🤷🏻♀️ or have we graduated to criminal, willful intent? Is this what “care” looks like? For goodness sake! 🧬
All a part of the WEF agenda for population reduction, followed by a One World Government, a single currency (Digital ID) and a single religion; all of which were predicted in Scripture over 2000 years ago.
I’ve been living this nightmare with my mom who has been in long term care since June 2020. Prior to that hospital for 4 mos because of a fall that she wasn’t badly injured with. Too much to type here. I refused to have her injected in the long term care. She’s never been sick there. She’s 104 now and has dementia. All the restrictions, no visitors without their papers or a test (all of which I refused) was sickening. I could only phone her for several months. She went blind and is profoundly deaf so visiting at the window was a stupid option. Each time the needle pushers were there I saw empty rooms shortly after as well as two residents with what looked like neurological damage with flailing arms and legs while sitting in their wheelchairs.
Thank you for sharing all that ABGirl. What a terrible burden to have seen the eldercide in action up close like that. ❤️ (fricking spell check changed eldercide to eldercare.)
Thank you. It's a longer story, but what I've seen concurs with the physio's story. The amount of meds they use for the elders is insane too. I've seen my mom go from a feisty (almost too feisty ha) person to a drugged up half conscious woman in a wheelchair in the hospital so they didn't have to deal with her. How inconvenient patient care would be! It's been a constant fight with people, from the stupid temperature taking (I wouldn't let them point that thing at my head) to masking so my mom couldn't hear me (I'd close her room door and not wear the mask - then I had to give a dissertation on the fact that they didn't work anyway). The last time they asked me if I wanted to give my mom a C-shot, I wrote yet another letter of refusal for any shots and stapled the Pfizer documents to the letter that showed the "study" and listed all the pages of adverse effects.
Wow - bless your warrior heart. I have been witness to these crimes that killed my mother, father, older sister driven to suicide and notably my only brother with the CON-shot (even though I begged him to consult with me before making a decision - he did not.). So I know exactly what you're talking about and the reason I have been protected against the big CON is because I've been watching and taking notes for over 30 years. I never wore the face diaper but I'm grateful I didn't have anyone in any facility being held hostage, so it really wasn't that difficult. Are you aware of Druthers.net? I've been delivering those newspapers for years now.
Thank you. And I'm so sorry to hear about your sad experience...my heart goes out to you. How horrible that must have been. At least 2 of my kids had the CON shot and one didn't listen to me. I didn't wear the diaper except to go into the LTC place but I usually walked in with it pulled out from my face. Yes, I love Druthers! You are way ahead of me with the wake up call! I was aware, but not totally awake until the big CON job happened.
Thank you ABGirl. As much as I was "aware" before the big CON, I was as completely shocked as everyone else when I saw what was happening. I didn't know the half of it as it turned out - I was just picking up on what I was witness to - so now I am totally AWAKE and trying to navigate all the online psy-ops - trying to sift out the wheat from the chaff with all those limited hangout dudes. Thanks for your care and I'm so sorry 2 of your children had the con shots - I pray they've got mostly if not only saline. xo
Yup, I have see the obit pile up from the nursing home near my work when the jab came up. At the nursing home they there had a big memorial day to acknowledge all the ones who past. Sickening!😡
The great danger for a successful nation such as America is if the population can be controlled cognitively, such as inciting hatred and violence against certain defenseless persons who have been collectively made pariahs, because every individual fears that they will have to suffer the same fate, or not being allowed to belong and having to be alone. These people are forcibly brainwashed and made and kept completely without will, dependent and docile. This completely weak-willed mass in turn learns to disrupt society and the nation by rewarding their psychopathic behavior and learning that it pays to hurt or kill others and actually enjoys doing so. And all their paranoid, anxiety neurotic effects, like: "Don't worry; it's for your own good; it's just a joke; if you knew one; we have an appointment after all; shhh.. nothing against him/her saying: if you only knew; no discussion, you know why; etcetcetcetc..." is what maintains and justifies their entire criminal ideology. These people will never bring out the best in you, but will always denigrate you and use all means, even violence and the media, to make you live at the lowest possible level, by intimidating you, beating you, whatever comes their way. to drive you to despair, so that they can say: "Do you see what it is like!? I warned you so much", the masses join this 'punisher' after which he can do anything to the masses, because they feel completely without will have made ren docile without realizing it. By despairing, deceiving and corrupting you, they can remain in their position of power and continue their unhindered existence until everything is destroyed and reduced to ashes and rubble. There is only one way to protect yourself against this, and that is uh... oops, my pen is empty. courage.
I worked in a Senior's home years ago and every year after the flu shots were given, at least half of the residents got sick. My father had five years medical school and two years chiropractic college and 65 years ago he would not let his kids get vaccinated. I thank my father for his wisdom, as well as this lady who knew not to vaccinate her children. Today children's shots are far worse than they were in the past.
The nursing home Administration people at nursing homes in IL are overpaid evil people. I told them of the wrong doings as I saw them, so you can't say they did not know. They get bonuses for cost cutting.
Only psychopaths would treat people with such contempt.
Dementia doesn't run in my family and rapid onset dementia is what I feel my mom has from the vaccines.
Have you heard about the book "The Indoctrinated Brain" by Michael Nehls? He believes that is the main purpose of the shots, to give people instant Alzheimer's essentially. I believe COVID did the same thing. People called it Brain Fog. I literally couldn't think when I had it, whatever "it" is. Dr. Nehls suggests using low-dose lithium to help. You'd want to read his book or listen to interviews to understand why. I already had some so I just started taking it. NMA
Excellent book. Problem being...he highly recommends vitamin D which I agree with, however, I don't think people know that synthetic vit D is cholecalciferol which is an ingredient found in rat and mouse poison.
This has been blown way out of proportion, IMO. It is poisonous to rats because of how it changes calcium metabolism, not because it's poison. Except in extremely high doses, there is basically no chance this would happen to a human. Also, it's always best to take vitamin k2 with D3 to make sure calcium is properly stored in bones, teeth, etc. Also, I NEVER supplement calcium, although TPTB want you to think you should. If I didn't know better, I would say that TPTB might be trying to dissuade people from taking vitamin D because it's good for them...and encourage them to take calcium because it's not.
I appreciate this info.
Here you go:
Y'all need to start using analytical thinking here. There was a specific purpose in targeting the elderly and disabled population first. Medicare and Social Security are broke!! The main recipients had to go, or the thieves at the top would be exposed. Fort Knox is empty, so to speak. The money all funneled upward. Over a million elderly were effectively killed off in 2021 alone. That's a lot of money they didn't have to dole out for SS and Medicare!! It escalated from there.
After that was accomplished, then the herd had to be culled.
Wake up and just follow the money....it always leaves a slime trail.
My beautiful Mother was tragically among the elders killed in 2021. She was still living in her home of 50+ years and did not take any jabs or tests, but somehow THEY got her anyway when she fell ill with "it" and could not get necessary medical help and had the inflammatory cytokine storm, which we did not understand and weren't expecting. Our Prime Directive was to avoid the hospital at all cost but we were ill equipped to manage this illness on our own.
It was like the whole world turned against her and us. I feel like it was my fault because I was ill too and wasn't able to do what was necessary to save her, so now my life is totally destroyed. We were definitely under attack from spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. I believe COVID is of the Devil, and COVID backwards - DIVOC, or DYBBUK in Hebrew, means possessed by an evil spirit. I believe evil spirits literally came for my Mom.
Initially, I felt like I'd been poisoned and it never occurred to me that was "it" until after she fell ill with more "flu-like" symptoms a few days later. So, did we get poisoned with something (graphene/nanotechnology?), shed on by jabbed, hit with electromagnetic weapons which apparently can mimic and disease, or did we just "catch" a contagious virus or bioweapon? Neither of us really ever got sick and we did not expect to this time. I certainly did not expect to get ill. All I had to do was keep her safe and I failed.
I actually believe we were targeted for opposing the jabs and for her efforts to talk my "liberal" sisters and their children out of getting boosted. THEY needed "unvaccinated" casualties to support their "Safe & Effective" propaganda. My sisters were (stupidly) screaming all over FB that we were "putting her at risk" and I believe they put a target right on us. It was only a few weeks later that the Demons showed up.
She would have given up her SS to keep her life, but she was never given that choice.
Swan, you cannot blame yourself! You did all you could for her. The monster psychopaths behind this thing are squarely where the blame lies. The hospitals and doctors sold out to Satan himself. The whole medical paradigm changed in 2020 into a death factories. Use her memory and her life as a witness to warn as many as you can. Tell everyone, it is happening to tens of millions of others around the world also. You may be able to save many lives by warning them.
God bless, and remember that God is in complete control. Perhaps this is now your mission in life.
I am so sorry about your Mom I lost mine as well. I couldn't see my Mom for a whole year before she died because I lived in another part of Canada and New Brunswick wouldn't allow anyone to fly in. I will never be the same.
My husband and I did not take the jab and my husband lost his lifetime career with only 2 years left to work. He took another job across the country and they accepted his stand until we sold everything and started our 6 day drive. They told him he at least needed to be tested weekly. This is where our lives changed drastically after 6 months and my husband being isolated because of his covid stand he decided to retire however we had no idea what was lurking in his body.
The 3rd month of retirement my husband suffered multiple strokes for a massive growth on his heart valve. The hospital never saw anything so massive. I believe it was from the testing as it can breach the sinus and when it does it can be deadly. I believe it caused the massive growth and it will come out eventually how toxic the testing was.
We never took it to the LORD but HE sure showed us after. GOD saved my husband as the hospital wanted to kill him as well. I fought with them for 2 months until my husband was strong enough to come home. He has been home for almost 2 years now and is not the same man. The strokes have done a lot of damage. He gets confused and cries all the time. He lost all his muscle and doesn't know to eat. I am now his care taker.
Our lives blew up during covid and I know it was a complete demonic attack against the children of GOD and the world!
Please don't blame yourself we are in this together we are going to win this war and just writing this has given me hope again!!! Be blessed the light is getting brighter! You are part of that light. The Church was asleep but GOD is awakening her and we are going to see blessings like we've never seen! Praise the LORD GOD Almighty!
Thank you for your heartfelt comment. You're on the right track when you considered that you might have been poisoned. There are some uncorrupted Doctors who say "you're not sick: you're poisoned". RFEMFs cause many different biological harms. Exposure to this non-native radiation causes biological damage, and additionally, your body has to get rid of the biochemical and physical damage, waste products, damaged cells, etc. A well-used phrase is "wi-fi flu".
A dear friend of mine did not get the shots. However, she worked as a receptionist for a chiropractor who had to take them in order to stay open. She was also exposed to many clients who did take them and in the end she passed away due to the shedding. Many people who went to hospital were put on ventilators and given Remdesiver, which killed them. Nurses now calling it "Run, death is near".
Nurse Emily is very articulate and clear thinking. She understands the true nature of what she witnessed (and continues to witness) in the nursing home. Unfortunately the residents do not understand what is being done to them. Trust has been weaponized by the medical system to force dangerous shots on these patients, to make lots of money and then to take them out. Evil never rests.
I think most people know about this abuse that took place countrywide. So what are we to do about all these horrific crimes against humanity when the perpetrators are now globally in charge?
I don't think that most people know. I still know and see people lining up for shots, wearing masks and if you were in the military, well, you've been poisoned over and over. Why would the military lie?
Maybe they enjoy the spike protein. I don’t know why. Most people I know say they won’t ever take another mRNA injection! And as for the military, you sign your life over to the government when you join! Sad 😞
Two products, Nattokinase or Spike Protect take out the spike protein. Anyone who has taken the shots should be taking one of these as, even if they feel well today, that spike protein is wrecking havoc in their cells and will eventually destroy them.
Good advice Joyce, I had 1 Pz - adverse auditory and neuro effects. I take Nattokinase every a.m. - it’s natural, a fermented soy that acts as a blood thinner/anti oxidant. Recommended on online groups for the tens of thousands w/ vaccine injury.
I am so sad she had to witness the murder and horrific outcomes of this eugenics by government program. Heartbreaking to hear any moments of this nightmare. But people know! They know and Fewer willing to participate now, be fooled and do as they are told. The whole system is changing and for the good. These are weak, cowardly criminals that know they are all outed now no matter how much they pretend otherwise on the idiot box.
Who doesn't know at least one person close to them who did not meet their demise at a nursing home? I know of two personally. And what happened to the mentally handicapped who were 'wards of the state'? How many of these were effectively forced 'vaccinated'? And what was the position of the courts should there have been any family disputes over guardians of these being pressed by non-guardian family members to have these vulnerable ones injected without the consent of the guardians? Did they stand with the guardians or were they instructed otherwise? How many stories, how many stories?!
"For this reason it says, “Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Ephesians 5:14
There was a time not too long ago that families took care of their parents as they aged...what the hell happened?
Spoke to a care aid worker in Canada recently - they are on dose #8, thanks to inept public health officers like Bonnie Henry in BC and PM of Canada Justin Trudeau. Shameful - is it still criminal ignorance 🤷🏻♀️ or have we graduated to criminal, willful intent? Is this what “care” looks like? For goodness sake! 🧬
All a part of the WEF agenda for population reduction, followed by a One World Government, a single currency (Digital ID) and a single religion; all of which were predicted in Scripture over 2000 years ago.
The Covid era was used to introduce the Covid vaccine era - otherwise known as long covid.
We're still being spoon-fed this poison!
I’ve been living this nightmare with my mom who has been in long term care since June 2020. Prior to that hospital for 4 mos because of a fall that she wasn’t badly injured with. Too much to type here. I refused to have her injected in the long term care. She’s never been sick there. She’s 104 now and has dementia. All the restrictions, no visitors without their papers or a test (all of which I refused) was sickening. I could only phone her for several months. She went blind and is profoundly deaf so visiting at the window was a stupid option. Each time the needle pushers were there I saw empty rooms shortly after as well as two residents with what looked like neurological damage with flailing arms and legs while sitting in their wheelchairs.
Thank you for sharing all that ABGirl. What a terrible burden to have seen the eldercide in action up close like that. ❤️ (fricking spell check changed eldercide to eldercare.)
Thank you. It's a longer story, but what I've seen concurs with the physio's story. The amount of meds they use for the elders is insane too. I've seen my mom go from a feisty (almost too feisty ha) person to a drugged up half conscious woman in a wheelchair in the hospital so they didn't have to deal with her. How inconvenient patient care would be! It's been a constant fight with people, from the stupid temperature taking (I wouldn't let them point that thing at my head) to masking so my mom couldn't hear me (I'd close her room door and not wear the mask - then I had to give a dissertation on the fact that they didn't work anyway). The last time they asked me if I wanted to give my mom a C-shot, I wrote yet another letter of refusal for any shots and stapled the Pfizer documents to the letter that showed the "study" and listed all the pages of adverse effects.
Wow - bless your warrior heart. I have been witness to these crimes that killed my mother, father, older sister driven to suicide and notably my only brother with the CON-shot (even though I begged him to consult with me before making a decision - he did not.). So I know exactly what you're talking about and the reason I have been protected against the big CON is because I've been watching and taking notes for over 30 years. I never wore the face diaper but I'm grateful I didn't have anyone in any facility being held hostage, so it really wasn't that difficult. Are you aware of Druthers.net? I've been delivering those newspapers for years now.
Thank you. And I'm so sorry to hear about your sad experience...my heart goes out to you. How horrible that must have been. At least 2 of my kids had the CON shot and one didn't listen to me. I didn't wear the diaper except to go into the LTC place but I usually walked in with it pulled out from my face. Yes, I love Druthers! You are way ahead of me with the wake up call! I was aware, but not totally awake until the big CON job happened.
Thank you ABGirl. As much as I was "aware" before the big CON, I was as completely shocked as everyone else when I saw what was happening. I didn't know the half of it as it turned out - I was just picking up on what I was witness to - so now I am totally AWAKE and trying to navigate all the online psy-ops - trying to sift out the wheat from the chaff with all those limited hangout dudes. Thanks for your care and I'm so sorry 2 of your children had the con shots - I pray they've got mostly if not only saline. xo
🙏💓🙏So sorry.
Yup, I have see the obit pile up from the nursing home near my work when the jab came up. At the nursing home they there had a big memorial day to acknowledge all the ones who past. Sickening!😡
The great danger for a successful nation such as America is if the population can be controlled cognitively, such as inciting hatred and violence against certain defenseless persons who have been collectively made pariahs, because every individual fears that they will have to suffer the same fate, or not being allowed to belong and having to be alone. These people are forcibly brainwashed and made and kept completely without will, dependent and docile. This completely weak-willed mass in turn learns to disrupt society and the nation by rewarding their psychopathic behavior and learning that it pays to hurt or kill others and actually enjoys doing so. And all their paranoid, anxiety neurotic effects, like: "Don't worry; it's for your own good; it's just a joke; if you knew one; we have an appointment after all; shhh.. nothing against him/her saying: if you only knew; no discussion, you know why; etcetcetcetc..." is what maintains and justifies their entire criminal ideology. These people will never bring out the best in you, but will always denigrate you and use all means, even violence and the media, to make you live at the lowest possible level, by intimidating you, beating you, whatever comes their way. to drive you to despair, so that they can say: "Do you see what it is like!? I warned you so much", the masses join this 'punisher' after which he can do anything to the masses, because they feel completely without will have made ren docile without realizing it. By despairing, deceiving and corrupting you, they can remain in their position of power and continue their unhindered existence until everything is destroyed and reduced to ashes and rubble. There is only one way to protect yourself against this, and that is uh... oops, my pen is empty. courage.
I sincerely wish there were transcripts available to read.
I worked in a Senior's home years ago and every year after the flu shots were given, at least half of the residents got sick. My father had five years medical school and two years chiropractic college and 65 years ago he would not let his kids get vaccinated. I thank my father for his wisdom, as well as this lady who knew not to vaccinate her children. Today children's shots are far worse than they were in the past.
The nursing home Administration people at nursing homes in IL are overpaid evil people. I told them of the wrong doings as I saw them, so you can't say they did not know. They get bonuses for cost cutting.