I understand what she is saying. I had an NDE during my time hospitalized with Covid as well. It's difficult to explain something so wonderful while going through something so awful. She's still integrating it as am I. Bless her for coming forward. Not an easy thing at all! I wonder how many of us are out there? We survived something so many did not.

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What a beautiful spirit she has! Our life is not permanent, so enjoy it and the people in it, while in it. Sometimes, we forget, we're all here to help each other to get to where we are going.

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How amazing is she. Wonder if that young doctor was punished for taking her off the meds?

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It would appear that, helping an unvaccinated person recover and leave the hospital still alive, is a sackable offence. Whereas implementing the 'death protocols' pays handsomely.

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Boy lady, you definitely lucked out. It wasn't your time to go. It isn't a virus per se that they are using. It is nano particles that cause irritation to the lungs when breathed in and cause a pneumonia to occur which affects the ability to take in oxygen and breathe. The body has to eliminate those particles for you to recover and you are subject to reinfection at any time they are spraying stuff again. Getting oxygen therapy helps a lot, especially if you get it at the onset.

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May 16·edited May 16

Could more people please contact CHD TV and ask that, out of respect for those being interviewed and the audience, the interviewer's mic be fixed?

This is not too much to ask given the profile of CHD, and the commitment and courage of those who willingly share their personal stories.

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I am guessing her doctor sister did my than she knows

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What a lovely soul she is, I wish her nothing but the best life has to offer. I often wonder if God recognizes the "vaccinated" as His creation, I really hope so because most took the poison believing it would save them.

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Such a nice personality ❤️

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So they scheduled her to die, whether the nurses knew this openly or not. I too had some sort of terribleness late 2019 in November, but never went to hospital. Took only Burdock root tea for 60 days.

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Was this a protocol to end your life ?

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I don’t understand why some who were not vexed got so sick. Blood clots? This is no normal flu. Some say there was no virus. But then what happened to her? I had it and it was the weirdest illness I’ve ever had, but it sure wasn’t serious. I spent one day totally down in bed. Took a good six weeks to be rid of all odd symptoms, mostly loss of taste and smell and a feeling of a head full of foam. It was real. But I believe engineered to hit people with an array of baffling symptoms.

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Not vaxed but maybe shed on! My brother wasn’t but his wife was and he got a mini stroke!

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I can definitely relate. I was on a vent for 12 days. I was given a 50/50 survival by the drs here, SIL has a surgeon friend in USA who said it was more like 33%.

O2 was in 50-60%, CO2 was very high also.

Didn’t realize how sick I was. I figured as long as kept hydrated and no fever that I felt I would be ok. Never lost taste, so didn’t think it was covid. I do remember feeling very odd at the beginning, like tired and not feeling like working at all, just very under the weather type feeling.

I was brought to ER by a friend, 3 weeks later was out.

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