Oh wow! 2008! For my daughters it was 2010 & 2012! We refused for 2 reasons: 1 My daughters were not sexually active and 2 I was very concerned about what it would do to my daughter’s egg cells and/or reproductive abilities! Always go with your maternal gut instinct! Now I know 2 girls who got Lupus and have menstrual issues from HPV!! These Kill/Maim shots MUST be ended forever!! And those who produced them, pushed them for $ gain and injected them MUST be held accountable at every level!
You are so right. But it's immensely difficult to get one's relatives/friends to wake up to the extreme corruption of the Pharmaceutical Industry worldwide.
I'm in the UK, and am the only family member who's 'awake' (have been awake for 40-45 years, re. many big subjects. I'm 65). Am the only one who absolutely refused to submit to the injections.
My passionate attempts to make my relatives aware of the actual facts/truths, as opposed to what they hear on their beloved TVs, have unfortunately been unsuccessful. During the course of the last 4.5 years in particular [and for decades prior to that...] I've been providing many of them with trustworthy, factual data re. the corruption of the Medical Establishment and of their controller, the corrupt Pharmaceutical Industry. But they simply refuse to open their minds... they choose to continue to blindly believe the untruths and the lies.
A few months ago I gifted my eldest niece and her husband (they both 'work' in the medically fraudulent field of 'psychiatry'... and are both as brainwashed and indoctrinated as each other) a copy of the recently updated "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History", by Dr Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk. But they chose to reject it; they refused to accept it. My niece even had the audacity to say to her mum (my sister) "Christine's just sent us a book about conspiracy theories"... (I'm sure you can well imagine my reaction to THAT...).
I told her that she must donate the book to a charity shop, saying that someone INTELLIGENT would then buy it, and would benefit from the mass of facts/truths which it contains; facts/truths which she and her husband were choosing to refuse to accept.
A few months prior to that, after I'd sent them an email containing some of the pertinent facts re. the dangers of 'vaccines', she, my niece, had also had the audacity to say to me "You CAN'T say these things, we're FAMILY! Families don't say these sorts of things to each other!". (!!!)
Well, with an attitude like that, they're totally beyond help... 'You can't fix stupid' most definitely applies to most of my relatives and all bar a few of my friends.
Several of my family members have now got quite serious health issues... they've all had at least four injections... even though, all the way through the last 3.5 years, I've been providing them with many documentary evidences (including many documents by Dr Makis) of the horrors that have been, and still are, being caused, worldwide, by these horrific injections. And yet they've STILL chosen to roll up their sleeves for more...
Great comment! I remember you recalling the gift book story in a comment a few weeks ago. I was indignant then, and I 'm indignant now! When someone bleats about Conspiracy Theories, I say "there's no such ting: they're Spoiler Alerts.
My very small family is the same - unquestioning, uninterested. Busy, busy, busy with Bread & Circus and their radiation-spewing bits of plastic cr4p that they're glued to.
All three adults have had bad reactions/health incidents. I haven't heard anything about the two pre-teens who were jabbed to go on holiday. They aren't mentioned in any way, shape or form.
I think that professional arrogance runs high, as well as professional negligence. They're also institutionalised, along with a good dollop of Stockholm Syndrome.
The item at the link below is a 'meme' that was posted on the Off-Guardian site (here in the UK) a few months ago. It makes the point re. how the masses can get worked up re. their favourite football team losing [or whatever similar event; see my earlier reply to you], but that they don't give a fig re. the immensely sinister things that are being perpetrated worldwide, in an attempt by 'the Powers-that-should-NOT-be' to achieve their evil aims.
Yes, those who use the 'conspiracy theory' card truly ARE 'bleating'. And most definitely 'conspiracy theories' are Spoiler Alerts.
As people say (I'm not sure whether I can correctly remember this saying!), "What's the difference between a 'conspiracy theory' and the truth? Answer: a few months [or weeks, or years, or whatever]".
My younger brother (now 58) was the first in my family to use that term of me, in early 2020; ie, when I first started trying to make them all aware of what's really going on, around the world. He is so closed-minded, and subjected me to vile ridicule and abuse (more often than not, in texts and/or emails, but occasionally over the phone). At the time, I explained to him the actual origin of the term 'conspiracy theory'/'conspiracy theorist' (the CIA having conjured it up, shortly after the assassination of JFK, in order to try to demonise those who saw through the 'official narrative'). But he still chose to use that term of me, and has done so within the last year, too. I've provided them with such a lot of 100% factual, trustworthy information, given by HONEST doctors, scientists, lawyers, funeral directors, even a few rare HONEST politicians (for eg, Andrew Bridgen, here in the UK, Christine Anderson in Germany, Robert Roos in the Netherlands, and others), but STILL they choose to blindly accept what 'the black box in the corner of their lounge' spews out at them.
I've mentioned that to them... the 'Bread and Circuses' point. They'd never heard of it, had no idea what it means...
Realising that my niece would, in all probability, not be aware of the origin of the manufactured term 'conspiracy theory', a few weeks ago I sent her a text in which I summarised its origins. I was not surprised, of course, when she chose not to acknowledge the informative text.
The above applies to both my nieces, but the younger one and I are not in touch... she and her longtime partner think I'm [well, I'm sure you get the idea!] 'crazy', 'moronic', 'gullible' [haha!, the irony, when it's they who 'believe' the 'official narrative' on everything!], etc etc, when I tell them that they're being lied to by the people on their beloved TVs. They just blindly accept the pronouncements from that TV. They have no critical thinking skills, no background knowledge [well, I've given them a great deal of the background facts, but they choose to reject that...]. They were glued to their TVs with the recent international football competition, and upset when England lost... and my brother-in-law and his son-in-law paid £25 to watch some supposedly important boxing match a few weeks ago...
So yes, it is very much a case of 'bread and circuses'... they get upset when some 'sports' event goes the 'wrong' way, but they don't give a fig about what's REALLY going on, around the world. I've explained to them that what's going on is immensely serious, immensely disturbing, very sinister, that the human race's continued existence [in its current form] may well be in jeopardy, etc etc. But they STILL don't give a fig.
Yes, Stockholm Syndrome is running rampant. And I also agree with you when you say that people are being institutionalised... giving away their own power, their own minds, blindly believing in the mere claims of the so-called Establishment, and not being aware that that 'Establishment' is corrupt and, at the top level (those behind the scenes...), literally evil, etc. They really don't care. But oh, they care so much about those "radiation-spewings bits of plastic cr*p that they're glued to", as you so rightly say.
That's exactly it: "You can cure Ignorant but you can't cure Stupid".
And yet... and yet... many people around the world are saying that we who know what's REALLY going on should continue to try to wake up those who are still 'asleep'... that if we keep on (the saying "softly softly catchee monkey" springs to mind), there might come a day for each of them when their mind will open, and will accept the factual information which we've been providing them with: information which literally gives the lie to the mass of lies and untruths which they naively accept from their TVs.
Ie, people say that we should NOT give up on our loved-ones; that we should "keep on keeping on" and try to make them see sense.
However, I know that what you say is oh so true. When people are completely closed-minded, the only thing that would wake them up is what we who are awake are hoping will NOT take place... ie, the Globalists who are behind what's going on, worldwide, succeeding in their evil aims...
The point being, as many people so rightly say, if that were to happen, then the 'sheep' would have woken up TOO LATE...
Yes, I see the reality and the difficulties but if you can get through to just one late teen/early twenty year old, they respond better because they’re thinking about babies and if someone tells them that the HPV vaccine may result in infertility. They may think twice about receiving it
It's terrible! Brainwashed by Big Pharma...and than refusing to look at the facts. The more j a b s and b oos ters the higher the incidences of "c o v i d" reinfection and other dangerous conditions, like fast growing cancers for example.
The way to talk to them is this. During WW2, when the real threat to your life, and your families lives in the UK, was of being bombed, possibly killed, and even being invaded. Yet the government message was 'Keep Calm and Carry On'. Actual common sense for a way forward.
Fast forward to 2020, when the government messaging was to 'scare the pants off of you' via case numbers then death numbers, they announced daily on TV.
We all know which of these examples of government messaging has their people's best interests at heart and which doesn't.
Katie, you are NOT crazy. That’s what the Pharma establishment and many many doctors want and need you to believe. Been there. Stay strong and I wish you nothing but vibrant health.
When people start to notice how many people are gone maybe they will wake up but if millions of people are pouring in across the border maybe not. It's the perfect caper to enslave the masses..
You most definitely are not crazy, Katie!
Thank you for sharing your story, you are braver than you know.
So glad you have found a great Naturopath who is offering solutions. Best wishes for your journey to recovery ❤️🩹
Watched from New Zealand.
Oh wow! 2008! For my daughters it was 2010 & 2012! We refused for 2 reasons: 1 My daughters were not sexually active and 2 I was very concerned about what it would do to my daughter’s egg cells and/or reproductive abilities! Always go with your maternal gut instinct! Now I know 2 girls who got Lupus and have menstrual issues from HPV!! These Kill/Maim shots MUST be ended forever!! And those who produced them, pushed them for $ gain and injected them MUST be held accountable at every level!
None of these Pharma or governments hold our interests in mind. They can all go to hell
This is the stuff we need to share with the young. We must open their eyes to the pharmaceutical industry and let them see how dangerous they are
You are so right. But it's immensely difficult to get one's relatives/friends to wake up to the extreme corruption of the Pharmaceutical Industry worldwide.
I'm in the UK, and am the only family member who's 'awake' (have been awake for 40-45 years, re. many big subjects. I'm 65). Am the only one who absolutely refused to submit to the injections.
My passionate attempts to make my relatives aware of the actual facts/truths, as opposed to what they hear on their beloved TVs, have unfortunately been unsuccessful. During the course of the last 4.5 years in particular [and for decades prior to that...] I've been providing many of them with trustworthy, factual data re. the corruption of the Medical Establishment and of their controller, the corrupt Pharmaceutical Industry. But they simply refuse to open their minds... they choose to continue to blindly believe the untruths and the lies.
A few months ago I gifted my eldest niece and her husband (they both 'work' in the medically fraudulent field of 'psychiatry'... and are both as brainwashed and indoctrinated as each other) a copy of the recently updated "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History", by Dr Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk. But they chose to reject it; they refused to accept it. My niece even had the audacity to say to her mum (my sister) "Christine's just sent us a book about conspiracy theories"... (I'm sure you can well imagine my reaction to THAT...).
I told her that she must donate the book to a charity shop, saying that someone INTELLIGENT would then buy it, and would benefit from the mass of facts/truths which it contains; facts/truths which she and her husband were choosing to refuse to accept.
A few months prior to that, after I'd sent them an email containing some of the pertinent facts re. the dangers of 'vaccines', she, my niece, had also had the audacity to say to me "You CAN'T say these things, we're FAMILY! Families don't say these sorts of things to each other!". (!!!)
Well, with an attitude like that, they're totally beyond help... 'You can't fix stupid' most definitely applies to most of my relatives and all bar a few of my friends.
Several of my family members have now got quite serious health issues... they've all had at least four injections... even though, all the way through the last 3.5 years, I've been providing them with many documentary evidences (including many documents by Dr Makis) of the horrors that have been, and still are, being caused, worldwide, by these horrific injections. And yet they've STILL chosen to roll up their sleeves for more...
Great comment! I remember you recalling the gift book story in a comment a few weeks ago. I was indignant then, and I 'm indignant now! When someone bleats about Conspiracy Theories, I say "there's no such ting: they're Spoiler Alerts.
My very small family is the same - unquestioning, uninterested. Busy, busy, busy with Bread & Circus and their radiation-spewing bits of plastic cr4p that they're glued to.
All three adults have had bad reactions/health incidents. I haven't heard anything about the two pre-teens who were jabbed to go on holiday. They aren't mentioned in any way, shape or form.
I think that professional arrogance runs high, as well as professional negligence. They're also institutionalised, along with a good dollop of Stockholm Syndrome.
You can cure Ignorant but you can't cure Stupid.
A short P.S. to my reply of approx. 25 mins ago.
The item at the link below is a 'meme' that was posted on the Off-Guardian site (here in the UK) a few months ago. It makes the point re. how the masses can get worked up re. their favourite football team losing [or whatever similar event; see my earlier reply to you], but that they don't give a fig re. the immensely sinister things that are being perpetrated worldwide, in an attempt by 'the Powers-that-should-NOT-be' to achieve their evil aims.
The link takes you directly to the item.
Ahh, someone else from the UK, it seems!
Yes, those who use the 'conspiracy theory' card truly ARE 'bleating'. And most definitely 'conspiracy theories' are Spoiler Alerts.
As people say (I'm not sure whether I can correctly remember this saying!), "What's the difference between a 'conspiracy theory' and the truth? Answer: a few months [or weeks, or years, or whatever]".
My younger brother (now 58) was the first in my family to use that term of me, in early 2020; ie, when I first started trying to make them all aware of what's really going on, around the world. He is so closed-minded, and subjected me to vile ridicule and abuse (more often than not, in texts and/or emails, but occasionally over the phone). At the time, I explained to him the actual origin of the term 'conspiracy theory'/'conspiracy theorist' (the CIA having conjured it up, shortly after the assassination of JFK, in order to try to demonise those who saw through the 'official narrative'). But he still chose to use that term of me, and has done so within the last year, too. I've provided them with such a lot of 100% factual, trustworthy information, given by HONEST doctors, scientists, lawyers, funeral directors, even a few rare HONEST politicians (for eg, Andrew Bridgen, here in the UK, Christine Anderson in Germany, Robert Roos in the Netherlands, and others), but STILL they choose to blindly accept what 'the black box in the corner of their lounge' spews out at them.
I've mentioned that to them... the 'Bread and Circuses' point. They'd never heard of it, had no idea what it means...
Realising that my niece would, in all probability, not be aware of the origin of the manufactured term 'conspiracy theory', a few weeks ago I sent her a text in which I summarised its origins. I was not surprised, of course, when she chose not to acknowledge the informative text.
The above applies to both my nieces, but the younger one and I are not in touch... she and her longtime partner think I'm [well, I'm sure you get the idea!] 'crazy', 'moronic', 'gullible' [haha!, the irony, when it's they who 'believe' the 'official narrative' on everything!], etc etc, when I tell them that they're being lied to by the people on their beloved TVs. They just blindly accept the pronouncements from that TV. They have no critical thinking skills, no background knowledge [well, I've given them a great deal of the background facts, but they choose to reject that...]. They were glued to their TVs with the recent international football competition, and upset when England lost... and my brother-in-law and his son-in-law paid £25 to watch some supposedly important boxing match a few weeks ago...
So yes, it is very much a case of 'bread and circuses'... they get upset when some 'sports' event goes the 'wrong' way, but they don't give a fig about what's REALLY going on, around the world. I've explained to them that what's going on is immensely serious, immensely disturbing, very sinister, that the human race's continued existence [in its current form] may well be in jeopardy, etc etc. But they STILL don't give a fig.
Yes, Stockholm Syndrome is running rampant. And I also agree with you when you say that people are being institutionalised... giving away their own power, their own minds, blindly believing in the mere claims of the so-called Establishment, and not being aware that that 'Establishment' is corrupt and, at the top level (those behind the scenes...), literally evil, etc. They really don't care. But oh, they care so much about those "radiation-spewings bits of plastic cr*p that they're glued to", as you so rightly say.
That's exactly it: "You can cure Ignorant but you can't cure Stupid".
STOP TALKING to people who can't hear you...move on
You are so right, of course...
And yet... and yet... many people around the world are saying that we who know what's REALLY going on should continue to try to wake up those who are still 'asleep'... that if we keep on (the saying "softly softly catchee monkey" springs to mind), there might come a day for each of them when their mind will open, and will accept the factual information which we've been providing them with: information which literally gives the lie to the mass of lies and untruths which they naively accept from their TVs.
Ie, people say that we should NOT give up on our loved-ones; that we should "keep on keeping on" and try to make them see sense.
However, I know that what you say is oh so true. When people are completely closed-minded, the only thing that would wake them up is what we who are awake are hoping will NOT take place... ie, the Globalists who are behind what's going on, worldwide, succeeding in their evil aims...
The point being, as many people so rightly say, if that were to happen, then the 'sheep' would have woken up TOO LATE...
Yes, I see the reality and the difficulties but if you can get through to just one late teen/early twenty year old, they respond better because they’re thinking about babies and if someone tells them that the HPV vaccine may result in infertility. They may think twice about receiving it
It's terrible! Brainwashed by Big Pharma...and than refusing to look at the facts. The more j a b s and b oos ters the higher the incidences of "c o v i d" reinfection and other dangerous conditions, like fast growing cancers for example.
The way to talk to them is this. During WW2, when the real threat to your life, and your families lives in the UK, was of being bombed, possibly killed, and even being invaded. Yet the government message was 'Keep Calm and Carry On'. Actual common sense for a way forward.
Fast forward to 2020, when the government messaging was to 'scare the pants off of you' via case numbers then death numbers, they announced daily on TV.
We all know which of these examples of government messaging has their people's best interests at heart and which doesn't.
Katie, you are NOT crazy. That’s what the Pharma establishment and many many doctors want and need you to believe. Been there. Stay strong and I wish you nothing but vibrant health.
When people start to notice how many people are gone maybe they will wake up but if millions of people are pouring in across the border maybe not. It's the perfect caper to enslave the masses..
my Mom had cervical cancer (it was because she smoked!!!!!) it has nothing to do with being sexually active!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are lying
Thank you for your bravery Katie.
Katie, thank you for your bravery in sharing your story.
You are helping other, in making their informed decision.
keep warning people that they can put anything into a vaccine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obviously another way of reducing the population - nothing is coincidence. Doctors just want to make money!
It always has been. Now, it's on Speed
And it's turned Feral, just like Government.
Yep. They can Fuck Off with their virtue signaling and gas ⛽️ lighting