3200 signatures. We demand action in Canada. As sovereign citizens, it is our RIGHT and we consent to arrest Prime Minister Trudeau and his ministers for treason under common law. MPs must protect Parliament from traitorous conspiracies using "Parliamentary Privilege." Trudeau's sharing of secrets with China and campaign funding from them endangers national security.





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Controlling the humidity is one way to control mold.

I didn’t hear her mention where she lives so I don’t know what the climate is like where she lives.

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It was Dr Cameron Jones and his talk about fungus and common drug to treat Alzheimer’s and he mentions mold so it was interesting stuff.

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I found this video and thought it might be of interest on here. https://youtu.be/KVAogG8m2iI?feature=shared

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The mold is what did her in. It is very toxic, especially black mold.

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Christy, our deepest sympathies.

Thank you for spreading the knowledge . Your daughter would be proud

And enjoy that grand baby.

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Do you have any evidence of a spike protein in a "virus" causing myocarditis?

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