Hi Dr Makis, I'm a midwife in Australia. I resigned due to our governing body, AHPRA, and my hospital employer , one of the biggest Women's hospitals in Melbourne, threatening deregistration if I did not tell women the Covid vax was safe and I refused to, and refused to give it. It's led me on a long road of discovery and learning about all vaccines. Unfortunately , although awareness has been raised through Covid about the dangers of all vaccines, our medical system is seemingly blind and deaf to any and all research or data. The lead obstetric body, the government, the Australian midwives association, all recommending very strongly to all pregnant women to not only have Covid, but now also the RSV, at any stage of their pregnancy. On top of the flu and whooping cough. I've sent detailed reports, letters outlining the research and it falls on deaf ears. i am contacting you in the hope that you can provide some guidance on how to get the message about the risks of all vaccines , especially during pregnancy and the neonatal period, without increasing fear. This is my most important research question at the moment. There is ample evidence but the messaging, especially for women in Australia where the Covid vax was mandated for everyone, needs to somehow raise awareness without terrifying them. I believe the fear of admitting, acknowledging they may have harmed their baby is too much to deal with, so instead of being angry, or wanting answers, they are silent and continue to comply with everything the system recommends. And it is this silence amongst women who have suffered adverse outcomes that is proving so difficult to break. I have created online groups, talked, messaged, and just getting no where. Their families may connect, their friends, but very few women are speaking out. Their voices are the powerful force we need to stop all this. If you have any ideas, or know anyone who is able to communicate this message and break this silence I would be so grateful.
Women have been raised to be cowards. The ones meekly submitting to any medication also say nothing when women are silenced and canceled by the trans cult.
I was in a hospital in MA where my en en utero son was having blood transfusions. The Dr performing the procedure kept making contact with the hub if the needle to the transducer of the ultrasound machine that was located on the belly of my 5-1/2 month pregnant wife. I informed the Dr that what she was doing was considered to be a non sterile procedure. The Dr informed me that since I’m the only man in the room, I should feel free to leave. I quieted down and let the procedure continue. Two days later my wife was septic and went into labor. The result of the autopsy on said baby was two forms of bacteria had bloomed in the womb and he was delivered into the world as he suffocated and suffered a very painful death. I was informed by a lawyer that since my baby had never taken his first breath, he was not considered a viable human and the Dr was not responsible for his death. All I wanted was for Brigham to change their procedure and sterilize all equipment used in said procedures. I hold myself responsible for my son’s death to this day. Never again will I let any Dr tell me what is good for my sons, nor will I let a person judge my intelligence as any less superior due to my education or training. Guilt is not a word that I use lightly in describing my angst regarding this situation. I couldn’t be in the room with my wife during that delivery, as I felt then as well as now, that I’m ultimately responsible for killing my son. Had I simply stopped the procedure and requested the Dr excuse herself from treating my son, I would have him here with me today. Anguish isn’t lost in time over the loss of a child. No parent should ever lose their baby, let alone at the hands of a doctors negligence. You have my most sincere condolences and hope that you may process this far better than that of myself.
The jaw dropping event was not only that I lost my son, it was also that Brigham called me a few months later to inform me that I owed $1,000 as a copay for an abortion. I do not believe in aborting a child, especially a fully formed fetus that can interact with its environment.
My heart aches for you in your loss as I can't even imagine the depth of your heart ache. Hospitals are NOT sterile! Back in 2012, the hospital that brought my 19 year old into the world almost killed her w/in a week! She had intestinal issues (I thought she had crohn's since her grandfather had it) but they couldn't find anything. Well after 3 days of watching everyone just using the hand sanitzer pump and NOT washing their hands, a test finally came back for C-Diff! WTH?? The hospital staff GAVE my daughter C-Diff!!!! On top of the intestinal issue she was dealing with! Then the signs went up to not use the hand sanitzer but to wash hands with soap and water! UNREAL!!! Early on Day 4, the good Doctor had her off IV and on oral and she was getting better so I left her for 8 hours (around 5pm) for my middle child's musical at high school and upon my return around midnight, I found my daughter moaning in pain, BACK on an IV and was way worse than when I left her. NOTE: It was done in the short time I was NOT there to advocate for her!!! Of course before Covid we thought they knew what they were doing (never again!). At 4am, I demanded the nurses take the IV out or I would. At 6 am the "doctor" who countered the real doctor's treatment came in and I told him to get out and demanded to see the other doctor who had her getting better. The good doctor released her into my care and she was 100% better in 2 days! After hearing about Remdesivir, we are in the process to find out the name of the medication that was used in that IV that was literally killing my daughter! I suspect they were trying it out to see its effect on a healthy young person.
That is just outrageously disgusting and you should SUE for complete NEGLIGENCE. And the BABY was removed from the womb and there was a BODY so it is a HUMAN BEING. How these people are getting away with this is beyond comprehension and they should be HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!! My Condolences to you for it was NOT YOUR FAULT BUT THE DUMB DOCTOR'S FAULT!!!
Horrific neglect, murder. So sorry you and your wife and baby now not the family you shoukd have been. There is a depopulation agenda being used by many world governments and 'accidents'have become routine.
A miscarriage is called a (spontaneous) abortion in medical terminology so I don't think anything else should be read into it. You were brave to speak out, a strong father, indeed, in a situation that was new to you. Your punishment for not insisting was brutal beyond belief. I pray you find peace.
It was my third son, the previous two received two sometimes three transfusions per week for 4-1/2-5 months. I was had previously witnessed a minimum 100 transfusions. At no point did my wife’s previous doctor make contact with the needle. That was a HUGE concern of the previous care team, as was sterility and keeping the lubricating jelly (which was open, non sterile, and warmed) away from the area of entry. None of this was new to me, nor was the mistake again made after that loss. I didn’t sue, but Brigham certainly changed the procedure drastically for my third son that lived. Thanks for your jaded input however, a spontaneous utterance of what seems to be a doctor covering another doctor certainly proves a point about holding doctors to that higher standard…or not if you are in fact a doctor. Around the seventeenth week, when you see that drastic change in the brain of an intrauterine baby, that’s when things really start to turn so human that you can’t believe abortion is still seen as “acceptable” at that point in some places. I was pro abortion, until I actually witnessed my boys turn from a basic alien looking form, into a small human. In a pitch black environment, a baby can sense a mothers muscle contraction and will respond with putting a part of its body toward said muscle contraction. For anyone to say that there isn’t intelligence, I suggest you watch a hundred or so procedures. You’ll certainly learn a tremendous amount about the developing baby…call it fetus all you want, it’s intelligent, it responds to environment, it is alive, quite aware and has sensory. That would amount to INTELLIGENT LIFE. I was totally pro abortion, until I was exposed to a vast education in fetal development, firsthand. I was told to abort my eldest by a local doctor, that he would be at most “retarded”. (Her words). He just graduated with a 4.4 weighted gpa and received a full ride scholarship on basis of scholastic merit. Had I listened, I would have snuffed the life of an extremely intelligent human being, on an opinion of a doctor who later forgot to order antibiotic salve on the eyes of a newborn, causing syphilis to destroy the child’s brain because the mother was infected. That same doctor wanted to induce my wife locally, not paying attention to the fact she was receiving care in Boston. Had I allowed that to transpire, my wife would have gone totally septic, died, I would have lost her and the baby, and no, the doctor would not be held liable. I informed her that my wife had just received morphine, I was now her proxy, she was going to Boston, and her care was no longer needed, to get me an ambulance. She primarily denied my request, but at that point, no doctor would ever make a decision on my family without input from my wife or myself. I hope this clears up your “spontaneous abortion” comment regarding my “situational awareness”
I am unclear whether my comment made you mad or if you thought it was condescending. I didn't need any of it cleared up, but now that you gave more specifics, I can see why you sound like you partly blame yourself. Very hard situation.
Any doctor worth his/her salt would know prem babies are still playing catch-up ..and should not have interventions that impair development…the calculated “age” to six months means a premature baby born at 8 months needs to be 7 months old to be neurally strong enough to withstand adjuvants..why is it even possible to let doctors take decisions without consulting parents unless it’s life or death?
Unfortunately, especially in the military, medical services and treatment is administered by policy. Military medicine has gotten worse since 1999. Commercial/civilian medicine is now where military medicine at about that time. I used to always said, Navy Medicine's mission is to find ways to limit or degrade readiness. Medical records onboard ships were audited every 2yrs for all personnel onboard. A cadre of commissioned officers onboard the ship (I participated once) combed through all of the medical records of personnel onboard to find administrative errors - this was before HIPAA protections were in place. The audit's sole focus was on paperwork only. That's how they roll.
Things have only gotten worse sine 1999. Now they offer everything under the sun to sailors in the name of health and wellness (Misnomer). Drugs, treatments, therapies, you name it. The military is composed of mainly young and healthy people, fit and in shape (not as much so today). Healthcare should be fairly simple, medical screenings, acute care, and fitness/health regimens. They've transformed it into what looks like the new "better living through chemistry" lifestyle. It's repugnant.
I am so incredibly sad for you, and for all of you whom have suffered such unbearable loss due to the unthinking, stupidity, mechanistic , medical system.
You become responsible for looking after another persons life…
This means you never want to be the person
responsible for someone else’s death.
First do no harm makes its your
responsibility to do your best to prolong life.
This ethic should apply to every member of medicine including pharmaceutical and scientific arenas … you cannot give one set of medical practitioners or suppliers the freedom to be irresponsible… especially if it harms the health of another in return for financial gain.No law on earth should allow this to happen… it is a crime.
I was wondering if she could have applied for some type of leave or separation from the military until such time that her child was stable and thriving. I know that you have no rights when you go into the military. That should be a big wake up call. Not a good situation in which to give birth, especially if you have any type of abnormal birth. Sorry for her loss.
Sadly this event occurred 25 years ago.. and this woman’s chance of being a mother and making those protective choices for her child .. taken without consent.
Those who injected the baby should be in prison
Why are you putting an ad for prepper food here? Kinda gross.
Hi Dr Makis, I'm a midwife in Australia. I resigned due to our governing body, AHPRA, and my hospital employer , one of the biggest Women's hospitals in Melbourne, threatening deregistration if I did not tell women the Covid vax was safe and I refused to, and refused to give it. It's led me on a long road of discovery and learning about all vaccines. Unfortunately , although awareness has been raised through Covid about the dangers of all vaccines, our medical system is seemingly blind and deaf to any and all research or data. The lead obstetric body, the government, the Australian midwives association, all recommending very strongly to all pregnant women to not only have Covid, but now also the RSV, at any stage of their pregnancy. On top of the flu and whooping cough. I've sent detailed reports, letters outlining the research and it falls on deaf ears. i am contacting you in the hope that you can provide some guidance on how to get the message about the risks of all vaccines , especially during pregnancy and the neonatal period, without increasing fear. This is my most important research question at the moment. There is ample evidence but the messaging, especially for women in Australia where the Covid vax was mandated for everyone, needs to somehow raise awareness without terrifying them. I believe the fear of admitting, acknowledging they may have harmed their baby is too much to deal with, so instead of being angry, or wanting answers, they are silent and continue to comply with everything the system recommends. And it is this silence amongst women who have suffered adverse outcomes that is proving so difficult to break. I have created online groups, talked, messaged, and just getting no where. Their families may connect, their friends, but very few women are speaking out. Their voices are the powerful force we need to stop all this. If you have any ideas, or know anyone who is able to communicate this message and break this silence I would be so grateful.
Women have been raised to be cowards. The ones meekly submitting to any medication also say nothing when women are silenced and canceled by the trans cult.
I was in a hospital in MA where my en en utero son was having blood transfusions. The Dr performing the procedure kept making contact with the hub if the needle to the transducer of the ultrasound machine that was located on the belly of my 5-1/2 month pregnant wife. I informed the Dr that what she was doing was considered to be a non sterile procedure. The Dr informed me that since I’m the only man in the room, I should feel free to leave. I quieted down and let the procedure continue. Two days later my wife was septic and went into labor. The result of the autopsy on said baby was two forms of bacteria had bloomed in the womb and he was delivered into the world as he suffocated and suffered a very painful death. I was informed by a lawyer that since my baby had never taken his first breath, he was not considered a viable human and the Dr was not responsible for his death. All I wanted was for Brigham to change their procedure and sterilize all equipment used in said procedures. I hold myself responsible for my son’s death to this day. Never again will I let any Dr tell me what is good for my sons, nor will I let a person judge my intelligence as any less superior due to my education or training. Guilt is not a word that I use lightly in describing my angst regarding this situation. I couldn’t be in the room with my wife during that delivery, as I felt then as well as now, that I’m ultimately responsible for killing my son. Had I simply stopped the procedure and requested the Dr excuse herself from treating my son, I would have him here with me today. Anguish isn’t lost in time over the loss of a child. No parent should ever lose their baby, let alone at the hands of a doctors negligence. You have my most sincere condolences and hope that you may process this far better than that of myself.
The jaw dropping event was not only that I lost my son, it was also that Brigham called me a few months later to inform me that I owed $1,000 as a copay for an abortion. I do not believe in aborting a child, especially a fully formed fetus that can interact with its environment.
My heart aches for you in your loss as I can't even imagine the depth of your heart ache. Hospitals are NOT sterile! Back in 2012, the hospital that brought my 19 year old into the world almost killed her w/in a week! She had intestinal issues (I thought she had crohn's since her grandfather had it) but they couldn't find anything. Well after 3 days of watching everyone just using the hand sanitzer pump and NOT washing their hands, a test finally came back for C-Diff! WTH?? The hospital staff GAVE my daughter C-Diff!!!! On top of the intestinal issue she was dealing with! Then the signs went up to not use the hand sanitzer but to wash hands with soap and water! UNREAL!!! Early on Day 4, the good Doctor had her off IV and on oral and she was getting better so I left her for 8 hours (around 5pm) for my middle child's musical at high school and upon my return around midnight, I found my daughter moaning in pain, BACK on an IV and was way worse than when I left her. NOTE: It was done in the short time I was NOT there to advocate for her!!! Of course before Covid we thought they knew what they were doing (never again!). At 4am, I demanded the nurses take the IV out or I would. At 6 am the "doctor" who countered the real doctor's treatment came in and I told him to get out and demanded to see the other doctor who had her getting better. The good doctor released her into my care and she was 100% better in 2 days! After hearing about Remdesivir, we are in the process to find out the name of the medication that was used in that IV that was literally killing my daughter! I suspect they were trying it out to see its effect on a healthy young person.
That is just outrageously disgusting and you should SUE for complete NEGLIGENCE. And the BABY was removed from the womb and there was a BODY so it is a HUMAN BEING. How these people are getting away with this is beyond comprehension and they should be HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!! My Condolences to you for it was NOT YOUR FAULT BUT THE DUMB DOCTOR'S FAULT!!!
Horrific neglect, murder. So sorry you and your wife and baby now not the family you shoukd have been. There is a depopulation agenda being used by many world governments and 'accidents'have become routine.
A miscarriage is called a (spontaneous) abortion in medical terminology so I don't think anything else should be read into it. You were brave to speak out, a strong father, indeed, in a situation that was new to you. Your punishment for not insisting was brutal beyond belief. I pray you find peace.
It was my third son, the previous two received two sometimes three transfusions per week for 4-1/2-5 months. I was had previously witnessed a minimum 100 transfusions. At no point did my wife’s previous doctor make contact with the needle. That was a HUGE concern of the previous care team, as was sterility and keeping the lubricating jelly (which was open, non sterile, and warmed) away from the area of entry. None of this was new to me, nor was the mistake again made after that loss. I didn’t sue, but Brigham certainly changed the procedure drastically for my third son that lived. Thanks for your jaded input however, a spontaneous utterance of what seems to be a doctor covering another doctor certainly proves a point about holding doctors to that higher standard…or not if you are in fact a doctor. Around the seventeenth week, when you see that drastic change in the brain of an intrauterine baby, that’s when things really start to turn so human that you can’t believe abortion is still seen as “acceptable” at that point in some places. I was pro abortion, until I actually witnessed my boys turn from a basic alien looking form, into a small human. In a pitch black environment, a baby can sense a mothers muscle contraction and will respond with putting a part of its body toward said muscle contraction. For anyone to say that there isn’t intelligence, I suggest you watch a hundred or so procedures. You’ll certainly learn a tremendous amount about the developing baby…call it fetus all you want, it’s intelligent, it responds to environment, it is alive, quite aware and has sensory. That would amount to INTELLIGENT LIFE. I was totally pro abortion, until I was exposed to a vast education in fetal development, firsthand. I was told to abort my eldest by a local doctor, that he would be at most “retarded”. (Her words). He just graduated with a 4.4 weighted gpa and received a full ride scholarship on basis of scholastic merit. Had I listened, I would have snuffed the life of an extremely intelligent human being, on an opinion of a doctor who later forgot to order antibiotic salve on the eyes of a newborn, causing syphilis to destroy the child’s brain because the mother was infected. That same doctor wanted to induce my wife locally, not paying attention to the fact she was receiving care in Boston. Had I allowed that to transpire, my wife would have gone totally septic, died, I would have lost her and the baby, and no, the doctor would not be held liable. I informed her that my wife had just received morphine, I was now her proxy, she was going to Boston, and her care was no longer needed, to get me an ambulance. She primarily denied my request, but at that point, no doctor would ever make a decision on my family without input from my wife or myself. I hope this clears up your “spontaneous abortion” comment regarding my “situational awareness”
I am unclear whether my comment made you mad or if you thought it was condescending. I didn't need any of it cleared up, but now that you gave more specifics, I can see why you sound like you partly blame yourself. Very hard situation.
There are demons that walk among us - many are in the medical “hell”thcare system.
Or just replace the word health with death.
This makes me want to throw up
I get it. Sickening.🙏
Thankyou Dr Makis…
Any doctor worth his/her salt would know prem babies are still playing catch-up ..and should not have interventions that impair development…the calculated “age” to six months means a premature baby born at 8 months needs to be 7 months old to be neurally strong enough to withstand adjuvants..why is it even possible to let doctors take decisions without consulting parents unless it’s life or death?
Unfortunately, especially in the military, medical services and treatment is administered by policy. Military medicine has gotten worse since 1999. Commercial/civilian medicine is now where military medicine at about that time. I used to always said, Navy Medicine's mission is to find ways to limit or degrade readiness. Medical records onboard ships were audited every 2yrs for all personnel onboard. A cadre of commissioned officers onboard the ship (I participated once) combed through all of the medical records of personnel onboard to find administrative errors - this was before HIPAA protections were in place. The audit's sole focus was on paperwork only. That's how they roll.
Things have only gotten worse sine 1999. Now they offer everything under the sun to sailors in the name of health and wellness (Misnomer). Drugs, treatments, therapies, you name it. The military is composed of mainly young and healthy people, fit and in shape (not as much so today). Healthcare should be fairly simple, medical screenings, acute care, and fitness/health regimens. They've transformed it into what looks like the new "better living through chemistry" lifestyle. It's repugnant.
Start building the gallows!!!
I am so incredibly sad for you, and for all of you whom have suffered such unbearable loss due to the unthinking, stupidity, mechanistic , medical system.
It's so painful,,, Why not to get pregnant again, give birth at home with a midwife and avoid vaccinations?
Having a pre me did not help the outcome.
As a doctor ….
You become responsible for looking after another persons life…
This means you never want to be the person
responsible for someone else’s death.
First do no harm makes its your
responsibility to do your best to prolong life.
This ethic should apply to every member of medicine including pharmaceutical and scientific arenas … you cannot give one set of medical practitioners or suppliers the freedom to be irresponsible… especially if it harms the health of another in return for financial gain.No law on earth should allow this to happen… it is a crime.
I was wondering if she could have applied for some type of leave or separation from the military until such time that her child was stable and thriving. I know that you have no rights when you go into the military. That should be a big wake up call. Not a good situation in which to give birth, especially if you have any type of abnormal birth. Sorry for her loss.
Sadly this event occurred 25 years ago.. and this woman’s chance of being a mother and making those protective choices for her child .. taken without consent.
Sweet, innocent baby with a lion for a mom. Both were betrayed by our sold-out medical system.