This man (much like Dr Makis) deserves recognition for Services to Humanity.

He's been doing the heavy lifting from Day 1, doing the work our Government promised to do but didn't, and uncovering the duplicitous nature of this vast cover up.

The CDC, FDA, Australia's TGA, the U.K's MHRA all crowed that this would be the "most-intensively studied vaccine in history" but then proceeded to whitewash the results and poison the well, once they saw the outcome.

And instead of adhering to morals and ethics, and upholding the rigor and responsibilities with which they were tasked - they instead chose malfeasance and corruption to cover Big Pharma's arse, while turning a blind eye to the death and devastation.

When Institutions tasked with protecting the Public choose instead to continue harming the Public, they've become a viper's nest of criminality and are completely unsalvageable.

Every one of them needs disbanding. Replacement organizations need entirely new staff, heavily-vetted and continually monitored for conflicts of interest, and all funding from the very Pharmaceutical companies they are meant to police, needs to stop.

"Most-intensively studied vaccine in history" means doing the precise, exacting work that Albert is doing.

Not covering for your criminal cronies.


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Makis for PM.

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Glad to see this excellent interview getting out there. Albert Benavides is a hero, one of the greats of this time.

P.S. Recently added to the List of Transcriptions (and will spotlight on the substack soon):

Albert Benavides (WelcometheEagle): "VAERS does not publish all legitimate reports received"

"VAERS is my lane, and auditing is my game... They are deleting legitimate reports that should not, should not have been deleted."

Transcript of excerpt: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/150084.html

Source video:

Anomalies in VAERS Data: Conversation with Albert Benavides (excerpt)

Delays, disappearing records, and more

Tessa Lena, posted September 27, 2023


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TB - I wonder if Jessica Rose is aware of this gentleman and his website. I just posted a comment on her latest stack with a link.

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She is!! He’s mentioned her many times in his Substack posts. WelcomeTheEagle.

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Good to know! Thank you!

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Remember that forecast for 2025, millions disappearing from the USA ? The same for the uk, will it be the vaccine or a civil war. You've got mass immigration, in the uk only there's at least a million unknowns & at least two million more that have entered the country illegally. In the uk you have no rights to defend yourself, we cannot own firearms, a penknife must be 3 inches maximum & cannot lock. An air rifle must not exceed 12 ftlbs & in Scotland you have to register any air rifle/gun. Crossbows are about to be made illegal despite there only being a handful of deaths, meanwhile knife crime by black gangs & illegals continue to rise year on year. A mobike phone is stolen every six minutes in london & thats just the ones reported to the police. Russia fairs in population drop far better than the west, they didn't vaccinate there population with the crap they did in the west.

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You’re sitting ducks

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I admire his tenacity … he realises that even using this data straight from VAERS.. it is only a small percentage of the truth.

1%-10% ever get reported by Doctors and health practitioners only to be removed by a member of the CDC at a later stage with no follow ups…they are more focussed in hiding data than fixing a really serious problem… even with the highest adverse records ever recorded over a 30 year period…the hellbound gravy train is still gathering speed.. nothing seems to slow it down.

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There must be some common denominator to the ones they do not include in the report that will show very blatant and undeniable evidence of a trail, words used in the report or who knows. This is criminal fraud and accessory to murder.

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Close the CDC? Seems like a criminal organization run amok against regular American taxpayers....

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Close it in Canada too 🙏

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Excellent work sleuthing out the details of this ongoing massive criminal operation.

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Isn’t it nice to actually see where all our money is going?

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FRAUD and willful ACCESSORIES TO CRIME. The entire cv19 debacle and epic harms against humanity is a massive HISTORIC fraudulent global criminal operation on every level. Anyone who’s awake can see that governments worldwide (against the peoples will and without their consent) signed on to deliberately abusing and killing their own citizens — in exchange for what — blood money(?) Democide. They MUST ALL be routed out, rounded up and held fully accountable. Nowhere to hide. Gitmo and prison won’t cut it. Crimes against humanity and treason are punishable by death.

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Great information again…..just please fix the interviewer’s microphone….frustrating that we can never hear what she is asking. This has been mentioned multiple times. Only when he answers can you “ imagine “ what the question was.

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I am a nurse practitioner and I can say for certain that none of the vaccine injuries I personally know of (many, serious including death) were never reported.

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VERY IMPORTANT, THANK YOU!!! Looks like every single fraud possible was intentionally applied to aim the largest number of deaths while giving the perception of exactly the opposite.. Also to the entire list of frauds one needs to add this one: not even allowing to do any entry at all, by many hospitals, health centers, in particular the ones, which participated in the very 'safety trials' of the gene therapy injections which lead to the EUA!!!

Strange, that in the moment when Mr. VAERS auditor talks about "I will live forever..." his face and body gets completely blurred on 'my computer screen'....


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How much of this is truth? Why was this not investigated sooner?

Will anyone investigate these concepts now that they are revealed?

These concepts have been forwarded by Dr Joel Wallach for at least 20 years.

But he is only a vet not a real doctor, right?

Healing and cure should be the ultimate result, anything else is a SCAM to keep you diseased and spend your money on snake oil. The term 'Snake Oil' has a completely different meaning after listening to Dr Ardis.

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Excellent interview- the corruption is so thick, it's difficult to know where to begin to clean it up.

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Fly high Eagle!!! I’ve been following you & Craig for years!

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I Wouldn’t Jump To Conclusions

About The Vaccine.

I’d Wait Until They’re All Dead

Just To Be Sure.


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Isn't it a military thing due to health emergency ?

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A military thing, doing what the military does - killing people.

Only this time not under the cover of a false flag Gulf of Tonkin or Pearl Harbour, or terrorisms, or weapons of mass destruction, or any host of bogus pretexts. This one under cover of a "health emergency".

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