Thank you for sharing these cases which are tremendously educational and eye opening! Thank you to Debbie for being so willing to help others. As a retired public health and family physician who was in the deep throes of vaccine safety ignorance BEFORE Covid, I am DEEPLY grateful for this indispensable yet tragic educational experience. It has been made possible by those physicians, other scientists, lawyers, journalists and others,#CovidTruthSeekers, who would NOT comply with the lie! I am in turn attempting to do my part to provide some support for you guys albeit very modest, via subscriptions and book purchases. I am also attempting to educate others. The “safe and effective” indoctrination however is deep and difficult to dislodge. It’s incumbent upon us however to make the effort. Yesterday, I spoke with a church member whose relative developed diabetes and kidney failure. Over the last two years post Covid vaccination, she has suffered from recurring strokes. My personal knowledge of additional friends, family, acquaintances and myself with serious post covid vaccination chronic diseases is overwhelming. How can our federal government possibly justify their actions? Is it all for money and power? It MUST NOT stand!

Lastly, I want to encourage your readers to familiarize themselves with the book “Vaccines and Autoimmunity”. It’s not an easy read but an important one. Share it with your medical providers.

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I also want to say thank you to Robert Kennedy Jr. and Children’s Health Defense for the incredible work they are doing.

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Thank you - I am in the same boat. 17 years a nurse. Two out of three kids are vaccine injured. 🙏for all of us and praising God that I saw the Truth.

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In my experience I found that my doctor was not a bit interested when I told him that the drug he had prescribed was banned in the UK, and I only found out because I started researching after getting many side affects.

A good look at vax history is by Suzanne Humphries MD called Dissolving Illusions!

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The COVID vaccine sure woke up many people about the dangers of all vaccines. God always has a plan😊

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Put these drug companies out of the vaccine business by refusing to get any shots.

There is no valid test for a so-called virus, thus the covid test plays on the ignorance of the doctors and the public.

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I would like to hear the statistics on both covid and the vaccine in relation to diabetes. Has there been a rise in diabetes connected to people who got covid and/or got the shot? And/or has there been a rise in diabetes since the pandemic started and they rolled out the 5G. My guess would be that there is a rise but probably more due to the 5G.

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The shot and childhood vaccines

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Maybe she could try a heavy metal detox and hyperbaric chamber.

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Dr. Makis, you must be someone very smart and incredibly knowledgeable in your field. How did you figured out that those who took the mRNA shots and later develop terminal cancer have one year or less to live? I don't know about any other doctors who were able to come up with such an accurate forecast. You probably remember the story of my sister in law who lives in Edmonton and developed triple cancer after the booster shot. We just found out today that her cancer has now spread everywhere. It is now advancing more rapidly and aggressively than ever before. She took her first shots a year ago. It's a tragedy that they choose to believe the government and medical authorities instead of a close family member. The other mistake they made was not to have

any intravenous vitamin C. I wonder if the vitamin C would have increased her life expectancy or not at all. I recently listened to an interview with a doctor from Germany who's expertise is in toxicology. Imagine my surprise when he said that his own family and friends didn't want to believe him that the mRNA injections are highly toxic. It made me feel a little bit better. If a doctor like him can't persuade his own family, then what chance ordinary people have? Close to zero.

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Sorry to hear about Braden. But I'm happy you are helping others now, so thank you for that.

Wishing you luck in your case brave one.

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Virology is not quite the success story they lead us to believe. Sanitation is still leading the pack for lives saved.

It seems vaccine injury is a prominent cause for illnesse$. We now know the C19 injection were a failure, when will this be acknowledged and disciplined.

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Ah yes. The CDC. Crime And Death Corporation https://theserapeum.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/COVIDupdated.jpg

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Excellent. Thank you for posting.

This is aligned with the informatiion in John Hamer's book The Falsification of History - Our Distorted Reality.

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Thank you. We have the fight on our hands. This is an information war, for now

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The killing and maiming fields will end when pharmaceutical companies are held financially and criminally accountable for every single life threatening, life changing injury from these “vaccines!” Notice the injured now have to be RX dependent for life! There are too many T1D’s, Asperger’s, Autism cases to not start bringing charges against RX!

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3000 signatures, Trudeau, we see you. We find you lacking, guilty of treason, We demand your arrest. Sign the petition.


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1. Roughly close to 50% of population has some amount or number of the MTHFR/COMPT gene variances—which means, those are commonly intolerant of most Pharma drugs, & docs rarely look at that (because pharm. controls med schools, universities, & most continuing Ed. learning.

2. Documentation (medical patient charting) of adverse reactions to meds, much less vac$, has been strongly avoided for over 50 years…I’ve watched that happening in small & large clinics worked in, & counseled parents dealing with kids’ adverse effects from them, to look at the charts, to see if their reports of adverse effects got charted. Most were never charted.

3. Making folks get them as passive recipients, & mandating them, comes under “Consumer & Social engineering”, & is NOT always I everyone’s best interests.

4. Ingredients have changed over time—not necessarily for the better.

5. Laws got changed over time, to make it harder to avoid getting them; there are agendas pushing that.

6. Pharm. has repeatedly used FDA to help them push new stuff to market—like the c19 was—“for emergency”….but that loophole requires the maker to return to agency with actual substantiation proving safety & efficacy…but they don’t always do so…because, once a product is making profits for the company for about a year, then, the NAFTA Treaty’s loophole protects ongoing sales.

7. NO ONE is rechecking research to determine if it’s true or manipulated—research, to be real & substantive, requires that A) enough numbers of subjects were used; B) the research is commonly repeatable by other researchers….good luck on THAT!

There’s SO much going on, that takes hundreds of millions of people standing up & saying “No!”.

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I gotta wonder, if this is the same Debbie Niece who once lived in Beaumont, CA? Does she have DM1 too?

Too many things are being done “cookie-cutter”, & NO living thing is able to do “one-size-fits-all”. Vaccines changed content numerous times over the past 50 years. And, MOST docs & clinics have avoided documenting ANY adverse reactions—sometimes rather forcefully—for over 40 years.

Excellent information & advice!!

I stopped letting our 2nd child get the “childhood” vac$, after he suddenly got deadly sick from the set at age 2, then, suddenly had flagrant autistic behaviors (which KP docs refused to document or even evaluate, & I was told to stay home, cuz if I brought him to urgent care, they’d call police & report us for spreading viruses from his “shedding”!?!—in 1984)

More of the fallout from mechanistic “healthcare”, needs to come out, along with science documentation to support it!!

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What a great way for pharma to get lifelong customers!

Del Bigtree who produces the Highwire on Thursdays each week has been looking into these shots for years and challenging pharma by legal means. Aeron Siri as the legal representative is brilliant and can talk in detail about childhood vacs.

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Have you tried a detox protocol?

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