This was calculated in the distribution of this shot.

Peers are all healthcare providers. Now hearing about non closed PFO’s and MVP that are now causing an increase in heart surgery. This is unheard of.

Chronic illnesses, and cancers all part of the master plan. Pray for Gods’ intercession. Between this and the blasphemous Olympic display of Satanism, we know who our enemy is. God hear us and help us🙏

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Criminals. Treasonous Criminals.

The Sovereign's Petition

No whining, begging or bitching.

In a democracy such as Canada, the sovereign are the people. In this petition, we the people are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his M.P. to be arrested for treason.

Our Sovereign's Petition here:


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all I got when I clicked on the link was "404 NOT FOUND"...censorship everywhere at every levels....sick of these deranged evil psychopaths....when will this end?

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Interesting how some people have been so harmed by being around "vaxxed" people, and the majority of them report that they can smell the contaminated grossness radiating off these shedders. It is physically perceivable to them. They are highly sensitive, for whatever reason; and end up being significantly harmed just by short exposures. My bff is a massage therapist, and she can identify a vaxxed person by the smell even before she enters a room; she has to actively detox after each exposure. And there are others (myself included) who are completely unaffected and can be in conference rooms full of vaxxed without any repercussions...or even awareness. The main thing that I do differently from a lot of people is be out in the sun, baking in a dark tan from spring till fall, and periodic-but-regular chlorine diox detoxes. And high test vitamins. But other than that; not much. - There is definitely something going on with this phenomenon.

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I believe our skin is another way people detox. Our bodies sweat out the toxic stuff as our body is naturally trying to get rid of toxins in it. What we sweat out depends on what our bodies have consumed. Whether it be toxic shots, toxic food, toxic pills we take, the toxins in the air we breath etc, our bodies are usually trying to stay healthy, trying to always get rid of waste. We don't just get rid of our waste by going to the bathroom. We get rid of waste through our sweat or for that matter any orifice in our body. I have heard of cancerous tumors popping out of a body through a person's belly button or breast cancer patients having "nipple discharge." Hence why some people smell more than others. We all don't consume the same toxins or for that matter the same amount of toxins either. Some people's bodies may be better at getting rid of their waste than others hence why some people get cancer and other people don't. Some people may have parasites and other health issues that cause their body to not be able to get rid of waste as efficient as others do. (Yes people get parasites too, not just animals.)

The smell we emit in our sweat depends greatly on ALL the toxins we put in our bodies. If you don't put toxic crap in your body, you still sweat, but your sweat doesn't stink so much.

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Yes, true....the skin is very important in the whole detoxing process.

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... everybody's different ... I've heard reports of "the smell"; kind of a mix of ammonia and rotting flesh? That would be impossible to miss one would think.. I've yet to notice it, but I've not doubt of its existence. Physical reactions to the Lethally Injected? Well.. most of the people around me in Victoria have been lethally injected, haven't had a reaction to any such as some have described... But from Dr. Mihalcea's reports I also have no doubt I'm compromised, even if I'm a "Pureblood"... https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/

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There is so much contamination out there that contact is unavavoidable; people have to hold the line with ongoing good habits that power up their immune systems and eliminate as much of the toxins as possible.

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can you explain the Chlorine diox detox...I would like to do it too, but now idea what to get and how much etc...

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Look up Jim Humble's book; it's a free pdf via internet search and has all the details in there.

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Great comment! Remember to avoid bathing/showering for 48 hours after sun exposure. If you have exposure for several days on the trot, just don't bathe/shower and leave it for 48 hours after your last day of exposure.

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chlorine diox detoxes- how does one do this?


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Go to https://andreaskalcker.com/en/ click on Protocols and find the one for your purpose. Remember to avoid bathing/showering for 48 hours after sun exposure. If you have exposure for several days on the trot, just don't bathe/shower and leave it for 48 hours after your last day of exposure.

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What a strong, brave young man who has been through so much loss . He will be in my prayers. What a darling of a human Adrian is.

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His recovery???? From myocarditis???? Unless he got a heart transplant, well, THERE IS NO RECOVERY....

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He may have mitigation of the symptoms and get relief, but no, there is no way to heal the damage to the heart muscle. He is still a ticking time bomb, sadly and tragically.

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I heard him say myocarditis... that's cells that quite frankly are gone forever... that's permanent damage for life... scar tissue one does not want on one's heart... no mitosis, no miracles.... damage that one beat can fill a pericardial sack quicker than Oprah can stuff her mouth at an open buffet...

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Pegged it!!

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He may have just had "mild myocarditis" as Dr. Walensky put it... Don't I long to be in the crowd pelting her with mud and shit as she's conveyed in a donkey cart to the guillotine for her appointment with God...

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And she absolutely does have an appointment with God that she can't cancel or reschedule. All is well, God is in charge.

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this kind of appointment?

(Job 34:21, 22) For God’s eyes are upon the ways of a man, And He sees all his steps. 22 There is no darkness or deep shadow Where wrongdoers can conceal themselves.

(Revelation 21:8) But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and the sexually immoral and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death.”

Remember, we are not to rejoice when they are destroyed, as it will be painful for God to destroy them, he loves us all...

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There's nothing mild about scar tissue on your heart... no amount.. you don't recover, it's a dent you have to live with the rest of your life

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Yes, and tragically, it shortens one's life.

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hopefully God will intervene very soon

(Matthew 24:22) In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.

see you all in Paradise, hopefully we get our Jubilee year....we missed one somewhere, and we will need a complete rest after this insanity...exhausting !

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I know. I was being sarcastic. The naked contempt this woman holds humanity in... well, "comes with the territory" I suppose... 🤔

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Sarcasm and humor are meds for mental strength...it's all good.

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Dear Heavenly Father: Please wrap your loving arms around Adrian. He is grieving and hurting. Have mercy upon him and send other believers to him to minister to him and encourage him. Thank you for sparing his life and please help him to recover from whatever illnesses he is still dealing with. In the holy name of Jesus, amen.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

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soon we get to welcome ALL our dead loved ones...what a party we will have!

(John 5:28, 29) Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.

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He was not vaccinated. He is asserting that he caught the infection from someone who was fully injected. So the implication is that he was injured by infection or shedding of spike, or both. It is plausible but more difficult to establish. His brother passed away from turbo cancer following being fully injectioned. My condolences.

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No I didnt... the death jab recipients should all be checked for nucleocapsids... if they are shedding, which does happen,they are a public health crisis and appropriate actions should be taken as to protect us from their bad decisions...

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Nucleocapsids show up in a simple blood test, well it isn't the virus... it's shedding & did I say anything about the death jab? Let me go back and reread..

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So, so sorry about your family.

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I think it was written with the title of the article here.

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Another testimony that should make people aware of who they are around for long periods.

If your considering a relationship with a Vaxxed individual, DON'T.

There are various supplements that are helpful. Dr Makis is making these known. I thank him and other brave doctors who are trying to present the truth to us.

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should be reasonable to ask people whom you circulate with if they have been inoculated within the last 2 mos..If they have move on .

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The title should be changed. He said he wasn't vaxxed. I may have missed it, but I don't think he lost his job either.

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This man sounds like a candidate for Ivermectin

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I hope Adrian sees these comments. I want to offer him my deepest condolences on the loss of his beloved mother, sister, and brother. I don't think any of us can imagine your pain, but I know I speak for all of us on this thread, that you are in our thoughts and in our prayers.

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covid as a virus,newer existed

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He is definitely exhibiting the “FOG”. Been there from the shedding, and have witnessed it in so many. The -searching for words, -blanking out mid sentence, - skipping across different thoughts. Kind of reminds me of how a beetle can run until it has to stop so it’s brain can catch up on the processing.

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Adrian: I listened to you with rapt attention and thank you for sharing. You're a brave young man. May God bless you and keep you. You're going to be just fine.

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