I have one co-worker, 3 aortic stents, on blood thinners – I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen (https://gab.com/GrrrGraphics/posts/109626433487928089) – told me "the injections have nothing to do with it" 🙄 ... Just had his 7th injection 😐 ... I have another who hasn't kept count, how many injections she's had: "I have COPD, I can't be careful enough" 😱 💣🕳
Truly, you can't fix "stupid", no matter how you try...
Ever notice how much chaos is purposefully thrown at us daily on every front by our governments, medical field & pharma? It's so we stay distracted and disorganized just trying to live our lives while they stay focused and organized on pushing their agenda that negatively affects our lives! “Organized crime” hiding behind a facade of “it’s for your safety” at its most evil!
I hope people are awake because they are going to try it again and the more resistance there is to a shot, they will do the alternative, just like they did before.........aerosolize the plasmids in nano form and spray us all so that when we breathe it in, we will get sick or worse.
Speaking as a retired registered nurse of 25 years in hospital experience and 5 years experience working in a nursing home I agree 100% what’s been done to these people is the worst criminal act committed on humanity. Since the Covid scamdemic I have zero faith in the medical community. When will there be accountability and Justice for the victims?
I'm so sorry your mom and your family suffered this way. It is heartbreaking. We had a similar experience. So much regret, guilt, second-guessing. It's horrible for so many. God bless the elderly.
I feel sad for this lady and her family but how on earth did all the evidence these injections were bioweapons get past people. I am just a lady who was 69 when "covid" hit and shortly there after the jabs came out. I knew instinctively there was something wrong, they were made in only 9 months we were told, thats unheard of, it normally takes 10-15 years to put out a safe vaccine, which these were not. I get angry when I see stories like this because it all could have been avoided had people just used critical thinking.
I'm the only person in my family who absolutely refused to submit to the injections, and all bar two of my already 'awake' friends also fell for the scam. I've been 'awake' for 40-45 years (I'm 65, am in the UK), and have, for decades, been trying to wake up my family and friends, but without success. They foolishly choose to continue to 'believe' what they're 'told' by the people on their beloved TVs...
Because I hardly ever watched the TV (my longtime partner did; he passed back to Spirit in early 2019, but as an adult I very rarely watched the 'black box in the corner of the room'), I cancelled my TV licence in mid-2021 (yes, here in the UK it's necessary to have a licence to watch 'live' TV...! If someone is 'caught' watching TV without a licence, they're either fined, or face time in prison...).
However, in 2020 I , in the early mornings, had the TV on in the background. And I well recall a Scottish lady being talked to (by the 'morning TV' presenters), she said that "We've made this 'vaccine' in just 90 minutes; we had to rush it through".
Well, I've been a properly-informed anti-vaxxer for 35+ years, and thus knew I'd not be complying with any injection mandate. But what that woman said was disgusting, total nonsense. Her words were obviously to try to make the gullible masses think that there truly WAS a 'deadly virus' on the loose, and that thus they had to create a 'vaccine' in double-quick time. How could anyone have fallen for her claim that they'd "created a 'vaccine' in just 90 minutes"?!?
God Bless Jane, you are not alone. So many were deceived, many with indoctrination degrees who trusted and continue to comply with the Beast and Pharmakeia (Greek for drugs, medicine, sorcery).
Poison, causing Inflammation, bloating, fatty liver disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer from eating Glyphosate-contaminated food is Roundup “Disease.”
Great comment. I cannot understand how adults are getting in a tizzy about these C jabs yet most haven't educated themselves about the carnage caused by childhood jabs. Most people are only too ready to jump to the defence of their children whilst ignoring adult troubles. Why are people failing to understand that there was a whole pile of "v" damage before the C jabs came along?
This is insane! Apparently, they are back. - World Health Organization (WHO)
Africa CDC Declares Mpox Outbreak A Public Health Emergency - Just In Time For Today's WHO Emergency Committee Meeting To Possibly Declare Mpox A PHEIC Global Emergency
“With a heavy heart but with an unyielding commitment to our people, to our African citizens, we declare mpox as public health emergency of continental security,” Jean Kaseya, head of the Africa CDC!!
More fear mongering like 2 years ago. The gay communities lined up for a V. This M,Pox is sexually transmitted, so no worries people if you stay in your lane.
Caution, the same thing is happening in care homes in Alberta. Shortly after the latest booster, many residents are suddenly passing away within 2 months. Please tell anyone who lives in these places to refuse the boosters which seem to occur every 6 months. If you're visiting care homes, take note, you'll notice that there is suddenly a lot of deaths after the boosters.
Mmm, the despicable aberrations on this list are lower down the food chain. There are hidden others allowing/making them to carry out their filthy activities. That list is middle-low feeders who are go-fers, bagmen, although that does not excuse them in the least. They have p1mped themselves out and will do whatever their Hoar Masters want. They are all beholden to one of the three Bs - Bl4ckm4ail, Br1bery, Bvllet.
One day these evil individuals will pay for their crimes against humanity!!!!
Difficult to understand people still are unaware of the harms of the injections.
I have one co-worker, 3 aortic stents, on blood thinners – I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen (https://gab.com/GrrrGraphics/posts/109626433487928089) – told me "the injections have nothing to do with it" 🙄 ... Just had his 7th injection 😐 ... I have another who hasn't kept count, how many injections she's had: "I have COPD, I can't be careful enough" 😱 💣🕳
Truly, you can't fix "stupid", no matter how you try...
I've given up saying anything to anyone anymore...but 7!!!!! I am surprised that person is still alive.
It's Barb who lost count of how many she's had that stuns me!
Unfortunately I think we all know a few that fit into that category.
Until the plandemic I had no idea that there were so many.
In the Province of British Columbia where I have the misfortune to live, seems 98.659%
have received at least one dose... that's 5,445,976 individuals all badly in need of a brain transplant... 😳💩
Wow !!!
In a word. If this shithole were a state, it would be "Navy Blue"
Yes i hope so
Ever notice how much chaos is purposefully thrown at us daily on every front by our governments, medical field & pharma? It's so we stay distracted and disorganized just trying to live our lives while they stay focused and organized on pushing their agenda that negatively affects our lives! “Organized crime” hiding behind a facade of “it’s for your safety” at its most evil!
Well said!
I hope people are awake because they are going to try it again and the more resistance there is to a shot, they will do the alternative, just like they did before.........aerosolize the plasmids in nano form and spray us all so that when we breathe it in, we will get sick or worse.
Speaking as a retired registered nurse of 25 years in hospital experience and 5 years experience working in a nursing home I agree 100% what’s been done to these people is the worst criminal act committed on humanity. Since the Covid scamdemic I have zero faith in the medical community. When will there be accountability and Justice for the victims?
Likely some time after Hell freezes over..
I think hell is going to expand and become hotter than hot.
Evil monsters created this. I PRAY they are found out and go to GITMO.
I pray they are damned and go to Hell.
I'm so sorry your mom and your family suffered this way. It is heartbreaking. We had a similar experience. So much regret, guilt, second-guessing. It's horrible for so many. God bless the elderly.
I feel sad for this lady and her family but how on earth did all the evidence these injections were bioweapons get past people. I am just a lady who was 69 when "covid" hit and shortly there after the jabs came out. I knew instinctively there was something wrong, they were made in only 9 months we were told, thats unheard of, it normally takes 10-15 years to put out a safe vaccine, which these were not. I get angry when I see stories like this because it all could have been avoided had people just used critical thinking.
You are so right, of course.
I'm the only person in my family who absolutely refused to submit to the injections, and all bar two of my already 'awake' friends also fell for the scam. I've been 'awake' for 40-45 years (I'm 65, am in the UK), and have, for decades, been trying to wake up my family and friends, but without success. They foolishly choose to continue to 'believe' what they're 'told' by the people on their beloved TVs...
Because I hardly ever watched the TV (my longtime partner did; he passed back to Spirit in early 2019, but as an adult I very rarely watched the 'black box in the corner of the room'), I cancelled my TV licence in mid-2021 (yes, here in the UK it's necessary to have a licence to watch 'live' TV...! If someone is 'caught' watching TV without a licence, they're either fined, or face time in prison...).
However, in 2020 I , in the early mornings, had the TV on in the background. And I well recall a Scottish lady being talked to (by the 'morning TV' presenters), she said that "We've made this 'vaccine' in just 90 minutes; we had to rush it through".
Well, I've been a properly-informed anti-vaxxer for 35+ years, and thus knew I'd not be complying with any injection mandate. But what that woman said was disgusting, total nonsense. Her words were obviously to try to make the gullible masses think that there truly WAS a 'deadly virus' on the loose, and that thus they had to create a 'vaccine' in double-quick time. How could anyone have fallen for her claim that they'd "created a 'vaccine' in just 90 minutes"?!?
God Bless Jane, you are not alone. So many were deceived, many with indoctrination degrees who trusted and continue to comply with the Beast and Pharmakeia (Greek for drugs, medicine, sorcery).
Autism is vaccine injury.
Poison, causing Inflammation, bloating, fatty liver disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer from eating Glyphosate-contaminated food is Roundup “Disease.”
Government and Corporate coverup is censoring.
Great comment. I cannot understand how adults are getting in a tizzy about these C jabs yet most haven't educated themselves about the carnage caused by childhood jabs. Most people are only too ready to jump to the defence of their children whilst ignoring adult troubles. Why are people failing to understand that there was a whole pile of "v" damage before the C jabs came along?
This is insane! Apparently, they are back. - World Health Organization (WHO)
Africa CDC Declares Mpox Outbreak A Public Health Emergency - Just In Time For Today's WHO Emergency Committee Meeting To Possibly Declare Mpox A PHEIC Global Emergency
“With a heavy heart but with an unyielding commitment to our people, to our African citizens, we declare mpox as public health emergency of continental security,” Jean Kaseya, head of the Africa CDC!!
Interest of Justice Aug 14, 2024
More fear mongering like 2 years ago. The gay communities lined up for a V. This M,Pox is sexually transmitted, so no worries people if you stay in your lane.
Caution, the same thing is happening in care homes in Alberta. Shortly after the latest booster, many residents are suddenly passing away within 2 months. Please tell anyone who lives in these places to refuse the boosters which seem to occur every 6 months. If you're visiting care homes, take note, you'll notice that there is suddenly a lot of deaths after the boosters.
Honestly, the fallacy of "boosters" is staring people in the face. If you keep needing "boosting", the ruddy things don't work, do they?!
Oh the HORROR it that eviL needle, we never took it, rebuked it in the name of Allah the wicked
So sad! This story is lie many others. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Mmm, the despicable aberrations on this list are lower down the food chain. There are hidden others allowing/making them to carry out their filthy activities. That list is middle-low feeders who are go-fers, bagmen, although that does not excuse them in the least. They have p1mped themselves out and will do whatever their Hoar Masters want. They are all beholden to one of the three Bs - Bl4ckm4ail, Br1bery, Bvllet.