What does it take to receive justice in our country or any other? Hard work and dedication. This is what happens under a slow growing dictatorship- complete destruction and tyranny. Prayers for all who are impacted by the continued Covid genocide.

We all have our part, keep seeking and demanding justice. I am everyday! 🙏⚖️🪶🕊️

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hemp rope

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Jun 18
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infinitely reuseable

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The wheels of Justice have started to grind...may they grind very fine!



It is about time. Justice is really making a comeback. It went out of fashion for a bit.

The Attorney General of Kansas warned Pfizer today that depending on how they react to this lawsuit there “may” be a ton more States jumping in the game to SUE the company for the false and misleading statements that were relied on to purchase the products. This on the heels of Texas suing, but this time many States are considering suing as a force to be reckoned with. All based on Pfizers reaction to this case.


Please copy link to your browser if can't access it in this comment.

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Another excerpt from the link in my comment above:

It should also be mentioned that Pfizer was not chosen to assist the federal government's vaccine development program, known as Operation Warp Speed, and declined that development funding.

When asked about that, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said Pfizer did not participate in the program to free up Pfizer scientists and avoid government oversight of its vaccine development. He also said, They want reports. I don't want to have any of that. Refer to them. When he said them, he is referring to the federal government.

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Will people ever wake up to what's been occurring since 2020?

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To the grandmother, so sorry for your loss. I must say, it is hard to convince loved ones about this bioweapon.

All our grandkids had at least one jab, to attend school.

Our daughters won't listen to us or even view videos on the dangers of these shots.

I do encourage you to keep at it, offering your wise knowledge. She at least listen to your views.

Unfortunately our two daughters won't even listen. One of them actually gets mad at me.

Good luck, and enjoy that new granddaughter.

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Loved this one. I'm probably close to Susan's age and I have a 34 year old daughter who doesn't understand either. It breaks my heart. I woke up when she was a baby so she only had a few. So to come all this way, and then she decides to get vaccinated for Covid..

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I am blessed that for most of my life, I have never fully trusted doctors. It is the silver lining on the circumstance of growing up under the care of a mother who did not enjoy parenting, and who looked for convenient, inexpensive doctors instead of knowledgeable, caring doctors.

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It seems that when there is a poison pushing doctor around, people tend to believe them. Almost impossible to get through to them even with the miscarriages and inability to get pregnant scenarios. Amazing too that many parents, who know what's going on, aren't telling their children. Mind boggling. I don't understand this.

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I'm so very sorry for your loss. When there is someone you live and care about involved who's watching tv news who has no knowledge of what is happening to others. No interest or reason to doubt, what more can you do? Tragic

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And to make it even worse, some of us had relatives who called us nasty names for refusing the injections. I have one who's worked clinically in the UK National Health Service all their life and called everyone who didn't get jabbed Scumbags. When you have someone who thinks that their knowledge and understanding is greater than yours, the arrogance is hard to deal with - this set in the context of that person doing zero research whilst I'd been saturating myself with research way before this whole vile episode. Thanks to the bravery of people like Dr Judy M1kovits and others, I knew to say no to an injection that supposedly saved you from a mythical bogeyman.

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Jun 18
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I’m a twin and it also made my heart sink! How many millions of lives has this genocide cost thus far and what is yet to come!

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And of course these 2 baby deaths won't be ackknowledged or recorded as a Lethal Adverse Reaction caused by the injections.

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Oh no of course not! Humanity id under attack from many angles!

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