This woman thinking she will still have 'some' jabs is beyond ridiculous.

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She has blind faith in the previous vaccines! Obviously she has never done any research on the truth or history of those. Measles vac does not work on her, why would she have ever needed one when as many of us know getting measles is usually easy to get over, we all had it as kids. My son had them at 2 yrs old and it was no big deal to the doctor when I took him to a clinic with the spots, but that was over 50 years ago!

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Today when you mention measles to some people, you may as well be saying Ebola! I had it as a kid and thought nothing of it, I got to stay home from school for 2-3 days, Bonus! The whole system has been promoting vaccines for Big Pharma for ever! It might be her memory loss why she says she’d take another, I don’t know!

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I know. WTF.

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She F'ed up her immune system and probably a lot of organs through shots and probably like the rest of us what ever other poisons she has been exposed to. Her saying she is a "measles non-responder". That when she is exposed to measles she gets measles, and she believes in the "vaccine" program. I never heard of a measles non-responder. Again she F'ed up her body.

I know the propaganda network was massive so in the end I wish her the best. I hope she figures out how to recover.

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These covid injury stories are never ending and beyond sickening. People who have not been injured better thank Jesus !!

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This has nothing to do with Jesus. I didn’t need Jesus to just say no. (No offence to Jesus)

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Your allowed your opinion Glen . I live in a house with my husband 2x jabbed and two sons. One son 2 x jabbed the other 3 x jabbed and as of yet no side effects. ( I can see) I feel like we are in 2 worlds . The vaccine injuries and the vaccine zombies ( They think it worked)

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Yes, it worked to fool/deceive them.

They, by chance, got a "control", which is Normal saline or D5W- glucose solution. Like all the "elites". This is why they have no side effects.

It is now common knowledge: 30% of people-no adverse reactions (controlls), 65,8 %-mild adverse reactions, 4,2% death and severe reactions

( the last 2 categories got real stuff, in progressive concentrations).

It is such designed, to mimic a "normal" genaral reaction to vaccine.

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I remember seeing a few months ago many substack posts about this stating that there were no placebos/saline/control but i find it hard to believe, especially since it was revealed that pfizer employees got a different "vaccine" ..

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Jesus weeps.

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Jesus wasn't a factor for me either. I'm on 5 heart meds and no one could tell me any conflicts with the Covid jab so I decided to wait a year and see what happens. That decision saved my life. NEVER take a jab that has NOT gone through normal historical testing procedures that takes up to 10 years to be considered safe and effective.

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Oh it was tested thoroughly and sitting on the shelves waiting for convid and the human sheep waiting to euthanize themselves. Trial results were a fckn disaster and they released poison anyway. They released the results after billions of pathetic morons rolled up their sleeves including most of my family and friends! I know many people who are fine for now but know quite a few who wish they could reverse their stupidity but there’s no refunds! That poison is working it’s magic daily in all their organs! Cancer, organ failure, strokes, clots throat paralysis, auto immune diseases, etc are some of the crap people I know are dealing with. Should have listened to your boy with the tin foil hat instead of psychopaths on the tv, social media, and white lab coats!

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It’s the fckn tv psyop! Turn it off!

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I agree with you Eric totally

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Yes Eric, the vaccine had been prepared a while ago and ready for distribution after the deliberate hype on the fake full hospital beds and crowded emergency wards that were really empty and mainstream media had put the fear into people to get the "new" vaccine that was "safe and effective". I know from this deadly, debilitating, deliberate attack on the world by Bill Gates and friends I've had my last jab for anything. I wish I was in Texas where most people have their own loaded firearm ready to protect themselves and their family.

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Remember having no symptoms was one of the symptoms. Asymptomatic bs! Lol

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While I don’t disagree with any of your observations , I find your comments about people who unwittingly got the jabberwonky to be misanthropic. Just because you are clever doesn’t make the believers all idiots.

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I have clients that are multi millionaires and some billionaires! Took the sauce! Some are now jabbed injured and will die soon! You either have common sense on how the world works or you’re a sheep! Degrees and money will not buy you’re health back! Turn off the fckn tv!

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I get that you are angry -Sounds like you should be a therapist, however your uncompassionate bedside manner would not aid in people’s speedy recovery. This is the ONE key quality that will get us on track towards societal healing, along with, as you indicate, better information knowledge and discernment. We are only alone if others have truly abandoned us. So far only the government has abandoned people, making them redundant in this regard at least. Cheers

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When I say they better thank Jesus!! I mean the ones who got vaccinated and as of yet have no side affects.

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They don't truly test these shots. It is a myth they are tested against a true placebo and had long term testing. Not even the children's shots have been tested against a true placebo long term.

Please listen to attorney Aaron Siri thehighwire.com/ark-videos/aaron-siri-gives-testimony-on-the-floor-of-arizona-state-senate/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email


They think it is funny that you think they actually test these shots. Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, was a no show at European Parliment when J. Small, from Pfizer, said ha, ha, the covid shot was not tested for stopping transmission when Mr. Roos asked. The joke is on all of us I guess. https://rumble.com/v1nm010-pfizer-director-admits-they-never-tested-whether-covid-vaccine-prevents-tra.html

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Thanks Dee - the North American pharmaceutical companies have been corrupt for many years. Pfizer was convicted and paid the highest penalty EVER for fraud. 2.3 Billion - just the cost for doing business in the US.


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Imagine finding out after all that there was no virus, it was a biological attack on humanity thru the DOD and military.

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May 26·edited May 26

Not one single vaccine has ever saved one human life from anything. Biggest scam ever! Just keep repeating the moron statement vaccines save lives and sheep will euthanize themselves out of stupidity and lack of common sense! So called Spanish flu outbreak was a meningitis vax poisoning! Same scumbags are doing the same shit 100 years later! Facts! AIDS was a smallpox vax and other jabs and sheep were culled with AZT Fauci sauce!

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Totally was thinking the same thing. From Smallpox to vaccines in current time. Vaccines have all been about breaking us down from the inside to keep us sick.

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May 26·edited May 26

Jabs are used to maim, injure, make you sick, and kill you either fast or slowly! There’s no $ in healthy humans. It’s a for profit scam! It’s like a mechanic pouring water into your gas tank to make your car run better! I don’t take any meds barely even an Advil. Never had a headache or migraine my entire life. These scumbags give you the disease to profit and sell you poison cures that don’t work and finish you off! And they don’t take the sauce, the clueless sheep do! Vaccines create diseases and don’t cure or stop the spread of anything. Diseases are created from the syringe. Bosses handicapped son got throat paralysis 3 months after Pfizer. But dr says wasn’t the jab. Then came bladder stopped functioning. But it wasn’t the jab. Then came transverse myelitis. Wasn’t the jab! Doctors are baffled! Nearly 3 years in and out of the hospital after Pfizer!

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I totally agree I was injured as a baby from the DPT vaccine. Got Asthma, Allergies and Endometriosis. I've almost died a couple of times. I don't trust the Allopathic industry one bit. They are murderers! In America Iatrogenisis is the third leading cause of death by their own admission. However I would argue that it is the first if you add in vaccines. They create all of the diseases via vaccines and medications. Very few doctors are willing to look out side of the box. Dr. William Makis is a rare exception.

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May 26·edited May 26

Look at SIDS for example! A made up term for murder of a baby by syringe! Over 90% of SIDS cases are within 2 weeks post shots! It wasn’t the sauce though. Your baby just died randomly! Your baby stopped breathing for no reason! Sure!

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And now we have SADS ; same absurdity , same gullible public.

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They leaked only the fear, not the virus.

The elites knew that the virus will not "favor" them, will not avoied them.

But the "vaccin" will "exempt" them.

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I can’t watch them all but Thankyou for posting the vaccine damage videos. Crime of the Century. The grift that keeps on taking

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When do we prosecute the people that are responsible for they have done

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When a large enough people wake up and realize that they were duped. The vaccine program stops when enough people say no. Most people on the planet have been brainwashed to think vaccines are like Jesus. It's their religion. And a lot of people will die before they admit that they were wrong.

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There lies the problem, denial and fear! Some are worried about dying because they’ve been diagnosed with a death sentence! Others walking on eggshells because they haven’t got theirs Yet! I have to have empathy for these people! My family is all in it! I do thank God for saving me!

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Testimonies like this are always sad, but what we will never know is did the vaxxed injured believe everyone should be forced to get it? While they were rolling up their sleeves, did they hate those who refused saying they were selfish and then wished death on the unvaxxed instead of hating those who forced or coerced them? Like I have said before, I will never forget the hate from the mask Nazis to the ivermectin “neigh” sayers to the screw your freedoms BS, to the death wishes on unvaxxed!

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I’ve contemplated the exact same thing, and I will also never forget. With you 💯.

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and she is still a vaccine supporter ??

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Yup. The psy-op is all-powerful.

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Why isn't the Biden administration that made this SCAMDEMIC a mandate being charged with CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY?? How can the president of the United States claim ignorance and that he didn't KNOW and NOT HAVE SAID ANYTHING about a death toll higher than the Holocaust and about all of the irreversible life altering tragedies!! He's not ADDRESSED THIS GENOCIDE!! And we're supposed to consider him, or Trump??? BOTH ignoring and not acknowledging!!!

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If we don’t prosecute these criminals, they will do it again

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Absolutely, this is so tragic! We all need to spread the word to elect Bobby Kennedy for president, as he will be sure to do the right on behalf of “we the people “. To fight this corruption! This is our only hope!

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I am a staunch Republican and I am voting for Kennedy!!!

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I am pissed at Trump for pushing the covid shots!!

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Unfortunately, it is not "we" who do the prosecuting. That happens at the Dept. of "Justice", and guess who they work for and answer to. The only thing "we" can do is refuse to participate and take our chances, something very few are willing to do. One reason why the economy is in ruins is to keep the populace dangling at the end of a government 'lifeline', and NOT in an easy position to rise up.

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Why? Because first of all, Biden is not president and he and his ignoramuses are working for another club, other than the one called the USofA. What you see is all theatre, a complete and utter joke meant to demoralize and degrade the citizens. It's happening everywhere. Expect even worse from the bumbling goof (who isn't really even Biden).

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Some dude in a rubber mask!

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This is true! I've seen the masks.

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The BARR SYSTEM is part of the leading edge EVIL in all western countries.

Lawyers are all part of it or they are also destroyed.

Biden is a SATANIC plant taking your country America to total destruction.


He's never going to address it but he is going to fast forward DISEASE X.

Whatever that will be.

You may already know this but apparently many still don't get this is A CULLING.

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So sad - thousands of injured people like this lady walking around with terrible debilitating vaccine injuries and no authorities in or out of her workplace willing to help her. And her husband is deployed overseas and no help to her. What a disaster and ruined life for a lady who believed in vaccines and was coerced as well.

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Beyond words and heartbreaking!!!

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Damaged by first jab. Accepted a second.

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Would have be worse if I wasn’t jabbed! Love when the sheep say this!

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Yeah, shows the epitome of ignorance, doesn't it ?

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Hurts so good.

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My old friend took the first jab and then when he took the second he got a stroke!!!

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My poor old ears couldn't catch the name. Who was the Caitlyn ------------ woman mentioned at 16.00 in this interview who came up with this deeply-flawed technology? And why are we only hearing about her now, from one of her many victims? Can anyone provide a link to some info about her?

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IMHO this pro-vaxx article was written specifically for an audience of readers who would be influenced (triggered to act) by its theme: an immigrant woman, downtrodden by the system, who overcame it all to create the shot. The article’s reader would not only want to get the injection, but would make that reader recipient feel a sort of kinship with the mRNA vaxx creator & soon to be Nobel Laureate, Katalin Kariko.

Simply stated: this article is a part of the 💉 PsyOp.

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Despite her (what I consider irrational, given her current situation) continued support of vaccines, she is an amazingly strong and intelligent woman. She should have her own substack, she could write about every step of her injury, self-diagnosis, and treatment process. I still can’t believe that there is no recourse against our federal government. How can that be, given the reality of the fraud?

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I didn't take the jab. *WE* as a family didn't take the jab. I have a background in sales and in my early days, we were taught the pitfalls behind the idea of "when something sounds too good to be true". When it comes to selling stuff that people don't need, some of our account managers had the tendency to pitch their product to such an extent that clients eventually said "this sounds too good to be true, I don't trust it - not interested." And it's exactly that notion that made me do my own research and within one or two days I knew enough: the "safe & effective" mantra sounded, you guessed it, too good to be true. Now, I've nothing with AI, but this morning I decided to ask AI to explain to me what "when something sounds too good to be true" really means. The answer was both revealing and, I have to say, on point. Check it out:

**What does it mean when something sounds to good to be true?

When you come across an offer, deal, or situation that seems too good to be true, it’s essential to exercise caution. The phrase “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” is a common idiom that warns us to be skeptical of opportunities that seem overly promising. This phrase is often used to convey that if something appears too perfect or too extraordinary, there may be a catch or a hidden flaw.

Why is this phrase important?

This phrase is crucial because it helps us avoid falling prey to scams, frauds, and other deceptive schemes. When something sounds too good to be true, it may be a sign that it’s not as genuine as it seems. This phrase encourages us to be cautious and to carefully evaluate the situation before making a decision.**

-So there you have it. The above helped me making a well-balanced decision on my own by myself when the wonder drug aka jab was rolled out. And lo and behold: AI confirmed that we did the right thing.

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Sheep laugh at tin foil hat people! We have common sense and try to tell you things! Warn you to not make stupid decisions with your health! You laugh and mock us! But when you’re in the er or have a stroke from the sauce, don’t blame us! Get pissed off at the scumbags that deceived you to take the poison!

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It's sad what happened to her, but I bet she was one of these pro-vaxxers who thought it was ok to treat anti-vaxxers like they were sub human.

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It’s anti poison and body autonomy!

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May 26·edited May 26

I hope the book Polly gave Laurie was "Turtles All the Way Down", if she intends to get more vaccines in the future.

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the ceo of pfizer was honored by Israel... maybe he would have had double honors if he had used a bullet to the back of her head instead... of course the suffering would have been less... a KGB enhanced technique.

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